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  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,589 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,704 Member
    Yes, Linda, we do rely on body language. When I taught basic communication classes I always stated that 70% of our communication is about body language (tone of voice comes under body language). Glad you are making progress with the dogs and hoping your A1C is alright. Diabetes can cause such damage, long term. Be well, hon.

    Marilyn, glad your feet are feeling better. I wonder what caused all the pain? I am devastated for your part of the country. Thankful you are resourceful. I hope and pray a solution will be found for those who list everything in the floods.

    Judith, yes, it is summer here and our monsoon season goes from November to about Feb/March. It was sunny today but more rain is on the way. The flooding here is causing a lot of damage too. We know it will happen every seven years or so. I guess this is the seventh year. Lots of houses here are built on stilts. No one has basements. Lots of bridges are built to withstand going under in floods. But there are still wash outs and broken infrastructure.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    We had a very cold and windy cold front come in last night. Our temperature went down 30 degrees in just two hours. We were at a Christmas party and it was 47 degrees and windy but when we came out it was 17 degrees and snowing. It was quite a shock. I am glad that I had brought my heavy coat. The snow did not last long and this monring it is 26 degrees so it will stay cold for a few more days.

    Susan - I hope the 7 year flooding is not too severe for you. In Boulder where I worked, they talked assisted living where my Dad was living and the parking garage and first floor of our building was destroyed. It took over a year to get things cleaned up and rebuilt. People were moved to other facilities and many people lost their jobs because we did not need the staff anymore. When things were rebuild, they made sure there were precautions in place for when another flooding may take place.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,704 Member
    Linda, floods are devastating. We have volunteers called The Mud Army who go help clean up inundated properties. It still takes a lot of time to recover from a flood.

    It's hot and humid and I ran the air con this afternoon and into the evening. I was finally in the mood to finish making my Christmas cards and address a few. I made fudge for a friend this evening as well. Next week we start traveling north to our family and friends. I really have to get organised.

    Take care all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    We had a very fun night last night going to the "zoo lights". The zoo was filled with beautiful lights wound around the trees and in the branches then they had lights that were animals that llked like they were jumping, swimming or swinging. We saw a few animals but not many because they were probably sleeping. I got a lot of exercise as well as fun with the grandkids who came along. I was prepared for really cold weather by wearing extra layers so I was toasty warm the whole time. Last year we started offering to give the kids an annual zoo membership or a membership to a museum if they wanted for their Christmas gift. Last year and this year two families chose the zoo. It is nice that they can all go together and it does not cost them anything to go as many times as they want. One of my daughters home schools so sometimes she uses the time at the zoo as school time since they discuss the animals and then go home to write about it.

    Today is a busy medical day for our family. My husband is at the dentist right now then he has an eye doctor appointment this afternoon at the same time I have my 6 month check-up at the doctor. I am hoping that all the exercise I got yesterday walking at the zoo and the mile I will be walking to the appointment helps me loose weight. Do you think about 5 pounds?? 😁 I may wish for that but of course that is not realistic so I will be what ever the scales say.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,589 Member
    Thank you all for sharing, sorry missed few days, better tonight, I see Oncologist on Friday! Hope he has some answers for me! Thanks for your prayers! Below is exactly how I feel about you all as your friendship and support are valued more than I can express!

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,704 Member
    So glad we all met up and are caring praying friends for each other, Judith. I hope Friday goes well.

    Linda, I would have loved to go to the Zoo with you! What a great gift idea. Hope all the medical tests go well.

    We have been to lunch with friends at their home and are now going to get a scan done for Colin.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    Judith I am praying you will get some more clairification from the oncologist today. We are celebrating my Dad's "graduation" seven years ago today. He left his earthly body and flew to a higher plain. His last few years were spent in the facility where I worked and it was wonderful to get to know him better. I was able to talk with him about my childhood and hear his apologies and reasoning as to why it was difficult for me as well as him. We were both trying our best with what we had to work with. God worked it out to be a blessed time. I do miss him but am so glad he is free now.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,704 Member
    Marilyn, lovely thought.

    Linda, how good that you could be with your Dad that way. It's nice to think of it being his "graduation" day.

    Judith, thinking of you and praying you will get encouraging news.

    We're in monsoon season and got 2" of rain in one night two nights ago. It was a beautiful day today though and we had a Christmas dinner at our village. We sat with some really nice people then slowly drove and walked around our village looking at Christmas lights with Archie the dog. Lots of others were doing the same. A peaceful and lovely night.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    We had our first measurable snow yesterday. It was less than 1/2 inch but it counts as the latest snow in the Denver area since records have been kept. Today most of the snow is gone but it still 33 degrees so very cold. We have a repair man in the house now fixing our gas insert for the fireplace. The glass front is broken and we have not been able to use if for several months. Now that it is getting reallh cold, I am glad we have it to use now when sitting in the family room talking or watching TV.

    Today is the day we start packing for the trip over the mountain to our retirement home. We have gotten a lot of medical things accomplished this time in Denver. We have had eye exams, doctor appointments, dental appointments and the last of my vein procedures. I still need to have a dexa scan, my mamogram and colonoscopy to be scheduled when I come back in January. The end of the year is always busy for us.

    I hope all of you are doing well. I love to hear how you are doing.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,589 Member
    Good Morning Team

    Thank you for sharing… Linda. Be safe as you travel over the mountains especially now there is snow, must be pretty watching fresh snowfall! we have snow in the mountain areas too but other parts as you know still recovering from mudslides and floods!

    Susan, sorry about your monsoon season and getting all that rain in one night; sounds like a lovely evening at your Christmas Village dinner and watching the lovely lights, yes, I’m sure your “Archie” enjoyed the lights..

    Have a blessed day and weekend all 🎄💝🎁
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,704 Member
    Linda, travel safely. We just got all our medical appointments out of the way so we can travel up to see our kids.

    Judith the rain is expected, but I sure wish it would fall in dam catchment areas instead of washing roads away. It has pretty much all drained away now.

    Spent today at online church, cleaning the van, then at a street party (nibbles for an hour or so/). It was nice. We have
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,704 Member
    Lovely people in our street.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,589 Member

    Hope your day has been blessed and you enjoyed your Sunday services....God Bless you all...⛪️📖🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    We made it safely over the mountain yesterday. We were in a traffic jam waiting for 1 1/2 hours because there was a power outage in the tunnel that goes through the mountain. The power is needed to keep all the toxic emissions from the cars ventilated out of the tunnel as well as the traffic signs and lights to be able to see. We had hoped to get to our house before it got dark but with the delay at the tunnel and the sun going down earlier it was dark when we got here. I have unpacked my clothes and the food but we still nave some things that need to be put away and beds to make. Our daughter stayed at the house while we were gone and washed the sheets but did not have time to make the beds. The grandkids left a little cardboard tree on the island that had leaves on it with fun memories they have had with us. It was very sweet to read what the kids thought were important. It was things like cooking together, playing games, etc which are so much more important than any gifts we could give them.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,837 Member
    W got our Christmas decorations partly up yesterday. I still have some to go but our house is pretty small so it does not take much to do. I have Christmas cards done and two more presents to buy online and we are done shopping. This is the earliest we have gotten things done for quite a while and it is not really early for some other people.