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  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 22
    Sunday was a beautiful day and church was extra nice. We had visitors as it is school holiday time. Our Pastor is a great teacher and gave us great sermons. Col and I had a nap between services. What a blessed day.

    Judith, glad your friend could help you so much. It sounds like everything is working out. I used pictures of family from some years ago for my recent scrapbook pages. I haven't printed any from our trip at all. Not sure if I will. I'm such an occasional scrapper. Cards are more my thing.

    Barb, how lovely that you will see your sister! Enjoy your days with family and friends.

    I have Ukelele practice this morning so need to get moving. Thinking of you all.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    We are in West Virginia now. We’ve seen some color on the leaves, so that is neat.
    We also did some nice walking & Bob Evan’s home. So it’s been a nice day. Still warm though. Lots of rain back in Kansas City. 😆

    Prayers for Judith health & renovation. Plus all packing & everything involved. So glad you had help.

    Linda Susan & all hope all had a good day.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    It was a busy day - so much so that I forgot I had not gotten on here yet and it is 10pm. I am glad that I remembered because I have worked hard to keep up my streak. We had a lovely rain storm last night as I was getting ready to go to bed. I wish I could have kept my window open to listen to it but it is getting cool enough at night that I have been closing our bedroom window before we go to sleep. I had done some hand washing and put it out on the clothes line so it got rinsed a second time with the rain. I did not think about it being outside until it was too late to get it off the line so I just left it outside. It was nicely dried by the time we left for church. I love the way clothes smell when hanging outside!

    Judith - I am so glad that you got so many boxes packed already. It sounds like it will not take much longer until you are done and the movers will take over. It will be a relief for all of us who have been living this nightmare with you to have things all new and taken care of.

    Susan - you sound very productive with your cards and scrapbooking. Even with a kit, I think I would have problems choosing pictures to use and those to leave out. Do you have a theme for your pictures you are putting in the book?

    Barb - praying for your safe travels and that your will get to see your sister. Growing up I wished I had a sister to play with but I only had one brother. Is your sister a hairstylist as a job or is she really good at doing it with natural talent? During Covid I know we all had to learn how to do things at home we had never done before.

    The sermon today was a continuation of the "Sticky Subjects' theme. He talked about modesty in all areas of our lives. I grew up being told that if a girl dresses immodestly, is was her fault if the boys had lustful thoughts. Our minister said this is not true. We need to be looking out for our motives and live godly lives but if someone wants to have lustful thoughts, that is not the girl's fault. She does have to take the responsibility to dress as God would want her to dress and men need to control their thoughts and dress modestly also so as to not cause the girl to think lustful thoughts. He also said modest is more than just dressing. We need to consider our houses, our cars, our spending, etc and not to judge someone who chooses to do something that would be immodest for us to consider. We all will be accountable for what we choose to do.

    Our daughter is coming on Wednesday as we had planned even though originally she was coming to help take care of me after my surgery. She does not know if she can come when it is actually rescheduled so she will come to help make meals that we can freeze and use when I will need them. The church will also do a meal train for us so I should have all the support that I need with Glenn helping me get dressed. Putting on support hoes is one thing that will be difficult but since I will be having physical therapy, they may have some things I can use to make me more independent.

    Have a good week!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Susan, I am with you about scrapbooking being an occasional activity. It’s been a few years since I did our Family History and made a scrapbook for my Son and Daughter. I enjoy Genealogy, and have researched my Family Line back to the 1500’s. I am thinking I might do a scrapbook for my Grandkids but not sure if I have the strength for that work now. The good thing is I have our Family History online and have it updated in all the Family Line Names on both sides of Family including most of the in-law sides, mine, and daughters in-laws is completed. But really besides Genealogy Card Making is my thing. Hope you had a great Ukulele practice.

