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  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,718 Member
    Well said, Linda. I struggle with those things too. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on the subject.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,625 Member
    Afternoon Hello

    *Β° 。* ** Dropping by to Say Hi˚*Β° ˚** * * πŸ‘‹
    Β° 。 Β° ˚* _Ξ _____*。*˚ Β° 。 Β° ˚*
    ˚ Λ› β€’Λ›β€’*/______/~οΌΌγ€‚Λš ˚ Λ› Β° 。 Β° ˚*
    ˚ Λ› β€’Λ›β€’ | η”°η”°ο½œι–€ο½œ From My Snowy ❄️ Home to Yours 🏑
    **Β° 。* Β° ˚*Β° 。 Β° ˚*Β° 。 Β° ˚*Β° 。 Β° ˚*Β° 。 Β° ˚*Β° 。 Β° ˚°
    And Wish you a Blessed Day...
    Let's Keep the Sparkle and Shine on Together! 🌟

    We woke to more snowfall here, we are dealing with minus freezing temps and winds here....
    Thankyou all for signing in and helping Susan with the Team
    I have my Colon surgical procedures on January 12th and I am required to have a Covid test next week before my admission!
    Will keep you posted on my ongoing issues, Facial Melanoma-re-construction surgery has been rolled over to February 2022.
    Love you all, thanks for your prayers...β€οΈπŸ™
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,854 Member
    We are listening to the news and hearing about a wildfire that is burning near our house on the other side of the mountain. They have evacuated two towns but have not said anything about our house yet. Our daughter says the smoke is really irritating her eyes and they are getting ready to evacuate if needed. We have friends living in that area so we are praying that their houses are spared. The wind is really strong and is spreading the fire at a fast rate.

    We got our covid booster shots this morning and so far we have not had any problems other than sore arms. I was surprised that they did not have us wait for 15 minutes after the shot like we did with the first two shots. I guess they assumed if we did not have a reaction to them we would not have any to this one either.

    The sun just broke through the clouds outside my window and it is nice to see. We have not had any sun for several days. I am not sure that the predicted 5" of snow will happen during the night or not. I will not be staying up to watch for it. :D We will be staying up tomorrow night to watch and pray the new year in. When I was at home, my brother and I would race to see who would be the one to write the numbers of the new year first. We would be writing so fast that the numbers were unrecognizible but we still had fun. We have outgrown that but it would not work anyway because he is in an earlier time zone so he sees the new year first.

    Judith, I am praying the covid test is negative and the hospital will have space for you to have your procedure.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,515 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,854 Member
    We had a grass fire near our house in the Denver area that burned over 600 houses yesterday. (The news said it could be up to 1000 houses in the final count.) Our house was within one mile of the evacuation area. Our friends who were in the towns that were affected did not loose their houses but know many who did. The smoke is affecting a lot of people. My granddaughter has asthma and needs to take her rescue inhaler to be able to breathe. I am so grateful that there were not any people with serious injuries or loss of life. Snow is coming today which will help in cooling down the smoldering areas.

    Last night my husband had shaking chills probably from his covid booster shot. He has a low grade fever today but I seem to have come out of it unscathed.

    Tonight we are going to have an early New Years Day party for the children and their families in the church. It will be from 5:30pm-7:30pm at our house. We will have snacks and fun games to play. It is snowing here again today but I hope it is not too much to keep some people from coming.

    I hope all of you are safe during this time of celebrating the New Year. πŸŽ†βœ¨πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ We are not going out anywhere. I may be a good driver but I do not trust the other drivers if they have been drinking.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,718 Member
    Happy New Year to all! We stayed home last night too, cooking food together and watching Netflix. No one stayed up till midnight. πŸ˜œπŸ’€

    Judith, you are welcome for the help. I hope everything goes ahead for you soon. It must be so hard, always having the date of the procedures extended. Praying for you.

    Linda, the fires sound so close. Praying you and your family stay safe. Fire is so devastating.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,625 Member
    Happy New Year and God's Blessing to you and your family!

