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  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,589 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone,

    Thank you for sharing everyone while I was away.

    Our weather has been so devastating. Floods & evacuations. People trapped on roads that are impassable, at least 1 death and several unaccounted for, state of emergency declared, some areas will have military support. We have had high gusty winds and heavy rainfall...Today was better in my area but we are not out of the woods yet.

    Thank you for holding down the fort on our Team page with watching over it and continuing on with your Team Goals.

    Blessings on your evening and rest of your week...🙏❤️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,589 Member
    Our Province has been declared a State of Emergency which went into effect Wednesday at Noon due to Flooding. Recovery is underway with Military sent into help with the areas that have been destroyed from the heavy rains and flooding. Major highways have been destroyed due to mudslides, people have been evacuated and many homes are under water, livestock have perished due to the land and barns destroyed from the floods.

    Due to roads washed away, collapsed bridges and overpasses food and supplies can't get thru so store shelves are almost empty. The military will help with bringing in supplies and get the help to the communities that is needed. Supplies will have to be flown in or come in via boat. Right now workers are trying to open one of the roads that has been blocked from mudslides that destroyed it. Once the road is open supplies can be moved in via road. People that have been stranded, displaced from homes can be moved to temporary shelters.

    Our Province is in a mess. We all are affected as our grocery stores are pretty lean as supplies can't get through to stock the shelves with food. I am alright and have food and water and thank God I have a home and roof over my head. Sadly many in neighbouring cities have lost much. We need your prayers. God Bless you all...
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    edited November 2021
    Today I had a dental appointment. It was later than the usual 6 month checkup because I had to reschedule it while we had covid. I got a good report - no cavities.

    My husband is cutting down the rose bushes today. I got the first start from our property in the mountains where they grow wild and are actually called Western Wild Roses. They are not the usual roses you see in bouquets but single pink blossoms that smell wonderful but are full of sharp thorns and multiply a lot. We find little sprouts trying to grow up in our yard next to the rose garden. They grow where there is water so we look for them on our property to see how many springs we have up there.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Judith you did a good job on giving an update on our province - just listened to the evening news and we are far from being out of danger - the *kitten* around Sumas is broke so the military are going to work tomorrow on rebuilding it.

    As for food - I live in the interior in a city of over 100,000 - and grocery stores are starting to close. Cosco closed today due to nothing on their shelves and also due to the fact that there was a big fight that broke out in it yesterday and they had to get RCMP involved. When hubby went shopping yesterday, he went to all major groceries stores - no chicken, no beef, no eggs, no dairy, no fresh produce and the frozen and canned is pretty much gone. He could not find any cereal either but said he is going to give it another try tomorrow - we are praying that the food supply will arrive soon - up north where my niece lives they are hoarding food terribly though that area does not have mudslides but the food supply goes up their by truck and the truckers can't get there yet as the road is still closed to the coast.

    Tonight I also heard that the gas stations are starting to close as no gas - and they are saying the meds could become delayed also until they can get things moving better.

    Please pray consistently for the province - this is the 1st every time in history that this has happened here and I must tell you it is not nice. And they are saying it is only going to get worse due to climate changes - wildfires taking out the trees and then more mudslides in the winter.

    Thanks everyone for all your prayers
  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,124 Member
    edited November 2021
    So so sorry to read about the devastation you are experiencing in your Province. Just saw the pictures of BC and Vancouver. Including you in my prayers.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,589 Member
    edited November 2021
    Thank you Marilyn and JC Willow for your prayers and your care and love and kindness.

    I am sharing the following pictures to show how devastating the floods and mudslides are here in BC.

    I also shared a picture of the empty meat section in Walmart Wednesday night.

    Thursday night my daughter and family had to travel to several stores looking for bread and milk.

    She usually shops at Costco but didn’t want to drive the distance to get there so tried some grocery stores nearby. She said shelves were sparse, but thankfully in the end found the milk and bread they needed for the both children.

    God Bless you my friends appreciate all your prayers. 🙏❤️


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Oh Judith it is horrible isn't it. We are in Kamloops and though there aren't mudslides around us our food supply is down to nothing - Cosco has closed their doors and Safeway and Save-On are pretty much empty. No fresh produced to be found, no eggs to be found, no bread to be found, no beef or chicken to be found and of course no TP. We are a population of just over 100,000 and we have the evacuatees from Merritt - life in BC right now it difficult for many of us. But God is in control and we will get through this - am praying that those in a position of taking charge will work on plans to help prevent this from happening again - I am concerned that this is going to be what it will be like for the next couple of years until they can figure out how to stop all the wildfires so that new trees can be planted and allowed to grow to prevent these wash outs and mudslides. And they really need to re think about Sumas area as it was back in 1920's a big lake - guess the planning back then wasn't what it should have been as the dikes gave way.

