Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    Internet issues for 4 days...no service since Sunday...I had done a long post and it took off...and I am too tired to re-do...but I am here!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    I'm mostly back now. That was a rough 4-5 days with the cable out, then the internet, had to have a different internet company come out (Vexus, who had installed the fiber optics lines last year in our apartments)...as Optimum couldn't get me connected due to wiring issues and it showed at their end I WAS connected. Anyway....I'd lost yours and Barbi's numbers when my phone crashed, Kim. My new number is 325-704-1665 and I can still text on my cell...the 325-725-8015. I couldn't let you know I was OK. I am....however, my pain levels have increased and I did feel quite horrid this morning but it will level off, I pray.

    I had an e-mail from my cardiologist and that appointment is the 27th and I'll be down 1, 3 to go. This was my first time to use the portal to request appointments and I love how smooth it all was and no phone troubles. I did however make a wee error in thinking my PCP visit was March 21 and it's the 23rd so I have her at 12:30 and my endo guy at 2:20....that worked out well.

    Wishing you all a blessed day at your spots. I'll have one here at mine as well... I'll see what I can do to limber me up a bit.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Thanks, Marilyn, for your prayers! We are trusting God no matter the outcome!

    Amazon sends me recommendations and this one came today. It's called KATE FARMS organic renal support shake. It's vegan. Here's the link: https://smile.amazon.com/Vitamins-Minerals-Specialized-Dialysis-Nutrition/dp/B09SM813ZX I have no idea if it's good, I've never bought it, but it may be of help and worth checking out.

    Went to the doctor yesterday. My labwork all was great, other than the cholesterol and a wee bit high with my creatinine (.02 above normal). My cholesterol numbers had changed a little bit from just a month ago. A month ago I was at 208 overall, I was 220 this time. Triglycerides were the same, 172; and my LDL was 139 this time and 129 last time. She said it can change from day to day depending on what you ate the night before - hmmm!!! I told her what I had been doing and we are going to wait on doing a statin. My numbers aren't terrible, so we can give it some time. I'm very happy my kidney numbers were good, and I'm surprised that my thyroid numbers were all in the middle of the normal range! I was hoping that that was why I can't seem to regulate my temperature - cold on the inside while hot on the outside! Just another quirk of Kim! LOL! She also thought that I had fibromyalgia after all. She said the pain when I just rub my knees gently isn't arthritis pain, it's more like fibromyalgia pain, and the pain I have in my upper back is also indicative of that. She looked up a couple of things that might help with my pain (since it's pretty much all over my body) but not being able to take an anti-inflammatory made the choices much smaller and of the two that might work, they could affect the heart and since I have sinus tachycardia they wouldn't work. So, I am going to do more research and see if I can come up with something that will help more than what I am doing now. I take a couple of white willow bark pills (used to help my hands, not much right now), when it's bad I take arnica chewable tablets, and at night my Tramadol. I have some hemp cream that I rub into my legs and back at night as well. I wear my TENS unit frequently now and that seems to help quiet the SI joint on the right side which helps with the pain in my upper thigh. I don't know much about fibromyalgia so I will be looking things up on that to see what is good for it nutritionally. She also told me to walk just up to my pain threshhold, and then do that for a week, then try the next week to do a wee bit more and then do that for a week and hopefully I can raise my pain threshhold. When we go shopping I usually do around 3,000+ steps for the day, but whatever steps I do while shopping in just one store is more than my back and legs can take so I usually have to sit out the next shop and let Wade go in by himself. Sometimes I can hardly get back into the car my legs are hurting so badly. She said that was also indicative of the fibromyalgia. So, we have some study to do on that. I'd appreciate your prayers. Y'all are in mine.

    Where are you, Bren???
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    Kim....I'm back about 3 notches, above Marilyn's 2 pics....I slipped in the back door. Just sent you an e=mail too. My e-mail thing wanted to put yours in the spam box but there was too much detail and I set it to safe so we are good!
    As I noted....my BP is 20695 78. I did not get up until 12:15! Yikes. I have a bit of a sore throat too. My FBS is 205...but I had egg beaters and toast early AM when up poking around,
    I'm going to go google ways to get the BP down...I took a Metaprolol and a Lisinopril tablet.... Prayers are much appreciated.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    I see that one! I missed it when I went through the other day! How is the BP now? I've been praying for you, and you too Marilyn!

    Doing alright. Trying to keep the pain at bay. Not nearly as bad as some foks, and not life-threatening either, so I am praising the Lord for His grace and mercy.

    Y'all have an awesome day and I'll see you tomorrow, Lord willing! love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    BP is better today 148/83 71...FBS was 96 and I had a low of 87 after lunch so had a cup of yogurt and levelled off.
    I made a nice pot of soup with that tough round steak. That's for dinner as well.

