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  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Looks like only one the 2 went. Sorry, hopefully you get the idea.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited August 30
    Your crocheted blankets are beautiful, Barb. Thank you for figuring out how to post a picture. Do you think Mariposa's family will try to move to Australia? My Dad moved us here from California when I was 8. We stayed 2 years then moved to NWT Canada and then back to the States (Wa) till I was 15. Then we moved to Australia permanently. Dad was a restless man who moved us every 2 -3 years, even after we came to Australia. It's so different from North America here.

    Linda, it's nice to think of your Dad on his heavenly birthday. I was remembering mine this past week as he died at the end of August. He only lived to 70 though and would be 95 now had he lived. It's Father's Day this Sunday too. I got Colin tickets to dinner and a show to celebrate. He lost his Dad to disease early, when Colin was in his early 20s and his Dad was in his 40s. ... I hope your trip goes well. It sure might be hot in Ca. Are you driving there or flying?

    Judith, it sounds like lots is falling into place about the move. I would help you pack too, if I was close by! I hope you do find a couple more people to help. Your Mom sounds as crafty as mine. My Mom used to do cross stitch pictures. I have a roll of them I should get framed.

    I found a couple of pictures you all might enjoy! Santa dresses like an Aussie here sometimes. His snow white Boomers are a little hard to motivate, and there are only 6 of them. He he!



  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    edited August 31
    I do not think Mariposa's parents will move to Australia, just Hong Hong's sister and that is only because of Hong Kong. It's bad there pray for the Christians there in Hong Kong.
    Love the pics Susan, some are so laughable.

    Linda praying for you and all. I hope all is going with you with graduation and all the activities you have this weekend.

    Prayers for all

    Happy Labor Day all
    Praying for Judith and that all will fall in place but it sounds like you got a good hand on it.

    Take care. Using computer so no praying hands. Sorry need to use Ipad or iphone.
    Stay safe and well all!!
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - your granny squares are gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. I am sure the grandchildren will cherish them since they came from you with love. How long does it take to make 80 granny squares?

    We had a really good trip back to the Denver area and are settled in our house for a few days before we go to California. The traffic that was on the opposite side of the road going out of Denver was really busy. Some areas they were just barely moving and there were more and more people trying to merge into the traffic. I think they were taking advantage of the three day weekend with Labor Day being on Monday. It is the last holiday of the Summer season and everyone wants to get out of town and have the last hurrah before the change of weather and seasons. The traffic going our way was fine with no slowdowns.

    We bought some peaches on our way, brought our pears we had and now we have grapes ripe on our vines so we have plenty of fruit to eat. The apple tree is weighed down with fruit that should be ripe soon. Usually I am here to help cut up the apples for pies and applesauce but I will not be traveling for the month of September after my surgery the the girls may have to do a lot of that by themselves. When we sell this house next Summer, we will not have any apples to pick and freeze. We do have a small apple tree in Grand Junction in our back yard but it is still very young and it will be a while before it have enough to freeze.

    I need to get the suitcase unpacked and my clothes hung up so they do not wrinkle too much. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    edited August 31
    Barb, thank you so much for posting the Pictures of the Granny Square Blankets. They are beautiful. I am sure all your Grandkids are enjoying them and the ones who will be receiving them. Thanks for the links to see the other blankets. Will check it out after I finish my post here. And thank you Barb for sharing how you put your Granny Squares together to make these special blankets. So very thoughtful in choosing the colours your Grandchildren love. So special for them. Thank you for your prayers regarding the packing.

    Linda, my Dad lived to aged 94 and would of been 103 on October 6th. My Mom and Dad were same age, Mom would of been 103 on July 19th. Dad always teased Mom saying he married an older woman as they were 6 months apart with Mom born 6 months earlier in July and Dad in October. Will be thinking of you as you are in California for the Conference and the Graduation ceremony for your College Students. Please stay safe in the Hot Temps there and keep well hydrated. Sounds like a wonderful time you and Glenn will have in California. Appreciate your kindness in being willing to help me pack if you lived closer to me.

    Thinking of Susan, Sandi, Marilyn and JC. I commented on yesterdays post I shared about your Christmas Susan and all that you shared with us. Will let you read that when you post later.

    Will sign off for now. Had another long day answering mail from Insurance and trying to organize friends who will help with the China Crystal and other fine breakables that need packing. See you all tomorrow! God Bless 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    It is always confusing when I wake up in this Westminster house when we have been in Grand Junction for a while. The first few minutes, I have to re-orient myself because our bedrooms are so similar. I am going to try to help my daughter pack up some things she does not need but will need them when she moves next Summer and put them in our garage in Grand Junction. We also brought back some things we decided we did not need in Grand Junction so when we have a sale of things neither of us need after she moves, we can have less stuff to deal with. I just re-read what I wrote and I hope that was not too confusing with us having two houses, The bottom line is that our daughter need to start moving things over to Grand Junction as she can so it will not be such a big thing later.

