Chat Cafe



  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Here are the 2 pictures i tried to send
    Waiting for my 2 sisters to get the RI sister.
    So glad Colin sleeping better.
    Enjoyed your cards Susan
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 27
    What beautiful photos, Barb. It's very special that you can be with your Mom and sisters. Thank you for making sure the photos finally loaded! Enjoy your family time.

    Thank you all for your nice feedback about the cards I designed for our classes. The ladies will come again next month and have already chosen from my samples what they will do next. I need to create new samples during the month so they can choose for November's classes. That's the fun part for me!

    It is raining here so our plans to have our friends pick up our lounge suite have been cancelled. We sold it to them as we bought one with powered recliners to replace it. Colin is having trouble with our manual recliners. We also downsized our couch so it will fit better in our lounge space. Our friends will work out a way to collect our old suite on a dry day. The new lounge arrives on Thursday so we need to solve this problem by then.

    Colin has still been having pain and does have several naps during his day. He can't sleep long at night without waking from the pain, so it is an ongoing thing. Thank you all for your prayers for him.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    edited September 28
    Our daughter and kids were exhausted after working on the ranch today. They were very dirty and immediately wanted to take showers and rest. The house is really quiet as they are waiting to eat the shepherds pie that I made for dinner. I used yellow squash and eggplant with other vegetables that came for our garden at the other house. It used up a lot of leftover vegetables also.

    Sandi - I agree with Susan, We are praying for your safety. It seems you just had another hurricane not long ago. We also have church friends in that area but so far there has only been flooding and winds in their area. Their house weathered the storm pretty well.

    Judith - I am so glad that you felt the presence of God with you as you had your procedures. Even when we can not have a physical person with us during these hard times, we know God is with us and will help with his calm and peace.

    Susan - How is Colin doing?

    Barb - will you get to see your sister who was not feeling well earlier?
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Susan, thanks for sharing, I didn’t hear any news today. I am so sorry to hear this about hurricane in Florida! And I agree Susan it is lovely having us all post on here. See you back in 14 hours Susan, can hardly wait for you to read my responses to our Story line on both word games! I am sure you will Lol! 😂

    Sandi, Susan just told us about the hurricane in Florida. I am praying for your safety and hope you are in a safe place. If you have access to your phone or the internet please let us know how you are. We Love you and are praying for you! 🙏

    Praying and thinking of Linda, Barb and Marilyn! Love you all! Hope to see you all tomorrow!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Today the family is going to go to our mountain property and see the leaves change. It starts up there before it gets to our town which is several thousand feet in altitude below the mountains. We also will go see the new movie "The Wild Robot" that our granddaughter wants to see. Both Glenn and the grandkids are on zoom calls this morning so it is quiet here at the house.

    Praying for all of you - I may come back later after our day of fun.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Enjoy the mountains and your granddaughter time, Linda. Such special times. Colin is much the same, pushing through his pain.

    Judith, we have news about the flooding, damage and death in Florida. It doesn't sound good at all.

    Barb, glad you are still seeing family.

    Thinking of you, Sandi and Marilyn.

    We're almost at church. Our old Pastor from far north Queensland is visitwith his wife, both good friends of ours. We're having a luncheon after the service. I'm going to try playing worship music on my flute. Pray I can!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Susan, that would be so nice for you to play worship music on your flute. Prayers for you and for Colin. Enjoy your visit and luncheon with your friends, the Pastor and his wife. I had my news on today and I also heard the devastation in Florida, so many Homes destroyed from the hurricane and the floods. And so many lives lost. My heart goes out to the people in Florida and surrounding areas. I believe I heard the storm is in Texas, also in another State but the name has escaped me.

    Sandi I am praying for you, praying for your safety my friend.

    Marilyn, you are so missed, prayers for you also.

    Linda, enjoy your quiet house while Glen and the Grandkids are on Zoom calls. Hope you enjoy your time with your family. They will enjoy going up to see the Fall colours. I love Autumn 🍂 seeing the leaves turning into a rainbow of colours. Such a beautiful time of the year. Enjoy the Wild Robot Movie your granddaughter wants to see. Have fun Linda!

    God’s Blessings, see you all tomorrow! Have a Blessed Lord’s Day, enjoying your Sunday services and being with family and friends.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Susan - I am sure that your worship music was beautiful. I remember playing the piano for church and how nervous I could get until I prayed about it and realized I was not preforming for the crowd but to usher everyone into the presence of God in worship. That was an awesome privilege for us music leaders to do. That always helped me to keep my focus on God. I am not at all saying that you do not do that. I am just relating my experiences of wonder we had to be able to worship together getting myself behind the cross and making God the focus. I am glad you get to go to lunch with your prior pastor. I am sure you had lots of good memories to talk about.

    Judith - yes the damage done by the hurricane was massive in some areas. I heard one town was completely destroyed - no buildings are standing now. So far our friends have had only flood damage. I also pray for Sandi that she and her family are safe.

