Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member

    It is a new month and a new start. How will this month go for meeting our goals?

    Judith - a watermelon smoothie sounds delicious right now with our 103F temperature. I was pulling weeds out of my flower bed today but could not stay out very long before I overheated. I was able to get my blood drawn today and will get my anemia results tomorrow. I am hoping that the iron supplements and dietary changes will put me back in the normal range. I have not eaten so much red meat as I have this week in a long time. Tonight we had chicken which is more like I like to eat.

    Susan - I am sorry you had to turn back and miss time with family but we all want Colin to feel better and if it means rescheduling your trip, that is a good choice in my mind. Was this family you were visiting able to come to your birthday party earlier this year? Does Colin get fractures in his spine? I think you said he has osteoporosis but I may be wrong. Do your "showgrounds" have electric and water hook-ups?

    Barb - safe travels to Branson, MO. and a wonderful time with family. For fiber, if you track your food, go to "reports" on the home page and choose fiber in the dropdown menu. It will tell you how much fiber you consumed from your food posting. There are a lot of other things you can see from that menu also.

  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 960 Member
    Susan, thank you for the list of names.

    We have our first hurricane warnings of the season. We are in a state of emergency which just means start preparing for the possibility of a hurricane around Sunday. Praying it’s not too bad as we have areas that haven’t fully recovered from the one last year.

    I enjoy reading all your posts even though I’m usually playing catch up!
    I usually post all my foods on the Weight Watchers app so I will check on the fiber there.
    Praying for each one of you and your health concerns🙏🙏🙏
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Thank you Linda for the info on fiber. I only need to have it if we need to record it for our postings.

    So sorry Susan that you had to turn back home. Prayers for your husband.
    So you might have a hurricane. I have not heard that. Prayers.

    We are on our way to Branson.

    Judith many prayers for you leading us, wisdom for Drs & your health plus condo apartment fix up.

    All gave a great weekend. 🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited August 2
    Oh, you may be right, Barb. I am pretty slack at following the challenges. I have so many food intolerances/inability to process certain things that I can't do many of the challenges. And I haven't worked out how to lose weight with my food issues yet. It's been throwing me off for the past two years, trying to work out with a Dietician what I can safely eat and what I can't, so I just do my thing and track what happens to me if I eat certain foods. So fibre isn't even on my radar right now. Hope you find out what you need to know.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Sandi - prayers for your safety as you await the possible hurricane. I have always lived inland but we have had some pretty strong tornado's to contend with in Ohio and Illinois. They are not as strong as a hurricane but can do a lot of damage too.

    Judith - I heard from the lab that my hemoglobin is back to the lowest it can be to still donate blood so I am in the "normal" range. There were some irregularities in the red blood cells that I need to talk to the doctor about. It may not be anything to worry about but it says my red blood cells are bigger than normal and not round. It can be brought on by anemia, starvation or dehydration per Google. I have been trying to loose weight (?starvation) and some days I do not drink enough water (?dehydration).Of course I will take my doctor's opinion over anything I may see on Google.

    Barb - I am glad you are on your way to Branson. I am praying for a fun time for you with family.

    Thinking and praying for you all this weekend. 🥰

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Susan hope you can figure it all out prayers 🙏.
    Safety with the hurricane. Where do you live?
    Prayers you can get your diet to work for you.

    Linda so glad your hemoglobin is better. Hope all work out.

    In Branson safely. Going to the butterfly house tomorrow since Mariposa’s name is butterfly in Spanish. So that will be fun.
    I don’t need to record fiber so I’m ok.

    Thank you. Continued prayers for Judith. Health & her place with redo. O pray you don’t need to replace lots either.
    Having lived in Philadelphia suburb I’ve been thru hurricanes. Not bad in Philly but NJ wow. Now living in Kansas tornado alley. We’ve seen them but praise God not experienced any.

    Goodnight all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Evening Hello, I began my post here and I was timed out 2x’s I kept logging on and as soon as I got here the screen froze and I lost everything. Big Sigh 😔

    Barb continued prayers for safe travels, so glad you are on the way to Branson, enjoy your time with your family and enjoy your grand-babies. Look forward to hearing all about your travels.