    I hear you on the pain issues and Tylenol has no real effect....it's hard to push past it to get things done a lot of days.

    My cable went out again yesterday...after wrestling with a phone call no one answered due to high volume and finally getting a very slow online agent who was probably dealing with at least 5 at a time...she set up an appt. for another tech visit. He was very hard/impossible to understand (accent) so we did the thumbs up thing when he was done. Something about a weak signal and all that.

    I got a long nap and just got up again....I'll see if I can stay up until 10 at least...for a better night's sleep.
    Prayers for us all at our spots...Love you!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Wade remembered yesterday and made a comment about needing to get me something. I told him the new slippers on my feet were his present to me! He did give me a peanut butter cookie this morning though! Because it was a valentine's present, I ate it! :D We do that often - I get whatever I need and often what I want when I want and then apply it to whatever holiday is coming up so he won't have to think about what he will get me! Works great for both of us! LOL! I've curbed my buying some though since he retired. I need to go ahead and cut back even more and make things last longer. Mostly I buy supplements and protein drinks, etc...

    I'm so glad you are doing better, Bren. My glucose was 90 this last lab work. Not too bad. I'm used to around 88, so two points isn't bad.

    Gorgeous day again today. I sat out on the porch for a little bit this morning. It's 60 according to my watch, but in the sun it's warmer. I did do a short walk, about 400-450 steps. I would have liked to get 600 again (like yesterday) but my breathing was difficult and I was having pain in my legs. I'm glad I was able to get some done. I gotta get this breathing figured out. I've had the breathing tests and it shows I'm perfectly normal, but my allergy doctor diagnosed me with allergy-induced asthma - and as bad as my alleriges are I don't doubt that that is contributing to not being able to catch my breath when I walk.

    Well, I will wish you all a very blessed and loving day. I love y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Oh my, that is very good medicine, Marilyn. What a riot, and so right.

    Did a small walk today, just had too much trouble catching my breath. It's quite warm today. My watch says 69, but it's at least in the low 70s out there! I sat on the front deck for about an hour and then ate lunch and sat on the back deck while Wade worked on getting the hot tub ready to move off of that deck. It will probably end up in the landfill. It's old!

    I'm going to call the eye doc today and see what he thinks about this floater being there for two months now. He said that it should start to sink after about 10 days, well, it moved slight to the right over the past two months but is still in most of my vision. Not sure there is anything he can really do, especially since I only have a Health Savings Account, but I sure would like some help.

    Well, you ladies have an awesome day. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    We had 82 here yesterday and I "missed it"....I was having another down day after a really rough night and didn't get up until 1:15 and felt bad all day. I'm up this morning at 5:00 and feeling better. Praying for strength and less pain so I can get my chores done. Today is supposed to only be 49 for a high. I'm thankful we've had a fairly mild winter so far with the one bad pipe session with the first storm and the second, we drifted thru with no further trouble except many accidents from folks who were on the streets.

    My sugar was terrible yesterday and still is this morning. Numbers I haven't seen in 2 months and never want to see again. Pain and stress are small factors I'm sure. I'll work to get myself back on track and regulated.

    Oh Kim...I'm sorry to hear that floater issue has not resolved itself. I'd be whining a lot more than normal. That's sweet....you are a considerate, loving wife and well matched. What a blessing you both are.

    I need to check yesterday's mail, feed some cats and snag a cup of coffee. I didn't have any yesterday since I slept the day away.
    Love and prayers for us all...wishing you a blessed and peaceful day.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Oh dear, I got my new sweater from Zulily today. Soooo pretty. It is a feather yarn sweater. When I put that in on Amazon the sweaters that came back were around $100; this one and the one I bought previously were $9.99 plus shipping and tax. Overall they were just over $18.00 each. The first one I got was light purple; Wade said he thought peach looked better on me. I looked again and lo and behold they had a peach one! It is more a pale brownish yellow, but we'll call it peach! LOL! Super light weight too.

    My shoulder is causing me pain today. I guess I must have slept too long on that side! Sat out on the porch again this morning, beautiful and warm. My watch says 68, high of 69, but when the sun is out it feels warmer than that. We enjoy watching this YouTube channel - Labrie Family Skate in NH. They build an outdoor skating rink each year sometime in early November. Not sure when they take it down, but it was 57 degrees when we checked in yesterday! It was below zero last week when that winter storm went through. They didn't open that day. It is so cute watching the kids skating. Some are really good. They have these little blue things that newbies can use to stabilize themselves and often you see tiny little kids just hanging on while mom or dad push them around - so cute! Me and ice skating did not agree! My ankles were too weak to balance on that blade! My sister liked to skate though.

