Chat Cafe



  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Thank you Linda and Susan for wishing me a Happy Spiritual Birthday. I so remember that day when Doug Pryde came to my home to plant seeds of Faith in my heart.

    Few months before I had decided to send my 2 young children to ride the Church Bus to attend Sunday School.

    I was far from the Lord and thought it was no reason to prevent my kids from going to Church.

    My motive was so off base, send the kids on the Church Bus and while they are out of the house I can do my own thing!

    God had a plan, He sent Doug to witness to me and he sure did, and right in my own living-room I surrendered my life back to Jesus and later my kids followed the Lord too.

    My grandma was Praising God that one of her Prodigals had come back home and that was August 15, 1977! Praise God!

    I am so thankful that my Family kept on praying and gave me the desire to send my kids to Sunday School!

    One thing I have always said if you have a Prodigal in the family keep praying, God has a plan: Praise ye the Lord!

    I am thankful for the life God has given me, many opportunities, Bible College, Teaching Bible, Nursing, Counselling and being here and with Spark People and best of all my Friends here God has brought a long my path. 😊
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    edited August 16
    We got home safely in time to get the trash out before the truck came by to pick it up; We left early especially to make sure we were home in time because keeping trash over a two week period until the next pickup can be smelly in hot weather!

    No abnormal animals were outside out trailer during the night. We stayed out and watched the stars and the bats were not even flying close by. They can be scary if you do not expect them but we have been up there long enough to be glad they are around catching mosquitoes and other bugs during the night. We did have three does stop by as we got ready to leave. Glenn talked to them gently and they came to the edge of the fence to see what was going on. They looked like they thought he was saying some pretty wonderful things.

    Barb - Praying for good results on your ultrasound. Being a senior can bring lots of changes in our bodies. I have definitely slowed down since I retired. Our grandchildren have started school already like yours have. I agree with Judith, our school started after Labor day and ended with Memorial day. We did not have as many vacation as they have now either so maybe that is why they have to start earlier.

    Judith - praying for the wildfires near you. Some rain would help the firefighters get it under control. I hope the weather turns more rainy soon.

    Susan - prayer for Colin and you as you help him remember to not twist or turn. That is hard to do when it comes so naturally as we move about our days.

    Sandi - I hope things are back to normal after the wind damage from the hurricane. I heard there is another one out in the ocean but I have no idea what it's path may be. I pray that it misses highly populated areas or just fizzles out before it reaches land.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good to have you back. Linda. I love your stories about the wildlife. Thank you for continuing to pray for Colin. It is so hard for him to move less, even with his pain as a reminder.

    Judith, thank you for your testimony. I'm glad you decided to send your youngsters to Sunday School. Look what the Lord did for you all!

    Barb, hope you are feeling OK about the upcoming medical appointments and that you are still having fun and building memories with your grandchildren. Are you working on your gnomes yet?

    The weather sounds wild where you are, Sandi. I hope you feel safe.

    Marilyn, how are you doing?

    It's a bit warmer today here. September is our springtime anf it's getting close.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Hi all it’s Friday

    I also when I went back in PA it was after labor day & past Memorial Day. We moved to Kansas in 1987 then in Kansas they started the end of August, now it’s so early to get finals done before Christmas break. Teachers think world stop if they work in June. Of course all schools had to be a/c to do this
    I had a nephew graduate this year in RI and his graduation was in June. So they still do not start till after Labor Day.
    I got 2 gnomes done. I hope to get more done this weekend but need to clean the house too.

    Linda love your stories on wildlife. 😁. I did see a squirrel on my tomato stake so that is the culprit who is eating my tomatoes.

    Susan continued prayers for continud for Colin. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Judith so neat to hear God used a bus driver and you and your kids got saved. God is so good.
    Praying for you 🙏🏻

    My ultrasound was normal though since they could not able to measure my endometrial stripe. Need a hysterectomy for that. I have no symptoms of needing it. No pain, continued bleeding. I had a bit of spots I’m sure due to LSC, or cramping. So i rather have symptoms before I do a hysterectomy. As can’t help with grandkids at all.
    Monday I see retina specialist in hopes he can keep my eyes stabilized.

