Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Linda, I am glad the Drs are being so thorough before your surgery. Praying it all goes well. There's not much time to go before it is done. It must be a bit stressful waiting and I think being lenient about food right now is so understandable. It sounds like you have extra responsibilities and adjustments at school, you have just moved, and there are new people to get to know and form a team with. Also someone else is making food choices for you! Things won't get back to normal for awhile! Take care of you. I didn't know you home schooled your young children. You are amazing.

    Judith, I pray you have good appointments with your medical team. I know they are always challenging. It's nice that your garden is responding to the recent rain. There's nothing like rain to bring plants to their best! I keep thinking about the repairs and renovations to come. I wonder how your garden will get watered and what will happen with your kitty?

    Barb, glad you are getting mulch in before winter. I got another Orchid pot as I have one orchid in a small, cramped container that is causing root rot. The Orchid has lost its leaves and has two pretty blooms so once they whither I will repot it.


    Thank you all for understanding about how it would have been to make so many moves and changes. I tend to be a bit of an introvert even though I can 'put myself out there' when circumstances require it. I always need quiet and recovery time afterwards!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Good eve for us & morning for Susan.

    Linda. So glad back in Grand Junction safely. Neat about your Bible study group gotten larger. So nice. Prayers you can get the referral for ENT soon. Plus surgery get scheduled soon. Please keep us all, posted 🙏🏻
    Linda what is TOPS? Sorry I don’t know.
    We had clouds with no rain. Clouds from Francine. Rain all east and south of us. Missouri may get some but not us. It’s been 3 weeks with no rain and 8/30 was only tenths of an inch. In a drought severe. .
    So glad no cardiac issues.

    Prayers for seeing Dr today & then seeing the cancer dr Friday. Prayers for wisdom for doctors especially. Then seeing a Derma-Omcologist. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    I did get 8 bags of mulch & put down 4 of them. Since it’s been so dry I figure the extra mulch will help my garden. I got some mole killer. Please pray it works. I put bubble gum down as my dad did that when they had moles too. So maybe? 🙏🏻
    The. I put down 2 bags of dirt & mulch on my roses. I put this down twice a year fall & then again I spring.
    It was cloudy so not hot. The heat will come back oh well.
    Prayers for all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    I was in Vancouver all day for Surgeon follow up and back again tomorrow for Oncologist follow up. My Surgeon wasn’t able to finish the procedure today as he said he wanted my Oncologist to see my face and lips first. He also send he would send a report to my Oncologist and see what feedback he receives and what he wanted done. My Surgeon also said he needed me back to the clinic next week and booked me for next Thursday September 19th. I
    will bring an update tomorrow on what my Oncologist had to say at my appointment . Thank you for your prayers.

    Linda, thank you for posting the recipe on our Recipe Thread! I will check it out later. I am sure your Bible Study will go well as the younger ones seem to enjoy all the feedback from the older folks as they share their life experiences and how the Lord helped them thru difficulties. When I taught my group we had all ages and when we had discussions after our Study the older ladies loved answering questions they had and some feedback we got was the girls said the older ones really helped them understand the concepts of what was being taught. I am so excited for you Linda to hear all the awesome feedback you receive from the students. You will have an awesome Bible Study! 📖 Hope your TOPS meeting goes well. I am praying for you and kept you in prayer for your pre-op. Let us know when you can.

    Take care all, be back tomorrow! God Bless 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    JC - I am praying for your healing "inside and out". Healing is God's specialty whether it be emotional or spiritual or physical. My surgery is not until the 24th of this month. I am having a hip replacement for severe arthritis. I have already had one so this is just a repeat and I am looking forward to having it and being able to walk pain free.

    Barb - TOPS is a weight loss support group that I go to. It stands for Take Off Pounds Sensibly. I have been loosing most weeks although it may not be a lot it does count at a loss. Unfortunately, since I was at the conference and ate things I usually do not eat (lots of carbs) I did not loose this week. To be back to loosing this next week is my plan.

    Judith - it was good to hear the update from yesterday and I look forward to hearing what the oncologist says today.

    Susan - thanks for the reality check in my thought processes. Yes it was a busy week and I have a lot going on. Sometimes I need to have some grace on myself.

    I have a class to see on zoom in two minutes so I will be off here. Have a great day!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 13
    Good to hear all the progress everyone is making!

    I am excited as we are on the way to tbe airport to pick up DD and 2DGDs! They will be here till Wednesday so we want to make the most of their visit. I may not get on here as much but will try to check in.

    More later I hope. Have good days, all! 🙏😀

    Have good days!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Linda. Thank you for explaining what TOPS is. Prayers.
    What are you studying in your Bible study Linda? We are studying the book of Roman’s. We will take a whole year school year to get through it. Enjoy it.

