Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    I started out early posting and then a lot of issues with MFP again; I’d start to type the screen would freeze and shut down suddenly. I had to restyle things as with the way the system was I couldn’t even save what I typed. Very annoying! 😳

    You asked Linda if Sunshine was alright with going to the Vet. She is fine, just her annual wellness check up and shots nails trimmed. She passed with flying colours. Vet was happy with her. I shared a picture of her on FaceBook, sorry think I forgot to send to you! She jumped in the Vet sink on the counter while waiting trying to hide from the Vet, it was kind of funny! 😂 I look forward to seeing the pictures of the cabinet all set up with your miniature lamps. The Trees sure multiply fast and grow quickly, I am sure they are so nice and give you shade when you need it. Glad you are able to give Blood and it will be nice to have dinner at your friends and the bonus Glen gets a massage while there. Hope it helps loosen his tight muscles in his neck.

    Susan, glad to hear Greg and Lyn were able to
    join you, I guess that means Greg is better. Loved the picture of the McDonnell Ranges, you can see it’s up higher like you said. Blue skies are lovely. You asked about if Zi had some help with all the mess the Wind Storm left? Actually it blew some of the leaves blew back in the garden, and with the weather having intermittent rain showers and some wind my daughter said to wait until the weekend to clean up but the carpet is rolled up and put away and some grunge was put in the garbage. Rest will get done on the weekend. Nice the Pastor sent you the pictures of the young man who was ordained into the Ministry on Sunday.

    Marilyn, continue to keep you in prayer for a full and speedy recovery.

    God Bless you all. Have a good evening!

    Linda will be back tonight or in morning and let you know about the age QueenVictoria would be. Have to find her birthdate. I know she died in 1901.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    Hello 👋

    Judith, glad your daughter will help with the yard. Also glad your kitty is OK! I hope you had a good celebration for Victoria Day. 🎉 The Queen would surely be over 100 had she still been alive! We didn't wind up going with Greg and Lyn yesterday after all. Just Col and I went. Greg needed a bit more recuperation time. He still sounded pretty croaky when we got back.

    Linda, what a great, productive day you had. It's interesting about the Aspen trees wanting to grow together. The chess set might have had metre high pieces? They would have been a good size for 8+ year olds to handle, sort of like this one that I found on Google:


    It will be nice to see your cabinet all set it's new place 😀

    Marilyn, I hope you are feeling a tiny bit better and will feel that 'thrill' soon. ❤️

    Some pics from yesterday of the Western Macdonnell Range.



    This one is a bit pixelated but can you see the stone columns, ridges and hills?



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    Susan: Queen Victoria was Born: May 24, 1819, Kensington Palace, London, England Died: January 22, 1901, Osborne, near Cowes, Isle of Wight (aged 81) She became Queen
    aged 18. She and her husband had 9 children. So when you look at aged 81 at time of death in 1901 and being 2024 that was 123 years ago that = 204 years old today. So sorry Greg and Lyn didn’t travel with you, hope the extra day will see him much better. I love your pictures. And yes I could see the stone columns, ridges and hills. I zoomed in and it became clearer. Seeing these pictures I can see you are having a wonderful trip.
    Western McDonnell Ridge is a beautiful place to

    Linda I got on here today before you but you can read above in the note I left to Susan about Queen Victoria you were asking about.

    Marilyn, I continue my prayers, looking forward to the day you can hear the Thrill!

    Take care all.. God Bless 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,756 Member
    It has been rainy on and off with some hail and thunder. It sure has cooled the temperature down here. Tomorrow we will go to Grand Junction where it will be dry and hot. I am glad we were able to enjoy some cooler weather here in the Denver area. It may take a little while to get my curio cabinent filled and to be able to send a picture. We will need to have to find some college students to carry it in and then all the unpacking to do of the lamps that will take a while.

    I am washing clothes and packing today. I will wait until tomorrow morning to wash the sheets and towels. Glenn's doctor appointment is at 11am so we will leave when he gets done with that. It is just the routine 6 month check up with medication refills.