    Sandi & Marilyn. Prayers inwhatever is going on in your lives. As God knows. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Linda, so enjoyed reading about the wildlife especially the Does that came by, I would of loved to of seen them standing by the fence listening to Glen talk to them. I am sure that was so sweet. Glad you got home in time to take the trash out, I agree with your heat the last thing you would want is smelly trash hanging around.

    Susan, glad you are nearer to your Spring Season with temps warming up. We are in the Summer season, we began our summer with cold temps so atypical for us then we got Hot Hot 🥵 temps of 100+ degrees and this past week temps ranging from the 70’s to the 80’s. Such crazy weather. Today it was 75 degrees and forecast says 59 degrees overnight. Other parts of BC are hot with Dry conditions. We have Dry ground and No Rain! However the forecast says Rain is coming. We need Rain to help get the Wildfires under control. I continue to keep Colin in much prayer.

    Barb, congratulations to your Nephew who graduated in June. My Granddaughter graduated in June also and is attending University in September. That’s great you got 2 Gnomes done, I am sure they are looking great. Did you say these will be gifts for friends/family at Christmas? Would love to see a picture of your Gnomes that you have finished. So glad your ultrasound was normal. Good News. Will pray for you as you see your retina specialist on Monday. Trusting all will be good. Please keep us posted.

    Sandi and Marilyn, praying that all is well with you both.

    Thank you all for your kindness and thoughts expressed on my testimony. God is so good. Indeed He supplies our every need.

    Blessings on your Weekend! See you all tomorrow. Good Nite God Bless! 😴🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - I am glad that your ultrasound was normal. I agree that a hysterectomy does not sound right to do if you are not having severe symptoms. Some times doctors are eager to do surgery when smaller treatments would work. I would love to see a picture of your gnomes. I am sure the grandchildren will love them. You are getting an early start on Christmas. I probably need to start doing that because last minute Christmas gifts are stressful for me.

    Judith - thanks for the testimony. It encourages my faith in God's perfect will. He knows us better than we know ourselves and has put a yearning in our hearts for Him. He moves circumstances around to give each of us an opportunity to know him personally. HIs love is amazing and covers all our sins. I pray that your insurance works out so they take into consideration your disability as it applies to how this is much harder for you to accomplish than a person who has a greater ability to handle these issues. (I mean physically not mentally.) God is in control!!

    Since we are not able to get around as much as we could when we are younger, Glenn is considering getting an ATV that would make it easier for us to get up and down the hills and uneven ground. We will be going to look at some to get an idea of the price and if we can afford it. I'm sure the grandkids would love to drive it too.

    Susan - I am glad that you are above flood level in your home. Flooding, as Judith can agree, causes so much damage especially when it is muddy like river water.

    Marilyn and Sandi - thinking of you today also.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning all. It's Sunday here and we are getting ready for church. We have a Papua Niuginian visitor who is preaching for us today. He is the adopted son of missionaries who belong to our church and has his own church in Niugini. His parents are now in their 80s and have quite challenging health problems which is why he has come.

    Linda, I like the sound of an ATV for you. I hope it is affordable! Yes, muddy river water is not something anyone would want in the house. I'm glad we are safe from it.

    Barb, glad your scan was normal. Praying about your eye appointment. I'd like to see one of your gnomes too!

    Judith, yes, we are in opposite seasons. We also have very hot, muggy weather with the threat of fires in summer. It just means we both experience the same weather at opposite times! Getting g used to Christmas in summer was one of the major challenges in switching countries for my family.

    Better scoot! It's almost time to leave for church.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Just to clarify. Most of my ultrasound was normal. But I guess they could not get a good look at the
    endometrial stripe, so the dr doesn’t know for sure. After a hysterectomy she would know.
    I have no other symptoms like pain, cramping and more bleeding then a bit due to LSC. 3 or more weeks ago.
    So I’m waiting. As I’ve had no bleeding. My LSC is still there but shrinking it takes time. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Prayers for all and for a good blessed weekend. May we all be fed in God’s word tomorrow.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    edited August 18
    Thank you Linda, I always remember how God brought everything together with me even having the desire to send the children to Sunday School. God already had the plan in place and once I followed through He had a man and his wife Doug and Mary Pryde who drove the Church Bus and got to know me. Doug was a man who loved the Lord and was mightily used of God in winning many lives to Jesus. All that is required is we follow through with what God shows us and He completes the Work. So when I see people who are not interested and get angry with someone presenting the Gospel I remember that God has a plan and it’s His timing that will come to pass, so I pray for family and others to have a heart that will be tender to the things of God and leave it with Him. God never fails us. Praise God!