    Linda, thank you for updating me on your Blood work, I will keep you in prayer and will be interested in hearing what your Doctor says about the irregularities in your RBC’s!

    Sandi, praying for you and your families safety and hope you don’t have the hurricane near you.

    Susan, you have stirred up a huge idea, as my Grandma would say, “I have a Bright Idea” it was her favourite expression. Having said that, I am on the Mayo Clinic Health Site often and research the Themes I want to post for our monthly Team Challenges (Goals). I gather info that hopefully (helps) you all. I encourage you Susan, Barb, Sandi to review the last 3 months or more and see the themes we have focused on.

    What are some Food Allergies that you have? I would like to focus one of our Fall Months, maybe September/October on Food Sensitivities and Allergies. And how to live a Healthier Lifestyle with limitations in Nutrition. I would like to post a sample Recipe that includes food you or any of us have sensitivity to! I am happy to do the Research and will pull from my Nursing Text Books and use the Mayo Clinic site. Anyone interested in what I propose?

    Here in BC Canada it’s a Holiday Weekend, Monday is BC Day a Civic Holiday for us.

    Have a Blessed Weekend Everyone! Be back tomorrow! God Bless… 🤗🙏
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Just thought I would drop a line. We all met at butterfly palace. It was neat. We all had butterflies land in our food for them. Even Mariposa, whose name means. Utterly had some on her.

    We are all together at more. Then we went to an Amish store to get Lebanon bologna. I grew up with that meat in PA.

    Then back to 🦋 motel so she could sleep. T
    Some played games. We played pickles to penguins. A game I gave the kids from
    Collective goods

    I have no food allergies
    Enjoy the holiday Judith
    Safety Susan with the tropical storm maybe hurricane
    Also prayers for your husband.
    Have a great day all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - It sounds like you are having lots of fun. We have a butterfly pavilion in Denver that we like to visit. One time we went there and a butterfly landed on a little boy. He was not expecting it and knocked the butterfly off his shoulder and stomped on it before his parents could stop him. He was too young to understand what was happening but the staff and parents were quite surprised. I do not know if the butterfly was valuable but it had beautiful blue wings.

    Sandi - praying for your safety. Have you had severe damage from a hurricane before in your area?

    Judith - I have several food allergies. I can not eat soy, tuna fish, chocolate, or red food dye. I also have environmental allergies like printer ink and bleach. I worked for an allergist and he did free testing on me.

    Susan - I hope Colin is feeling better with the antibiotics. Give Jasper and Archie a hug for me.

    Marilyn - thinking about you and wondering what your kidney numbers are now. You said you had just had it drawn a few days ago.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Barb, it sounds l8ke you all are having a wonderful time! A butterfly house is so nice to visit. The Amish community would be good to see too. Glad you are enjoying yourselves. Thank you for your prayers but the weather here in Queensland, Australia is too cool for a tropical storm right now. I think it is Sandi who is in danger of a storm? It's Winter here. We usually get our worst storms in summer which is from November to March.

    Judith, my list of foods is so long! I might have to send them to you by messenger. In a nutshell, I need low FODMAPS food and no gluten or Lactose. I can't have mushrooms either. That's the easiest way to put it rather than listing all the individual foods. I do have a Dietician working with me to puzzle things out. Each person with IBS needs slightly different things that can only be established with food trials. I'm a bit complicated. L! It's lovely of you to want to help, but don't feel like you need to, hon.

    Karen, I was glad to hear your anaemia is correcting itself but a bit concerned about the abnormal red blood cells. It will be interesting to know what the Dr thinks. Your own thoughts about it will be important, I am sure. I hope it's easy to figure out.