    Susan - It was interesting to see the Western Macdonnell Range. It look like there are several types of rock formations in this range. I pray that Greg gets to feeling better and can travel with you again. Colds are miserable and there is not much you can do to get over them but let your body fight it as best it can and just treat the symptoms.

    Judith - thanks for the information about Queen Victoria. She was very young when she took over the throne and having 9 children must have been hard to balance family and royal duties. I am glad that Sunshine had a good bill of health at the vet's. Does she mind having her nails trimmed? You said she hid in the sink when she got into the office. I am also glad that your daughter will be able to help you clean up your yard. Does she live very close to you. You have probably told me several times but I do not remember.

    Hi Marilyn 😄 I hope your sick dog gets to feeling better after his vet visit.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    Hi 👋

    Linda, travel safely and may Glenn's medical visit be just routine! I'll look forward to hearing how setting up your curio cabinet goes. Glad you and Judith enjoyed the pictures of the Range. It's a big range stretching into Western Australia, more than 600kms/372miles long, so we just managed to sample the first 100kms/62 miles or so on pur day trip. Greg is up and about now which hopefully means he is recovering. Thank you for praying for him.

    Judith, thank you for the Queen Victoria 👸 information. We have lots of statues and pictures of her here as England still 'rules' us but in a lesser way than during her time. I had not taken much notice of her dob before. Now it will stick in my mind better that she would be over 200 years old today! (Her picture was on the Telegraph Station wall in fact).

    Marilyn, thinking of you. 🙏

    My friend and neighbour Margaret (and husband Neil) have been caring for our pot plants at home since we've been gone. Margaret told me my lemon tree has fruit on it for the first time! 😋 That makes me happy. The Zygocactus/Christmas cactus are loaded with buds too, and none of my plants have died. It's something to look forward to seeing, both these friends AND my garden. Neil plays Ukelele and other stringed instruments well also. Just thinking out loud here. I am having the usual trouble with arthritic right hand and swollen wrist tendon in the same hand, so am wondering if I can continue the 2 hour sessions with Uke Jam. Maybe Neil and I can have some shorter sessions instead! He cannot cope with the 2hr sessions anymore either. And Margaret is looking forward to our card classes starting again. Me, too.

    OK, better get going for the day. We pack up and leave in the morning so no sightseeing today. I plan to cook and stow away etc as well as make sure we take minimal washing with us.

    Have great days, my friends.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    Linda, it will be nice for you and Glen to be in Grand Junction where it will be warmer. Didn’t realize there was such a difference in temperatures between the two places. I am sure it is a busy day for you with all the Washing and packing up everything. Always that last minute things that seem to pop up when in the process of moving from 1 house to the other. Not too worry or hurry with setting up your Curio Cabinet with your Miniature Lamps to send pictures to us. We will enjoy them when they come. It’s so nice that there are nice young college boys that are so willing to help when needed. I am sure you will enjoy being settled in Grand Junction. So glad you enjoyed the info about Queen Victoria. I am sure she found it quite the feat balancing home and Royal Duties. But with that being said they have a lot of Servant’s and Nannie’s which help
    them a lot! One thing I so admired was how Queen Elisabeth who was so Dedicated to her Husband, Children and Royal Duties, she loved serving the people. She lived for her Country and People! She set the Bar High and showed her Children what it meant to be part of the Royal Family, everything she did was for her People and Commonwealth! I also loved the Queen Mum who set the Bar High which her beloved daughter followed in her footsteps. You asked if Sunshine likes nails clipped, she is pretty good about it once it gets started but it takes a couple of nails then she stops struggling to get away! 😆 And of course it’s never me who clips the nails, mostly Lynn does the clipping, Sunshine is too wiggly for me to handle. Lynn Darren and Grandkids love helping me, we all work together. They live about 25 minutes away from me.