    Judith, many prayers for you & your drs wisdom needed & healing through God! 🙏🏻. Thank you for keeping us posted. We ALL are praying for you.

    Susan have fun with family.

    We may have ds Jean & family come for supper tomorrow. I have some cups add, Jean & Blake painted on his bday in August. . So they can pick them up. Hopefully Evan is feeling or getting over his Cole.
    We will be leaving next week to Lancaster, PA, to see my mom & my sister from RI, sister will pop in for the weekend too. I haven’t seen her in 4-5 years. 😊

    I still have 4 bags of mulch to put down, I’m not sure if I’ll get them down before Friday or not. I got to clean the house tomorrow.
    Have a good weekend all 🙏🏻
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Barb, it's so good to study the Bible in depth like you are going to do with Romans. Right now our Pastor is taking us through James for our Thursday night YouTube Bible study. You enjoy your family too.

    My clan is all resting after their early start. They had to get up at 3am to be on the plane! We took them to a shopping centre for some breakfast and a little grocery shopping before coming home. After lunch they all decided they needed a nap. So I had a chance to post here.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb , Here is one of my roses that is outside of my office window. I love the delicate colors and it is an older rose so it has the beautiful rose fragrance. It seems the newer roses have been so changed, that they have traded their fragrance for fantastic colors and no thorns.
    The Bible study we are using is "52 Weeks Through the Bible" by James Merritt. We finished "52 Weeks Through the Psalms" a few months ago. We are going through it pretty slow and talking about how it applies to each of us. When we are done with it we will do "52 Weeks With Jesus". I will pray for your safe travels to Lancaster, PA and that you will make wonderful memories. How long does it take to get there or are you flying?

    Susan - I am so glad you get to spend some time with your "clan". I can understand how they needed to take a nap after getting up so early to fly in to see you. Flying makes me tired even if I have not had to get up early. I do not relax very well on flights so I try to take a book to read to entertain myself instead of being concerned about my safety. I have had some pretty rough flights when we go over mountains when the hot air is making turbulence worse.

    Judith - I hope you are taking the day to rest from your two doctor appointments. Any updates for us?
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Love the flower Linda
    Hope all have a good day.
    I cleaned as 2 of our 4 kids coming over so our oldest & youngest as they are the 2 that live close by. So I cleaned house, & made a salad. Busy day.
    Have a good weekend

    Yes I hope you relaxed or will Judith. Prayers.

    Susan enjoy being with family. Guess I am doing that too.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Thanks, Barb. We haven't seen them in 2 years as they live so far away. Our oldest granddaughter is so much taller than last time I saw her! It 's great to have them all with us for a few days 😄

    Linda, what a beautiful rose. I love the old scented ones so much! Yes, the girls were all dehydrated and tired yesterday but everyone seemd back on their usual energy levels today. DD is going to see a friend while we take the two DGDs to the Science Museum.

    Judith, I know you had a difficult day yesterday. Praying for you, my friend. 🙏 ❤️

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Thank you Susan, it was a difficult day, today I am better than last night: I will bring an update in our Prayer Thread so the others can know what happened so they can pray. I am so glad you had the time to visit with your family after not seeing them for so long. I am sure you will have heaps of activities planned for your two granddaughters and of course your daughter.

    Linda, such a beautiful Rose, I agree with altering the Roses with Colours and how they grow naturally it does take away from their beautiful fragrance and yes thorns; I so remember rose thorns as I grew Roses that lined both sides of our long driveway and when tending to them I wore special work gloves to protect my hands. The Study you finished on 52 Weeks going through the Psalms was such a blessing for you. I always loved the Study in the Psalms. One can learn so much as you take the time to study the Scriptures! Your next Study I look forward to hearing what you have learned as you share with us.

    Barb, safe travels to PA; enjoy your time visiting with your family. I have always enjoyed Studying the Book of Romans. So glad to hear your Ladies Bible Study are taking their time as they study, I look forward to hearing you share what has spoken to you as you delve into the Scriptures.

    Have a Blessed Lord’s Day tomorrow everyone, of course Susan has a head start on us as it’s Sunday there in Australia 🇦🇺

    God’s Blessings, thank you for your prayers all! 🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    It rained for a little while this morning but not enough to give the grass a good drink. It was wet on the patio then stopped. This afternoon it is clearing off so I will need to be grateful for the little rain that we did get.