    Tonight we are rejoicing that our grandson will be getting baptized and making Jesus Lord this evening. He went to teen camp last Summer and realized that he did not have a personal relationship with Jesus and wanted to study the Bible deeper to get right with God. He of course, has loved God all his life but is now seriously making a conscious decision to "deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Jesus". We are very excited for him. The whole youth group will be there to celebrate with him and then they will have a pizza party and cake afterwards.

    It is beautiful weather here in Eastern slope. It is 82F and clear. If we were in Grand Junction it would be 94F. It is nice to have a reprieve in the heat before we go to California where it will be over 100F every day,
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Judith & Linda
    Very nice reading about everything.

    We finally got some cooler temps with lower humidity.
    My dad lived to be 92 years he died from
    Covid. My parents were married 66 years almost 67 years. His bday is in October like your dad Judith. He’d be 96 this year too.

    Prayers for all. Sandi, Susan, Judith & Marilyn

    Stay safe Linda with all the traveling
    So neat about your grandson getting baptized.
    Stay well
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning. It is 1st September here already and the first day of spring down under. I found a Brisbane picture of spring for you:


    I am getting ready for church so am just posting briefly this morning. Judith, I think we cross posted yesterday as I replied to your post? It happens!

    Barb, so sorry things in Hong Kong are getting bad. Depending where you are, Australia has bad areas. I think globally we are seeing lots of civil unrest and conflict. Pray for the world's people!

    Safe travels, Linda, and how wonderful about your grandson! What is your hip surgery date?

    Praying for you all. 🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Hello Everyone

    I have been working on our September Team Goals and I am so excited as the Lord brought me to a website that is for People that have all kinds of Autoimmune Diseases and a woman who developed this site and caters to people who are sensitive to various foods and developed a Blog and Recipes that are gluten-free - many of which are also dairy free, egg free, paleo, whole 30, low FODMAPs or AIP (Auto-Immune Protocol).

    Fabulous site. I will share this on our September Team Monthly Challenges Goals for September including our focus on Strength- Stretching and Cardio exercises. Will post it all later tonight. My Pacific Time Zone 😊
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    edited September 1
    Susan, yes we did post at the same time but didn’t see it, thank you for your reply to my post. I so love the picture of your Spring in Brisbane. Gorgeous flowers. It’s Sunday for you, enjoy your Services and family time. Will you go out for lunch after with friends from Church? Whatever you do, be Blessed my Friend!

    Barb I am so sorry to hear about the conditions in Hong Kong and for the family who are living there for their safety. It seems no matter where one lives there is much unrest in the Nations. And yes in my daily prayers I pray for these Nations for Peace and for God to raise up Christians to be His Hands extended and for Christians who are living in dangerous places and for those that are being persecuted for their faith.

    Linda, how awesome that your Grandson is growing deeper in his Walk and Faith in Jesus. I love seeing the Young people take a Stand for Jesus and follow Him with being Baptized. What a Glorious Day for your Grandson and for you and the family being a part of this Glorious Day. It will be Special for his Youth Group Friends to be there watching the Baptism and join in the Praise Party after over Pizza. Tomorrow it’s September, I realize you are going to California for the Conference but wondering when your surgery comes up in September so we all can pray for you.

    Thinking of you Sandi JC and Marilyn and have you in my prayers. Take care and God Bless.

    May you all have a Blessed Lord’s Day! ✝️🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    We had a great crowd last night at Caleb's baptism. There were at least 25 people there with most of them being from the youth group. They had a sharing time at the beginning of how people were affected by his life and stand for God. It was very inspiring to see so many youth who still believe in God and want to follow him. I pray for the youth and what they are being influenced by today. The world has so many pulls on them as they are at school and with their friends. Satan is the one who wants they to go have "fun" but they are not realizing what that really means to their lives later. I am ready for Jesus to come back any time now!

    I just checked the garden and there were four really nice sized yellow squash ready to pick. My daughter who lives about 5 minutes away plants the garden but is so busy she does not always get to our house to pick the vegetables she plants. We are able to harvest what we want out of the garden when we come here. She also has other plants that are ripening such as tomatoes, carrots, peppers, eggplant, watermelons, green beans, etc. It is so nice to pick things when they are ripe rather than going to the grocery store and buying vegetables that do not have the flavor that are in the home grown ones.

    My surgery date is September 24th if I am medically OK'd. I have a pre-operative appointment on the 11th to get blood work, EKG, physical exam, etc to make sure all is ready. I do not have any worries that they will find something that would hold up things.

