Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited July 24
    Good morning. We have a helicopter flying over our retirement village asking is to look for an 82yo man with a blue cap, dark sunglasses, blue sweater and dark jeans. We live on the river bank so I hope he hasn't fallen in. Poor man. Quite a few men in the village could answer that description too. We'll all be on high alert now. He must be at high risk for them to send put a search helicopter.

    Linda, we groom the dogs every 4 to 6 weeks. It cost me a lot to get the tools I needed to be able to do that, but it sure doesn't cost me anything now. I think I am ahead! I also have cut Col's and our two son's hair and even trimmed our daughter's but I am not a trained hairdresser. I don't mind grooming our dogs as mistakes don't matter so much with them. Lol! The only thing with the dogs is that it takes timevand my wrist/hand is feeling sore today. Glad your blood sugar numbers aren't too bad and glad you are aware of the iron issue too. Your friend sounds like a grateful person who loves her family. You are so good to take care of her.

    Judith, that's a major overhaul on your suite. I have the same questions as Linda about furniture storage. You and your belongings will have to be absent for thevrepairs to be done. The dust alone would be horrendous. How do you feel about not having carpet anymore? I would like that. Plank floors will be easier to keep clean but it might be colder in winter? Thinking of you as you have more clinic days. 🙏 ❤️

    Barb, sorry to hear you are insmokey conditions today. I hope
    that clears for you soon. Bush fires over here are a constant threat in our Summers (from about October to March) so I know how uncomfortable smokey days can be. Take care!

    Sending greetings to Marilyn and Sandi. I hope you are safe, Marilyn.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited July 24
    The dogs before their groom. 🥰

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Judith. What a lot of repair you will have. I hope they find a nice place to stay that they give you in the meantime. It was nice to see your name again.

    Linda. Sounds like you are busy & will be with the guests having gone back to TX.

    Susan. I hope you had a good day. Our daughter has to groom her dog. Not sure how often.
    Hope your husband gets better soon too.
    Marilyn & Sandi. Hope you had a good day.

    I saw gynecologist as I have Linchen Simplex Chronicus (LSC). I had it before & got rid of it, but it came back. 2 years later. I had some spotting a few times which I believe is from the LS C. So my dr did a biopsy on my vulva. She had to stitch it to stop the bleeding. She gave me stronger meds to get rid of the LS C.
    Guess I may get it throughout the rest of my life. Fun getting older.
    I will have a pelvic ultrasound to check uterus as she was thinking cancer of uterus. I think & now her too that it is from the LSC.
    Heat is coming back & the smoke haze. Not as bad as Nebraska & Dakotas with smoke.
    Oh well it’s summer. So far it’s been a nice cooler summer than usual.
    Prayers for it.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - I am sorry that you are needing treatment by the gynecologist. The biopsy sounds painful. I pray that it heals up soon as it has in the past. We are also having a lot of smoke in our area. It is hard to see the mountings in the distance due to the white haze. People with allergies and asthma are told to stay indoors until things clear up.

    Judith - praying for your appointment today that it is not too painful and all this treatment is effective.

    Susan - Your boys are so cute! I hope that they find the man that they are looking for near your house. That is scary to be near the river and he might have fallen in it.

    Thinking about you Marilyn and the fires. How close are you to them?

    Greetings to you Sandi!

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Susan the dogs are so cute. Reminds me of Sadie dad dog. Part poodle &something.

    The smoke is here too Oregon & Idaho border 450 square miles. Largest fire in USA I heard. Then California & Canada are having fires too.
    Prayers as those with breathing problems ie asthma may have difficulties. So here in Kansas we have the haze from them. Most of USA has them except east coast I believe.

    Judith hope appointment went well prayers for condo fixing up.

    Marilyn & Linda stay well. Hope no smoke? Prayers.

    I had a bit of pain yesterday. None today. Less bleeding so that’s good. I got to wait a week to start the new ointment to get rid of LSC & the healing of the stitch. It will dissolve in 4 weeks then I can put ointment there
    I just want to get rid of LSC for good. Or have it under control. Guess I’ll be able to get it at all times. But can control it.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Barb, good spotting. Both my dogs have poodle and bichon frése in them. The white one also has Maltese and the brown one has Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They are lovable little fellows. I'm sorry about your health issues and hope you feel better soon. I also hope the smoke clears for you.

    Linda, they found the missing man. He is safe and well! It was worth loud hailing us by helicopter with an outcome like that.

