Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited August 11
    No church today as our one and only Pastor is ill. I was going to stay home too and not spread cold germs to the small congregation. We always have contact - handshakes and hugs - so I didn't want to have to run away from everyone for their own good! Hope Pastor is well again soon. He has an attack of Diverticulitis.

    Judith, thank you for your prayer update. I'll continue to pray for you about your health and about your suite repairs. Yes, Colin is noticing a difference since he missed his last Injection but it usually doesn't thicken his bones much at all. It's the only known treatment for him now so we can't do much more. He walks, which can help strengthen bones, and has Physio. He won't give up...

    Linda, I used to have to haul my sewing machine in from the garage too and put it on the dining room table. Now I have a little more room in the garage so could set up a folding table out there. I had some hand sewing to do yesterday so just brought in the essentials and still sat at the dining room table. Your Dad sounds like he had a lovely hand sewing ability. I've seen videos of people mending socks and they are so clever. I saw someone turn a hole into a fish yesterday in fact! I am not so clever. My stitching is far more functional than decorative. It must have been cleaning day yesterday. Our two dog leads and harnesses were filthy from our last trip in the van. Colin often lets the dogs run to me with their leads trailing in the dirt, so I soaked and washed their tack.

    Barb, yes, Col has trouble sleeping but he has an adjustable bed which helps and he also sometimes sleeps in his adjustable recliner. But he often needs to move between the two at night. I was wondering if you meant to type that you had two daughters and two sons? You talked about a daughter one day this week? We all make typos!

    Sandi, good to hear from you. Glad you had little damage from the storms. We will be on flood alert from Monday to Wednesday next week. We're supposed to get heavy rain and sometimes we lose power too. It is impossible to post then, like what happened to you. Stay safe and well. With reading as your hobby, you can always spend no electricity time doing something you love!

    Marilyn, hope you are safe and feeling well.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Our tv stand is working PTL & for a son who helped us out!

    Sandi I hope you are clean up yard wise & all.

    Susan continued prayers for you & for Colin with his pain. Yes we hope his next test shows improvement.

    Judith many prayers for you with your mouth issues, sleeping & your place. How is it coming along?

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    We had a guest speaker this morning who gave an inspiring sermon. It was about how we all need each other to support one another on our journeys to heaven. He was talking about how we need to be honest with each other and if we have hurt someone, we need to make it right so there are no hard feeling that would stand in the way of unity. He said that he had to eat "humble pie" sometimes but things work out better. As an object lesson, he brought apple, peach and gluten free pies for us all to enjoy. They were tastier than humble pie for sure but it helped us remember his point.

    Today is very cloudy and I saw some lightening but it was far away. So far no rain but at least cooler temperatures.

    I am trying a new recipe this evening, It is called broccoli and sausage casserole. It has hash browns are a crust and seems to be a little like a quiche but I have not tasted it yet so I do not know if it is a keeper as far as trying it again.

    Judith - thanks for clarifying the treatment you are possibly going to start in September. I pray that your liver was not damaged from the old treatment. Our livers are so important to filter out impurities from our blood.

    Dinner is almost ready so I must go. MFP erased my posting once already so I do not want to stay her too long and have it happen again.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Linda, what a great object lesson. Pastors seem to know how involving more than the ears helps us remember! As a teacher I tried to involve a couple of the senses when trying to make important points. It's a great learning principle.

    Barb, thank you for praying. My husband is resting some of the day so he is taking the Dr's advice at last. Glad you got your TV stand up and useful!

    Judith, Marilyn, Sandi, you're all on my mind.🙏

    It's raining off and on here. We may get big rains so they have us on flood watch. We'll be safe where we are if it floods but flooding means getting to other places can become problematic. It'll be OK.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Evening Hello 👋 Everyone

    Linda, thank you for telling us about the message your Guest Speaker at your Church brought and the object lesson on “Humble Pie” I am sure the Pies he brought you all enjoyed having after the service. Your recipe sounds so scrumptious! Let us know how it was and if it is a keeper please be free and share the recipe with us. About my Liver. Good News the last treatment did not cause any damage to the Liver or the enzymes. Praise God!

