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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    We did have cold enough weather to kill some leaves on our vines on the fence, our roses, and my geranium. Time will tell if they come back and live. One thing that made it worse was that our sprinklers turned on during the night and ice formed on some plants. We should have turned off the sprinklers and covered my plants.

    Susan - I look forward to seeing more pictures.

    Marilyn - your quote remibds me if another old saying. "actions speak louder than words."

    Judith - we probably won't plant our plants until we get back from Denver. We are leaving on Friday to go there.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    Good morning from the dusty red centre! The soil here is rusty red. We're at Curtin Springs, another free camp unless you want electricity, then it is $55 per night. We need to make a $10 'donation' to fill our water tanks but that goes to charities do you don't feel bad contributing. Showers are $5 and there is no laundry facility, but hey, toilets are free! Lol! They aren't too clean, but they are free! (I haven't seen a pay toilet anywhere in Australia. Lol!) There's no dump poi t so we have to cart it into the Uluru service town. We have a huge paddock to park in complete with an electric fence behind us to keep out camels. We haven't seen a camel yet but know they are around. Crows and Galahs are here in abundance. This picture shows us parked in the distance with some crows in one of the trees, but they are hard to spot in the picture. I took it near the amenities block.


    We're near Uluru, (used to be called Ayers Rock) and plan to visit it. It's 80kms away so that will be a day trip. We're minding Kayla while Lyn and Greg ho today. The Rock is in the middle of a National Park, dog no-man's land. They will mind Archie and Jasper for us tomorrow.

    We saw Moynt Connor on the way here. It looks a lot like Uluru. You can drive out and walk around it, but we thought we'd go to Uluru instead.


    I found a map that has Ayers Rock/Uluru on it. We'll be going to Alice Springs and the Three Ways (near Tenant Creek) in coming days to start our trek across Queensland to Cairns for our family reunion.


    Marilyn, that's right. Actions speak louder than words. I hope you are doing alright. πŸ™

    Judith, glad you enjoyed yesterday's photos and stories. We didn't unhitch as we were leaving in the morning and had no need for a full set up just to have dinner and sleep. We usually only unhitch if we plan to leave the van and go exploring in the car without it. Shopping is easier that way as is going over rough roads!

    Linda, how interesting about u derground living there! Coober Pedy has little water so hardly any plants can stay alive, let alone flowers. Yes, you might catch a glint of opal in the sunlight, and people have picked up amazing stones that way, but black light at night really confirms that you have found one. They glow and keep glowing briefly even after you take the black light away. It makes missing one harder. πŸ˜€

    Till tomorrow ❀️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,578 Member
    edited May 9
    Linda, so sorry about the Sprinklers coming on during the night and the plants had ice formed on the leaves. I hope the plants come back. Wise to wait to plant when you are back from Denver. You are getting some really cold overnight temps. I thought it was cold here but not cold enough for ice to form. We get that type of temps in winter. Maybe very early Spring but now in May temps are colder than we usually get. Will be glad to see warm days and nights so I can get planting. I have 8 starter plants that are ready for my large planters, my friend is coming Friday and will help plant those starters, I will have to wait until after Mothers Day maybe even towards end to plant rest of my plants and veggies.

    Susan, thank You for the pictures and the history shared. So exciting thinking about your travels across Queensland making your way to Cairns for your Family Reunion! I am so happy for you that you are going to be a part of your Family reunion, how many Families are expected to gather in Cairns? Do you have some activities planned for your gathering. Any Birthdays or Anniversaries that will be celebrated? The Map is great I got to see where Alice Springs and Uluru and Ayer’s Rock. So nice to see where you are. Safe travels my friend.

    Marilyn, great Quote posted, I so agree, Actions speak louder than words! Thanks for sharing.

    I am heading to bed early as I am heading to Vancouver for my follow up appointments. Will hopefully bring some updates soon.

    Have a great evening and may your day ahead be blessed!

    Take care and God Bless! See you tomorrow! πŸ™
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    Judith - I am praying for your appointment in Vancouver today. I know it is hard when you have so many specialists involved. It takes longer to have them talk to each other but at least you know that you have the best of the best working together. If you do need a transfusion at sometime, it usually makes a huge difference in your energy level which would be great.