    Judith, I know today will be a trial. Sending prayers and gentle hugs.

    Marilyn, hoping you are alright. You too, Sandi.

    We have a lunch with an old school friend today. I hope you all have something nice planned too.
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 960 Member
    Barb, that procedure does sound very painful. Praying for good results. I had a prolapsed bladder a few years ago and the urotack it up and did some other procedure and I’m using a crème twice a week to hopefully keep everything in place. Getting old is no fun.

    Susan, your dogs are adorable! I’m still pet sitting my friend’s Cavapoo puppy and she is wearing us out but we love her! So thankful to hear they found the man safe. That is a scary situation.

    Judith still saying prayers for you!
    Praying everyone stays safe and cool these days!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    For those that don't know - I live in Canada - on the west coast in the province of British Columbia - not all that far from Judith

    We are completely surrounded by wildfires - over 400 of them now in the province

    One of the fires is in Jasper which is onthe border of British Columbia and Alberta. It is in a national park and 3/4 of the city is now burned completely down. 25,000 people have been evacuated. All around us people are being told to get out. Another place called Barkerville which is in the north of British Columbia new Quesnel has fire all around it. It is a historic town all built out of lumber - they have now put fire hoses all over that small tourist attaction trying to save it

    Air quality - not good at all. Thunderstorms with lightning are everywhere but no rain. We are in the high 80s today and by the end of the weekend it will be getting back to 90+

    Please pray for those that are fighting the fires and all those that have been evactuated - many have lost homes and business - not nice as this has been happening every year now for 3. People are really suffering in so many ways.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited July 26
    Sandi, sorry you have had a painful time health wise and hope things are improving. Glad you like my dogs! They are lovable and naughty. How fun to be looking after your friends' Cavapoo! Our brown dog is a Cavapoochon. I bet they have similar temperaments. Ours just loves to play, play, play.

    Thinking of you all and praying for you.

    We're going out to both lunch and dinner today so I better go get ready.

    Have good days, everyone.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    semsmith5408 I'm not sure what you name is, sorry.
    Thank you for the hep. The procedure wasn't that painful. I only took a Tylenol 2 times the day it was done Wednesday. Almost done bleeding so maybe tomorrow I'll get there?
    Then start the cream except where the stitch is. Only one, and in 4 week or after the stitich I can put cream there too.
    Hoping to make it down to not at all or so, maybe Aquaphor for maintenance? Which I had but I was not even using that.
    Once you get LSC you can get it again. That would have been nice to know as I had it 2 years ago. Oh well. Live and learn.
    Yes prayers for Judith. So sorry that you have to go through all this. Hopefully you can feel God's arms around you as HE loves you a LOT!
    Prayers for those in the heat which I willhave next week and those in fires or near. I know we got some haze. Prayears for the fire fighters too. What a job in the summer with summer heat and heat from fires.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Marilyn - Praying for the safety of the fire fighters and that the cities will be protected. It would be horrible if the historic city would be destroyed. You are right the fires seem to be more frequent than they did several years ago. I am watching the news now and it is showing a lot of damage from the fires both in California and Canada. They are showing pictures of Jasper. I am glad that you and your family are feeling better. You have had a lot of illness lately.

    Susan - You are busy going out to eat two times today. I am getting with a friend for coffee soon.

    Judith - praying for the appointment today. Rest well tonight.

    Barb - I am glad that your procedure was not too painful and will heal quickly. Maintenance after it is healed is so important.

    I had my doctor's appointment today and he was pleased with my weight loss as well as my blood work improvement. I tried to donate blood today but was rejected again. I am more anemic that I was a week ago in spite of eating lots of red meat, leafy green vegetables, and taking iron supplements. They are going to do more lab work to see what is causing the anemia. He said maybe I just need to take the iron with something acidic like orange juice so it is absorbed more completely.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Linda, Grooming does cost a lot. I have my cat groomed almost shaved twice a year and it costs over $80.00 each time, and this is only 1 cat! I also same day have her checked at Vet Yearly, annual check-up vaccinations and those Bills run well over $100.00 and that’s if no meds are needed, if meds are required it would be an additional cost of med! I buy Zgrain Free Dry Food and Tin wet food, costs me mega, but my baby girl is worth it.
    I guess with your guests back to Texas you have the clean up now, bedding and other things. Hope you can rest in between! We’re you able to give Blood when in Denver? Hope the anemia has resolved itself!