    Susan, I continue to keep Colin in prayer. He is doing all the right things with keeping as active as possible with walking and of course taking the “boys” out for their walk! Reading about your sewing and repairs reminded me about how my Grandma darned all my Grandpa’s socks. It was fascinating seeing her use the tool to darn the socks. She moved so fast it was hard to keep watching her! Almost made me dizzy! Praying you don’t get any floods in your area. Be safe my friend.

    Barb, so happy your TV stand hot put together and you are enjoying it. Will continue to keep your eye appointment in prayer for the 19th. Praying your specialist has some answers for you and can treat your eyes. Please let us know how things are.

    Sandi and Marilyn, my thoughts and prayers are with you!

    Take care all, will sign off now and be back tomorrow. God Bless 🙏🤗

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Linda. A good message with a guest speaker. 😊
    The new church we attend speaks with no notes so you know he is speaking with the Holy Spirit.
    We have been studying on prayer. Praying Bible verses. It’s so amazing

    Susan continue prayers for Colin. I hope the Diverticulitis is under control. Prayers as that can be quite painful. 🙏🏻. Glad he has rested some too.

    Marilyn I hope you are feeling better. 🙏🏻

    Judith continued prayers for you.

    Sandi I hope you are doing well.

    My bone scan showed some improvement due to Prolia shot.
    I get the ultrasound Friday to check my uterus. So that should answer my dr questions on it.
    Then next week I see the retina specialist Dr., on Monday.
    I picked up, my new glasses today & I like them. I saw them from the computer. Black matte on top with gold kind of shines under the lenses.

    Have a good night. Sleep well & when we may rest in God’s arms. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Evening Hello Everyone

    I replied last night to Linda, Susan, Sandi and Marilyn so will let you read the posts I left last night.

    It looks like just Barb and I on right now. It’s early, 6:00pm Pacific time for me.

    Barb, so happy to hear your bone scan showed some improvement, good news and answers to prayer. Sorry, but can’t remember what your ultrasound was for checking the uterus. Trust good results are brought from the scan. Will keep you in prayer as you see your retina specialist next week. Trust all is well. Your new glasses sound so nice, nice designer glasses. Enjoy my friend.

    Keeping you Linda Susan Sandi and Marilyn close to my heart and in prayer.

    Sleep 😴 well tonight! God Bless! 🙏🤗
    Be back tomorrow.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning. Am about to go grocery shopping so just checking in. Our Pastor says he feels better so maybe the Diverticulitis was mild. I hope so. I updated about Colin in the prayer thread.

    Judith I am so happy you have no liver damage! Praise God! So far there has been no flooding here but the heaviest rain day is supposed to be tomorrow. Your Grandma sou ds amazing! One of mine used to tat and crochet and she was lightning fast at those things too.

    Barb, hoping and praying your medical appointments go well. I just got new glasses too. Mine are blue!

    Thank you all for your prayers.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Today I tried to get as much as I could done with the registrar work since we will be gone for 3 days and will not have much access to a computer. We have had several new Spanish student register this week. My new computer is not syncing well with the three programs I need to work on. If I need to download things from one program to another, I have to use Glenn's computer to do it. I may just have to admit I do not know how to do it and pay someone to help me. I am going to download an e-book from the library when we get back to see if it can help me with the Microsoft Office program. I know lots of people love it but as I have said before, I have problems with change. Why not just let things stay the same?

    We have had rain on and off for the last few days. It is a nice shower then it is gone but if you add up the many showers it is count as one good shower for the plants. Our tomatoes are really doing well. I need to pick more tomorrow and take it to use in salads at the trailer.

    I got two books from the library that are part of a series I have been reading. I will read and work on my quilt blocks since I do not have electricity to entertain myself. I hope to get a lot of walking also. I will post as I have time.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Good Morning Susan 🌻
    I am so sorry to hear about Colin as having any break or fracture to the coccyx is very painful. Does Colin have a “Donut” to sit on? It is a inflated cushion with an. opening in centre of the cushion. It cradles the buttock but takes the pressure of the coccyx when sitting. I had one when I broke mine and it helped tremendously. You can buy them at any Medical Equipment Store or if you have a Red Cross in your area you can rent them. I will be praying for Colin . Love you Hugs! ❤️🤗🙏
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 960 Member
    Susan, I, too, am so sorry to hear about Colin’s issues. That has to be so painful.

