Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    So cute! Yes, Marily, I am doing well today. We are having such beautiful and warm weather here. It's around 72 today. I was able to sit out on the porch for a little bit.

    Hope you ladies have a great weekend. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Love baby Yoda. I know he has a different name in the series, but I don't remember it! I saw one or two of the shows, but they cuss in it, so we didn't bother trying any more.

    I found a beautiful shell-shaped bowl today at the thrift store and put my lighthouse and shells in it. It looks really nice! Went out to eat too and had grilled shrimp and fries. I was able to get some sugar free cookies too. Three orange cream wafers are 160 calories. Not bad for a snack! I am going to have donuts for breakfast in the morning, glazed ones, but then no other treats for the day. We are going to try and make these cube steaks that mom used to make. She seared the cube steaks with flour on them then put them in the crockpot with gravy. They were fall apart tender. Now to figure it out and have it come out as yummy! LOL!

    Love you! Have a blessed Lord's Day!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    edited February 2023
    I hope your meal turns out great. I ended up making soup with my "tenderized" round steak a couple of weeks or so back. It was delicious. I used to make smothered steak or swiss steak with it back in my "youth".

    I'm a member of The Burning Kitchen on FB and some of those ladies are awesome cooks and my contributions are like my poached eggs and toast....which was delicious BTW....but seriously simple fair...so it made me feel really good when the "leader" posted her dinner of those little boxed pizza roll things and Alfredo noodles, from the box! LOL

    Donuts: Enjoy your rare treat! I actually bought some back about November. Walmart has a 2-pack in the bakery of assorted ones. That was when my sugar was running really high, still... and I put the last pack in a give away bag for a neighbor.

    Your bowl with the treasures sounds lovely! I haven't been shopping in a very long time....other than the online/pick up thing but have thru the years accumulated a lot of things to love.

    I have gained about 10 pounds since I retired 14 months ago. I just read an article this morning (it's 12:15 AM so is morning) about the necessity of activity as we age and just about every point except the buddy thing hit home. The one thing is doesn't specify as an "excuse" is pain....and I would have been doubly impressed if it had touched on that subject. There are many more than me with that being a major hindrance.... like so bad I have trouble standing up straight, much less walking briskly. However...one point it made was to start slow...with 5-10 minutes daily if need be, and the stretching...and the Boyz have such awesome tips...so I need a boost of discipline, strength, wisdom and courage...to get up and go with the rest of my days. God will do the heavy lifting. I have to be willing to do what I can...until I can do more.

    Have a blessed and beautiful day, Ladies. It's supposed to get back up to 80 today after 2 days in the 30-45 range. I'm looking forward to it. Love and prayers~
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Thanks for the hug, Marilyn, it felt very good!

    The donuts were a bit stale, so, honestly, not worth the calories! LOL!

    Went out for lunch today after Wade's doctor's appt. I had sauteed shrimp, fried okra (not so good), and applesauce. Oh, and I did have two hush puppies. It was really good. We did some shopping afterwards. I've go 3514 steps so far today, far more than I usually get. We went to Ollies and found too much stuff. I found one of those pillow tablet holders. It has been hurting my hands to have to hold my tablet while I play games, now I can play without that problem! We found some Voortman wafer cookies for cheap too, but Wade will get to eat those (after I had my initial single serving). We saw a patio set that really tempted us, two padded rockers and a little table. Wade has to go back next week and if we don't see anything else in the mean time we may get that set. I also found a journal for cheap and will keep my prayer lists in there.

    Well, enough of that. I hope you ladies had a very good weekend and that this week will be much better than last! Love you
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    edited February 2023
    I had my cardiologist's appt. today and felt really bad....was very dizzy and disoriented, was struggling to find words and names....scary. She had an EKG run on me and asked 2-3 times if I was having chest pains or shortness of breath...wanted to schedule a stress test since it's been 10 years since I had one and that was before my 4 stents. I asked for a proxy to take it for me since I can only stand for about 7 minutes before my back is screaming in pain.

    I got my notes in an e-mail after I got home and my BP was 241/105....no wonder I was having issues. That was stroke level...yikes. It was 170/84 at home....down now to 146/79, thank You Jesus!
    We will "discuss" the stress test and another echo thing when I return in August. She did say "Let's not wait 2 years before you come back again, OK?" She called in a scrip for my Amlodopine, since I'd been out for over 6 weeks and my kidney Dr. wouldn't refill until I see her again.

    I stopped at Cash Savers on my way home for salad goods and found some bagged collard greens marked down. I did only get 2 and not the 6 bags. LOL

    Lunch was a Nailed It affair....was wanting this....and managed...that but it was delicious! No cheese and would have liked more onion...Much too tired to shrink pictures...


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Take away the tomato and that looks really yummy!