    I have Colin's head cold today and we have to pack up the van so we can drive home tomorrow. I really just want to sleep. Lol!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    We are in heat wave forecast says hot sunny ☀️ skies and temps rising daily. No rain in sight! Tonight it’s hot hot 🥵

    Susan, IBS is what my Son’s wife like you no lactose or gluten has as well as no dairy. I don’t mind, I may not do a recipe but post what the Mayo Clinic say which they always have a positive word to hep a person no matter the health issue to live a healthy lifestyle. You spoke about the Amish community, back East where I lived there was a large Amish community, I loved there stores and Farmers Market. Such healthy scrumptious food. I am sure you enjoyed your visit.

    Linda, thank you for sharing your food sensitivities. As we share we can help each other. You spoke about the Butterfly Pavilion. So sorry about the incident of the child being scared of butterfly and stomping on it, so sad 😞 I am sure he was beautiful with the blue wings! We have a Butterfly 🦋 Pavilion here in the Greater Vancouver area, I have travelled often over the years especially when the kids were young living at home. We also went to the aquarium and the zoo.

    Barb, so glad you are enjoying yourself with the family. Glad you were able to so nice you had the visit to the Butterfly Palace. Such fun seeing all the different kinds of butterflies! Glad you had the time to visit the Amish store and get the bologna you like. Have a great time my friend. Thanks for letting me know you don’t have food allergies.

    Marilyn, thinking of you and I too hope your Kidney levels are good. Been thinking of you with our Heat wave that has started and will take us thru all next week. Please be safe and keep well

    Sandi, how are you? Hope you didn’t get the hurricane you were expecting. Keeping you in prayer.

    It’s really late so will leave here and hope yo finish couple more posts in our Team Threads!
    Good Nite 😴 and God Bless 🤗🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Sunday Morning Blessings

    Enjoy your Sunday services and Family time today.

    I am looking forward to watching my Live Stream Service at my Home Church.

    I am here early this morning as we are in a heat wave with temps in mid 90’s, averaging between 90+ to 95 degrees, late afternoon the temps rise higher from the hot Sun Beams over us. The Humidity is high so the temps make it feel higher!

    I replied and commented on all your posts last night answering questions so will let you read those.

    Have a Blessed Lord’s Day! ✝️⛪️📖🙏
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 960 Member
    We are still waiting for the hurricane to come on shore. It’s still out in the gulf but headed our way. We’ve never had any severe damage from one just a lot of limbs down and debris and losing power. There are those that have done extreme damage in Florida.
    Thank you all for your prayers.

    Barb, I would love to go to Branson. Seems like there is a lot to do there. Hope you have a great time.

    Judith, hope you got to see your church service this morning. Ours was very’s always nice to see friends and worship together.
    Sunday Blessings everyone!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Everyone is gone from our small group service this morning and now we have two more meetings to go. We had a meal with the first group - taco's and people brought different things to eat. For desert they had key lime pie but I did not have any due to the high sugar. Glenn and I had some sugar free ice cream in a cone so I could enjoy dessert with everyone else.

    Yesterday we got a peck of fresh peaches from an orchard near our house. Our area is perfect for grapes, peaches, apricots and cherries to grow. The peaches were very ripe and unfortunately when they were putting them from the basket into the box, some of them were bruised. We will need to eat them quickly. We may be going back to Denver this weekend so if we have any left over, we will take them to the family. I may freeze some but they are not as sweet when thawed in the winter.

    Susan - I am sorry that Colin shared his head cold with you. I hope you are feeling better. Get some good rest and keep hydrated! Safe travels back home too.

    Sandi - I am sorry that you are still waiting in anticipation for the hurricane to come ashore. I find it is easier to deal with a problem than to have to wait for it to happen. Prayers that you will not have too much damage.

    Judith - I am with you in having to deal with the heat. Last night we had a small thunderstorm that did take the temperature down some. It is 95F here today but at least it is not 103F like it was yesterday.

    Barb - safe travels back to your home from Branson! I am sure you have made a lot of memories while you were there.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Hi all nice catching up.
    Prayers Sandi as you wait & maybe now you are having rain & winds. Prayers for you. Also no damage.

    Susan. Sorry you got your hubby’s cold. Hope you both get feeling good.

