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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - thank you so much for the recipe for Cornbread Salad. I will try to make it with a few changes to match my dietary restrictions. It sounds good to take on a picnic because it has protein and vegetables in it also. It is a complete meal. I'm sorry that you have some bleeding today. I pray that the ointment will be effective on the LSC.

    Susan - Pleasant and safe travels as you start your month long trip visiting relatives. Will the weather be different where you are going than it is now? I'm not sure how cold your winters get although I know if depends on your location on the globe. Colin in very strong with wanting to travel with all his medical diagnosis. I am glad he does not let that stop doing what he really likes to do. With my medical background I do try to think of all the possibilities of what is causing my anemia. The knowledge I have can be a curse though because I can think of some pretty severe diseases that a layperson would not think about. (I have had some abnormal colonoscopies with pre-cancerous polyps too so that comes to mind for me.)The doctor said that some people with anemia crave eating dirt. So far I an not adding dirt to my menu. I am praying that it is just a simple thing to do to correct it.

    Judith - my garden has perked up a little with the extra water we gave it. The carrots are questionable about surviving but the others look better. Along with tomatoes, carrots, and beets we have some zucchini squash and grapes growing in another plot of ground.

    Marilyn - It was good to see you posting again a few days ago. Please keep us updated at you can as to the wildfires and your safety.

    Sandi - I hope you are well and had a relaxing weekend.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    edited July 29
    Good Morning All

    I posted all the Sunday Threads but started late and it went into Monday so I went around and posted in all the threads 2nd time. Now I am here reading all your posts. Hope you all had a Blessed Lord’s Day attending your Sunday Services and time spent with Family and Friends. I watched our Live Stream Service this morning, it was also Communion Sunday. My family came over Sunday afternoon and we celebrated my granddaughter’s 18th Birthday. A wonderful time. I will post pictures on my FaceBook Profile later Monday afternoon!

    Barb, thank you for your kind comments regarding the Devotions I am posting, so happy they are a blessing to you. You mentioned that after your walk you will share the recipe for the Corn Bread Salad: look forward to seeing it. I am praying for you that the bleeding will cease and you get the Pathologist report back soon so you know whether it’s the LSC so proper treatment can be prescribed. It’s good the Doctor has ordered an ultrasound! Please keep us updated on all the results, in the meantime I will pray. Please stay safe and hydrated in the 100 degree temps you are having.

    Susan, so sorry to hear about Colin’s neck, leg and back pain. Hope he gets some relief soon, but for sure my prayers are with him. You said you are on the road for about a month travelling in the Caravan. So happy you will be visiting family. I’m glad to hear Colin Is arranging for some treatment while you are away. Safe Travels my friend! Please tell Colin that we all back here will be praying for him. I am sure you will see lots of lovely scenery as you travel along, if you can it would be nice to see some pictures. You and Colin always take such beautiful photos!

    Linda, I replied on Saturday and scrolled back up and I think I am missing your post here, Insaw a lot of posts on most of the Threads earlier which I posted on next to yours. So I know you are around. Have a blessed rest of today and week ahead.

    Blessings all its now after 1:00am so heading to bed. It’s a good feeling that I posted 2 days in a row with starting late Sunday night and finishing up Monday early morning. Love Hugs and Prayers All… ❤️🤗🙏
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Neat that your garden is doing well. Mine seems to be doing better. I’m seeing cucumbers; green peppers, & zucchini. I thought I got a red pepper but the tag most have been wrong as I’m getting only green peppers.
    Grapes sound yummy I’ve never grown them.

    Susan Colin’s neck, leg & pain. Praying for some healing, maybe prayers for wisdom for drs too.?
    Prayers you can enjoy your travels. Safety in your travels too.

    Judith continue prayers for your health & apartment repairs. Praying they can get it finished faster than thought.

    Sandi & Marilyn. Hope you have a great week.

    Trust all who try the cornbread salad enjoy it. It does make a lot & lots of cutting. Yet very 😋😋

    I heard from the Dr & the pathologist report it is benign. PTL. 😁
    In my eye dr appointment today, my eye dr wants to send my scans to a renal eye dr to check all ok. I have AMD.
    Not seeing any other big changes cataracts just like someone else checking it out. He has AMD too so he sometimes has his dr check scans to double check.
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 960 Member
    I don’t know everyone’s names either! I wish there was a way to learn everyone’s actual name. It’s hard to know unless it is included in the username.

    We have been resting up since taking the puppy back home. She is a joy to be around but a lot of work. Have a good week everyone!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Sandi, I have a list you can copy and save:

    Semsmith5408 - Sandi
    Paraest - Barb
    316Judith - Judith
    Healthyme7410 - Linda
    LosinSusin - Susan
    I can' remember Marilyn's forum name but she is the only other one who usually posts.