    I have an update in the Prayer Request Thread on my appointment Thursday with Surgeon. And also shared what news I know so far on the repairs. Will let you all read the report.

    It’s bedtime 🛌 so will say Good Night 😴 and God Bless! 🙏😇🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    It is Sunday here so I need to get ready for church. Our previous Pastor is visiting us. He n ormally lives in Chesapeake, VA but is over here helping to train up new Pastors. It will be good to see him.

    Judith, hoping you get better news soon about your health and suite. It's such a process but we're with you every step.

    Linda, hope they can sort out your anaemia. You must be feeling tired.

    Waving to everyone....
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Saturday eve
    Just got a text from my ds. Her ddil's aunt lives very close to the fires in CO. In fact their house is right on the path.
    (Pls pray and for all those in line of fires all aound. In California, Washington state and Idaho, CO and many in Canada.)
    Right now they are visiting in Wyoming so there is nothing they can do about the fires.
    I think my bleeding has topped. PTL on that. Now for the healing.
    We had a bit of rain so that was nice.
    Our heat will really be hitting us with temps heat index in the 100's, plus 2 days in the 100's. Our dd in Wichita area will be worse. Oh well, it is to be cooler by Friday. Plus Oklahoma and Texas as they are south of Kansas
    We have a church picnic after the service tomrorow. so I amde a corn bread salad. It has lots of veggies, jiffy corn bread, frozen corn, and then a may and sour cream with Ranch dressing powder mix plus bacon & cheese.

    Praeyrs for all, and especially Juidith and all that she is dealing with. Her health and her condo. I hope you feel God's arms around you Judith. We love you & God loves you MORE!!

    Healthyme7410 So glad for a very good Dr. appointment. So wonderful. Prayers that continues. It is so good news LInda. Prayers for wisdom for Drs that they can figure out why you are more anemic.

    Prayers for all.
    May we all be blessed with God's word tomorrow too.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    PS my sister daughter in law aunt lives in Northern California. CO is where her daughter in law lives. Sorry for the confusion.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    When we left out house in Denver today, it was thundering, lightening and raining. It continued to do this on and off during the drive. The traffic was really busy and our GPS had us take what usually was a longer way but was faster due to less traffic. We got to our house in Grand Junction about 7pm, brought out things in from the truck and had dinner. it is now 9pm so I had better get on here so I do not loose my streak. The people staying at our house stripped the beds and put a load in the washer. Unfortunately with the heat and the clothes staying in the washer for two days, they were smelling "unpleasant". I rewashed them and now I am working on the other sheets that need to be done. Something happened to the sprinkler system when we were gone. We think that there was dirt in the water (it comes directly out of the river) that clogged up our hoses that go to water the tomato plants. The plants had quite a few red tomatoes but look pretty droopy from no water for several days in 100 degree weather. The beets and carrots may not make it but that is what happens here in the desert when they do not get the water they need. I do not blame the people staying here because I did not think to ask them to watch the plants and they may not be gardeners that would know what to do anyway. We watered them really well and we will see what happens.

    We are watching the Olympics this evening. Are any of you watching them? It is amazing how flexible the gymnastic teams are! I can barely reach down to pick something up off the floor and they are turning their bodies into pretzels.

    I have not heard back from the doctor to see if they could use my old blood sample to do further testing. If they can not do it, he will send a message to the hospital here and I can go there to get the blood work done. Maybe if they can get the anemia under control, I will have more energy and breathe easier in the higher altitude at our mountain trailer.

    Judith - that is a lot of money to pay for grooming plus the vet appointment. Our fur babies are very important to us so I understand how important it is to take good care of them. I will check the prayer thread next to get the update on your health and the condo.

    Barb - I do not think I have ever heard of a cornbread salad. I would think the cornbread would get soggy. I am sure it is delicious and I hope you enjoy the picnic after the church service.

    Susan - I am glad you are able to reconnect with your previous pastor. It is so good to keep these relationships strong. Waving back at you!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Waving 👋 Hi to Everyone!

    Barb praying about the Fires and the Heat Wave that is happening at your end. Praise God the Bleeding has stopped. Enjoy your Church Picnic, the Corn Bread salad sounds delicious! Would you be able to share the recipe on the Recipe Thread please? Thank you in advance! Blessings on your Sunday Services!

