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  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Hi I’ve forgotten who sensmith5408 is. Sorry about the heat. I remember Florida as a kid & the old black rubber that use to hold the windshields in a car was melting. 🙏🙏
    We will be getting a heat wave in Kansas come this weekend Blake grandson turns 4 on Friday. We will celebrate it Saturday in the heat. Today was nice & cool for August in Kansas. last year our heat index was 121* her yesterday.

    Linda praying as you pack & wisdom with picture taking too.
    Will ci incomparable your computer 🙏🙏

    So sorry to learn about your kidneys & all. Praying for Gods best answer for you. Also hoping you won’t need dialysis. Gods way is best. 🙏🙏
    He is so good & wise. His ways are perfect.

    We had a nice cool day & I took
    A 65 mi reveal this morning. It was so nice out. I know the heat is building back after all it’s August.

    Judith. Thank you for the daily Bible readings, plus all you do for us.
    Praying for your health & apartment. What is the latest on your place?

    Prayers for the fires as we have the smoke all the way here in Kansas from Canada & out west.

    Blessings & have a good day 🙏🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited August 21
    Good morning all. It seems like some pretty good news has happened for you all with good Dr reports, smiling plants, weather settling down, weight loss and all! Praise the Lord!

    Sandi, good to hear you are doing alright and aren't too affected by the storms over your way. Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Barb, yes, all the storm damage here has passed. It's a lovely sunny day here today. I was really glad to hear your eye condition is going to be less of a problem but glad they are monitoring you every six months.

    Marilyn, I wondered about your last Fistula surgery. So sorry it didn't work but now you have a plan for whenever dialysis might be needed. Praying your kidneys respond to the weight loss (yay!) and you never need dialysis.

    Linda, it's good to hear your computer problems are solved AND that you do not have strep throat. Praying the antibiotics do a good job and your throat settles down. I was wondering if you have allergies with all the changes in weather and your frequent travels but tbe clinic didn't say that, right? Safe travels.

    Judith, I sure hope the rain made fire season safer. Glad your plants were happy to receive the rain! Rain is nature's blessing to them. Yes, we had a good lunch day yesterday. We had 16 people and true to Australian culture, the women sat together at a different table from the men. We had a nice time.

    It's a beautiful sunny day here and I think I'll groom the dogs and wash the sheets. Stay safe and well, everyone. God bless you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Marilyn, good to see you here today, Glad you didn’t get the storm as severe as we did. In spite of the severe storm over weekend it didn’t seem to change anything with our wildfires. Our weather has been so out of whack this year. Good thing as Marilyn said we are not getting the smoke like we have had in past years. Congrats on your continued weight loss. You are doing great. Wow when you said you have had 6 surgeries on your arm for the fisqula for the dialysis. I didn’t realize you halve had that many surgeries.

    Linda, hope the medication works and you recover quickly. You said you were packing again and on the road off to Denver. You will be filming for the school. Hope you get all the filming done. Safe travels. Glad you received the Anniversary Greetings and Card image!

    Sandi, good to have you back. So glad your BP and Weight were down and your Doctor was happy about it. I remember Florida being so hot in the summer when I lived there. You will be happy when October comes and you have cooler days.

    Susan. I saw you earlier on some of the Game Threads as I came online around same time, it seemed we were posting at the same time.

    Have a good evening. I will be in bed early as I have my specialist appointment tomorrow morning early. I have another one on Thursday with my Surgeon. Will keep you posted.

    Good Night God Bless! Be back tomorrow! 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning. It's Colin's birthday today and he's been getting calls from the kids and various friends since we woke up. He loves it!

    Judith, praying for your Dr appointments tomorrow. I know you will update us when you can.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Judith prayers for your dr appointment tomorrow. Prayers for wisdom for Drs too. 🙏🏻

    Happy birthday Colin. Hope he has less pain. 🎈🥳🎊

    Hope you had a nice anniversary the other day Linda & Glen I believe.
    Prayers you get to Denver 😩 🙏🏻

    Sandi & Marilyn trust you had a good day. Prayers for continued weight loss too 🙏🏻

    We got the smoke from west & north. They say the sunsets & sunrises be colorful, due to it.

    Another cool morning & day. Heat index returns this weekend. Blake turns 4 so we have a party too.

    Sleep well ladies.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    A very long day, had treatment on neck area jaw and mouth trying to help ease the pain and next to no function regarding the jaw and mouth opening from the damage done with removing a large cancer! Have had 6 surgeries to date. Very sore tonight.

    Tomorrow I have the procedures the Surgeon does with peeling away the layers of crusty diseased tissue off the lower lip/face. Not the most comfortable.