    We did have a fun day yesterday. We were pretty crowded in our truck but our daughter spent the time traveling to do some home schooling. They learn history and math facts by singing songs. It was really interesting to see how that helps cement the facts into your brain by using different parts of the brain to memorize. We had lunch at a little Amish store. They have so many homemade things to buy and a variety of different flavors in their items. We also enjoyed the changing of the colors. The sun was really bright which made the yellow aspens really glow. Pictures do not do it justice to show the colors. While we were at our property, we were able to watch our SIL and family bring the cows down from the upper pasture and into the corrals to divide the calves from their mothers. They are bringing the calves down to the ranch today to fatten them up but leaving the Mom's on the mountain for another month. They will call out for their calves for a while after they are gone but after 24 hours they no longer look for them. It is a sad time for me to be there and hear they calling but not hearing an answering calf saying "I'm here". Of course, we know that the cows do not have emotions like we do but we also know that there is an instinct that wants to be near their babies. The movie was sad to me. A robot was in a hurricane and the box it was in was dropped on an island. It was programed to do tasks but when it landed it killed the adult parent ducks and left on egg that was about to hatch. The egg imprinted itself on the robot as it's mother. Of course, the robot had no emotions but because of the need, she researched her data base and asked the other animals questions and found what it was to be a mother. Some things were funny and it was encouraging to see that when a need is felt, she (or we) are able to "reprogram" our minds to become what is needed for the situation. She leaves to teach the robot creators how important emotions are compared to just doing a task logically.


  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    On way home. I’ll try to send more pics. I saw 2 of my 3 sisters. The one who was a bit sick made it.
    Many prayers for Colin. Hard when you don’t get all the sleep one needs.
    Many prayers for wisdom.

    Linda loved your pictures of color in the trees. We’ve seen a bit but has rained every day we were in PA. It’s raining now in our way to our motel in Virginia. Cloudy & foggy. So hard on the drive.

    Minister & one of our daughters play the flute. Elisabeth is a first grade teacher & the teachers may play their instruments before Christmas vacation. I’m sure the kids like it. I keep telling her that the autistic kids can find music soothing & glutes easy to bring.

    Prayers for those in hurricane. So many lost everything. Mud slides.

    Judith prayers for you too.
    Prayers for all. 🙏🙏
    My sisters & sine with my mom plus a buggy rides for a tour pics taken in rain.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Barb, such nice pictures! So glad you got to see family and the one sis wasn't too sick.

    Linda, how amazing those trees are. So very pretty! Yes, I do have similar thoughts when I play flute. I was concerabout my hand not functioning well as I still have De Quervain's in the wrist and arthritis stops me from closing my right hand, plus I have trigger fingers on both hands. I was able though, thank the Lord.

    Judith, the news about Florida is so very sad. It will take years for them to recover from that devastation. I do hope Sandi has been in a safe area.

    Must rush today or I'll be late for Uke practise.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    edited September 30
    Barb, safe travels back home. So glad you got to see 2 of your sisters. And thank you for sharing your pictures, so nice.

    Linda, beautiful pictures, I love all the Fall colours. I really love the Autumn Season!

    Susan hope you enjoy your ukulele practice. I agree the devastation is unimaginable my heart goes out to the people in Florida. Trusting Sandi is in a safe area.

    Sandi, I am praying for you, trusting you are safe.

    Marilyn, praying for you too.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 30
    Good morning and happy October. It's already Oct 1st here.

    Judith, Uke Jam practice was fun and later in the day the Starlight Singers had a practice too. We sang a lot of Christmas carols as our November Christmas concert is coming up.

    We saw more about Florida's devastation on the news last night. It's heartbreaking. So many have no power or clean water. I do hope they get help and have their power and water restored, but it must be quite dangerous to restore power when so many buildings are smashed and power lines are down. I really don't know how disaster recovery starts. If it is like recovering from a cat 5 cyclone, I lived through that. They will need their roads cleared of debris like fallen trees and many must have lost their fridges and freezers of food in an extended power outage. Even their cell phones will have died as they have no power to recharge them, so communication will be non existent. Flood water is dirty and heavy with mud, so cleanup from floods is hard, dirty work and it stinks to high heaven too. It's devastating. I am praying for them all, and especially for Sandi.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Today is a sad day because my daughter and grandkids left to go home. It is very quiet with them gone but I have laundry to keep me busy for a while. They had so much fun playing race cars and other things with my wheeled walker and wheelchair. They also left us with lovely sidewalk chalk drawings on our driveway. Some of them were pretty detailed like a comic strip in a newspaper with a long story. I am sad also that I will no longer be licensed as an RN after today. I let my license lapse since I have not worked for 8 years and I would need to take refresher courses to go back. It is also expensive to keep it current when I do not use it. I did enjoy the respect people had for me with I was working - especially when we were still wearing white uniforms and our cute hats. I am not regretting my decision but sad that it is an end of an era in my life.

    Our neighbor just told us that his son lives in North Carolina and there were 100 people dead in the area. He lives on high ground so not as much damage by flooding but will not have any water for at least 2 months. Yes, Susan, the cleanup after the flood is also had work. The mold that grows in the walls and the stench of standing water is pretty bad. Our facility was flooded and even with a quick response and cutting the walls down to avoid the mold, it took over a year to rebuild the first floor.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Prayers for all we are in Indiana tonight & should be home tomorrow.
    We are seeing full rivers & saw some fallen trees near Lexington, KY where we heard they he tree damage.
    Yes, it is so sad & I heard there maybe up to 600 dead. Many prayers. Pray for Samaritan purse who is out & for people to come to the Lord.
    Prayers for all.

    I hope to be up & able to keep up with all but I know I I’ll be busy with catching up with everything.

    Prayers Linda with a quiet house. My mom doesn’t like goodbyes & is really a mess so she doesn’t want anything when he turns 90 next year. So that is sad.

    How is Colin doing? ]
    Prayers for Judith & all.