    Linda, thank you for sharing the Sticky Subjects Series your Pastor is teaching on as it is so needed these days especially the subject on Modesty in all areas of our lives. I so agree with you in all that you have shared. So nice your daughter is coming to help get you ready with preparing meals to freeze when you have your surgery. And with all that your daughter is doing and the Church offering to help you and Glen with the meals when home from hospital. Sounds like you will have plenty of help, and of course Glen will be such a great and loving support as you recover. I continue to pray that these next few days on antibiotics will resolve the issues your ENT found, trusting when your ENT re-examines the areas you will be totally free from the abnormalities. I am believing and trusting you have been Healed and your Hip replacement will be scheduled ASAP! Keep us posted Linda!

    Barb, so happy you are in West Virginia, sounds so lovely there with some of the leaves turning into Fall Colours. Can hardly wait for our Autumn Colours. I love the Autumn Season. Glad you are enjoying being with your family. Nice your weather there is warm. Hope your sister was able to come and spend time with you and the family. It will be an awesome reunion to be with your Sister and the family.

    God Bless you all, have a good night and day tomorrow. Be back tomorrow night! 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    I am getting on early today. I am cleaning bathrooms today and I am wanting a break from that "fun" activity.

    Today is a beautiful day with a high of 82F (27.7C) and clear sky. I want to get outside today to enjoy the lovely weather. We will go exercise later today also.

    I am excited to have our daughter and grand kids here for a week. I still need to reorganize some things in the guest bedroom where they will sleep. I don't have any exciting things going today so this will be short. I continue to pray for each of you.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 23
    Linda, when Colin had his knee replacement, the Physio lent him a support hose aid. It really helped. Here's something similar I found online:


    I hear you on bathroom cleaning. It feels good when it's done. I was glad to hear your daughter will visit anyway. She sounds really helpful, like you! As for the Scrapbooking, I ambitiously started nine albums for the grandchildren but have fallen by the wayside with them. I think I will just scrap about our experiences with the kids as I feel moved. Yesterday I talked with a friend who is part of a scrapbooking group who wants me to teach the group once a month. Maybe I'll get more done on my own family albums with that structure in place. It isn't a sure thing yet. My friend is going to ask her group if they want me. She brought it up and is quite persuasive, so it might happen.

    Judith, I can't wait for everything to be refreshed and renewed at your place! May it all go without a hitch. Like you, I did family history research and did as much as I could to create a family tree on I then invited all relatives to join the tree themselves. They have access to what facts, stories and pictures I found. But I would rather make cards! Lol!

    Barb, glad you are having a good break. The Gardens sound nice. I hope you have good weather. The reunion with your sister must be soon! Exciting!

    Colin isn't having good days at the moment due to his back pain. He isn't sleeping well at night either. He may need to stay home today. I had booked us both to join a friend for lunch, but it might be just me who goes. My friend is my oldest friend from primary school days. We'll be able to chat non stop even if Cin can't come. He is having Physio each week and is on strong painkillers. He plans to start walking in the pool with s friend who lives in our Village. That may help.

    Have good days, everyone.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Here are 2 pictures of us in the New River gorge national park. It is West Virginia.
    One is the sandstone falls and a bridge we went over. You can start seeing some color in the Appalachian mts.
    We will stay in Maryland tomorrow & Lancaster, PA Wednesday thru Sunday.

    Prayers for all. So glad you are pa Jed Judith prayers for the renovations & all. 🙏

    Susan prayers Colin has done good days so sorry for the bad days. 🙏

    Linda. Single you are getting better & can have the surgery soon. 🙏🙏.
    Prayers for all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Barb, loved the pictures you have shared, the Appalachian (sorry if I spelled the name wrong) Mountains are Beautiful, love the Fall colours, the picture of you and Harry is such a great photo. I haven’t seen a picture of Harry your husband before, now I have a picture in my mind when I pray for you both. You are seeing so much in your travels, I am so happy you are with your family and will have a nice time with your sister also, if you can I’d love to see a picture of you and your Sister Jan together and maybe even your dear Mom!

    Linda, you made me chuckle 🤭 when you said you were on early as you needed a break from your “Fun Activity” you were cleaning the bathrooms! Yup, I hear you on that, something that needs doing but definitely not something “Fun” hehe! So glad your Daughter and Grandkids are visiting. It will be nice to spend
    time together. It will be great for your daughter to help with preparing meals for the freezer to help when you come home from the hospital after surgery. So glad you are having nice weather.