    Linda, I hope it works out for buying an ATV
    which would make it so much easier for you. Keep us posted.

    Barb, my prayers continue that you will be healed to God’s Glory. Yes praying we all have a blessed Lord’s Day and are filled with the Blessings of God’s Word as we sit under the Preaching of the Message God has for us.

    Susan, May you be blessed with your guest speaker. It’s wonderful to see a whole family used of God in Ministry touching lives for the Kingdom.

    I have heard that someone is going to be calling me from the Church this week regarding the issues with the cost of having to move out. That is all I know so would appreciate your prayers. I am excited as it seems that God is moving the mountains. Glory to God!

    Sandi and Marilyn, thinking of you and praying for you.

    Will say Good Nite and God Bless, want to finish my posting in some of the Team Threads before I sign out for the Nite! Praying for you all! 🙏🤗

    Came Back as We just received a Weather Alert from Environment Canada:


    Strong winds, thunderstorms with heavy downpours and gusty winds are expected.

    When: Late this evening to early Sunday morning.


    Metro Vancouver, Victoria, Southern Gulf Islands, Howe Sound, East Vancouver Island, and Sunshine Coast.


    Strong southerly winds, risk of frequent lightning and heavy downpours.

    Marilyn and I live in these areas so would appreciate your Prayers for our safety. Thank you!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Praying. There is 14 from my church who are taking a cruise to Alaska, and they are boarding today in Vancouver. I may mention this during SS today. Thank you.
    Praying for Judith and Marilyn plus others as my sister lives in Victoria & niece in Vancouver.
    May all have a great Sunday, it's the Lord's day!
    Thank goodness God is in control, prayers.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    It sounds like you may have wild weather, Judith. I hope you feel safe. I know you won't try to go out in it. Hope your family also stays safe, Barb, and Marilyn has no trouble either.

    Judith, our guest Pastor was very good. He challenged us to immediately obey God's call and command, like a soldier who obeys immediately with energy. He talked about the Centurions of New Testament times who would have been drummed out of the army for not obeying even small orders! It was a good sermon.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    edited August 19
    We did look at the ATV's but they are pretty expensive. It is about the cost of a car but half the size. They were having a wonderful sale for a grand opening but it was still pretty high. We will need to pray about it and decide whether how often we might use it would be worth the cost or maybe look into previously owned ones. We are still unsettled about what we want to do.

    We had church then a 2 1/2 hour elders meeting on zoom and now Glenn is teaching a class at our house on how we got the canon of the Bible. It has been a busy day! Oh by the way - it is also our 51st wedding anniversary. We will be gone Tuesday through Thursday up in the mountains but this time in a regular hotel with all our meals provided. It will be much better accommodations than we have in the trailer. But of course our trailer is free to stay in so the money does make a difference. We do not got to a hotel very often and we are celebrating so it is worth it.

    It is very cloudy today but no rain yet. There are a few spots of blue showing through the clouds but the humidity is high so someone is getting rain in our area. At least it is cooler too. At our house in Westminster where our daughter lives, it is high 90's and the swamp cooler just died. They do have an attic fan which helps when it gets cooler in the evening. So far they have not melted but it is pretty hot. We will probably put in a new furnace (this one came with the house when we bought it in 1991) and central air conditioning before we sell it next summer. My daughter and granddaughter will move here to Grand Junction and we will not need the house in Westminster. Our granddaughter will be attending Mesa State University here in Grand Junction. We are excited to have at least two family members closer to us.

    Blessing to you all!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Thank you all for your kindness and prayers. We had it pretty stormy all night and this morning and most of the day we had heavy rain and wind. The garden trees shrubbery were waterlogged from all the heavy rain which made everything hang down limp to the ground. Right now tonight it has stopped raining. Not sure what forecast is for tonight or tomorrow.

