Daily Chats and Encouragements



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Phew, down .8 of a pound this morning. My poor feet just stay swollen. I need to lie down with them up!

    Eating well (weekend did include some treats). Will continue to work on cutting out one of my snacks as well as getting more short walks in.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    edited July 2022
    I call my walks wee walks....as I can only do things in 5-7 minute spurts before the back kicks in. So sorry you're having the swelling issue Kim. I'd be much worse if I was out in the heat more. We are expecting 109 today and another full week over 100. I think this is our hottest summer so far and I am so very thankful to be indoors, under the AC and very comfy.

    Today's stats: 235.2 172/86 74 and 207. Looking forward to getting those numbers down....soon.
    Wishing you all a blessed and restful day...I plan to have one here at my spot. Here's a plant for you...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    What a great picture, Bren. I call that medicine! ("A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.")

    I would call five to seven minutes a nice walk! When I am able to walk outside I usually could go about 10 minutes. My 73 year old friend does about two 20 minute walks, even in this heat! Makes me feel sad I can't keep up!

    Okay, goal for today, get up every hour and do five laps around my house! Hold me to it gals.

    Still at the same weight: 239. I am going to eat light today since my tummy was off this morning, so lunch will be yogurt with some cashews and blueberries mixed in. (Coconut milk yogurt).

    I'm so glad you ladies are here every day sharing your uplifting pictures and notes. Love you!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    I love those pics! Animals are precious joy sparkers!

    5 laps around the house is a great goal. I do most of mine inside, tho I do go out to check mail, do my errands, tote groceries in and the like. I'll be doing that again tomorrow. I saw a new kitty the other day when I took trash out...looked to be maybe 8 weeks old? I wanty them all!

    I've had a good, restful day. Not much activity but did get a nap....That's a daily thing!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    edited July 2022
    Having a great day - sun is shining it is 86 F outside which is a bit warmer than I like it though hubby thinks it is really nice.

    Went to my TOPS meeting for my weight to be recorded - I use them for accountability in that area and to get some encouragement - don't always get that but just having someone else weigh me makes it important that I do this weekly. Lost another 0.4 pounds this past week. Started out this month ( July ) at 252.6 and today I am at 247.8 so have lost 4.8 pounds so far this month. Have one more official weigh in next Tuesday but will also weigh in on Sunday July 31 to get an actual amount lost for July. Looks like it will be somewhere between 5 - 10 pounds which is good.

    Am loving my eating plan - so glad the doctor approved of it. Never thought I would be able to give up dairy products let alone animal protein. Started with no dairy (no eggs, cheese, yogurt or milk but could have almond milk) did that for just over 7 days than gave up beef for 7 days then gave up chicken and fish. Am no doing no oil due to the toxin that are in all oils. Hard - only as hard as I make it. I always thought my food addiction was centered around sugar and flour. But I see that is not true. It also includes salt and animal protein. My mind kept telling me that there was no way I could make that change but i have and am loving it. There is so much I can eat and so much of foods that I love. I love that I can have potatoes and not feel bad about eating them 2 x a day or having spaghetti. With spaghetti I do look to see how the noodles are made - and I find that I am now enjoying spinach noodles - looks funny as they are green but with a tomato base sauce over it well it tastes really good - and I don't feel deprived. And when I feel like 'I can't do it another day' I think about Daniel - just red Daniel chapter 1 and how he had the officials test him and his 2 friends for 10 days feeding them only vegetables and fruit. I see now how Daniel must have felt. When I finally got all of that out of my body well I think clearer, my blood pressure is now normal, my blood sugars have dropped to a better number as have my cholesterol levels - all within one month. Doc says that he feels in 6 months there is a good change I will be off all meds because of making the changes - that eating this way, well the food is healing my body not the meds. I know so many people say they couldn't give up animal protein or dairy but honestly if you would give it a honest try for 21 days as I did you would see the difference in how you felt. On Sunday we went out for brunch after church - I went with the understanding that I could have a salad no dressing and have some steamed vegetables along with a bowl of seasonal fruit. But when I got there I changed my mine (crazy me) and went for 2 eggs with cheddar cheese and 2 slices of bacon and 2 slices of bread. Want to know the truth - I could not get home soon enough as I thought I was going to die from the salt - I drank 3 bottles of water due to the salt. And before I even finished this small meal my wrists were hurting, my back was in terrible pain across the top of my shoulders where I have a bad case of arthritus and it hurt to walk. My husband told me as we were driving home that my color went from looking really good to bad like I was going to be seriously ill. All because I had dairy. Didn't know that dairy affected me this way because I had so much of the toxin from it in my body that I was just getting along. I know different - I know who I will feel should I have any - and honestly don't want to feel that way again - so when I am told 'that is to hard of a eating plan, it is to restrictive, I smile and don't say a thing as I would much rather feel like I do without it in my body than I would without and would love to those that say it would be to difficult to just give it a try. But everyone has to work it out themself and I respect that. I am not going to take the slow road to losing weight always feeling so sick because thought I might be losing slowly I would still be putting into my body things that it just does not need.