    Linda, so sorry to hear about the fires, my prayers are with you for God's protection around your home...praying your family will be kept safe.

    thank you Susan for your help here...

    have a great evening and New Years Day...


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,625 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Happy New Years Day...Hope you have a great day, will you be spending it with Family and or Friend's?

    Today will be quiet for me but I want to do some reading and watch a couple of DVd's and watch some Christian TV.

    Linda, any word on your family and house? I continue to pray protection around your land and house and family that no harm will come anywhere near, in Jesus Name I pray, Amen

    Happy New Year 2022, may you and your family be blessed abundantly...

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,718 Member
    Happy New Year, everyone.

    Judith, we spent New Year's Day with our son and daughter-in-law preparing for her parents' arrival. Col helped son paint a room in their house. He tripped and fell this afternoon though and seems to have hurt his hand and ribs. I am watching him. He has severe osteoporosis so I would not be surprised if he broke a little bone, but he is refusing to believe it at the moment.

    It's very hot here. Our air conditioned in the van barely coped with the weather today but has recovered this evening.

    Linda, I am thinking of you too and praying for your safety.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,854 Member
    The snow helped put the fires out and people are returning to look at what they lost. All our family are fine as well as our friends who lived closer to the fire. It is unbelievable to look at the picures and see all the destruction. If we had not had the 100 miles per hour wind blowing at the same time, the fire would not have spread so quickly. Prayers are appreciated for those who lost so much and praise that there were no serious injuries that happened.

    We had fun with the early party with the kids from the church and their families last night. They went home at 8:30 but we did stay up until midnight then my husband went to bed. I stayed up until 2am reading. I did not get up very early this morning as a result. I do not usually stay awake that long but for some reason, time got away from me and I did not feel tired. One thing I am going to work on this year is getting to bed at a better hour so I can get up like a "normal" person. Today we do not have any plans other than cleaning up the house so we can have our small group come over to have church here tomorrow. We will also go exercise to get rid of the excess calories I ate at the party.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,718 Member
    What a relief, Linda! I am so glad that the fires are out or on the way out. Will pray for those who have lost so much. I hope the fires stay gone from your area for the rest of the summer.

    My day was different to what I had planned. Because Colin had a fall yesterday, overnight he developed quite a bit of pain. I took him to the hospital and wound up having to leave him there as they want to keep him overnight. They have done X-rays and CT scans and found no breaks or cracks in the bones. It is likely soft tissue damage. He is having trouble breathing which is probably his asthma playing up after he knocked his ribcage. They want him to see a physiotherapist in the morning, and then he can probably come home. Meanwhile, they have given him some heavy duty painkillers and he is feeling some relief. So, I spent the day going back and forth between our son's house and the hospital, as he did not take his medication with him, and they would not let me in as a visitor. They did give him a Covid test and it was negative.

    The dogs are appreciating having me for company. I did get some washing and cleaning up done. I fed the two dogs and myself and just tried to chill out a little bit. We had church online so that was good. It was just so hot today I was glad I was able to spend a lot of it in the air conditioning. Waiting in a hospital car park in a car is not fun. Fortunately, it was only for 2 hours that I was in the car.

    Our son, daughter-in-law and her parents are off on a little trip till tomorrow night so I am getting some time on my own, which is actually nice if Col was not in the hospital. I like having him in the same house as me!

    Thinking of you all and hoping you have had a good day. God bless you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,625 Member
    Linda, Praise God you are safe and the fires are out now. Great news! Happy you were able to spend time with your family.

    Susan, so sorry to hear about Colin’s fall but rejoice with you that no broken bones! Praying the soft tissues and bruising will heal up quickly!

    Blessings on your day!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,854 Member
    Susan - I am sorry that Colin had the fall but glad that no bones were broken as Judith has already stated. You said you were with two dogs. Do you have another one than the picture you posted of your dog or does it belong your son you are visiting?