    Susan, thank you for sharing about Queen Victoria being quite involved with your country. I am sure or pretty sure knowing what I do about Queen Elisabeth she too would of been Dedicated to her duties like Queen Victoria was. Not sure but perhaps I need to be set straight on
    what I just stated. But then when you think of all the years between the Queen and all the other Royal Line who served after Queen Victoria. You said the Telegraph Station had a Picture of her on the wall, would of loved to have seen a picture! 😊 It’s so nice that your friend’s Neil and Margaret are looking after your plants while you are away. The Lemon tree will be nice for you especially now that it has fruit on it! I love Christmas Cactus, so pretty. So sorry to hear about the swollen joints and tendon issues with your hand; you were wondering if you could play the Ukulele Jam sessions when back home. Will keep this in prayer my friend.

    Marilyn, my prayers continue for your recovery and healing my friend, trusting this last surgery has been successful, In one of the feeds, not sure where I read it but it was about your Dog being sick, Hope he of she is ok??

    I am in Vancouver tomorrow for a Surgeon’s follow appointment and procedures on the lips lower face. Not sure If I will be here but will at least sign into the news thread during the evening. God Bless you all! ❤️🙏🤗💜💟✝️☮️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    edited May 23
    Judith, yes, Queen Elizabeth was our Queen and King Charles is our King, but like you we have a Prime Minister etc. So Royal
    memorabilia is scattered throughout the country. Will be thinking of you during your procedures. 🙏 Thank you for praying for me.

    I just had time to type this while stationery. Colin and Greg are doing last minute adjustments to brakes, headlights, reversing cameras etc. We're off to Barrow Creek WW2 free camp tonight and hopefully will have a campfire 😃 It will be 4 hours of driving.

    Take care, everyone. Blessings.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,756 Member
    We made it safely to Grand Junction a little while ago. Glenn's doctor appointment was fine. When we got here, I checked my garden and my geranium is growing. The freeze must have just killed the top leaves. Our zucchini is growing well too.

    Susan - how exciting to have fresh lemons waiting when you get home. I'm sorry your hand is bothering you. I am taking a class for piano and it is making me do exercises that make my hands ache. I am planning to go a little slower to rest my hands.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,756 Member
    Our daughter and grandkids are coming here to Grand Junction today so I am unpacking, cleaning and getting ready for their visit. Usually they have people to visit here so they are gone parts of the day. Part of the relatives here just found out they have strep throat so they may not get to see them this time. They will be here until Thursday. We are leaving to go back to Denver that day also so we might travel together. I have an appointment on Thursday to see my hip doctor for an evaluation of my hip, thigh and knee pain. His office is about 1/2 way to Denver so it works out well. We will start the discussion about if it is time to replace this second hip or if it is my knee that needs surgery that is causing my hip pain.

    It looks like I am early today and do not know have any things to respond to. I look forward to hearing from all of you!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    edited May 24
    Good morning from our amazing free camp on someone's property that used to house a WW2 military base! We're parked on a concrete slab each, with endless views. The slabs were floors for buildings that have long since gone. Our nearest neighbours are hundreds of metres away. It's 1km off the highway so the peace is wonderful, and last night we were treated to a spectacular sunset before we had our campfire under the full moon and fluffy clouds. We've decided to stay one one night. Surprised? Lol!

    View of the sunset from our van


    Lyn and Greg's van reflecting back the sunset


    We're heading home over the next few weeks, to be back by June 15th. In some ways it is sad to be ending this trip but in many other ways it is good to be going home. I'm thankful for our Starlink which is allowing me to write to you all today. Otherwise there is absolutely no phone signal here. We'll run Starlink for a couple of hours today as it drains our batteries if left on too long. We couldn't get anyone to check the batteries in Alice Springs and now we're going into mostly remote areas till we get back to the Qld coast.

    Here's a map of the Northern Territory. It took us 4 1/4 hours to go from Alice Springs to Barrow Creek:


    Glad to hear you made it safely to Grand Junction, Linda. How lovely that the geranium is growing! I do hope your family recovers from Strep Throat quickly. And I hope the doctors can help with your hip and knee problems or at least give you a way forward to relieve the pain. That cannot be fun. Glad Glenn's appointment was fine. Oh, you are learning piano? That would be a great skill to have! I hope your hands adjust to the stretching and develop strength where you need it quickly.