    Oh, Bren, I'm so glad that you were at the doctor's when your BP went to sigh and am praising the Lord that it came down to a reasonable level. Hopefully with your med refilled you will find some relief in that area.

    I walked too much yesterday but am doing alright today. My back is sore but I can function with it. My NP said that I didn't really have a high pain threshhold, I had just taught myself how to tolerate pain. I don't know if I could tolerate it at your levels though, Bren. I wish that you could find relief for that too. You are in my prayers, both of you! Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    Thank you Kim! I need and so appreciate prayer in my behalf. Other than the extreme back pain, I'm doing better. After resting still, my BP is 132/77 65 this morning, praise God! FBS was 129 so that's coming back down as well. Yesterday was 199.

    I'll go out this morning to get my meds and my HEB order. I noticed on my medical notes that I should be taking some calcium...must have been one of several things I "missed"....in not hearing? I added some to my order. There was a note about getting some sunshine daily weather permitting as well. Long is the list and shorter my memory!

    I got my collards cooked yesterday...OH my...I know you love greens, LOL... so here they are. I thought for the first time, to drop some taters in the pot and it was all delicious....with some chopped onion and Picante. I actually has a salad for breakfast! I was veggie deprived! I had half a cantaloupe yesterday as well. It wasn't wonderful....not sure how to pick one that is. Be blessed today ladies! Marilyn I love that tips post and need more outside time and a prescription for a cat.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Do like I have done, get a stuffed cat! I have several stuffed dogs and on occasion, I give their heads a little pet! No mess, no fuss, and they won't run away! LOL! I have a moose too. I like Moose even though they are a very dangerous animal in the wild, my Moose are very friendly! I have two wooden ones and a stuffed one. The wooden ones are Festus and Barney, I can't remember what I named the stuffed one! Sigh! Me and you, Bren - memory issues. I take a powder called Magnesium threonate (it also comes in pill form) to help with memory issues. I notice that I'm not losing as many words as I used to.

    Well, I might try to get some time on the porch - natural vitamin D!

    Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    edited March 2023
    Like I miss the singers...with a message and God given talent!...Oh...and my hearing...with which to hear them!

    You did not eat your greens, Kim. I'll have to do them for you. They are so very good! Yesterday was a carby day so it's pay the Piper today....back to my lovely salad and veggies. I did have a special "treat" yesterday....I got some Triscuits garlic/parmesan thins, thinking I was getting wheat thins....and they are SO good. Normally I don't care for Triscuits (texture thing)....but these are thinner and quite good. I had some with my cheese cubes....Pepper Jack and Colby.
    I had a bowl of Ramen with veggies and it was way, way too salty. Dinner was some mini won ton dumpling things with more veggies and I used the Herb Ox sodium free beef broth and it was so tasty, I had to check my packets to make sure it was sodium free! I'll do that again. I did add a Tbsp. of ginger SF sauce which added salt and flavor but not too insane. I would do that again. I have some great veggie blends in the freezer and need to use them. I also had some roasted pork and potatoes...much more than I needed for the day.mj09akroot3p.jpg

    I spent too much of last night chasing bugs. Did I tell you, about 6 weeks back or so, I picked up bed bugs...ACK!....from brand new pillow cases! I noticed these creepy little bugs the first night I had them on my pillows...knocked them off as I saw them, never knowing what they were! I then googled biting bugs in my bed and there the freaks were! I checked the remaining 3 new pillow cases and found more of them and now they have a foothold on my bed! I am furious! I did a review at Walmart...they are Mainstays, made in China. I've been here 26 years with never a thought to such thing and am rather mortified.
    I have been "chasing" them...with strips of tape and trap so many that way. My mattress weights over 200 pounds so I can't do anything with that...except what I'm doing. I have a mattress cover to put on today when I change sheets again. I am thankful God gave me the wisdom to use the tape as that works very well. I am praying for relief from this trial as well as for the back pain that makes the chase more difficult.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
    @bren5535 = bed bugs oh I feel for you - they are so hard to get rid of. Only once after coming home from a holiday years ago did we bring them into the house. Ended up we needed to toss the mattress and start over but we did use raid on the mattress and all cloth furniture in the living room to make sure they didn't spread - I feel for you as they are not nice to get and so difficult to get rid of.