    With the Lord’s strength I will push through!

    Susan please wish Colin a Happy and Blessed Birthday 🥳 from me.

    Thinking of you all tonight! It’s an early Nite for me as I am back travelling to Vancouver for my appointment at the hospital.

    God Bless Take care! 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    edited August 22
    We made it safely back from Ouray today for our anniversary celebrations as well as making films for the school. As I said in the weather yesterday, we had a good hour with sunshine that we were able to make the films but then "torrential" thunder/ lightning/hail storms hit. It made a lot of muddy water on the road coming down the mountain. The use of the word "road" is used loosely. The roads are not used much and they are mostly big boulders with sharp edges and very narrow. Two cars can not pass on them so the one coming up has the right of way and the one coming down has to back up until there is an area they can pull off to let the one coming up get around. For me it is rather scary but Glenn is used to doing "back road" driving so he was able to maneuver the Jeep we rented perfectly when it was needed. I am so glad that we rented the Jeep because our tires on the truck and the suspension would not have done well with the very rough roads. Glenn had grown up in the area herding sheep with his Dad so he was able to give me a guided tour of the area. There were a bunch of sheep grazing on one area which made him smile remembering what it was like. When we got back, we were planning to go into the hot springs that we did the day before but there were more thunderstorms so we did not want to get into the water with all the lightening. I was incorrect with my posting on Monday about the temperature of the hot springs. The hottest one was only 107F and it felt really good on my sore hip. (I had said it was 110F.) Today as we drove home, there were a lot of mud slides over the roads near Ouray from all the rain. They had big machines our on the road scrapping the mud off. The mud is the color of bricks. There is a huge mountain near there that is called "Red Mountain" for the color of the dirt.

    Marilyn - it is great that you have had a weight loss and are feeling better. Hopefully you will never need dialysis and the PICC line will not be needed. I am sorry that the fistula's did not work. That is a lot of surgeries to have on your arms.

    Susan - the nurse practitioner at the Urgent Care did ask if I had post nasal drip from allergies but I do not have that. I took my third antibiotic today and have two more to go. So far I have less pain in my throat but I was hoping that it would be gone. Maybe I am just getting too anxious to have it gone. Belated birthday to Colin. It sounds like he had a good day.

    Judith - Two days in a row you have doctor appointments. I am sure that really tires you out. Will there be a series of treatments on your neck, jaw and mouth to repair the damage from the surgery? Praying for you today as the surgeon does his debriding. I hope you have a few days to rest and recuperate with them so close together.

    JC - it is good to hear from you and update on your weather. The whole Eastern coast has had lots of weather issues. I hope that this season is over quickly and there will be no further damage.

    Barb - happy birthday today to Blake. I hope he enjoys his birthday party tomorrow.

    Sandi - thinking of you today also.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Linda, glad you are feeling a little better. It was sure nice to read about Glenn's life as a shepherd and to know how he got his rugged terrain driving skills.

    Judith, I hadn't realised you had two days of appointments either. My prayers continue for you. They sound so taxing.

    Barb, happy birthday to Blake. Have a wonderful time celebrating his birthday.

    I will pass on your happy birthday wishes to Colin. He did have a good day but sat too long at lunch so had much pain overnight.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    So neat to hear about Glen’s sheep herding days. Happy anniversary hope it was nice for you 🎂🥳

    Judith. Oh that sounds painful. I thought taking pictures of eye for 10 minutes & so I could not see anything was torture. Yours sounds so much worse. Then pulling the skin lots of prayers & wisdom for Drs. Plus healing for you. Safety traveling back tonight too Judith

    Susan. Happy bday to Colin. Tomorrow is Blake. & his party is Saturday. 🎂🥳🎊🎁

    Marilyn so glad for weight loss. You can do it!

    JC prayers for whatever you need as God knows. Plus your weather out east.

    I walked cut my irises & made 9 Christmas ornaments for 8 grandkids. This year they are getting gnomes out of small plant, pots. I made one for me too they are so cute. 😁
    We will get the heat that Co had, starting tomorrow. Heat index will be back Saturday-Tuesday. Oh well it is August.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Thank you all for your kind comments and your prayers. I got through the appointments with God’s strength and Grace! I had some very good drivers today, so caring and kind. And it was a safe trip home. Friday is rest day, no appointments thankfully.

    Linda, I enjoyed reading about Glenn’s days of sheep herding. Glad you enjoyed your Anniversary time away. I am praying for you that the infection will heal up quickly. Glad you are feeling a little better. About the treatment for jaw neck mouth face, we keep working at it and hopefully things improve, with the severe nerve damage this is more of a challenge.