    Having a puppy is sure fun but exhausting. Those puppy days go fast. Enjoy them!

    Barb, Judith and Linda, thank you for praying for my husband. He has had these conditions for 30+ years. The Drs are doing what they can but everyone gets older and his treatments seem to weaken over time. I am praying for all of you every day.

    Linda, on the coast it is warmer, inland it is colder. We are aiming to stay at Childers tonight which is going to feel colder than it is here, but when we get to Cairns in a week or so, it will feel warmer. The further north, the warmer as it is closer to the Equator. The Lamd Downunder is the opposite to North America!

    Better not visit too long. I need to help do the last minute things so we can leave. Have good days, everyone.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Thank you rot he list that was helpful Sandi
    Have a goreat day/eve!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    I told MFP to save my draft posting when I checked something but it is gone now. I do not remember all I said so this may be short.

    Sandi - Marilyn's name here is Marilynsretired.

    Barb - I hope you are healing and am so glad for the benign report from the biopsy.

    The doctor said I need to have my blood drawn again so I will go tomorrow to get it done. Since I was so tired yesterday I was thinking that is had not improved but today after sleeping a bit longer I was not as tired so I was overreacting yesterday. Someone told me that grits are high in iron so I bought some today. They are similar to cornmeal mush my mother made. She would put them in a loaf pan and put in the refrigerator over night, sliced it in the morning then dipped them in flour and fried them in bacon grease. Once they were browned, we ate them with pancake syrup on them.

    It was only 98F today but we still stayed inside most of the day. No rain in sight for here.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone,

    We started out this morning with cooler temps and rain showers but later forecast says warmer and sunny skies. It is already brightening up out there now! Yay! 😊

    Barb, I am rejoicing and Praising God for the Benign results that you got back. This is such a Great Report! God is Good! Your Veggie garden sounds like it is doing well, my Bell Peppers that I am growing looks like peppers will be developing soon, the tag reads a variety but the leaves on the plant look exactly the same so it will be interesting to see what we get. My family love Red and Green Peppers so hope that’s what I get as I’m sharing them with all my Friends and my Family! I love Red Pepper and Tomato Soup.

    Sandi, great seeing you back, I hear you about the names, I know our Team Members names as I got to know you all on Spark People. I sure miss those days. It was great we could share on the Main Forum pretty much what we chose to say. That is how I got to know you Sandi by reading all your posts you shared. The same with Marilyn Susan Linda and Barb then there is JC Willow. Hope the List that Susan has shared has helped you, Linda shared Marilyn’s name so will let you read her post. Blessings on your day…

    Susan, thank you for sharing the names of our Team members so Sandi can fill in the missing links to our names. I know you are getting ready with last minute packing for your road trip that you are going on. It will be so nice for you, Colin Archie and Jasper to be travelling in your Caravan as you see the sights and more exciting to see family and spend time with each one, always nice to be with your grandkids! Safe Travels Susan! 🙏🤗

    Linda, continue to pray for you regarding your tiredness and anemia. Trusting things will get better for you. Hope these next blood tests come back as a good report. You spoke about the Cornmeal Mush your Mother made similar to the “Grit” recipe. Hope that will help you if you do make it for your Breakfast. Maybe that’s a recipe you could post on our Recipe thread? I have heard of the Cornmeal Mush, back of my mind I think my Grandma made it! However, sorry, but my Mother tried all kinds of these types of recipes and this gal didn’t like any of them. I was an egg bacon and toast breakfast gal! 😋😋😋 Glad your temps are a little cooler than being up in the 100’s that you spoke about before.

    Marilyn and JC thinking of you both!

    And to all the team members who are here. Some have not posted for a while, know you are missed and we welcome you all to share your thoughts here with us.

    Have a great Day, Hugs 🤗 and Prayers 🙏 to all
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Well today it’s just HOT. 🥵. In the upper 90’s. We got 2 more days of it.
    I am waking up early to have my quiet time, eat, water, & walk. Tomorrow I’ll do the same plus a dear lady from our other church who taught SS died. So we’ll attend the funeral.
    I have a few errands ie bank to do early too.
    Then pack. We will be going to Branson, MO to visit our ds family. His wife is an identical twin & she & kids have been to Canada 2 times this summer. Ds stayed home to work & pet sit.
    Our oldest ds & family will go down to Branson too. That is 🦋 family.

    Judith the green & red pepper tomato soup sounds interesting but my dh is very picky so he would not like it. I’m the adventurous one when it comes to food.
    Praying for your apartment redo & your health
    So glad you got some rain my sister in Victoria was excited with the rain too

    Linda. Prayers for your anemia & the heat. I guess we both got the same 3 H.s in weather. Our dad near Wichita is in the 100’s*. Plus there is Texas & Oklahoma that are hotter. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    Anyone ready for fall & pumpkins yet with the heat? 🎃

    Susan prayers for your dh & safe travels. Enjoy the grandkids. How many do houngans and will see? Where & how far is the trip?