    Barb, sorry I don’t know how Victoria faired or Vancouver but trusting all your Family and Friends are safe and no property damage. Hope you had a Blessed Day!

    Susan, your Guest Speakers Sermon on obeying God is so needed in the day we live in especially with the people being so focused on Self. Thank you for sharing.

    Linda, sounds like you had a Blessed Lords Day but full with the elders meeting after Church. Sorry that the RV’s were found to be very expensive. Maybe a used one will work. Let us know how it all turns out. Sounds like you are having very hot weather, sorry that the Swamp Cooler stopped working. Hope the attic fan helped keep things cool.

    Linda and Glenn, Happy Happy 51st Anniversary and God Bless you both. Have a wonderful Celebration 🎉 and enjoy staying in the Hotel! It’s time to Pamper yourselves my friend!

    Marilyn and Sandi, thoughts and prayers for you.

    Good Nite 😴 all! God’s Blessings, see you all tomorrow! 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    It started out very overcast but the sun is out and hopefully my hand washing I did this morning will dry by evening. The last time I tried it, it rained in the afternoon and the clothes were wetter then they were when I put them outside.

    I am having computer problems and our administrative assistant for the school is going to try to help me over the phone. I do not like calls like this because she talks fast so I will have Glenn sit beside me to help me if she gives me a long chain of numbers to put in. I wish I were more computer literate that I could fix things myself. When I was at work, our support person could get into my computer electronically and fix things. It was amazing to see him work with me not having to do anything and he was in Florida.

    Judith - I feel sorry for your poor plants that are waterlogged. Do they have a good drainage system so when it stops raining, they can drain the excess water off? Are you still having rain?

    Barb - I prayed for your friend's safety that are going on the Alaska cruise. I have never gone on a cruise but I hear they are wonderful with lots of food and entertainment. If it is raining, they may not be able to be outside to see all the sea creatures in the ocean. I know when my grandson fishes, he said the fish are more active when it is raining so maybe it would be true with whales and dolphins being more active too.

    Susan - I am praying for the safety of the people who live around you that are in the flood plain and continue to keep Colin in my prayers for pain relief as well as healing.

    I may go to urgent care today. We do not have a local doctor and I have had a sore throat for over a week. It might be allergies or tonsilitis but if it is an infection, I do not want it to spread to my hip joint that was replaced. When I go to the dentist, I have to take antibiotics in case some bacteria get in my blood stream and goes to my artificial joint. I assume this would be true of any other infection. The artificial joint does not have a blood supply that the rest of the body has and can not fight an infection in that joint. I am so close to having the other joint replaced so I do not want to cause any problems with infection either.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Linda and Glenn, happy anniversary! Enjoy the stay at the motel!


    Linda, I do hope you are alright with your throat. I know your surgery is coming up quickly. Thank you for praying for Colin. The flood watch is now over and very little flooding took place. Thank you for your concern. That's a pity about the ATVs being so expensive but yes, second hand ones might be the answer! Hope you get your computer problems fixed.

    Judith, I hope the worst of the storms have passed and your plants will be OK. I hope Marilyn stayed safe too. Did sny of the fires get put out? It was just a short time ago that there was no rain in sight! I hope the rain did put out some fires.

    Barb, I read about your eyes in the prayer request thread. I looked up the condition they diagnosed you with so I can pray better for you. May it be a very slow progression problem!

    Our church is going out to lunch today so I am off to get ready.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    I hope you get feeling better soon. Happy anniversary Linda & Glen. How many years? 🎂
    Prayers computer gets fixed or you can replace it easily. Prayers for ATV’s

    Susan how is Colin doing ? Praying. Are you all cleaned up from the storms now?

    Judith praying for you. Health & apartment renovations going well. Also we have never gone on a cruise either. I’ll hear about it next week maybe.