    Love hearing from all of you and am cheering you all on - so sorry that both of you are dealing with so much pain - have been there and still have days of pain due to kidney stones but those days are getting fewer and fewer as I keep drinking enough water and eating properly.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I am so happy that you are doing so well, Marilyn! Praise the Lord! I did chickpea noodles for awhile, but then they started giving me migraines, so had to stop that. I can't do the spinach pasta because it does have wheat in it. The chickpea may have but I didn't know about my wheat allergy when I ate that. I just don't do pasta at all.

    I'm wondering if you can do egg whites since they are pretty much just protein. I'm not sure that eggs are dairy since they don't have anything to do with a cow and they have no milk product in them - but I'm sure that there is something in them that the diet doesn't allow! I was thinking about the different milks you could possibly do, like the almond milk - there is also cashew milk, coconut milk, macadamia nut milk, oat milk... None of those contain dairy, but can be used to make sauces or even in oatmeal to cream it up. You can make your own of any of those if you have a blender and some cheese cloth. nuts or oatmeal with some water blended up til smooth and then put through the cloth to get out any chunks and you have your milk!

    Love you ladies!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Good morning ladies - praying that you are off to a good start and enjoying the day that the Lord has given you.

    About eggs - I don't eat eggs anymore - seems it has to do with that it comes for a chicken - or that is what I was told. But I know that I feel better without having eggs - it is like being addicted to flour and/or sugar - well eggs can be addictive. I did not understand that you can be having problems with dairy and not no it until you give it up. I went without eggs/milk/yogurt/butter for 24 days, on day 25 I had a 2 egg cheese omelette and did not even get it finished and did not feel well - eyes hurt, joints hurt, back got worse, found it difficult to sit or stand or concentrate for any length of time - and this all from having dairy. I know a lot of people just can't live without 'dairy' but it can be done especially when you give it up for 21 days and then have a little you would see how it affects your body.

    Didn't sleep well last night - couldnt fall asleep due to my hiatus hernia deciding to act up - after much time (3 hours) sitting and thinking what could it be that triggered such an attack and I have come to see that it could be the tomatoes and onions - so will have to cut back some on those in order for the hernia to heal again.

    But overall I so enjoy the way I eat - though I have always eaten 'meat' before I don't see me going back to having 'meat' every day and sometimes 2x a day - might at some time have a little occasionally but for now I feel so much better without it.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Oh, awesome chart for the noodles, Marilyn. Thanks for sharing that. Look at the carbs??? Those last veggie ones seem to be the way to go, although I don't like mushy stuff and the zucchini, when cooked, gets pretty mushy. I have made zucchini parmesan, but I fried the zucchini in a coating to make them crunchy before you got to the mushy. We got some good zucchini out of our garden and that will be in the bigger garden that we are doing next season! I like to put it in the blender and then use the liquid in baking or cooking. I could even use it in my smoothies!

    I tracked my food today, working on a high protein/lower carb diet. I set my goals at 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fats. Fats in the diet help to keep the sugar levels more even which is what raises the triglycerides, which is one of my problems, high cholesterol and high triglycerides. The cholesterol numbers are genetic - diet and exercise don't really change them, but the statins do. I am taking Red Yeast Rice to see if a natural statin will bring the numbers back in line. If not, will probably have to do a statin again. I know, they are rough on the body, but a heart attack is even rougher! LOL! I was able to figure out meals for the day, adjusting dinner mostly, to keep all the numbers in the range that was set with those numbers. Woohoo!