    Judith, I know you are having appointments today and Marilyn, I know you are recuperating. Praying for you both. 🙏 💕
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    edited May 24
    Good Morning All

    Sorry for not posting in our threads yesterday but with such a long day at my appointment and undergoing the procedures I came home with very raw and painful skin, lips and mouth so I rested remainder of the night.

    Today is some better but will rest remainder of the day. Thank you for signing in and holding the fort down! 😊

    Linda, so glad to see you have arrived to Grand Junction safely. And it’s so nice you are having your daughter and grandkids visiting you. Hope your appointment went well regarding the evaluation of your hip, thigh and knee pain and the discussion of any replacement. Will pray for you that the pain will ease and you will feel better.
    Hope you got some answers and a good report regarding all of this. Came back as I forgot to say I was remembering Glenn’s appointment and was glad you reported that it was all good. 😊

    Susan, it won’t be long now before you are back home, and it will be nice to be greeted with family and friends and all your beautiful plants that are blooming and the lemons awaiting you. Thank you for sharing the map of the North West Territories from Alice Springs to Barrow Creek! Loved the pictures of your latest camp ground, the Sunset is so spectacular from your trailer and
    The Sunset Reflections from Greg and Lyn’s trailer was so awesome. God’s Wonder of Creation! Safe travels Susan and enjoy all the places you see along the way.

    Marilyn, trust you are feeling stronger and better each day. My prayers continue as we all love you and are trusting God for your complete recovery and healing!

    Blessings on your day. Be back sometime tomorrow, hopefully early in the day! ❤️🙏🤗😇
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,756 Member
    Judith - you high protein drink sounds delicious! That might work for my daughter who can not eat much yet because she had her weight loss surgery. She has lost 45# so far and looks so much healthier. I am sorry that your mouth and lips are so sore from the surgeon's appointment. Even though it is painful, I am praying that this will have positive results and your skin will flatten with no bubbling.

    Susan - that was a spectacular sunset and the place you are staying sounds so peaceful. The road from Alice Springs to where you are now looks very curvy. I can see why it would take 4+ hours to get there. I am sure it is a bitterweet time to think your adventure will be over soon but if it were me, I would also like to stay in one place for a while. We are going up to our property on Monday to set up come concrete pavers to put our trailer on for the Summer. I am sad that the concrete pad did not happen but we were not able to find anyone who would answer us and agree to do it. There is a main bridge out for crack repairs in the bridge so it was also hard for anyone to travel to our remote property. About learning piano - I have played the piano for many years and have accomplanied at church and for people singing. The problem is the church hymns are not being sung as much as before now that the younger people want "modern" songs. This piano course is to help me learnhow to play with just chords and not with sheet music which is what I am best at.

    The grandkids are playing with a balloon today doing a game of catch. It is good that they can create their own games and not have to depend on me to do the entertainment. My appointment for my hip is next week on Thursday. I may just need to have a steroid injection and not surgery. It is just an evaluation this time.

    Take care everyone!

    Marilyn - you posted on the other thread that you had to put your dog Bella down. I am so sorry that you have this added to your list of other concerns especially about your health. God is with you in good times and in bad times. I pray you feel his presence close to you comforting you.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    edited May 25
    Limited reception in pockets today! Be back when I can. All is well.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,756 Member
    edited May 25
    Yesterday we put flowers on the graves of our relatives for memorial day. They can only stay on the graves until Monday due to regulations of the cemetary so we will need to go back next week and pick them up. I remember the beautiful peonies my mother had (white and red) that we would pick and put fresh flowers on the graves in Ohio. Mom always thought it showed how much we loved our relatives but since we are out of state, I hope people in Ohio don't think that we do not care for them now because we do not put flowers on their graves. Actually we have their ashes in our house so there is nothing in the cemetary at all except a headstone. They are in a place far away where there are no tears, pain, fear, anxiety, etc. I'm not certain what they feel or know but I am looking forward to finding out when it is my time to leave this earth.