    We will see our older 2 grands in Branson.
    All stay well & safe.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited July 30
    Good morning all. I am not sure we will continue our trip. Colin is not feeling well. His body aches are back in force and he is developing a cold. I suggested we rest today and he will talk on the phone to his Dr this afternoon. I did ask if he wanted to cancel our trip before we left but he thought he could do it. We have plenty of food so can stay here, and we are only 4 hours from home. Going to Cairns would mean we would be another few days on the road.

    I'll be disappointed at not seeing daughter, son-in -law and two granddaughters plus my sister and brother-in-law but we cannot keep going if hubby is ill.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Susan - I am so sorry that Colin is not feeling well. I know he was looking forward to this trip and we were looking forward to follow you on your adventure. Of course, going back home might be a good idea and you can try it later since you have the caravan. I pray he will feel better soon.

    Barb - my condolences for the death of your friend. We just had three deaths close together last month. One was my husband's aunt who was almost 98 years old. The other two were younger than we are and leave families behind. I am not an early person so in our hot weather, I do not get up early but stay up late to do things I can when it cools off in the evening. I can get up early if I need to - I used to work the 6am-2pm shift at work but I prefer to stay in bed longer in the morning.

    Judith - I am so glad that you are getting rain. I hope it helps cool down the fires in Canada. I just heard about a friend who is close to a fire here in Colorado that was evacuated today. She had goats, a horse, dogs and a pig that needed to be relocated too. The church was able to find places for her animals to stay that is safe. I have heard that green peppers are just unripe red peppers but I don't know if that is true. I know that is true about green olives and black olives.

    Sandi - I hope you are rested up from taking care of the puppy. They are so cute but certainly do take a lot of time to watch them and keep things safe. If we get another dog I want an older dog that will like to sit with me on the couch and go for short walks. I am getting lazy in my older age. LOL

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    So thought it was time again for me to update.
    Just had July's blood work done - tomorrow I should be able to find out what kidney function - praying it has not gone below 9

    Went to my TOPS meeting today - I had missed 2 weeks but found out that I did lose 0.8 since last time I weighed in. Have been somewhat discouraged with the progress. Told the ladies that it has been 7 years since joining TOPS and in time I have lost 50 pounds and in 8 years ( at my hightest weight 8 years ago) I have lost 76 pounds. Sounds good and am grateful for the loss but when you work it out it is between 7 - 10 pounds a year which means I am not even losing a pound a month. That is not good in my eyes. But as I said I am grateful for what I have accomplished but have so very much more to lose - and when I look in the mirrow all I see is the 100 pounds I still have to lose. Don't really understand why I just cant eat healthy as I know the damage it has caused my body. But the Lord is gracious and loves me through all of this. My strength has been renewed and I am praying that the rest of this year will be rewarding with seeing more progress - I would like to lose 33 pounds by the end of the year - and I know if I stay faithful it could happen. So I am back to keeping a journal with the goal to be down 1 - 2 pounds each week. I am setting a goal of 3 - 5 pounds by the end of August so please keep me in prayers that I can accomplish this.

    Tomorrow we will be celebrating my husbands 80th birthday - he wants spaghetti, caesar salad and garlic bread - so tomorrow moring will start making my homemade sauce. For dinner there will be my husband, my sweet daughter Priscilla that lives with us, one of our other daughters along with her husband and their youngest child. Will be nice to be with them

    Also in your prayers could you please pray that I would commit to walking on the treadmill daily in August even if only for 5 minutes as I need to get more movement in

    Take care everyone - love reading about how all of you are doing.

    By the way we still have lots of wildfires all around us but we have had a few cooler days so the smoke is not quite as bad.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Marilyn - good to have an update on your life. You have had so many distractions in your life with your kidney problems, vertigo, multiple surgeries for shunt placement, death of your dear beloved dog, etc. I will pray that your life calms down and you can focus on your health again. I know you can do it, your husband is supportive of you and God is on your side so you have a winning scenario. I am praying that your blood work will be improving. Please let us know if we can be more supportive of your. I am glad that the smoke is not so bad today. My CPAP filter is getting dirty quickly from filtering out smoke in our area. It is not a bad as yours but still affects people's allergies and breathing. Tomorrow's birthday dinner for your husband sounds delicious. Do you put meat in your sauce? Maybe you could share your spaghetti sauce recipe on the recipe thread. Homemade sauce is so much healthier than the ones from the store that has so much salt in it. Tell your husband "Happy Birthday" 🎈🎊🎂for me.