    Barb please wish Blake a Happy Birthday 🥳 for

    Susan, good idea about bring the solar radio from the caravan to the house.

    JC prayers continue

    Sandi and Marilyn my prayers continue!

    Thanks again all for your prayers and support!
    Good Night God Bless! 😴🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited August 23
    Judith, I was relieved to know you got through the latest medical treatments. I am glad you had compassionate drivers. You will need your rest day. I wish Colin would rest more. He gurneyed our little front porch and back patio yesterday. He"s sore today of course.

    Barb, glad you got your gnomes finished. They will be special gifts for your grandchildren. Enjoy Blake's party preparation.

    I did very little yesterday. I spent a little time with my pot plants, the dogs and in the craft room.. I do need to make some special birthday cards for an 80th and a 90th. Here's a beautiful purple Orchid that just opened up for me yesterday.


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Susan how Beautiful is your Purple Orchid plant!
    I Love Orchid plants! You reminded me I have a friend who celebrates her 80th Birthday December 1st. She is a widow, her husband was younger than her and celebrated his birthday few days after me. He was 1 year older than me and many of our Birthdays we celebrated together: Susan his wife and Heinz and myself who were both in October. We got together for a Christmas gathering and celebrated our Birthdays at the same time too. Hope Colin has a good rest after the work he did on front and back porch and has less soreness! Thank you Susan, yes having the kind drivers is such a blessing and makes my travelling easier!

    Hopefully over the weekend I will have an update
    On my Flood restoration and Insurance Deductible’s.

    Have a great evening and enjoy your weekend! 🤗🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Susan - you will need to translate your statement "He gurneyed our little front porch and back patio yesterday." Is this another Australian word that I have not heard before? A gurney we had in the hospital was a transportation cart to take patients from one floor to another for treatments. Your orchid is beautiful. My orchid looked like it was going to die last year but I repotted it with different soil and it has rebounded and looks great. I guess the soil was too compacted and it could not breathe or get water that it needed

    Judith - I hope you took lots of time to rest today. Two days in a row for appointments is a lot to do especially when there are painful treatments involved.

    Today I spent time cleaning to get read for our friends who are staying with us overnight to celebrate with the church our 10th anniversary. The woman does the same job I do for the school but with the Spanish population. I am do glad to have her help since I do not speak Spanish. I would have to cut and paste into Google to help me translate what the student was saying. Glenn is trying to learn Spanish with an online course so when we have our graduation, he can speak a few words to the Spanish students. I'm not sure if he will be able to do it or not. The Spanish programs do not always give you words that you need when it comes to graduating with Master's degrees.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    We woke up today to beautiful blue sky with nice white fluffy clouds. It is so different from the overcast sky with rain we have had for the last few days both here and in Ouray. The temperatures is a nice 82F (28.3C) with a gusty breeze blowing. Days like today are refreshing and give me more energy.

    The house is ready for our guests that will arrive at 6:30pm. We will be gone to the church banquet we are having for the members for our 10th anniversary so they will need to forage for themselves for a while when we are gone. They are pretty independent so they will be fine. My only worry is that they are very early risers and I may not have a lot of brain power to get them breakfast early. She said she would cook for themselves but that does not seem nice to be a hostess and not provide breakfast for them! Maybe I am wrong and they will let me sleep a bit longer which would be nice.

    A group of us got together met this morning with the guest speaker for tomorrow's church service. He is one of our professors in the counseling program and is also a Christian counselor and minister for a large church in California. He just finished his second doctorate degree. We have known him for many years and have lots of fun memories. He grew up in this area and when to the same high school that Glenn went to although was 3 years younger. He said he was going to preach tomorrow about grace and is writing a book about it. He shared with us one of the chapters and it sounds very relatable. He says there is a difference between guilt and shame. I had not really thought about it but guilt is just a statement of fact that you have done wrong. Shame is when you take it personally and it becomes something that you incorporate into your character. I made a mistake and now I am a failure. From this mind set, depression sets in because we have incorporated the sin into our character and it now defines us. If we have grace on ourselves and on others, we can admit the mistake and learn from it and go on. It does not define us. I am a perfectionist because it was ingrained in me as a child that I was not allowed to make mistakes. I had to be the example to my peers to show everyone else how to live. That is a hard yoke to have as a teenager. Obedience was upmost to my Dad so I became what I was told to do. Enough of me - how are you all doing? I'm thinking of you all and look forward to hearing all your news and accomplishments.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Linda, a gurney is a hospital trolley but it is also a high pressure washer here. What do you call high pressure washers/washing there? I do know a brand name, Karcher, is sometimes used to describe high pressure water washing too.