    We finally got our yard cleaned up and now we are just back to extreme heat and humidity. That’s what we deal with in Florida!
    We are doing good, just stay in a lot because of the heat! When it is so hot and the humidity is high, it makes it hard to breathe outside! I do have an appointment with a pulmonary doctor in Sept to make sure there aren’t any other issues going on. I never smoked but both my parents did so I took in a lot of second hand smoke.
    Take care everyone 🩷
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    We are leaving for the trailer later than we expected. I had three surprise anmissions to put in the computer this morning. School starts soon and people are motivated to get registered.

    We had pouring rain this morning. We are having strange weather with the record highs and now lots of rain with thunder and lightning. The rain is more like April. We will take it anytime though.

    I will try to get in here every day but if not know I am praying and thinking about you all.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Linda we have had the rain off & on again for days. Maybe more tomorrow morning then heat index returns to 100*. Then back to in the mid to upper 80’s.
    School started today here, tomorrow for Andover near Wichita & 8/21 for Branson, MO.
    Prayers you can get the admissions added ok.

    Sorry about the heat in Florida. I remember as a kid that it was so hot that the old black that kept a car windshield in place was melting. I asked my dad as a child as we had black lines on the windshield from it melting. This was in August.back before a/c.

    Marilyn & Sandi
    Prayers for you all. 🙏🏻

    Judith continue prayers for you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    Have a good night all.

    Susan continued prayers for Colin. A broken tailbone. Wow. 🙏🏻
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Raining heavily here. We're expecting up to 70mm which is 2.75" of rain today. The river will rise but we are above the flood levels so will be safe. We've already had two days of rain. It's muggy but still cool as it is still winter for us.

    Thank you all for your concern for Colin. Yes, he regularly uses donut cushions. What he needs to do is stop lifting things and no twisting. He hurt his tailbone in November, nine months ago. It is taking a very long time to heal. No one X-rayed him till this week so he has not known he should stop lifting and twisting. I hope he can let it heal now.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Evening Hello 👋 All

    Linda, hope you got all the Registrations all recorded. It’s wonderful to hear people are getting motivated to enrol at the College. Indeed you have had quite a mix of weather. Hope you don’t get too much rain and stormy weather. Stay safe. Will keep you in prayer.

    Susan, so glad to hear Colin has several “Donuts” around he can sit on. I hope Colin can rest and remember it’s best not to twist or lift. Will be praying for Colin. Sorry about your weather with all the rain but happy your ground area is above the flood levels and you will be safe.

    Sandi, Glad you were able to get your yard cleaned up before the heat hit. Please stay safe, and yes, staying indoors is probably best when it’s so hot. I do remember how hot and humid Florida got with the heat. Yes with the humidity it made it hard to breathe. I lived in Daytona Beach Florida when they still had cars driving along the Beach. Quite a site!

    Barb, please stay safe as your temps reach a high of 100 degrees. So hot for you. Please keep hydrated and stay close to home and hopefully have fans and a good AC. I forgot your area has begun their School year in August. Our School year here in BC starts the day after Labor Day. This year the children start Tuesday September 3rd if they follow that schedule. I know some School Districts start later.

    Today I was dealing with Insurance issues related to my Flood. I have learned some Insurance policies waive the Deductibles for some circumstances. With me on Permanent Disability and in a Wheelchair from Work Accident and with Cancer and Treatments, those issues might grant me a waiver in Deductibles. And the fact it wasn’t my fault. The cost of having to move my contents and all the packing, and find a place to live for 10 days while they do the repairs is overwhelming. I am thankful God is on my side and is watching over me. If my Insurance would accept my Claim without the Deductibles and find a place for me and pack move and store my contents it would be so helpful and take the stress away that I don’t need! Thank you all for your prayers!