    Praying for all of you and you prayer requests.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited August 1
    Good to hear from you, Marilyn, and to know how to pray for you. Will add your prayer points to my list. Happy birthday to your dear husband. 80 is such a milestone. Glad to hear the smoke and fires are dying down too.

    Linda, I'm with you on later mornings. All my life I've been a night owl so working for 44 years in a few 9 to 5 jobs was a strain! It's good to be able to follow my own circadian rhythms now.

    It's cold enough to see your breath and get frosts at night here, but beautifully sunny in the day. Guess you are all in the heat.

    We parked up at Kenilworth Showgrounds, about 3 hours from home. Colin got sick so we have turned back. He spoke to his Dr and he has antibiotics, painkillers and an order for X-rays of his spine now. We were able to get the drugs but have to go home for the X-rays. He booked us in here for 5 nights with an option to extend our stay if need be. Last night he coughed a lot and his back is quite painful. We'll see what happens.

    Spoke to our daughter yesterday to explain and she is understanding. Everyone is disappointed we had to cancel our plans but the dogs who didn't know where we were going. They have their dog fence up so have some freedom so they are happy. We'll miss seeing our two granddaughters (11 and 9) as well as our son in law and daughter.

    Here's a picture of the scenery around here. It's a pretty place. We have stayed here before. The town has a cheese factory, a nice bakery, a quirky South American clothing and gift store, all the usual small town amenities, and it's quite safe here on a grassy spot, so if you have to change your plans this isn't a bad place to be instead.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Linda, you said you are more of a night owl then an early morning person. I hear you, in my younger years I is what got me started for early mornings as with Nursing I worked the early morning shifts and of course a lot of night shifts. I still get up early as I like to have my quiet time in the morning, reading my Bible, Bible Study and Prayer sets my day to a good start. How is your anemia? Has it resolved?

    Marilyn, yes we had few cooler days and some rain,I am so glad we got the cooler temps and rain as it has helped cool things down. I am praying your Blood Work comes back reporting Good Kidney Function. Please wish your Husband a Happy 80th Birthday 🥳 from me. Such a special celebration for him. Your dinner sounds so yummy. I love home made spaghetti Sauce. I am sure you will have a wonderful
    Birthday Celebration.

    Barb, yes just like your family in Victoria it was nice to have cooler temps and some rainfall. You mentioned your temps were in the 90’s, please stay safe and keep well hydrated. We have the warmer temps back, today in the 80’s but rest of week into next week weather man said to expect temps in the 90’s. You said you were going to visit family, enjoy and stay safe as you travel to visit your family. Enjoy the grandkids. You asked us if we were ready for Fall. Not yet, but I do love the Colours of Fall, all the Reds, Oranges Gold and Yellows are so vibrant. Think I just talked myself into Fall Weather!

    Susan, so sorry Colin is still sick. It’s hard when you both were planning the trip to visit your family and have to change your plans. With having the caravan you can always pick up again and head out and see the family. Love the picture of where you are staying. Thank for posting.

    Blessings on your evening. Will keep you all in prayer. See you all in the morning. Good Night 😴 and God Bless!

    As I sign off I will say Welcome to the New Month of August tomorrow Morning. The Months are zooming on by so fast. Will be back and post our Daily Devotion for us all to start August off!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Happy August 1 for all.
    Prayers for all too. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Happy Happy August: yes Welcome Back everyone!

    I feel so accomplished as I posted all are Team Threads for August for you. We have our New Team Challenges, Weight Loss and Maintenance for August 2024. Hope to see you all onboard with Posting and sharing your thoughts here and in all the Threads.

    My Prayers are with you all!
    Love and Hugs ❤️🤗🙏
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    We will be away this weeknd, I will try to post when I can. We are going to Branson,MO 4 hours away to visit our son and family there. Our oldest & family will also be going. Separately. Thaty is Mariposa's parents.
    Also how do you track the fiber? I can[t find it but I know with f & v I am geting them.
    Have a good night
    Praying for you.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited August 2
    Barb, enjoy your family time. Stay safe on the roads. Hope you figure out how to track fibre. I don't track here so am of no help there.

    Judith, fall is coming for you! 🍁 This is your hottest month and our coldest. Spring starts here in September. The picture I posted was one I took coming into Kenilworth. We're actually staying in a big, grassy field in town. It's the Showgrounds (Fairgrounds?) and many other vans are here. We're in a little section without neighbours so far so it is nice. Colin is still having aches and cold symptoms with fatigue. We have another 3 nights here with the option yo stay longer if he wants, so he is resting a lot.

    Thinking of you all and praying for you. 🙏
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    I thought Judith is asking us to track our fiber for the month of August. Plus fruit & veggies & water. Maybe I read it wrong.
    Good night all. I maybe able to go to the craft ladies at church tomorrow. As next week I’ll watch a grandson.
    Sleep well all.