    It was a quiet morning today. The grandkids were up early to play a game with other family members around the state via zoom. They were involved for over 2 hours so I had time to get my morning routine done with no distractions. This afternoon they are going to the farm to see the baby pigs, goats, cows and sheep and ride horses. We will not be going because Glenn still needs to work on his sermon for tomorrow.

    Everyone seems quiet on here too. I pray you are having a good weekend. I look forward to hearing from you when you can.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    Just a quick update today. Happy Memorial weekend. We're about to hit the road...and lose reception.

    We're parked by a radio repeater station and I have a little reception!! Not sure why except we're up a little higher than the vast plain that surrounds us. The sunset last night was good, almost had a 360° view.

    The radio tower next to us:


    A sunset pic with Colin and Greg


    We saw some of the Devil's Marbles yesterday which was amazing. They are quite big granite rocks coated in iron oxide from weathering. Geophormists think water has shaped them and they are actually in the process of becoming gravelly sand. Many are split right down the middle because of water erosion.


    Colin showing his herculean strength!


    We have another big drive ahead of us today but Lyn has Greg's cold now, so we'll see what actually happens. We're aiming to get to Camooweal, just over the Northern Territory/Queensland border, but that might be a big goal.

    Hopefully will be back tomorrow but this is a truly remote part of Australia so if not, don't worry. I'll be back when I can.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    We put Starlink up at our roadside stop tonight (our satellite wifi) as there is not a flicker of reception for phone data out here. Starlink drains our batteries though so we're just leaving it on a little while so everyone can do a little like check emails etc. All is well. We should be in a town tomorrow night and can have more time omline then. Xx
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,756 Member
    Susan - those are really huge rock marbles! Erosion is amazing in how much it can affect hard rock. that will make a lot of gravel when it is totally broken down. Congratulate Colin on his huge muscular feat of cracking that rock. 😆 I hope you do not get Lyn's cold that she got from Greg. It is so hard not to spread the virus when you are together a lot - especially when they were in tight quarters in their camper.

    Judith - I am sorry that you are having blood pressure problems. Bedrest is not fun but it does help. I hope that you do not have to stay that way too long and things stabilize. If I were closer I would be glad to be your nurse for a while.

    Marilyn - how is your fistula healing? I pray Toby is feeling better.

    Glenn preached today since our minister is on maternity leave. We are going through a book on "Experiencing God" as a church and today's lesson was on having faith because we have a personal relationship with God and know we can trust him. Sometimes God asks us to do something that does not seem possible by ourselves but with God all things are possible. He does not expect us to do things on our own but with His strength, we can accomplish so much more.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,607 Member
    Hello from Camooweal in Queensland where we have phone signal and therefore data, briefly! Just filling up with good water, having lunch, then we will be off to Mt Isa for a couple of days. It's warm, the flies are friendly, and the roads are better than yesterday's flood damaged ones.

    Our camp at Wattle Flower Rest stop last night.


    A Wattle Flower


    Welcome to Queensland. It's an endless plain here right now.


    Hopefully I will have more time to post tomorrow in Mt Isa, still 200kms away. It's a place I spent 5 years in while I was still at both primary and high school. We'll see what changes have happened 😉
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,474 Member
    Evening hello Everyone

    I will bring a proper update on the Prayer Thread. Not sure if I told you but the pooling of bubbling of the skin and crusting over is a new cancer that I have been diagnosed with. I will explain further tomorrow. I am so happy that U managed to post in all the threads today. Thank you for your prayers and thank you Susan for posting my message on why I was away.
    Love all the pictures you posted tonight. Queensland sounds like such a beautiful place to be.

    Thinking of you all and my prayers are with you all. Love and hugs ❤️🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,756 Member
    edited May 27
    Susan - the Waddle flowers are so beautiful and interesting. My granddaughter and I went through your old pictures and she really enjoyed learning about Australia. Being home schooled has helped her have an inquisitive mind.

    Judith - It is good to hear from you. I have not read your message in prayer thread yet. I will check it out next.

    We are on our way to our mountain property to work on making the flat area for the trailer with the pavers. We will move the trailer up there on Wednesday.