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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member

    I went to a friend's house who is a bookkeeper and she attempted to teach me the Excel program so I can use it to track our finances. I had a program but once the free year was over, they wanted me to pay $50/year and I did not want to do that. The Excel program is on my computer and free so that was the best choice for me. It seemed really easy as she sat beside me and I inputted what she said but now that I am home, I will need to re-read my notes and practice on my own. I am determined that this "old dog" can "learn new tricks" as my mother used to say.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member

    Thinking of all of you - praying that you are all healthy and eating health too.

    Was at our Church last night for our weekly Rooted course. We just completed Week 5 which is the week where people will look at the homework and decide they really dont want to complete the course, which goes for another 5 weeks. It was all on confession and somewhat hard as we all took turns to confess some stronghold (sin) that we were under so the group could pray with us. When it came to do that we were divided into men and women making it somewhat easier. I also had to give my testimony which I am happy to do but it is scary also. I had done this to a small group once sharing things in my testimony that normally I wouldn't share knowing the group would keep it in confidence - they didn't - within a week 15 other people not in the group said they would pray for me about what I had shared. Was hurt that the small group I had trusted would do what they did, finding out it one only one member of the group that tended to 'gossip' and she later told me that if I didn't want something to be known not to share it with her as she had trouble with gossip.. So will see what happens with this group but at this time I am feeling positive about them.

    Am still doing well with my food - basically I can go weeks eating the same foods - I don't crave a lot of variety - and as I am losing so well right now I will just continue as I am. On Tuesday, my weigh in day - the lady that weighs me informed me that I lost 4.2 pounds in the week. That is the most I have lost in one week - so in 8 weeks I have now lost 12.4 pounds. My goal that I set on September 21 was to lose 12 pounds by December 14 - I have made that so not the goal is to make sure I keep if off. There are another 5 weeks to go to get to December 14 so I will continue to have my goal as one pound for every week which means I should be down 17.4 pounds (or possibily a little more which would be sort of nice) I was looking at the calendar and thought it would be nice to be down 20 pounds by the the end of the year - with the Lord as my Coach leading me on the path to healthy eating, overcoming food addiction, I do believe this can be done.

    Here are 2 verses that I know I keep close to my heart with respect to my body and what I eat - think it says it very simple as to what we should do re what we eat.

    1 Corinthians 3:16 says Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?

    1 Corinthians 3:16-17 says Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were brought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,533 Member

    Good Morning All, today is Remembrance Day here in Canadaโ€ฆ

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member

    Thinking of all of you - also thinking of all the Veterans that have so generously served our Country in peace and war - let's make sure we take some extra time today to remember them.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member

    My father served in the Air Force during world war II. He worked as a medic on the fields caring for those who were injured. When he returned home, he refused to talk about what he had seen and cared for. War has so many casualties both in death and in those who have PTSD from serving our countries. I pray for peace for those who struggle on this day who remember things they will never forget. I also pray for those who lost loved ones. We are in your debt that those you loved were taken away from you usually at a very young age.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member

    So now that we an share pictures on the groups with easy I thought I would share a picture of our to new members of our family - Bella and Toby - I have been talking about them for just over a week now and thought it was time those that wanted to see what they look like got a look. Please note though they have not had a bath in 2 years so they are looking a big gruffy - Toby (the white one) is going for grooming on Saturday so when he gets home all clean and 'fluffed' I will take another picture.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,533 Member
    Good Morning ๐ŸŒ…

    God's Blessings on your day and weekend ahead...

    Thank you Everyone for sharing your stories of loved ones serving their countries on Remembrance Day...I was Blessed to read them all.

    Remembrance Day I posted the following on my FaceBook Profile page..

    My Dad Harry Mays served in WW2 and proudly served his country wearing his RCAF uniform. He served in the Canadian Airforce! My Dad served 4 years in WW2.

    My Grandfather, Stanley Dawe He served his country and wore his uniform proudly! served in WW1 and fought in France on the Lanz Front defending our country! He was a machine gunner in the Canadian Army!

    I have shared the pictures below;

    My grandfather's picture in his Uniform and when he and his peers left on the Train taking them to the airport to board a plane to Europe. My Grandfather served 4 years in WW1.

    My Dad in his RCAF uniform standing beside his Mother. My Dad served 4 years in the Canadian Airforce.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,533 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    I froze the last of the carrots from our garden today. My husband worked on the apples again so all we have left is a gallon storage bag full of apples. These will be left for eating raw. They are really sweet so I need to watch how many I eat or I will get too many calories.

    We went to a baby reveal party tonight. It was the first one I have ever attended. It was very quick - they had "confetti cannons" with blue confetti in them. They were actually pretty loud to be doing in the evening after dark. I was afraid that someone would complain about the noise. Obviously they were not real "cannons" but they were cardboard tubes that had an air source that blew the confetti out and with the blowing there was a loud cracking sound. Along with the confetti there was blue powder that got on everyone. After the reveal we had hot soup, bread and raw vegetables. It was pretty cool outside where they did the reveal so the hot soup was very welcome.

    Tomorrow after church we will be busy getting ready to travel on Monday. Our daughter is comming to stay at our house over next weekend so I want to have their beds ready for them as well as a clean house.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,667 Member
    Hi Linda and Judith. As you can see, I managed to reach the groups on the Community tab by logging in to MFP via my computer instead of on my phone. MFP changed the functions on the Community tab and now Android users cannot see the Community tab contents and MFP is working on a solution. I'm just glad I can get to the groups with my computer at least.