    Take care Judith - am praying for you and your health and all those that are living down at the coast as we here in the interior are also under a lot right now.
  • JC_Willow
    JC_Willow Posts: 4,124 Member
    This is just so heartbreaking to see, such devastation to homes and roads plus shortages of food and essentials. :'(

    Hugs to all of you and lots of prayer for health and safety and for your every need to be met. <3
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    Thank-you Judith for the pictures. It really makes much more impact when more than words are used. I do pray for all involved for safely and for the workmen as they try to clear the roads so you can get food. People without God have no hope to cling to - which is so sad. I am glad that you two know that God holds you in His hands and has the future planned out for your best.
    Judith - will all this flooding impact your doctor visit?
    Marilyn - I will pray for Toby to be feeling better. We give our dogs Benedryl for their allergies and they sleep a lot right after we give it to them too.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,704 Member
    Hi Judith, Linda and Marilyn. It's good to catch up on your news.

    Linda, glad your last vein treatment was easier. I hope the Vet can work out a good solution for your dog.

    Judith, still thinking of you and praying for you. Thank you for your prayers for us.

    Marilyn you always find such lovely graphics. Or do you make them?

    I'm feeling a little better but still have a ways to go to be rid of all the respiratory problems and headaches. I'll get there.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    Today is cloudy wth a little rain. It is a good day to spend reading a good book although that is not what is hapening. We had the dog trainer at our house today to see if he can help us change the behavior of our younger dog. She is so rough and has hurt some of us with her play. She loves to jump on me when I am sitting on the couch and pull out the rubber band from around my pony tail, bite my ears or my elbows or just generally bite what is closest to her. She did very well with the trainer even though he was a stranger to her. Right now she is taking a nap after "working so hard" doing things to get treats. The trainer said that there is anxiety in our house among our daughter and our grandaughter that the dog is mimicking. He said we all need to take deep breaths and calm ourselves before trying to teach her anything. It does make sense since dogs donot think the way we do. They are pack animals and follow the pack leader which is my daughter.

    I spent some time today repotting some plants that had outgrown their pots. We had two spider plants that had grown so much that they were pushing themselves out of the pots. Now they are in a much larger pot together. Now, as they grow, I am sure we will have lots of babies. My plant at our other house is doing that now. Do any of you want some baby plants? Come to my house and I can give you lots. 😁 It might be a long trip for you so I am not expecting anyone to take me up on this offer, of course.

    Susan, I am glad that you are feeling better. I hope soon we will hear you say you are back to "normal".
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,589 Member
    Good Morning All

    Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement.

    Here in BC we are continuing to deal with the effects of the flooding and mudslides. We have the military in helping with clean up and now helping Farmers with trying to recover livestock.

    Sadly, yesterday 4 more bodies were recovered from the highway where the mudslide swept vehicles off the road; the fifth person who has been missing is still unaccounted for. With the 4 yesterday and first body that was recovered on Day 1 we have a total of 5 fatalities! Our prayers and heart felt condolences go out to their loved ones!

    The military are assisting with the clean up, helping the people with bringing food and water to those who have been evacuated from their homes and helping city workers in trying to get roadways opened as soon as possible. They have partially opened up one highway; 2 lanes but with weight restrictions which means the large trucks carrying the much needed supplies and food can’t get through just yet.

    We also have gas limits and travel restrictions. Our Gas Stations have run out of gas so our Province has put a limit on how much each person is allowed. Our stores are running low on food and supplies, some stores have pretty much empty shelves.

    I’m all of this I have some good news: Saturday I got the last 4 litre jug of milk and last carton of half and half cream the store had. Hopefully a truck will get through to bring more dairy in but the amount of any supplies getting in are very slim. Prime Minister Trudeau has sent more military in to help and neighbouring Provinces are sending help to us but getting trucks thru is difficult and slow.

    Monday and Tuesday more heavy rain is expected; please pray for our safety!

    Thank you for all your prayers, support and kindness. You are all loved! ❤️🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    I am glad that both of you (Judith and Marilyn) were able to buy some things from the store. It is amazing what the prices are to get a dozen eggs. I hope the trucks can get through soon. I hope the next rain storm you get is less damaging than this present one.

    My husband did not go to church today because he was feeling weak, shakey and still having abdominal pain. He did not want to go to Urgert Care but will call to get an appointment at the doctor's tomorrow. It is difficult to know what is causing his pain. We know it is not a specific organ since the pain moves around and is intermittant. I would appreciate prayers for him at his appoiontment tomorrow that they can figure out what is the problem. Thanks <3

    I am getting ready for our Thanksgiving dinner starting tonight. I have my turkey in the refrigerator thawing, and I can make the rolls tomorrow and freeze them. I like to be as prepared as possible before the day actually occurs. I do not plan on gorging myself at all - just eat carefully as I usually try to do.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,589 Member
    edited November 2021
    Linda, appreciate your love kindness and support...We too are hoping this next session of rain is not as bad as the 1st ones...Forecast says heavy rains Monday and Tuesday...