    Linda the peaches sound good.
    I got some peach jam in Branson

    Judith We got the heat here & on way north. 97*. Oh well.
    Prayers for you. We could use some of the rain

    We went to our sons (both of them) church they attended in college. Then we went out for Chinese food, which took 30 minute exit & another 30 to get our food. People seated after us got their food before us. My dh & I split a meal. Oh well so late start for a late arrival home. Oh well it’s summer.

    Have a great week.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited August 4
    Good Monday morning. We're packing up to go home so forgive me that this is brief. We have a lot of little things to do. Things are much the same as yesterday.

    Hopefully tomorrow I can visit longer.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    We are home now & I will hope to do some more strength exercises, starting tomorrow. It took me 75 minutes to water, tie up some plants work on composte pile as I had cut grass from our son's house for our composte. Plus I'm tired and stil have unpacking to do.
    Hope all have a good night!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - I hope you get rested up from all your travel and unpacking. When we travel, I think sometimes the preparation and the clean up are the hardest part. I get rested on the vacation then get tired again when I get home.

    Susan - I am praying for safe travels back to your house. I hope you are feeling better with your head cold. Is Colin's pain any better?

    My husband and I were sitting out on the swing on the patio last night and enjoyed hearing the rain hit the top of the swing but it never made it to the ground. The patio cement never got wet because the rain evaporated before it got that close to the ground. It did make our humidity go up but as for watering the trees and grass, it was as if it did not rain. the humidity helps my dry skin feel better so I am enjoying that part.

    Judith - have you noticed any mold growing in the moisture that may be left in your apartment? I hope that the fans took the majority of it out but there might be some left although with your hot weather, it may have evaporated some too.

    Sandi - keep us updated on your weather. We are praying for you.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Hello everyone. We got home safely, unpacked the van and got it back to its storage place. There's no room to store it where we live so it goes several kilometres away. We'll clean it when we feel up to it.

    Linda, your rain that didn't reach the ground must have been disappointing. The ground must be so hot. I hope you get some gentle soaking rain one day soon. Colin's back is still quite sore. I didn't help yesterday. I slipped and half fell out of the car while trying to climb in (you have to step up snd swing into the cab) and he came and tried to rescue me by lifting me. I was mad at myself for slipping and putting him in that position but didn't get hurt, largely thanks to him. My cold is turning into a chest cold and I still feel unwell. Now I am home in my own bed, things might improve.. Colin has physio and GP appointments this week.

    Barb, welcome home. It is always tiring to come home and unpack and clean. Having gardening to do right away is also tiring! I hope you can take an easier pace today.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    edited August 6
    Barb, welcome home, happy you had the time to be with your family and enjoy your grandkids. Look forward to hearing all about your adventures.

    Susan. So glad you are home and you can sleep in your own bed. Sorry the cold has developed into a chest cold. Hope over the counter meds can help you. Do you have a cough or any fever? Will pray you get over this cold quickly. So sorry about you slipping when getting back into the caravan cab, so glad you didn’t get hurt but sorry Colin is feeling the effects on his back by grabbing you so you didn’t fall to the ground. Glad he is having Physio and seeing his GP. Will be praying much for you both.

    Linda, so sorry that it’s so hot that the rain is not even watering the trees or ground. Hope the heat cools down and you get some good rain that would really help. You asked me if I noticed any mould growing, I haven’t but I am running fans and AC pretty much 24/7. I did notice a musty smell when I turned fan off. Guess there will be a lot of work when they finally start on ceilings. Left a note in Prayer Request Thread as I meet up with many Tuesday Wednesday to see what I am required to do. Will let you read the update I posted.

    Sandi, my prayers continue for you. So sorry the reports are saying the hurricane is nearing your area.

    Marilyn, praying for you and trusting your blood work came back with a good report on your Kidney function numbers. Hope you are not getting it too hot in your area.

    Will sign off now. This is my 2nd time here posting, was here early morning to post Devotions and Bible Reading and couple other threads so will let you read all my Posts.

    Good Night 😴 Everyone, Big Hugs! 🤗
    May your day and week ahead be good and blessed abundantly…

    My Prayers are with you All 🙏