    We had 19 adults and 4 children at our house for brunch and then a church service. After that we had a leaders meeting talking about renting another building since the college arrangement to meet has not been good. We are looking at two buildings which both are good in different ways. I am pretty set on one building but others are set on their choice. Our sermon today was on being quiet before God. One of the scriptures was Psalm 37:7 Be quiet before the Lord and wait patiently for Him: ... I was convicted that I was not being quiet to listen to what God wanted. He knows what our church needs and if it is not the church I prefer, because He chose it, it will be perfect. Verses in that chapter also say not to "fret" which was what I was doing in my heart. I did not verbally express myself but I was worried about the outcome. I have a lot to learn about waiting patiently before the Lord.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,515 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,854 Member
    Today we start taking down our Christmas decorations. With all the excitement of putting them up with expectations in our heads, it is a little sad to put them away. This holiday is the gateway to what happened on Easter so there are still expectations and excitement to come.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,718 Member
    Good morning everyone. Happily yesterday Colin came home from the hospital. He has a wrist splint and heavy pain killers for his ribs. They did not rule out the idea that he could have a hairline fracture somewhere. It's just good to have him back home.

    Linda, yes, our son has a beagle. He's an old dog, about 14, and he does fret when his people are away. He likes that I give him titbits from most of my meals though so he wasn't too upset at me babysitting him. He and my dog Archie get along pretty well. Archie is only a lightweight next to Bowie but Bowie is not as fast as he once was. Archie can run rings around him. I do hope you can find a satisfactory building to have your church. We are finding a similar thing here, with the school doing reconstruction of the road and bus stops right outside the gym where we normally meet. We have been having YouTube church because of that. Everyone is looking for another Hall to rent. It always causes some disruption but we keep going. God is with us always, weather in a building or out. That's my comfort and strength.

    Judith, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your concern about Colin. The painkillers seem to be working pretty well for him this morning. He was up and about way before me. I hope you're own pain is not troubling you to much today.

    Marilyn, I hope the change is coming your way are all good stop

    Take care everyone. Blessings.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,625 Member
    Linda, my prayers are with the cogregation that you will find a new rental space soon to hold the services in a new building. You sure ad a large group in your home..

    Susan, sorry you too find yourselves looking for another building to hold your church services in. Heres hoping you all can meet in a more permanent place.

    So sorry Colin has that much pain, trust he will recover soon and the ribs heal quickly. You ased about my pain leves, have had some very high pain evel and a lot of break through but I take the eds prescribed for break through which helps some

    My prayers are always with you Linda and your family and with you Susan and Colin and family, and of course for all the Team..

    Know I care for you all and appreciate your love kindness and friendship...

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,625 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    This is what I wrote yesterday:

    Linda, my prayers are with the cogregation that you will find a new rental space soon to hold the services in a new building. You sure ad a large group in your home..

    Susan, sorry you too find yourselves looking for another building to hold your church services in. Heres hoping you all can meet in a more permanent place.

    So sorry Colin has that much pain, trust he will recover soon and the ribs heal quickly. You ased about my pain leves, have had some very high pain evel and a lot of break through but I take the eds prescribed for break through which helps some

    My prayers are always with you Linda and your family and with you Susan and Colin and family, and of course for all the Team..

    Know I care for you all and appreciate your love kindness and friendship...

    Today I have an appointment...will be back later and finish blogging here, God Bless your day, stay safe and well...β€οΈπŸ™πŸ€—

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,515 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,854 Member
    Today was supposed to be a packing day to leave for our trip over the mountain tomorrow but after looking at the weather report we decided we should wait until the wind and snow are over before we try to travel. There is a weather warning predicting10-15 inches of snow with high winds starting tomorrow morning at 6am. I had an appointment to have my one year checkup on my hip replacement tomorrow in Vail so I had to reschedule that one. They can not see me now until mid February. I also had two other appointments for Thursday and Friday that I needed to cancel. The next available time for the dexa scan and mamogram appointments is in March. My appointment for a consult on having a colonoscopy was easy to change to the next week although I would have rather waited a while before doing that one. 😁 The doctor has a consult then schedules the colonscopy so I am not sure now when that will happen. We will travel on Friday is the weather is good and the roads are clear.