    Susan - We have some areas that also have that red soil. They use this to combine in their construction of the roads and the pavement has a red tint to it. I think it is a high iron content of the rocks that give it the red color. The picture of where you parked at Curtain Rock looks pretty deserted. Maybe everyone left early and it was filled during the night. It is good you have your own facilities at these places that do not have electricity for free. Are the restrooms pretty rustic or do they have running water? I assume if they have $5 showers they would have running water for the toilets too. As you start going back toward your home and the family reunion, Are there any places you wish you would have gone to but couldn't or any lessons that you have learned on this long tour? Have you gotten your batteries fixed now?

    Marilyn - I was reading the other day that in our immagination, we can not even think of all the possibilities that God can do through our lives. Our minds are puny next to God's. He wants to do so much more for us. When we get to heaven, we will finally see what He can do and will spend our time singing praises to him with the angels.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    edited May 10
    Linda, we can't get the batteries fixed till Alice Springs. Yes, there will always be places we haven't seen here. It's hard to describe the remoteness and size of Australia. Think the lower 48 States with the population of California, mostly settled on the coast. Here there are vast amounts of desert and nothingness, no people or services.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    I am getting on this morning (it is 1:07am) to keep my streak because we will be traveling tomorrow and I don't know if I will remember to come back here.

    Susan - it is hard to imagine the vast area of Australia with only the population of California. We have friends who are visiting Australia next week as a graduation present to their daughter. With the area so large, I am sure that you will not be meeting them anytime they are there. I am not even sure where they will be traveling. Of course there is the problem that you would not recognize them if you did see them. 😊

    Judith - I hope your appointment was not too difficut for you. Rest up my friend as much as you need! We are "holding down the fort for you."
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,578 Member
    edited May 10
    Thank you Linda, safe travels, you were on early but I understand, we want to keep our good streaks, I have the longest streak for logging in here so I log on at the times I see you here! You mentioned Linda if I needed a Blood Transfusion I would likely feel better as it would improve my energy levels. So far I don’t need a transfusion, my blood levels have lowered since last test results but not enough that I need a transfusion! Will keep you posted on that.

    Susan, safe travels, I am so enjoying all the history and geography you are sharing as you travel. Sorry you have to wait until you get to Alice Springs to have your batteries fixed. As I said earlier in another post, it was helpful having the Map you shared as I saw where Alice Springs was located. I am a visual person so seeing these locations you are describing is great for me.

    Marilyn, I say a hearty Amen with the last Quote you shared.

    I missed logging in to our Group yesterday as with being in Vancouver for Blood work and Surgeon appointment it took most of my day. I was extremely fatigued once home so rested most of the evening.

    Hope you all have a great day. I will try and get back tonight but will see how things go. πŸ€—πŸ™
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    Judith, it's OK as we know you have low energy levels right now. You don't have to post every day but we're so glad when you do. Alice Springs is a few sleeps away. We're here at Curtin Springs till to.orror Monday then will need an overnight stop before Alice Springs, or 'The Alice' as many call it.

    Linda, safe travels. You are right, your friends are probably thousands of kilometres from me! We're far from any state capitols, where most universities are.

    Marilyn, thinking of you.

    I'm going to the Olgas with Lyn and Greg today so must run. Colin is staying back with the dogs. He feels like a day off.



    Up close, mysterious holes and caves everywhere:


    It's very red in places:


    Me in my flynet:

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,578 Member
    edited May 11
    Susan, I’ve broke the record, posted twice today, early morning and late tonight! Had a rest earlier that’s why I am up today after 11:00pm. Actually rested a lot today! Love your Fly net hat, you look great, nice smile, the Red rock face is Gorgeous, interesting the caves with mysterious Holes I wonder what lives in those holes? Hope not snakes 🐍😳 love the picture of Uluru, bright blue skies, so nice, safe travels as you head to Curtain Springs and your day with Lyn and Greg at the Olga’s! Hope you enjoyed and you have a safe trip to Alice Springs, you said you are a few sleeps away before heading there. Thanks for all these latest pictures, loved them all, thank you!

    Linda, thinking of you as you are travelling, safety on the roads my friend!

    Marilyn praying for you!

    Well it’s now Good Nite and God Bless, see you all tomorrow! πŸ™β€οΈπŸ€—
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    We had a very nice trip over the mountains. It started with rain and lightning but quickly stopped until we got to the mountains and then it snowed a little but nothing to hinder our travels. There is still a lot of snow up where it is still cold. It was 37F as we traveled and some of the ski slopes are still open. Some will stay open until June because there is so much snow packed during the winter it takes a lot ot melt.