    Marilyn I continue to keep you in prayer. You are missed here.

    It’s getting late here so will say Good Nite and God Bless you! 🙏🤗
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Prayers as you fill out he papers and all plus find place to live for 10 days. Prayers you insurance accepts your claim and all that is involved. Plus hopin that with Permanent Disability you can get some answers Prayers. Just what you need with your health issues. Yet God is in control. Praying

    So glad Colin has the donuts. Now prayers for healing. I hop ethat the rain didn't leave you swimming and muggy. Sometimes it's muggy here after rain.

    I hope you got all the registrations made ok.

    Marily and Sanid I hope all is well with you.

    It wasan't that hot today and maybe muggy again tomorrow as we may get rain in the wee hours of the morning.
    So I got my ultrasound changed to Thursday afternoon, so that is good, earlier test.
    So I will watch Blake on Friday. He will ride his bike and maybe his car which he's getting too big for and we will have fun. Then quiet time.
    I got some clay pots to make Gnome ornaments for my 7 plus 1 in December grandkids. Today I got wooden balls for the nose and bells to keep the ribbon/hook in place .
    Blessingsnad prayers for all.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Barb, what a nice project for the grandchildren! I am thinking of sewing something for mine. Most of them wear glasses so I was thinking maybe a soft glasses case? We'll see. I might run the idea past their mothers first. Yes, Humidity was at 100% here yesterday and it feels the same today. At least it is cool.

    Judith, yes, Col has had donuts for years, and back cushions and so many different kinds of braces he can wear. We have a special 'brace bag' for him so he doesn't lose them. He sometimes needs a brace for almost every joint - neck, back, wrists, shoulder, knees, ankles... so we're prepared. He doesn't wear them all at once! Just on the parts that hurts the most. You have so much going on right now. I am glad you found out about the waiver with your Insurance company. Surely you have a strong case for it. Praying for all things to be worked out well, in God's time.

    Linda, Sandi. Marilyn, hope all is well.

    It has stopped raining here now so hopefully things will dry out and local flooding will subside quickly.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Barb, I love your craft project for your grandkids. I am sure they will love it. Sounds like a nice day for Blake and for you to spend time with him making more memories. Glad it wasn’t as hot today for you, maybe some rain would cool things off for you. That’s great you got your ultrasound changed to Thursday. Praying for good reports! I will let you know what is finalized regarding the waiver on my Insurance Deductible costs. I just leave it in God’s Hands.

    Susan, I read your forecast for your weather and hopefully no flood waters in your area. That is good Colin has braces seat cushions and donuts but sorry he needs so many for his joints. Praying that pain will subside and most of all for God’s Healing to cover his body from head to toes! I like the knitting 🧶 project for the eye glass case for your grandkids. Christmas gift. I am sure their Mom will love the idea and the gift of love from you to your dear grandkids!

    Marilyn Sandi and Linda, thinking of you ladies, send my love hugs and prayers!

    Will say Good Nite 😴 and God Bless see you all tomorrow. Take care! 🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Happy Spiritual Birthday 🎈🎈 Judith. You have faithfully served God for so many years and continue to do so. I am blessed to have you as as my friend and leader! Praying for good outcomes for your insurance.

    The first day we we were here we had a huge thunderstorm that seemed to be right over our trailer with winds that swayed us a bit. Last night I was awakened by a barking coyote. It sounded pretty young and close by. Usually they travel in packs but we did not hear any other adults with it. I wonder what we will have tonight to "entertain" us? We have seen 5 bucks, a snake, an invisible but noisy coyotes and a few mosquitoes. Now that we have had rain there could be more.
    It has been very chilly in the mornings. It is around 50f when we get up but warms us to the 70's by afternoon. I need to conserve my phone battery so can't stay long. We will go home tomorrow.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Enjoy the last of your mountain stay, Linda. Safe travels home.

    Judith, thank you for your prayers for Colin. Happy spiritual birthday. May the Lord bless and guide you through the challenges. There was no flooding that I saw here and today it is sunny again. We were just on flood watch this week. So all is well.