    Susan, I so hear you, scrapbooking is nice to do but it is time consuming. Thanks for sharing you have put your Family History on Ancestry. So nice for your family. That would be nice if you do teach a scrapbooking class, that was so nice of her to ask you. Perhaps with teaching you might want to do more scrapbooking. A thought, perhaps you could combine scrapbooking and card making classes together? Let me know how it all turns out. I am sorry to read that Colin is having so much pain, I hope the Physio will help him, it would be good if Colin can get in the pool for exercise in the water, it’s nice he has a friend in the Village who would be willing to join him. I will keep Colin in much prayer. I did enjoy making the Family History scrapbook albums for my Daughter and Son but I admit just as you said, I enjoy making cards more. Right now with all my treatment and surgeries I have limited my card making to only my family. One day I will be back making cards for friends too.

    Hope you all have a great evening. God Bless, See you all tomorrow. 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Judith, good to hear from you. I think I detect tiredness in your voice. I hope you can get enough rest with all the disruption of packing up. Yes, I will keep you informed about what happens with the scrapbooking class. I already have three monthly card classes to teach. I have two coming up tomorrow and Friday. I did one last week. The classes take full afternoons. I find people either want to make cards or they want to scrap! It's a rare person who wants to do both on the same day. But I will keep that combining idea in mind.

    Barb, thank you so much for the pictures! I especially loved the one of you and Harry. I'm glad you are having such a good time and are seeing beautiful places. We love travelling too, when Colin is up to it.

    I"m afraid Col had another bad night and only found he was comfortable on the couch last night. I'm letting him sleep but it is breakfast time. The dogs are hungry and so am I! We have one big room for our kitchen, dining room and lounge. I'll disturb him if I go rattle around in the kitchen but he should wake soon.

    Thinking of you all.🙏
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Prayers, for Colin that he is sleeping better. So sorry as that makes it harder to get well.

    Linda enjoy family time. Enjoy. 😊

    Judith hope you can sleep with the renovations & probably in another bed.
    Also continued prayers for your health & wisdom for drs.

    We are in Maryland & it’s & it’s only 4 hours or so to Lancaster tomorrow. I was hoping to get a picture of 2 of my sisters & me with our mom. Well that won’t happen now. Cher who lives in PA will be up & back home Thursday. Jan if she can come won’t be there till Friday. She is off Friday-Sunday with her job but may have a cold. Plus their son, Nathan has. Covid. We are praying. God can work it out.

    We had rain today & our motel has no laundry so Harry is washing at a laundromat. He is good with that.
    Oh more leave color cut with no sun the pictures are not as good. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow?
    Not much else new with us. I did get the questions I missed from the Bible study I am missing so I worked on that. Of course I’ll get the papers when I get home & wrote answers down.
    Have a good eve. Stay safe all

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - thanks for sharing the pictures. I really miss the tree colors of the East. I grew up in Ohio and we had a whole woods full of beautiful sugar maples that were such a pretty red and orange. Mainly we have yellow aspens here in Colorado. Still praying for safe travels for you.

    Susan - I am so sorry that Colin is having so much back pain. He does sound so courageous to still keep going with all the medical issues he has. I agree that a change in sleeping positions (from bed to chair to couch) can help with pain control. It is hard to depend on pain medication for relief so when there is another remedy, I try it first.

    Judith - I do hope that you are getting your rest as Susan said. Does extra activity cause more pain for you? If I were you, I would be looking forward to getting your condo "back to normal" but also dreading all the work that it involves. I am so glad that you have a friend helping you as well as movers to do the hard parts. I keep telling myself "one day at a time" to keep from getting overwhelmed in really busy times.

    I finally got connected with the ENT's office to get an appointment for follow-up from the antibiotics. He can not see me until October 8th. If I am clear, and it take a month to reschedule my hip, it is looking like the first week of November at the earliest. This may affect our ability to go back to Denver for Thanksgiving. We will have to see how things are healing and how I am feeling. We do have family in Grand Junction that we can celebrate with or we could get together with some college kids or singles who can not go home due to work schedules. We will not have to celebrate alone where ever we are.