    The grandkids are doing well here with us. My daughter and son-in-law had their airplane flight canceled due to some mechanical problems and were given a later flight but they already had tickets to a show tonight so then stayed in the airport and waited until some flight had an empty seat. They both managed to get to Las Vegas but had to take different flights to get there. I hope they have a good time celebrating his birthday.

    Susan - what kind of flys are you protecting yourself from? Do they only bother your face or do you have netting for your arms and legs too? I am thinking about mosquitos bitting us here but maybe the flys just buzz around you and do not bite.

    Judith - I am glad you got some good rest.

    Marilyn - just a few more days until your surgery. I pray all goes well.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    Linda, the flies are small and they look for moisture in your eyes, nose, mouth and ears. They do not bite but who wants flies so close and personal? And they are in thick clouds. It's really off putting. They gather on your back and arms but it isn't so annoying to have them there. Safe travels!

    Judith, glad you enjoyed the pictures and stories. We moved from Curtin Springs today and are in a free camp tonight.

    Marilyn, thinking of you.

    We're parked in a free camp and Starlink is on! I can chat for awhile πŸ˜€

    There is absolutely NO signal between outback towns. Even here, there isn't even the tiniest glimmer of a bar of reception, so Starlink is a boon, at least for some of the day especially when the sun is on our solar panels. It drains the batteries too much to have it on too long.

    Yesterday was a lovely day. I went with Lyn and Greg to Kata Tjuta/The Olgas. They are a cluster of 30 red domes made of the same material as Uluru/Ayers Rock. We all walked up a rocky Gorge to the top. It took us an hour and a half, using walking sticks and I had Colin's cane. The path was quite rocky in places and had steps in others. At the top was a beautiful rock pool. We were glad we did it! Colin stayed in the van with the three dogs. His knee was bothering him and he didn't want to walk and climb.

    We walked between these domes. They are over 500m high.


    The Olgas from a distance


    The rock pool at the top of our walk


    Then we stayed late enough to see the sunset on Uluru. It was stunning. That rock glows orange and red in the sunset!


    After dark we got water for the van and drove back. Along the way we came to a fire. Four indigenous fellows had lit it and it was spreading. They wanted to attract attention as they had run out of fuel and water. We had water to give them but no fuel. Once we were in phone reception, we called Fire and Rescue, and told them what was happening. Apparently, people do this type of thing a lot! I don't know why. πŸ˜• It looked like a good opportunity to rob someone to me, but Lyn and Greg felt OK about it! 😬 We all survived and Fire & Rescue were going to investigate, and a huge fire didn't get going, so all was well in the end.

    When we got back to our vans, we discovered we had just missed an aurora! Colin was fine and the three dogs were happy to have the family back together again. ❀️

    Happy Mother's Day to everyone celebrating.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    Happy Mothers Day to all mothers both physically, spiritually and emotionally. As the older generation we can mentor younger girls with our wisdom (if they want to listen). We are having fun with the grandkids. We went to church this morning and we all got little tubes of hand cream and a zipper bag that it was in. They had enough left over that they gave me some to give to our congregation in Grand Junction when we go back. We went to COSTCO after that and they were giving out free samples so that was my lunch. They have some really good tasting samples trying to get people to buy things but I usually just buy what I need and if I have any extra money, I might buy something later if I really like it.

    Susan - The Olgas look really beauriful expecially the sunset one that highlights it's red color. Are they piles of rocks or an entire rock structure? I assume they are not manmade. Thanks for telling me about the flies. That would be very frustrating to have them in your face all the time! I am glad you have the netting to keep them out of your eyes. It is scary about the men starting fires. It does not look like there is much to burn but still they are causing damage. I wonder if they got a fine for starting the fire. We were supposed to see the Aurora last night but it was cloudy and started to rain to we missed it. I used to see them a lot in Ohio. They are so pretty.

    Judith and Marilyn - thinking of you and hoping you are having a good weekend.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,578 Member
    Happy Mothers Day to all the Sweet Mothers here! Hope your day has been Blessed as you attended your special Sunday Services and spend time with your Families! 😊❀️🌷

    My Family are on the way now so will sign off but will be back as I have some things I want to share in our Prayer Request thread. I posted once already but when I went back to share more that I forgot to share my post was gone, completely lost. Here we go again with MFP having issues losing texts that have been posted! Big Sigh πŸ˜”
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Happy Mothers to all you wonderful mothers here - hope your day was special
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    We are waiting on Glenn to finish his zoom call then we are getting our exercise walking to a playground where the grandkids can play. They want to ride their bicycles there so I hope we can keep up with them. I don't know if I can come back later but if not have a great day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Though I don't post often you are all on my mind daily - praying for health for all of you and a closer walk with our Lord .