    I am so sorry to hear about your husband's pain. Hope todays appointment has some answers for what's causing his pain. I will keep this in much prayer for you both.

    You mentioned about preparing for Thanksgiving, it's good to get as much prepared in advance as when the day arrives there isn't as much to prepare. I have done the same in the past. With our family we have a schedule on who takes what holiday with us going to the home the festive dinner is being hosted. Before I was diagnosed and before Covid I took Easter, My Son and Family had Thanksgiving and my Daughter and Family has Christmas. They ave the larger home so makes it nice to spend day there, opening gifts together and having our scrumptious Turkey dinner.

    Thursday is your Thanksgiving, may your day be blessed. Enjoy your Turkey dinner...

    Hope everyone is doing well, Blessings on your day and week ahead...


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    My husband says he is feeling better today but still in intermittant pain. He was not able to get an appointment today but has one at 3pm tomorrow. I will let you know what is found out then. He may need to have some dietary changes. He has had food allergies in the past but we can not decide what is different that he has been eating.

    Today was laundry day so a lot of exercise just going up and down stairs from the second floor to the basement. My daughter has quite a few baskets of clean clothes sitting in the basement so I an trying to help her by folding some. I have been thinking that if we all have so many clothes that we dress ourselves for more than a week without getting desperate for clothes maybe we need to look at our clothes and give some away to those who do not have enough. I am going throught the coat closet to see if I can get rid of some of them to give to the homeless.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member

    Today was my weigh in day - had a small gain - again - but not too concerned as I know that with food been so rationed and eating what I shouldnt eat because of that - and now that we can get more healthy food though in limited amounts (and the cost has gone up drastically) I will be back on track this week.

    Judith I am remembering you especially this week with all the rain - and with all your health issues - I am sure you lean on the Lord daily - isn't it so great to have such a loving, compassionate God - and He is in control and we just need to keep reminding ourselves of that. Take are dear friend - and keep us informed on how your health is - and how all this rain is affecting you (We are doing better in the intereior though COVID has not gone up greatly in the last couple of days where we are so we are definitely staying home till things settle down better)

    Linda - praying for your husband that they can find out the cause of the pain.

    Psalm 23
    The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures.
    He leads me beside still waters.
    He restores my soul.
    He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
    Even though I walk through the alley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
    your road and your staff, they comfort me
    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
    you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
    Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    I am praying for your cardiology appointment tomorrow Judith. I would love for it to be great news but that is not up to me but to God. What ever it is, He will be with you throughout the whole time.

    My husband went to the doctor today for his abadominal pain. He was told that it is probably a virus that took over his intertinal tract because all the good flora was killed when he had so many antibiotics to prevent pneumonia during his Co-vid time. They could not feel anything wrong with any organs so they ordered probiotics for a week to see if that will help get the good flora growing again. I am so glad that it is not something more serious!

    I am so glad Marilyn that you are able to get some food coming into your city although I know the price hike is hard on a fixed budget.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    Today I went to my vein doctor for the last treatment. They did the ultrasound to check to see where he should do the touch-up but could not find anything that still needed work on. He wants to see me in three months for a followup. He offered to do some work on my spider veins but it would cost $1000 for the treatment so I declined. Insurance does not cover this type of treatment. I do not wear clothing that shows the veins anyway.

    I am doing the baking that need to be done to get ready for Thanksgiving today. I am making dinner rolls, whole wheat bread, sugarless apple pie, and crustless pumpkin pie. I will not be eating all those carbs but will eat the pumpkin pie. My grandson's birthday is the day after Thanksgiving and since they will not be eating with us that day, I will take a loaf of bread to him as part of his birthday present. He really likes it, in fact, one time when they came over several years ago, I gave him a loaf and he ate it by taking bites out of it before he got home.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,589 Member
    edited November 2021
    Happy Thanksgiving to my American Friend's...May your day be blessed abundantly as you celebrate your special day.

    Yes, we all have much to give thanks for. God is Good. He has given us much.

    I thank God for my Family, the roof over my head, the home He has provided or me. I thank God for my Family, a beautiful son and daughter and 4 healthy happy grandchildren.

    Most of all I thank God for His Son, Jesus Christ my Lord! I am thankful for Calvary's Cross that Jesus took my sins to the cross, shed His Precious Blood so I could be washed and cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb, be forgiven and made every wit whole. Thank you Jesus for saving my soul. August 15, 1977, Praise ye the Lord!

    My prayers are with you all, Be Blessed my Friends! ❤️🙏📖

    This is the Day that the Lord has made
    Let us rejoice and be glad in it

    Psalm 118:24