    Linda, hope the storm passes soon. And I hope the Doctors are able to determine what is causing your anemia. Trusting they can use your recent Blood tests to check further tests for you. My prayers are with you my friend. I watched some of the Olympics this afternoon. It is amazing seeing the gymnastic team perform, they are so flexible. So sorry to hear about the sprinkler system, hope your tomatoes 🍅 thrive now they are getting water. Sorry about the carrots 🥕 and the beets. Are you growing other veggies? This year besides the tomatoes 🍅 I am growing Bell Peppers 🫑 and both plants are looking so healthy! Yay 😀

    Susan, nice you can meet up with your former Pastor. I am sure heaps of memories will be recalled and I’m sure you will make more. Enjoy your Sunday Services!

    Thank you all for asking after me and for all your prayers. God is so good. We serve a Mighty God!

    Blessings on your evening! Hope you are enjoying the Daily Devotions and Bible Reading. Barb I think yesterday we were posting at same time as you were wondering if I were expecting everyone to insert the Bible Reading Scriptures. I checked and see I posted about the same time. Neat eh! Thank you Linda for posting the Scriptures each day. As I have posted here I see you had posted for today. I will leave here and read the Scripture Verse you left for us.

    So it’s Waving 👋 to you all and wishing you God’s Abundant Blessings! ❤️🙏✝️📖
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Judith I have been enjoying your devotions. Thank you. Read today after my walk.
    I will che k your progress after a walk& share the recipe. Lots of cutting but so good! Not much leftover.
    Very nice picnic. Meeting people & the remembering names takes time.

    Susan. Glad you could meet up with your pastor.

    Linda sorry about having to redo the wash but smelly clothes & sheets not a good thing.
    Prayers for wisdom for drs that they can help you with your anemia. 🙏🙏🙏

    We dh & I did watch Olympic diving systematically. Interesting.

    I should hear news on the biopsy this week. Hope benign. Eye Dr tomorrow.

    Walk time then share recipe & che k w Judith.
    Praying for all.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning. We're packing so we can go on the road with our caravan tomorrow. We'll be on the road for a month visiting family up north. Colin is having a.lot of neck, back and leg pain. Praying it isn't permanent. He has very thin bones from severe Osteoporosis and he has Osteoarthritis and receives weekly physio. He will arrange some treatment while we are travelling. He really loves to be on the road...there are many other health conditions he has like Type 1 diabetes, coronary artery disease, hearing and sight limitations, epilepsy (controlled), but he is so much more than his medical conditions. I try to be his support but he is still usually very capable. One day we won't be able to travel this way and will sell the van. Meanwhile we'll have another month on the road.

    Barb, Pastor Bob is pretty special. We got to go out for lunch together yesterday after our service. He flies back to the US this week. Hope your Dr gives you good news this week. I know the fires can be devastating there. My grandparents used to get regularly surrounded by fire near Coarsegold, CA. I have other relatives in the Sierra Nevadas, down in Fresno, Bakersfield and in LA. There are relatives in Oregon too. There are others elsewhere. In fact, my whole extended family lives in the US. I am always concerned when I see fire or tornado season starting up there. Now you all are mostly in the line of fire too. Please do take care.

    Linda, sorry about your garden and hope your plants recover. Your visitors sound well-intentioned! Hope the sheets came out of their second wash smelling fresh. I also hope you get your blood work done so you can know what is causing your anaemia. I don't like suggesting this, but could there be internal bleeding? I hope not. Being tired and struggling to breathe is not good. You are always so busy too. I wonder when you get time to rest. Please take care. 🙏 💕

    Judith, you must be just taking one day at a time. Thinking beyond that would be overwhelming. I hope the Drs figure out a good treatment for you. I also hope your landlord takes charge of making as many decisions he can to make all your lives less stressful while the building is being renovated. Will continue to pray about all that is happening.

    I need to get busy packing up. Thinking of you both, Marilyn and Sandi.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Susan prayers for your husband. Plus journey mercy safety. Wisdom for drs too.
    Yes hoping for benign results. Time will tell
    I thought my bleeding stopped , but I’ve had a bit light pink today.
    In Gods time
    Started medicine ointment on for the LSC. Hoping that gets rid of it, as the medicine is stronger than last time.
    Yes 2 years ago I had LSC. Light pink bleeding spotting then & now,
    That’s why my dr thinks it’s LSC. Guess we will know more this week after the pathologists report then ultrasound in mid August.
    Sleep well all
    Oh 2 days this week in the 100’s