    We have our weekly Bible study group tonight so I need to get the snacks set up and to make sure that the house is straightened enough. Thinking about you all in prayer. 🥰
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Susan, sorry Colin is finding it hard to sleep with all the back pain he is having. Hope sleeping on the couch last night helped him sleep better. Thanks for keeping me posted on what happens with your scrapbooking class. I hadn’t about that when I suggested about combining cards and scrapbooking classes together, but you are right, most people want one or the other. Card making seems to be more popular these days. And yes, with all the packing and getting ready and keeping up with my medical appointments has made me tired. But no worries, I rested a lot last 2 days so know I will have a good nights sleep!

    Barb, praying for safe travels. Reading that Harry was at the laundromat doing laundry as your Hotel doesn’t have a laundry facility reminds me to find out if my Hotel does. Sorry to hear about Jan having a cold and their son, Nathan having
    Covid, hope Jan can still come. I join my prayers with yours. Keep us posted.

    Linda, glad you have the appointment with your ENT on the 8th of October for the recheck but sorry it’s making everything late, thinking about if Surgery is scheduled in November with Thanksgiving being so close. Will keep this in much prayer for you. Hope you have a good Bible Study tonight.

    Blessings all, have a good evening and Sleep 😴well tonight! 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    I had a surprise phone call this afternoon from the minister's wife. They were going to meet at my house for women's midweek and she was going to do the lesson on prayer but she is sick. She will send me her notes but I like to have a few days to prepare to make things my own. God will be leading the lesson tonight! I think I will make it a discussion group along with praying so everyone can get involved.

    I also had a call from my surgeon's office who said the surgeries are booked out until January but since mine was cancelled by the doctor and not a request of mine, they have a cancellation on October 22 that I can have if my ENT clears me for surgery. I am praying that things will be cleared up and I can take this date.

    Barb - your husband sounds very helpful to do your laundry. My husband is good to do that too. He was cleaning off the baseboards today that I could not reach to dust. In the generation of my parents, husbands worked to support the family and mothers did all the rest - cleaning, cooking, child rearing, etc.

    Judith- I do hope that the hotel has laundry service for you. My washer and dryer is pretty high which is great for me to not have to bend down but would not work for you in your wheelchair. I don't know how much you are able to stand. You have overcome so many obstacles since your injury many years ago!

    Susan - hope Colin is feeling better today.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning. It's a beautiful day here and I have ladies coming for their cardmaking class so must move furniture and get everything ready for their work stations, my displays and the general supplies we need. Colin seems to have slept a little better last night. Thank you all for praying for him. He's not out of the pain woods yet. He may have permanent trouble as he has been healing so slowly since last November.

    Linda, may the study go well (good idea to have a discussion group!) and may your surgery take place on Oct 22nd with you being 100% well again.

    Judith, I just noticed your birthday is coming up. You will be at the hotel for it I think. I'm glad you have had some rest before your move and next appointments with Drs.

    Barb, sorry your sister and nephew are sick. I hope your reunion can still happen, but you are right, God will work things out accordingly. Colin also does laundry, thankfully, though lately I have to race to beat him to it. He's not supposed to lift things!

    God bless you all.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Linda, I am praying your ENT will clear you for surgery and you can have October 22nd for your surgery. I am believing and Trusting the Lord for this to happen! Good plan for your Bible Study! Trust all will go well.

    Susan, continue to keep Colin in prayer. So happy it’s a lovely day at your end. Have a beautiful day card making with everyone who comes. Be careful with moving the furniture to get the work stations ready for your class.

    Tomorrow I am at VGH for follow up with my surgeon, he has procedures to do to get me ready for the 2 weeks I am at the Hotel.

    I will be celebrating my Birthday 🥳 on October 5th at the Hotel. My family are coming and will bring food for them and the things I can eat. The kids always make a nice Birthday for me so look forward to it.