    Judith - the website by Bea is really great. I see some things I would like to try too. My husband and I are starting the GOLO meal plan for weight loss so I need to read the information to see if there are any restrictions I need to watch for. I think it is mostly encouraging us to eat healthy whole foods and to watch portion control. The portions at the restaurant are huge here our area. When we go out to eat, I usually take home at least half of them for another meal. When we leave for California, I do not know if we have a microwave to heat up leftover's but I do plan on not eating too much there. It also saves money to have extra meals to eat while we are there.

    Barb - thanks for letting us know about the plight of the Christians in Hong Kong. I will add them to my prayer list.

    Susan - as usual the flower pictures are lovely. How close are you to Brisbane?

    Praying for you all!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 2
    Good morning. It's Monday here and I am about to walk to the Club House in the heat for a sound and light check with the Uke group. Colin has taken our car to be serviced. It's not a long walk but I usually go there in the car with my Uke, handbag, tablet, etc.

    Linda, we are 50kms North of Brisbane. That's about 31 miles. Thank you for posting your surgery date. 🙏 And I loved hearing about Caleb's celebration!

    Judith, I'll look for that site you mentioned. Thank you.

    I better finish getting ready.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Linda, thank you for sharing the celebration Of Caleb’s Baptism with all his Youth Group. Sounds like a wonderful day celebrating and hearing the testimonies from the youth. And Linda Indid the same thing when I ate at Restaurants; always brought food home for a meal next day. So happy your daughter plants a variety of veggies you can pick and harvest. I love fresh fruits and veggies! Glad you like the website from Bea I shared. Let me know what recipes you try if you can. Thank you for the date of your surgery, will keep your pre-op tests and surgery in prayer!

    Susan, glad you will check out Bea’s website for all the foods and recipes that hopefully you can find that will help you. Hope you enjoy your walk to the Club House. You said it was Monday there, for us it is 11:28pm here in BC Pacific Time Zone so we are not far off of starting Monday.

    Hope you all had a Blessed Lord’s Day!
    Blessings on your Week ahead. My prayers are with you all! Good Nite and God Bless! 🙏😴🤗
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Happy Labor Day all

    Linda your grandson’s baptismal sounds like it was well attended. Your garden sounds nice. We just had my first ever watermelon it was very small but good. 😋. I got a few more & my first ever cantaloupes.
    Fresh fruit & veggies is so nice!
    Prayers for your surgery later in September 24 Linda. Plus you’re going back & forth with packing unpacking etc. enjoy your family.
    We will be heading to Lancaster, PA to visit with my mom. My youngest sister will be coming down from RI so we will see her too, when you have your surgery Linda.
    Yes pray for the Christians in Hong Kong as their freedoms are being taken away by the Chinese.

    Susan what a beautiful picture of Australia! Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Judith prayers continue to pray for you. Thank you for all you do to help us all! 🙏🏻✝️

    Prayers for Sandi & Marilyn. Hope you have a great day.

    Today is cooler & less humidity. So I washed 6 windows & curtain sheers. That took some time but I figured I might as well start with some fall cleaning.
    Hope all have a good day. Enjoy it.
    We need rain badly nasty it’s been dory for some time. We ended summer with 2” down. Not much in the forecast but we know that can change fast.

    Prayers for all.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Barb, glad you enjoyed the picture. Thos area is very pretty and there are still pockets of rainforest in undeveloped areas. Enjoy your garden. I always had vegetables growing before moving to a retirement village. Now I have a 2m wide 'back yard' that is artificially turfed. I have pot plants. I do grow spring onions among the flowers and pot plants. I tried growing tomato, lettuce and capsicum seedlings but they all died. I do have a lemon tree and a little tree in pots but have only had one lemon grow in the three years we have been here! I do order organic vegetables from a friend who runs her own grocery business.

    Judith, that Web site looks very interesting. Thank you so much for the link. I was born with the inability to process certain foods so it's good to find recipes that are tasty and take account of that! I just looked up the time in Vancouver and it says Monday at 3:40pm. It is now Tuesday at 8:40am in my town in Australia. So Vancouver is 17 hours behind Brisbane. No wonder we are often in different days. We only have 7 hours of the same day, each day!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Happy Labor Day to all those who are celebrating. Susan, do you have a similar holiday?

    Susan - my world clock says you are "tomorrow +16 hours" from us. You experience things before we get to do it. My brother and I used to have a contest for who could write the new year date the first on New Years Day. I usually won because I stayed up until midnight but he went to bed. There would not be a contest with you because you have a big head start on us. I could beat Judith since she is one hour later though. I did not realize that you do not have much yard to work with, Having a lemon tree would be so fun. Are they the size of regular lemons?