    We had a potluck at church today. The theme was Breakfast so I took Sausage gravy and biscuit casserole. It is much easier to make then to bake the biscuits separately and bring the gravy in a crockpot. I made the gravy last night and this morning I put it in a casserole dish with the biscuits on top and baked it for 30 minutes. It came out golden brown. It was a new recipe and I received many compliments on it so it will be in my regular rotation for company meals. We are discussing "Sticky Subjects" as a church for the sermon. Today we talked about how to have appropriate conversations with those with other "views" that are not in accordance with the Bible and when to just walk away. Jesus loved people who were sinners. He did not agree with them but still had empathy for them. This is a hot topic with the young people now. Not lowering moral standards but having unconditional love can be a difficult road to travel. He used a lot of scriptures to show how Jesus treated those who were "social outcasts" in their days.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Linda, the Bible study you are doing sounds so good, as do yours, Judith and Barbara. Aren't we all blessed with good preachers and teachers!

    Judith, I will check the prayer thread.🙏 Glad you are having a bit better day.

    We had a very busy day at the Science Museum yesterday and today we are going to Aussie World, a fun park. But first, cupcakes are being baked in my kitchen!

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    edited September 16
    Still dry here may get rain later this week toward the end of the week
    I am off tomorrow so I will pack. We leave on Friday. Plus watching 🦋 Tuesday after Bible study - Thursday.
    Last night our oldest & youngest & family wcame over for a meal. Our youngest dd, Jean, is pregnant too so they will have 3. She has 2 boys. Blake & Evan. She thinks it’s another boy. Who knows. I had 2 boys then 2 girls. As long as healthy that is what counts. She’s due near Easter.

    We may have been to the science museum with 2 grandkids too. I know we saw on
    Enjoy your Bible study. I’ll. It’s 2 weeks but be nice seeing my mom & a sister from RI. I haven’t seen her in 5 years.
    I hope your potluck went well. Your breakfast sounds yummy!

    Susan. Hope you enjoyed your family. Family is good & fun.

    Prayers as the 19 is coming up & wisdom for the Drs too. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Today we met our prayer partner for a year I got a lady who is my mom’s age but a long time member of the church so that is good.

    Have a good night & Susan enjoy your Monday afternoon maybe already there? 🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Barb, exciting days ahead for your Daughter Jean and for Blake and Evan having another Sibling in their lives. Enjoy watching Mariposa. And safe travels as you leave tomorrow. Having Prayer Partners is awesome, a time of growing together and supporting each other in prayer! Our Church had Prayer Partners in our Ladies Bible Study. I so enjoyed those days. I learned a lot from my Prayer Partner as she was an older woman well seasoned in the faith, she took me under her wings and cared for me as a “mother hen”! Enjoy visiting with your family Barb. Look forward to hearing all about your time with your family.

    Linda, your sausage and gravy casserole sounds so scrumptious! Did you make your biscuits from scratch? Your Bible Study on Sticky Subjects sounds like a good Study and in these days so needed. I look forward to you sharing what comes out of the study. Will you break off into small groups after the initial study and discuss amongst yourselves what was taught. Our Church have done that and it’s amazing what comes out in those discussions. We all process a message in different ways so it’s Good to share in smaller groups, it’s awesome what we take from these Studies and what we learn from one another.

    Susan, sounds like you are having a wonderful time with your family. The Science Museum that you and your Granddaughters visited sounded so interesting. I am sure they enjoyed. You mentioning Cupcakes made my mouth water; I love having baking days with my grandkids! I am sure your granddaughters will enjoy baking with Grandma.
    My two youngest grandkids when they came to stay over always looked forward to a baking day with Grandma. They iced their own cupcakes and decorated them with making extra to take home. We did that with Cookies and Gingerbread
    Houses. I am sure the next few days you have your family with you there will be many memories made!

    Thanks for all your prayers. I am feeling better today, I rested a lot Saturday and today. I will share an update on the Prayer Thread after I have my next appointment on the 19th. This way you will be brought up to date in all areas. In meantime I would appreciate your prayers.

    Be back tomorrow. God Bless you…🙏😊
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Judith - I did not make the biscuits this time but I usually do when I am just cooking for family. I usually make them moist enough that I can make drop biscuits so I do not have to roll them out. This past Sunday we did break out in discussion groups which was really nice. There were four of us and one was a young mother and also teaches high school and technical classes for the university. We had a great talk about how she is seeing so many concerning things in the schools and feels overwhelmed sometimes trying to talk to them and not appear pushy. She asks a lot of questions and helps them think through issues as they work together on projects. She said that she is sometimes afraid to say anything because she does not have "all the answers" since she is a fairly new Christian. We assured her that in I Corinthians 3:6 Paul said he planted, Apollos watered and God made it grow. We do not need all the answers and sometimes it takes several people to made a difference in someone's life. We only do what we can with the talents God created in us.