    Well, not much else going on with me. Hope y'all have an awesome day. I'm glad you are feeling better today, Bren!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Amen! on both of those, Marilyn! Our relationship with God should be dynamic, not static!

    Tired today. Woke at about 4:30 with a migraine. Took my meds and went back to bed until 7:30. Kind of dragging a bit today.

    Holding at 234.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Hope y'all have a blessed weekend! We were able to have all of our services yesterday on Zoom. Pastor David was feeling much better - praise the Lord.

    Please be praying now for Joanna. She has had quite a bit of pain in her lower abdomen. She has a consult coming up on Friday. Her daughter is the one who just has surgery to remove a spot of cancer on her forehead. All is going really well with her. She did awesomely and her faith in the Lord is strong!

    I'm glad that we will be in the 60's today. It was a bit chilly yesterday and I didn't sit on the porch at all. Not sure I'll sit out there today either, 60 is as high as it is going to go - and that is too low for me! LOL! Can't wait 'til it gets a bit warmer. I've enjoyed the times I've spent out there.

    God bless y'all. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    edited February 2023
    Kim, we're having mid 80's here and I love it...Even tho I don't go out much, I enjoy sunny, lovely days.
    Yesterday I made myself go pick up my Lisinopril at Walgreen's and got my order from HEB. Now I need to do something with it. I didn't mean to get 2 bags each of shredded cabbage and coleslaw mix. The CS mix comes with that little packet of dressing...and the cabbage doesn't. I get that for stir fries and soup. Anyhoo...now I have all that, 2 bags of salad and goods for that. I wish I could donate that drawer full of Levemir so I'd have a space for my produce. It's piled high in there.

    This is day 3 with a sore throat. I had some comforting soup for dinner last night. Progresso. Quite yummy. I think I'll do some broth and tea today. I haven't had a cuppa tea in over a year...since I left work. I'll check my honey. I did get fresh lemons yesterday and a cup of hot water w/fresh lemon juice and a bit of honey is very comforting too.

    Hey...I'm still in your rearview mirror back here. 237 today, FBS is 167 and BP...169/82 64

    Prayers for Joanna and continued prayer for Pastor David....and for you and Wade as well. Our phases and stages of life bring challenges and much joy. I am so very thankful to be on this journey and for the gift of each new day.

    Marilyn, I saved the veggie/fruit pic to print and laminate. It will end up on my fridge as a reminder...I do love my produce, but waste so much I am embarrassed.

    I'm going to get coffee on and get my day started...be blessed Ladies. Love you all...

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Too cute! There was this cat in a store I went into. I tried to say Hi to it but it just hissed at me! Nice Kitty! LOL!

    Thank you for your prayers. Pastor David is doing much better. He still gets tired easily, but he is functioning pretty normally this past week. Joanna has a consult at the end of the week to see what is to be done, if anything. Still not even sure what the problem is. Your prayers are so very appreciated for me too. I did walk some yesterday, but then last night my legs weren't happy. I took my Tramadol before I went to bed but then my legs got that tight feeling and I kept squeezing my muscles, but then they would cramp. I got up and had a tbsp of mustard for the cramps and took two more Tramadol and was finally able to go to sleep. I'll not walk today and then try again tomorrow.

    I was at 235 this morning. I have been eating whatever I feel like, but my meals have been healthy! My cookies are sugar-free and I'm being very careful not to eat more than two of them at a time. Wade brought home a blueberry pie and I had some of that yesterday. I am going to have to quit the wheat for several days, it's talking back to me today and I'm not liking the sassiness!

    It's still in the 60's today, but the upper 60's. Was able to spend some time out on the deck before lunch. So nice! Please send your 80's our way! LOL!

    Love y'all. My prayers are with you.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
    @bren5535 - I hear you about the waste re vegetables and fruit. One thing I have learned lately is that at the end of the week when I am ready to get more groceries I take out all the fresh vegetables left in the fridge and make up a pot of homemade soup with them. Also after lots of persuading I have shown my husband that taking the bones of the chicken and boiling them with lots of onions and celery, and then straining them we have good homemade broth rather than buying them. So that is something we also do once a week - doesn't take a long time to do but do the bones to make the broth the same time when we clean out the fridge so we are ready for the coming week. I am sure you have probably done the same but thought I would share as it is a way to help with not throwing out food.

    Today is my weigh in day - 238.8 (up 0.8 of a pound for the week) so need to really eat better this coming week.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,606 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Happy Wednesday, ladies! Hope y'all are having a good week. It's been beautiful here. A little chilly yesterday, but it's warm today at 70 degrees - yippee!

    I didn't weigh this morning, but yesterday I was at 235. I did have some sugar-free white chocolate bar and a sugar-free cookie today. My breakfast was a protein drink, and lunch was another kind of protein drink and veggie chips. Not sure what dinner will be.

    Love y'all.