    Have gone back to Whole Plant way of eating (using the McDougall program) and feeling better. Yesterday was day 1 of making this change and looking at the scale it looks like I have lost 1 pound since yesterday. Here is what I ate yesterday

    1/2 cup dry oatmeal cooked in 1 cup water ( no salt ) and to it I put 3 oz of frozen blueberries and topped it off with 1 small tangerine. Water to drink

    2 slices of whole wheat bread toasted and put on a small amount of Dijon mustard rather than butter or mayo and to that added a sliced tomato. Fruit was 1 small tangerine

    I made a recipe called American Vegetable Stew - it is plant based so there is no meat - it was so so good. We have enough left over for dinner tonight

  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    Thank you Marilyn! Had it been something I dragged in from the curb, I could feel a lot more "responsible"....and while I know others have gotten this "plague" in various ways, it's embarrassing to say the least! I've been googling ways to get rid of them and a spray seems my best bet, as I am just not physically capable of doing so many pf the suggestions. Like lift the mattress, wash everything, cover box springs/mattress (I can do half) or vacuum every day and steam clean. I did order the Raid bed bug spray and will use that, after stripping my bed (once I get it)....spray well and leave to dry before remaking the bed. Just changing sheets takes me 4-5 stages. I have zippered pillow slips on my pillows now but it doesn't keep them off my pillows. I had a stack of used tape strips this morning. I do capture and dispose of a lot of the little maniacs.

    I ordered some Salon Pas patches for my back pain and hope those help. It takes so little to get it cranked up in agony. I need to program myself to do those moves the Boyz recommend for balance and pain relief. I took notes last time I watched and made a chart...as uhm....I do have some slippage as Kim understands. LOL

    I'm having my first cup of coffee and will do my list of tasks I'd like to tend to...and get started shortly. Have a blessed day all...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Oh dear, such cute meme's! Love it! I can relate to that last one, Marilyn!

    We went out this morning to do some shopping and had lunch at our favorite spot - Kountry Kitchen - yummers! I had the Reuben sandwich and fries. I'm glad I don't do it often, but I sure do enjoy it when I do eat it! I'm hurting pretty good though right now. I had about 1700 steps when we were done. It isn't as much as I had the last shopping trip, but am hurting more this time - hmmm?

    Bren, I had my greens in powdered form yesterday and plan on having them again for dinner tonight. LOL! I need to go through everything that I take and see if I can get what I need to get in less stuff! I know the liquid that I take has a lot of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc... It is fruit and veggie-based too, not chemical or ugh, I can't think of the word for made in a lab. I try to take natural products based on real foods rather than synthetic (is that the word?)

    Well, you ladies have a good weekend. Lord willing I will see you tomorrow! Love you
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Happy Saturday, my beautiful lovelies! I hope that you are doing well. I'm all braced up after my shopping trip yesterday. I have my upper thigh braced, my back braced and my compression wraps on. All these braces really do help!

    Another gorgeous day here. I feel for so many around the country who are suffering from such severe weather, but I am so grateful to God that we are having such wonderful balmy weather. God is very good.

    Not much else going on. Never forget, nothing is a surprise to God, He is never taken off-guard, and He loves you more than you can ever imagine! Love you ladies.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 2,035 Member
    Just came by to say Hello. I think of you guys, but just don't get over to visit. Hope you are doing well.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    I totally understand, Connie. You are missed over here but don't feel pressed to visit, you have so much on your plate.

    I love that last meme! I never realized that before!

    Having a beautiful day today. This is the third day I've woken with a headache but it went away fairly quickly after meds. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm going to be very good about keeping wheat and dairy out of my diet for awhile and see if that helps. Thank you for your prayers. Y'all remain in mine.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,918 Member
    Okay, Bren, this will be five days without a post from you. Please let me know that you are alright! I will send a text to be sure.

    Doing alright. My left knee has been hurting more than usual, but other than that I'm alright. We are going to be cleaning up the kitchen today - two mice in there after a long time of not seeing them at all. It's beautiful outside, goobers, stay out there!

    Hope y'all have a wonderful day. Love you
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 989 Member
    LOL...I'm here my friend! Goobers...I am stealing your word...for my assorted bugs. I've called them freaks for a long time now. My bug guy has finally got the neighborly roaches under good control and I am so thankful....I hate bugs! I've only had 2 mice in my 26 years here...and the one I "killed" made me feel so bad. Like you...I just want them to stay outside...far from my humble abode.

    Your knee...my back and hips....sciatica etc. My right hip is so very tight and painful that getting a sock and shoe on takes great effort and much prayer. I dropped in on the Boyz for some tips this morning.

    I managed to get my bed stripped, bugs "collected", sprayed down with the Raid and got the bed remade, from mattress cover up....It was extremely painful and took me 8 steps to complete. I'm having the same issue with vacuuming....2 minutes, stop, 2 minutes, stop...the vacuum is being charged at the moment and I figure I have about 4 steps left to finish. Then I need to dust, Swiffer the kitchen, clear/reload the dishwasher and clear the table. I got trash out this morning and I need to do that more often to lighten my load. I have 4 containers to collect and empty.

    I have really blown up this week....back to my highest ever weight and I am really mad at the person who feeds me. She does my shopping too and is little help with the chores. I will do a meeting with her and set things right....again. Have a blessed day Ladies....Love and prayers for us all...