    Getting my surgery on Thursday - glad when that day if over with and praying that this time it will work.

    Have more questions for the kidney doctors - just read a good artical re covid and kidney function - it looks like the damage to my kidneys could have been from covid -not sure if they can say for sure if there is any other treatment to help improve them but even if the numbers go up into the 20's would be nice but it is all in God's hands

    Have a good day / week everyone
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,690 Member
    Hello all. Yesterday I got a short chance to post as I had signal but it was too weak to navigate through MFP. Then we were in no Internet land. We drove from Desert Oaks Rest Area to Alice Springs through many little rocky hills. There were only a couple of places human habitation could be glimpsed, and not all had a phone signal much less Internet. My guess is that those who want services buy a satellite dish or Starlnk dishy.

    Our Rest stop in the peace of the desert at sunset:


    One of the stony hills we passed:


    Arriving at 'The Alice' (a local nickname):


    Our campsite at Blathershrike, Alice Spring's Showgrounds


    As you can see, we have plenty of room, access to power, water, amenities, dump point and Starlink is working fine! Yay! We'll be here a week.

    Today is a day of washing the dogs, washing of clothes/bedding/anything else washable to get the Coober Pedy dust off, shopping for groceries, gas, dog food and collecting mail. Greg isn't feeling well so we will rest till he feels better. Otherwise, tomorrow we'll go exploring.

    Mother's Day was spent travelling but not before I heard from all three adult children and some grandchildren. That was enough for me! It's always my wish, to speak with each of our three every Mother's Day. I also remembered my sweet Mom, Colin's Mum and our grandmothers ❀️ All are sadly gone, but we remember them.

    Happy Mother's Day to all of you.

    Maryn, thank you for your kind wishes. Knowing your surgery is Thursday is important. I will pray. πŸ™ I do hope that your kidney function will get better. As you say, it is all in the Lord's hands. Hugs.

    Linda, what a great day you had! It's lovely to hear. I saw on our church Faceboom page that o e of our mothers arra ged to give each mother a flower decorated cupcakes yesterday. They looked so special.

    Judith, glad you had a nice Mother's Day too. I will hop over to the prayer request thread next. πŸ™ ❀️

    Must then go wash dogs!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,509 Member
    Having a good day - weather is nice and the strata fellow is gutting the common grass. We are restristed to 3 days of watering per week - Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. They are telling us as the summer comes on that we will likely not have any watering - that we should get used to brown grass - ugly - though I don't like to much rain we do need it.

    Got weighted today - am up and not happy with that but I can see where I went wrong. Now to take the next 7 days to work on correcting what I have done and lose the weight I gained.

    Be blessed everyone - remember to enjoy each day the Lord gives you - it is a special gift from Him so use it to honor him.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,836 Member
    Today is the last day we are watching the grandkids. I am feeling pretty sore in my legs from all the exercise we have gotten. They have lots of stairs at their house and I spent a lot of time going up and down. Today I did laundry, changed sheets, had then clean their rooms, and packed up to return back to our other house. It is sad to see it over but in another way I am glad it is over. They missed their parents but also said they had a lot of fun with us. I would not have energy enough to deal with them for long periods of time. It is so nice to see how well they play together and are so polite. Part of that is home schooling that had helped them work together on projects but also has made them very inquisitive and they want to know how things work and why.

    Marilyn - Praying for a successful surgery on Thursday. I hope you do not need to use it anytime but it is good to have it working well if you do need it. I am sorry that you gained weight but if you know what caused it, you can remedy it. I have not weighted myself since having different scales will not be as accurate as just using one. I have also been eating things that I do not usually do with the kids so I assume I probably have gained some weight too. I am sorry that you are already having water restrictions. I do not like brown grass either when watering is not allowed but I am so glad that the grass is resilliant and will come back to life with Fall/Winter moisture.

    Susan - I am sorry that Greg is not feeling well. It is good you have a good place in Alice Springs that you can stay for a while and let him recover. Your sunset picture was lovely. Each morning and evening God gives us a show of his glory and majesty in creation. I am glad you have good ammenities where you are so they boys were able to be groomed and cleaned from all the dust they were in and you were able to do laundry. Is it pretty dusty in Alice Springs?

    Judith - Are you also haveing water restrictions where you live like Marilyn is having? I believe you are closer to the coast but I don't know if that helps with the water situation. I hope you are getting some much needed rest.