    Will be back tomorrow night with an update from my Surgeon’s follow up. Thank you for your prayers! Love and Hugs All…🙏❤️🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Judith, I hope that all goes well with the surgeons' preparations for you being in the hotel. I'm glad to know you will be able to celebrate your Birthday with family there. It sounds like fun! Moving and your birthday will be upon you soon! Remember your spoons and don't overdo if you can help it. Hugs.

    Yesterday's card class was a lot of fun. There were lots of laughs and beautiful cards were made. We focused on Christmas.



    Today I have another smaller class to make the same cards.

    I hope you are all doing well. Linda, I hope your sinus issue is clearing up day by day. Barb, may your travels and family visits bring you joy.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    The internet is bad here I’ve tried to post 2 pics of my mom & one sister with me. Nothing is working maybe in car tomorrow.
    When is Judith’s bday ?
    Hope Colin is doing better & prayers Linda can get better to have her surgery. Prayers when sees ENT Doctor.
    Rainy & cloudy here
    Busy day tomorrow.
    Prayers for all

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Susan - I am glad that Colin is sleeping better. He is such a stalwart person to keep working and helping out when he is still in pain. Your cards as usual are lovely. It is hard to believe that Christmas will be here soon.

    Judith - I am glad that the surgeon is giving you a break while you are in the hotel. I am also glad you will not be alone to celebrate your birthday. Does the hotel allow you to have food to prepare for you to eat? There is no way that they would prepare your food for you at a restaurant.

    Barb - I am sorry that you are having problems with your internet. MFP gives me problems sometimes, in fact I lost this whole posting and am writing it a second time. I would love to see your pictures but do not worry if you have to post it later. We can wait - enjoy your time with your family while you can.

    My daughter arrived here safely at 9:30 pm yesterday then we had dinner because they were hungry. After dinner we talked until 12:30am. Needless to say, they did not get up until 10am this morning. Tomorrow they will be going to the ranch to help the family put up silage for the winter. (In case you have not heard of silage it is ground up green cornstalks along with the corn cobs. It will stay in a huge pit with tarps over it until it starts to ferment from the heat it produces. The cows love to eat it all winter.)
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Linda, so glad you had a wonderful time with your Daughter and Grandkids. And thanks for explaining the “Silage” as I hadn’t heard that term before. Hope the remainder of your visit with your family is so blessed. You asked about my meals, yes, I can prepare my meals at the hotel: they provide a microwave, kettle and fridge that has a small freezer on top for frozen fruit. I am taking all my special foods to prepare at Hotel. I bought a smaller portable blender as my Oster Industrial Blender is too big and has a Large Glass container and is stainless steel. I will also take my Nutritional (Boost) Drinks to Supplement my meals. My prayers continue for you.

    Susan, the Cards you made are beautiful. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Looking at the cards reminds me that Christmas is not that far away. And yes Susan, I will remember my “SPOONS” and not overdo things. I will enjoy celebrating my Birthday at the Hotel with my family. How is Colin today? You asked about my appointment today. You can read all about it in the Prayer Request Thread and at the end of my post here. Hope your Card Class went well today.

    Barb, please don’t worry about posting the pictures, you can do it later, just enjoy the time you have with your Sister, Mother and all your family. Sorry your Internet is not good where you are. You asked about my Birthday! It is on Saturday October 5th. My family are coming to spend my Birthday with me at the Hotel.

    In closing I gave a full update on our Prayer Request thread regarding my appointment today!

    I had my Surgeon follow up earlier today. The Lord helped me today and gave me his strength to get thru the surgical procedures. I felt the presence of the Lord and was filled with God’s Comfort and Peace. God is Good! Appreciate all your prayers.

    I am at the Hotel on Tuesday October 1st. They have full WIFI and Internet services so I will be
    able to be here for the 2 weeks I am there.

    Thank you for your prayers. God Bless you all! 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Lovely to see you all posting. I will be back in the morning (about 14hrs from now) but saw on our news that Florida has been hit with a Cat 4 hurricane. I immediately thought of Sandi. Sandi, if you have Internet and are reading this, my prayers and thoughts are with you.