    Still quite swollen and the weight is staying steady right now at 240. I sent a note to my doctor to see if there is a different diuretic I could take because maybe one of the ones I'm taking just isn't working any more - I've been on it for about 10 years. I don't see anything in my e-mail to let me know she's sent me a note, and there isn't a new message on my patient portal. I went to Doctor Google to see if that is a possibility and, yes, you can get to a point that your body doesn't respond to a medication if you have taken it for a long time; I asked specifically about triamterene, but it didn't give me any posts that told me it could work that way, so I will just have to wait and see what she says. If I don't hear from her today through the portal I will call her tomorrow.

    Well, you ladies have an awesome day. Love ya
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    @Restfinder - I sure understand what you say about the food and taking care of what we eat to help with water retention, cholesterol and all. With the way we are eating ( and let me again say I don't like vegetables and neither does my husband) with now working on 1/2 plate of a starch (brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes or noodles) 1/2 of the plate with vegetables and not having any animal products - well we both feel the difference. Never thought giving up dairy (eggs, milk, butter and yogurt) would make a different - but again after 7 days I felt different the water retention was not as bad, the arthritus in the back though it hurt was hurting less, and blood pressure - big change there. My husband after just 28 days eating this way (though he still eats animal products 3 - 4 x a week) noticed that his blood pressure was a bit lower so rather than 2 10 mg pills a day he was only taking 1 10 mg so he called the doctor. Doctor asked what he had changed and he told him how we changed up the food and the doctor laughed and said ' well you no longer need to take 1 10 a day - I am giving you a prescription for 5 mg once a day and in 3 months you will be off them due to the food healing your body. We both take cholesterol meds and will be getting the next blood work done at the end of August and the doctor said he things we will be reducing them as well if not going off of them - and that is something for my husband as 6 years ago he did have a heart attack but now with getting rid of all of the 'fat' that is not necessary in the food and the animal protein - though we read how this would happen we didn't really believe it - but it is working.

    So though I don't like vegetables and have a lot of issues with IBS because of the vegetables that is what I am eating. But I have learned that I don't eat any vegetable raw and I am finding that if I stir fry the vegetables cutting them into very very small parts all is well. Stir fry that means oil / butter / fat right? No - we stir fry with some water and vegetable broth in order for the food not to stick and we just make sure we spice to our liking. We are having so much fun trying different combinations of herbs and spices. And as for the oil we don't miss it though there have been some times we had bought a canned product that we used that had some oil in it so we are not 100% no oil but more like 90% no oil. So if eating vegetables is a problem let me tell you I am one that has to take meds daily for IBS and still would have attacks and now with this change (eating more vegetables but no animal protien) well I am not having any attacks at all so I can see that by Christmas I could be off that mediction which is costly.

    Sorry have been long winded again- but am so over the moon happy with how I am feeling because of the changes So what are they

    1) Looked at The McDougall Program by Dr. John McDougall - just read his book to get an idea and looked up a few articles on him-he has treated patients for 50+ years with eating this way and all his patients have been able to get off all the meds they were taking So I decided to give a try as per his 12 days to dynamic health - and day 13 I was feeling so much better.

    2) After reading about (and while reading about) the above program I went to the Lord many times during each day taking this program along with another program called Bright Line Eating asking the Lord is these are what He would direct me to do. I kept hearing from the Lord to go back to the book of Daniel , chapter 1 and compare it with these programs - Daniel ate just like what the McDougall Program outlines - so that was another part that showed me I needed to give this an honest try.

    I would recommend it to all of you wonderful people here - but I would ask that you look at the book and while reading what he suggest compare that to Daniel 1 and go to prayer about it - the Lord will direct you.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thank you, Marilyn. I am so happy for you. The starches are one of the things my doctor told me to stay away from, so I do occasionally do rice when my husbands makes the chicken/rice/veggie soup (which ends up more like the insides of a chicken pot pie - yummers!)

    Going to get some housecleaning done today. We'll see how running the vacuum does! But it's all hardwoods, so it shouldn't be bad at all.

    Have a very blessed weekend!
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    I slept in this morning. I went to sleep about 1:30 AM and got up at 10:15. That doesn't happen often. Mostly when I am sick and down for the count. No coffee when I get up that late. Might make some tea.