    Barb - we are doing a lot of cleaning so I guess we are doing our Fall housekeeping as you are. Today we went through dish cupboards and separated the ones my daughter wants to keep, those that were damaged or unusable, and those we hope to sell at the estate sale when we move her. It is amazing now many one things one person can acquire without realizing it. Just adding a mug her and a mug there adds up to way too many! She needs to be packed up by May so starting now is going to help a lot when it gets nearer. She gets overwhelmed looking at all the extra things so if I can focus her on just one cupboard or one closet, it seems to be easier for her.

    Judith - I hope that you have not had to spend a lot time on insurance and packing but today was a rest day.

    Marilyn - I see that you posted on the other group so I hope you are feeling well and continue to loose weight.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Evening Hello All

    Happy Labor Day All

    For me here in BC Canada, it is Monday night, 9:30pm Pacific Time Zone.

    Susan thank you for sharing and that was so nice that you took the time and looked up Vancouver time especially since I don’t live in Vancouver but with all the time I spend travelling there for medical appointments sometimes I feel I do live there. 😆 it’s understandable that we post at different times with me being 17 hrs behind your time zone. I live North of Marilyn in BC. My FaceBook page I list Vancouver as I don’t want general public to know where I actually live. Have to be careful on Social Media. Lemon trees are so nice to have, sorry you don’t have a lot of land to plant and grow produce on but nice you have a friend to order organic from. Glad you checked Bea’s site out and found recipes that will help.

    Barb, you were so busy today with washing your curtains and sheets and starting your Fall cleaning. It’s good to get a head start on the cleaning. After the summer months it amazing how much dust accumulates. I dust all the time but somehow more dust I find next day. With having Reno’s I won’t do any extra cleaning but will wait until I am back home. It will be the windows I tackle first. Your weather has been like mine one day hot and another cooler, we had some rain but not for a while again. Hope your weather improves. Thanks for your kind words expressed with saying thanks for all I do to help you all, really it isn’t much, but am glad to do anything that helps as it helps me too, but really, we all work together helping each other.

    Linda, thank you for sharing about the contest you and your brother had to see who would wish a Happy New Year first. My family lives all over Canada in different time zones so it’s challenging, so we send a text to family in their time zones and even then some of the older family went to bed well before midnight so we leave the text and they call us all next day! Sounds like you are well organized with the sorting out and packing up at the house. Great you are helping your daughter with focusing on a room or cupboard at a time. Less stressful for her. You asked if I rested today? And Yes I did, no calls no planning. I got my hair cut, my friend retired hair stylist came and did my hair and we had nice visit.

    Have a great evening all! See you tomorrow.
    Miss you JC, Marilyn and Sandi. Hope to see you back soon! Prayers for you 3 ladies and for everyone! 🙏🤗
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Good mornig it's 8:11 AM here in KC.

    Susan I guess you are more east then Hong Kong as I know in Daylight savings they are 13 hours ahead of us here in Central time. When we go back to Standard time they are 14 hours ahead. I assume you are 15-16 hours ahead maybe? The lemon tree sounds neat. I remember having a grapefruit tree my Grandmom and I started. Who knows what happened to it.
    I will be watching Mariposa so no extra work for me, maybe in a week or 2.

    Linda the separating dishes & all sounds like necessary but coulsd be hard work. Havning help makes it more funa and less stressful.

    Judith continue prayers for you.

    Marilyn hoping you are losing well and have a good day and Sandi paryers for you too.

    Next Tuesday I start a Ladies Bible study and then watch Mariposa so my morning and afternoon will be busy. This will be first Bible study I've gone to at the new church we are attending. Helping me to get to know people there.

    Have a good day! Happy Tues to all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    We will be leaving for California tomorrow morning. Today was spent at the doctor's office to have my sore throat checked out then laundry, packing, grocery shopping, etc. The doctor thinks that i have a yeast infection in my mouth and ordered a liquid that I am to gargle and swallow four times a day. They did a strep test on my throat which was negative and a culture that will take 72 hours before they will know what is really growing in there. Until then I am to do this gargle, gargle salt water, drink Chamomile tea and rest. I spent several hours this afternoon trying to get the prescription filled. There is a shortage of this medication and I had to talk to 5 different pharmacies before I found one that had enough to fill it and it was an partial fill. It is a pharmacy that will be close to where our airport is in California. We really did not want to have to go there if we could get it here but that was the last resort to get it. They did a strep test on my throat which was negative and a culture that will take 72 hours before they will know what is really growing in there.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Prayers Linda. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
    Happy travels & extra 🙏🏻 with all the gargling you must do & that you get more meds easy enough

    Still dry here &only a small chance hen none for like 10 days. We ended August almost 3” short. September is usually a wet month. I guess God has other plans.

    Stay well all
    Prayers for all. 🙏🏻🙏🏻