    Marilyn & Sandi hope all is well

    I am so glad I have no AMD. My eye Dr explained it to me. AMD is a various type of macular degeneration. But has a little different etiology & mechanism than AMD. It is generally resulting in better visual outcomes. We, the 2 drs, will monitor it similarly every 6 months.
    I will let them know if I see any changes in my vision to be seen earlier.
    Good to be seeing an eye Dr every 6 months.
    God is good! 🙏🏻🙏🏻✝️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Linda, I left a Message and Anniversary card on your FaceBook Messenger! Hope you received it.

    Happy 51st Wedding Anniversary Linda and Glenn. Hope you enjoy your few days away. So sorry to hear about your sore throat, did you get to urgent care and get it looked after. Hope no infection. In light of upcoming surgery in September they might put you on a course of antibiotics. Will keep you in much prayer! And sorry about your computer problems, hope it got fixed! You asked if it’s still raining? It stopped this afternoon but we had huge gusts 💨 of wind and plenty of clouds ☁️ the skies turned grey for the most part of the day.

    Barb, so glad it’s not AMD, trusting your eye specialists will monitor your eyesight very closely, what you do have seems that it is more manageable which is all good. Will keep you in prayer!

    Susan, you said your Church were going out for lunch today. It’s nice that you have a small congregation so you all can join together and do these activities. You asked if my plants had good drainage, yes they do and my late this afternoon the blooms were standing tall almost looking like they were smiling. About the forest fires, not sure if any of the fires were put out. Hoping some were.

    Praying for JC that might have a Hurricane near, that Marilyn wasn’t affected by the storm and for Sandi that all is well!

    Good Nite 😴 all see you tomorrow most likely early evening! 🙏🤗
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 960 Member
    Trying to catch up, it’s hard when I miss too many days getting here
    Still have the heat here in Florida, it doesn’t get much cooler until October. Maybe we can lose some of the heat index sooner.
    I had a good checkup with my doctor today. She was pleased that my blood pressure is down as well as my weight. That’s always a good thing!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Judith - I did go to urgent care and they said I did not have step. They acknowledged that my throat looked very irritated and were not sure what was causing it. they gave me Zithromax to take for 5 days and I am to come back if I still have problems. It is a pretty wide spectrum antibiotic that hopefully with kill what ever is causing the problem. Thank-you for the Facebook greeting. It was beautiful and I really appreciate it.

    My computer seems to be doing better. Our administrative assistant guided Glenn and I (yes it look two of us) in what to do. I needed to download an app that integrates all the programs. I had downloaded it once but it did not work so we did it again. I am a much happier registrar now! Thanks for all the prayers.

    We are packing this morning again - it seems I say that every week. We will be traveling again next week back to Denver so I guess that is true that we pack a lot. We need to do some filming for the school done tomorrow so we are hoping for good weather. It is common to have rain every afternoon there so we will need to go up early in the higher mountains if we want good filming time. We also want to be able to spend some time in the natural hot spring pools while we are there. There are three temperatures and we usually take the one that is 110F degrees. The last time we were there was February and it was snowing but we were plenty warm sitting in the hot pool.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Thanks everyone for your continued prayers.

    Am feeling quite good. It is 2 years this month that my kidneys shut down. Have had 6 surgeries on my arms to get a fisqula for diaylis and all failed. Thankfully I have not had to have dialysis yet and hopefully will not need it for some time. When it comes time they will do an emergency operation on my chest putting in a line and from there would have the dialysis - trouble is that this one tends to cause infections. So when time comes to have it it would mean bathing on the days I have dialysis, and then when they do the dialysis should the pick need to be changed they can do it. Lots of scary things.

    Went to my TOPS meeting this morning . I have lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks and am finally below 230 (actually hit 229.8) and this has made me very happy. Now to keep it off and get the next 5 pounds off. Am 2 pounds away from losing 10 pounds so am looking forward to getting that 2 pounds off asap.

    We have not had the rain that Judith has had. We had thunderstorms and a little rain but not really enough rain to help with gardening. But am thankful that though we have had an extremelly hot summer of over 100 F many days, that the wildfires around us are still going strong but we have been fortunate that the smoke has not been as bad as in past years.

    I am taking it one day at a time - living the day as fully as I an, enjoying all that the Lord has provided for me and praying consistently that things will not go south - but if they do that I will be able lean in on the power and strength of the Lord.

    Be blessed everyone - know you are loved and thought of regulary