    I got my letter from Suddenlink about the cable shut off August 1 and I will have to call them to avoid them billing me. Time to get Roku out of the box and play? I hope I don't have a lot of trouble making contact with them.

    I actually ate my squash yesterday. I had to throw my last ones away and these were beginning to look a little worn and weary. I roasted them with onion and Pam spray. Delicious. I finished the bag of coleslaw mix as well. Steamed with mashed potato and more onion. Protein choices not Primo....the last of the hot wings and the last of the smoked sausage. I have some ground chicken breast to do something with today. I will see how far I get with my chore list today.

    Wishing you all a blessed and peaceful Sunday. Love and prayers~
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    OK I am playing but not having any fun yet. Got a lot of wee walks in...back and forth from TV to computer...ack I need someone to fix me! I'm waiting for the email activation thing currently. Hooked it up, set up an account and am on stand by...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    I ask the Holy Spirit to go where I can't go in reaching someone. :)

    I am on the phone right now waiting.... and waiting.... for Spectrum to answer so I can have them disconnect the TV portion of their services. Too many woke shows. The only one that we really care about watching is Fox News, and that is even becoming frustrating to watch. They claim to be Christians but are so worldly it's cringe worthy! I used to like watching The Five, but they cuss so much it's not even worth it - so, there really isn't anything there that we care about any more. I think they saw I wanted to cut something and are just leaving me on hold - LOL! I bet they probably have a bunch of empty chairs in their help department just like so many other companies and it's making hold times longer as well. Where are all these unemployed people getting money to live on - oh yeah, you and me!!!

    Talked to my NP this morning. We are going to try and get me moving more as well as watching my sodium. I may have become sensitive to it as I have so many other sensitivities. I'll track my food for a bit and see how much I can take off.

    Have an awesome day, y'all.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • bren5535
    bren5535 Posts: 872 Member
    I was surprised to get a "live" person when I called the cable co. I do believe companies like this are in cahoots with government entities. YES! I think you are right! If they see you want to disconnect their services, they make you wait, hoping you will give up and change your mind.

    I know what you mean. I saw a commercial last night about abortion being a NEED and this will be only the first. There's already several about HIV drugs, showing gay men kissing etc. The world has NO morals, values or restrictions on SIN.

    I can't make contact with ROKU people so stayed with cable. With the bulk package, my rate will be about $25 more a month. I'll play with Roku later when my frustration and pain levels simmer down.

    I have to get dressed to shoes and go out for my Amlodopine and an HEB order in a bit. Since I hate to go out...I try to cover as many chores as I can when I do...trash out, Wal-Greens, HEB...
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Boy, nowadays, as crazy as the world is getting, it's a good idea to go out as little as possible.

    I was able to get them to disconnect the TV service. They were charging me $16.99 a month for local channels, how lame is that??? He tried to talk me into getting something that would actually lower my bill to one penny less than what I am paying for my internet service! No local channels and no news channels - say what??? The only channel I cared about was Fox News and they were even getting frustrating. We have a strong internet service right now because of Wade working from home so we may get a slower speed when he retires.

    Marilyn, I like your picture. That's something that Wade and I have talked about with him retiring. No one says on their deathbed, "I wish I had worked more!" No, they usually say, "I wish I had spent more time with my family." or something like that. We want to have more time to work with our Church and be available for others, as well as have some free time for ourselves. We've lived here for nearly two years and have yet to go to the ocean which is just about 20 minutes away. We've gone to the sound and one of the Rivers - I mean, we have a lot of water around us - just not the ocean. When we go over the bridge into Beaufort we can see the ocean! That's about as close as I've come to seeing it since we moved here - so we are looking forward to taking time to just go and enjoy the ocean more!

    Working on getting my swelling down. Have my watch set to tell me to get up and move and am watching my sodium. I'm going to track food today and see where I'm at with what I eat normally. It isn't really very high as it is, but it's not super low either, so I will see where I can cut some. I did yesterday by eating my .6 oz. bag of veggie chips rather than the 1 ounce bag. The .6 is from a different company and has less ingredients and about half of the sodium, and .6 oz. is plenty!

    Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,552 Member
    Feeling a little bit off today. My headache meds have made me sleepy! But praise the Lord the headache is gone. Hope you ladies have a great day.