    Linda, what a lovely thing to help a friend out. And then shopping late at night for your MIL. You are a kind person. <3 I am glad to hear you tried not to do too much lifting due to allowing your poor legs to recover. Yes, I have been ill for almost six weeks now. I have definitely seen an improvement this past week but still have a ways to go till I am completely well. I'll get there.

    Judith, sorry for the message I sent about not being able to access the forums. I am relieved to find out why it was happening and that there was another way to get to our group. I am thinking of you and your friend in hospital. I hope you are alright.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    Today we had church on campus and since we had to go early (my husband had part of the service) I took a walk to pray. 40+ years ago I walked on this campus as a nursing student and where I met my husband to be. There have been a lot of changes with new buildings, larger campus, etc but there are a lot of memories too. I walked around and thought of things I was grateful for about the campus life I had. I felt refreshed as I went into the building for church with a grateful heart.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    Today we had church on campus and since we had to go early (my husband had part of the service) I took a walk to pray. 40+ years ago I walked on this campus as a nursing student and where I met my husband to be. There have been a lot of changes with new buildings, larger campus, etc but there are a lot of memories too. I walked around and thought of things I was grateful for about the campus life I had. I felt refreshed as I went into the building for church with a grateful heart.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,533 Member
    Afternoon Hello Everyone,

    Susan, its good to see you here and that you found a way to get on our Group page. No need to apologize about the message you sent that you couldn't access our Group page. Yes, so many changes with MFP, I am not happy with how long its taking for them to sort things out and the fact the format was changed, I really don't like it, it sure is making it hard for everyone to navigate the site.

    As for me; I get on here by clicking on Community, once the page loads I click on Groups then scroll down page to find ours which I am thankful to see, thank you Lord! ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Thank you Susan for thinking of me with my friend who is in hospice. With her being a family friend for over 30 years its hard thinking of her passing but it is comforting knowing she will be safe as she is going home to be with her Lord and Savior. Yes, she will be missed here. She is still holding her own but she is failing so her time here is short. Thank you for your prayers. ๐Ÿ™

    So sorry it has taken you so long to recover Susan, my prayers continue for you that you will soon be back to feeling strong and well. Of course I include Colin in my prayers also.

    Linda, good to see you back sharing your posts, sounds like quite the baby reveal, this is one event I have never participated in before, heaps of baby showers but never a baby reveal party, does sound a noisy night as you described but at least you had hot soup to warm you up after.

    Sounds like you will have plenty of carrots to make casserole dishes and other recipes thru the winter. Your apples sound yummy, but admit, thats a lot of apples to have in storage. I could see lots of apple brown betty's and apple pies being prepared for your freezer. I know the calories, ๐Ÿ˜ณ but oh so very yummy to savor every bite. ๐Ÿ˜‹

    Your walk on the campus grounds where your husband was holding the church service sounds so nostalgic as you walked the grounds seeing the buildings and the surrounding areas as you were reminiscing the time you spent there during nurses training.

    You mentioned you were getting ready to travel and your daughter staying at the house for the week. Wherever you are travelling to have a great time away. Safe travels...๐Ÿš˜

    Have a Blessed Sunday All, hope you enjoyed your Sunday Services and your Family Time..
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    I did not get to post yesterday because we were traveling over the mountain and by the time we got unpacked, I was too tired to get on. We did have a good travel day. The weather was nice and the traffic behaved it's self this time. There were no near accidents like it was last time we came over. Here in the Denver area, the weather is warmer during the day and night. They also get lot more rain so the grass is greener during the summer. Right now we are working on getting the leaves ground up while they are dry. We use them as mulch on the plants and grass to keep them warmer during the snowy months.

    Our younger dog is doing better with her behavior. The trainer that they took her to said she is having anxiety because she needs to get out and run and be with people but with the issolation Co-vid has brought, it makes her behavior worse. She barks a lot, jumps up on people and bites hard when playing. They put her on Prozac to calm her down and on pain pills because she has started limping. When she stands, her right paw is facing forward but her left paw is bent to the left at a 45 degree angle. They took her to the vet and they could not find anything wrong with her so they said to keep her quiet, take pain pills and give her a week. It that does not help, they will do x-rays and other things which will cost $600. We can't financially help her out because someone hit our gas fireplace with a dog toy and broke the front glass. It will cost $1000 ($700 for the glass and $300 for labor and maintainance on the fireplace).

    On a more positive note, our Bible study group this morning was very encouraging. This group of women really care about each other and have so much wisdom to offer.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    I woke up this morning to a very cold day. It is noon and it is only 34 degrees. I had my 5th vein treatment this morning. It was pretty simple with just one injection. It was fun watching him do it on the ultrasound. It looked like the foaming insulation you put around pipes. I have one more treatment on my right leg and I should be done. The doctor is pleased with the results so far.

    I am working on cleaning up the basement yesterday and today. We have a plumber coming to look at our sump pump and I want to have the basement look better than it was looking. The cover is sealed since the hole also has the radon equipment in it. We are not sure how to take the cover off without interupting the vaccuum that is created by the radon equipment. It may be pretty easy but we want to be safe.

    We are taking a bookcase over to our other house so another task I have to do is look through all my books and donate or recycle the ones I do not need. Some of my nursing books are really outdated since it has been 40 years since they were written. So many new things have been invented since that time, they are not applicable now.