    Barb - I pray for safe travels for you on Friday. It sounds like you do what I do with your packing. I start early and make a list so I do not forget anything. It sounds like you are still working which makes it more difficult to get things done when coming home from work may have exhausted your energy.

    Susan - I know you are enjoying your family visiting. I pray for good weather for you to get all your fun adventures done while they are at your house.

    It is really windy today and the bushes that need to be pruned are hitting against my window. In spite of not having much rain, the shrubs seem to get looking ragged about this time of year. It is nice for the shade but it is blocking my view of the backyard on one side. I can still see the roses but I miss getting to see the birds at the birdfeeder near the fence.

    It is about dinner time so I will talk to you all later.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 17
    Hello friends. It is Tuesday morning here so you are all probably still enjoying your Mondays.

    I am not able to concentrate on replying much due to having a running conversation with my 9yo granddaughter. The others have gone to the mall to shop! My DGD and I are watching cartoons and talking.

    We did have a fabulous day yesterday at the Aussie World amusement park. Our son, DIL and DGD (age 2) joined us for the day.

    Today is the last day with our DD and 2 DGDs. We need to get up at 3am to get them to the airport. I am sad already!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Susan d joy. How far away do they live & how often do you see the.enjoy others. While we say goodnight our Monday.
    Bible study tomorrow morning for me. Linda I got our meds packed. Rechecked too.
    Might pack more tomorrow but might wait to check on weather in PA.
    We might get rain this weekend. We have not had any rain yet for the month. Watering is getting so very old.
    Take care sheep well.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Barb, hope you got all the packing done and are now ready for your trip to PA. Have a great Bible Study. Will you miss some of your Studies while in PA? And speaking of PA praying you have safe travels. Hope you get some needed rain soon, it’s been a while. Yes I agree after watering the garden extra it “does seem to be getting so very old” as you said. Have a great time in PA and enjoy your time with your family.

    Linda, yes, I too made drop biscuits for many of my casseroles, homemade biscuits are so tasty and the best part you are not spending all that time rolling out and the extra time in preparation. Great to hear you broke into small groups on Sunday and had that time to encourage the young Mother a new Christian who teaches High School and classes in University, I was happy to read how you were able to encourage her to keep doing what she was doing. You are so right, we don’t have all the answers but we do what we can and be the Light God has given us to touch the lives that He brings along our path. Indeed, one plants, one waters but God is the One who always brings the Increase! Praise God.

    Susan, so happy you have had the time to spend with your family the last few days. I am sure the trips to the Museum and to the Amusement Park have been so enjoyable for your daughter and granddaughters. So happy you had the time with your 9 year old granddaughter while the others went to the Mall. I am sure you enjoyed talking and watching the cartoons with her, a wonderful time spent for you both. Last days are so hard, I feel your sadness Susan, as you prepare to see your family off to the airport for their journey back home. Such Precious Memories you have made with your family these past few days. Praying for Safe Travels for your Daughter and both your granddaughters. A 3AM start to your day is so early, hope you can get some rest when back home from the airport.

    Monday afternoon I tidied up my garden pulling weeds and cutting back the plants so the garden is looking good now. Picked 15 ripened tomatoes off the vine. There is loads of tomatoes that are turning a pinkish red so will have more tomatoes ready to harvest next week. My Green Pepper plant is flourishing with several peppers that will be ready soon. I picked one very healthy pepper off the vine. Our September weather is making a nice late summer harvest! I will freeze the tomatoes and peppers for cooking later.

    Marilyn, Sandi and JC I am thinking of you and want you to know you are so missed. Hope you are well. My prayers are with you.

    Will close now but be back tomorrow. God Bless! 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 17
    I got up at 2:45am to make sure the girls were all in the car by 3:15am to catch their early flight home. I love them all so much. Colin drove us and I walked them in to the right check in counter. The poor things all had dark circles under their eyes! But Mama Bear was alert and able.

    Colin and I are going home for a few more hours of sleep hence the early post.

    Barb the girls live in Cairns and we are near Brisbane. It's a 2 1/2 hour flight to get there. If we drive it takes us nearly a week as we only drive about 4 hours a day now. When I was young and fit I could do two 12 hour day drives and get there. Not any more. We had not seen them for 2 years. I hope you have done your packing now and are ready for your trip.

    Judith your garden is doing wonderfully well for you! Glad you will have frozen home produce for winter. Yes, I will miss my girls. I am praying them safely home now.

    Thinking of you and praying about your surgery, Linda.

    Missing you Marilyn.

    I hope you are alright, Sandi.

    All of you take care.