    Judith, my Orchid looks beautiful but is dropping its leaves! I need to re-pot it and hope it recovers. I need to Google solutions for it!

    It's Sunday and I'm running out of time to get ready for church. Have good days, everyone.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Yes Linda and Susan a Gurney is a Hospital “Stretcher” we called back in Ontario that transported our patients from one place to another. And I learned something new from you Susan, I didn’t know in Australia a Gurney was also known as a high powered pressure washer. Thank you for sharing.

    Yes Linda, I have taken plenty of rest since my two days of intense treatment.

    I received a e-mail from one of our Church Board members that they want me to know they are looking at ways to help me with my Moving, and Packing and Insurance Deductible needs I have. They are meeting this week to discuss ways to help and support me. The Board Member said I have been part of the Ministry Team for several years as well as a faithful member and they
    wanted me to know they cared and are standing with me. This has encouraged me much! God is Good!

    May you all have a Blessed Lord’s Day tomorrow as you enjoy your Church services and Time with your Families.

    Be Back Tomorrow! God Bless! 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Judith - this is such great news that the church will be helping you move, pack, insurance, etc. The more people involved makes for less work for everyone. You sound very loved at your church family.

    Susan - I don't know what people call a pressure washer other than a jet washer here in the states. I have never used one but I have seen the results of the cleaning and it is amazing. Colin might need to re-think doing that very often because I imagine there can be twisting when cleaning.

    Our guests were wonderful. They did not get up very early because we kept them up until 11:30pm. They usually get up at 5 but they got up closer to 7am. They had also forgotten to tell me that they only have coffee on Sunday mornings and then eat a large lunch so I did not have to get them breakfast. I am doing their linen and sheets now and the house is already back in order. They just bought a house next door to them and made it into a B&B. They were encouraging us to do that with our Westminster house next year when our daughter moves to Grand Junction since she will not be living there anymore. Glenn is still hesitant to do anything like that because of the upfront costs of repair work and buying all new furniture for the whole house. We would eventually get the money back in rentals but that is a lot of money to get it ready. I don't think that we will be doing that but just sell it and then pay off what we owe on this house. We will still need to do repairs before selling the house but not all new furniture.

    Our friends have a huge pear tree and have asked us to come over the pick pears. We will do that a little later in the day today. They are still what I would consider a little green yet but if we take some back to the family when we leave here on Friday, the greener ones will travel better.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    You are right, Linda. Colin was quite sore after cleaning the porches with his gurney. I asked him not to do it but I might as well not have spoken. You do have a lot to think about with the house ideas. I'm with you on selling up and investing in your own house. A B&B sounds like a lot of work, ongoing. But then I do not have the energy I once had so that's a big factor in forming my opinion!

    Judith, that is so encouraging about the help you may get from your church! You won't feel so alone with all this if they help. What a blessing! Yes, our services yesterday were a blessing also.

    Today I am going back to the Uke group and also the singing group. I may not be able to play the Uke but they want me to sing. I need to get ready!

    Have good days, all of you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Hope you all had a Blessed Sunday and enjoyed your Sunday morning services. We had a wonderful service this morning. Pastor ended up by extending his Sermon series on the Parables. Today the key Scripture was taken from Matthew 13:33-34 on speaking about Leaven! Key thoughts from todays sermon are as follows.

    Hope you are blessed as much as I was.

    Looking at Leaven: When Jesus says the whole is leavened , He’s not kidding; Every part of the dough was permeated, the lump represents the whole world. This parable insists that the Kingdom enters the world at its Creation and that is not and never has been any “un-kingdomed” humanity anywhere in the world.

    For every second of the time the world has been a world it has also been the kingdom. It’s progress through history is not a transition from non kingdom to kingdom rather it is a progress from kingdom in a mystery to kingdom made manifest or in Jesus own words: Kingdom at Hand!

    Linda, I hear you on making your house a B&B not sure I’d want to do that as it is a lot of work to get the house ready for an Endeavor as that, and expensive too, and then there would be so much maintenance over the years. Guess there is a lot to think about. Hope you enjoyed pear picking! Will you make Pear 🍐 Pie 🥧 or some other desert or just eat them as a snack. Think I remember my grandma making pear crisp something like an apple crisp Brown Betty! She also made pear 🍐 jam! Yum yum 😋

    Susan, sorry to hear Colin is so sore after cleaning the porches with the gurney. Yes I am feeling better about the move packing and insurance deductible after receiving the text from our Church Boad member saying they want to help. God is so good. I will keep you posted on what becomes of all this. So happy to hear you going back to play the Ukulele and sing in the choir. I will keep you in prayer that you will be able to do both!

    Have a great evening everyone May your week ahead be blessed! Will sign off for now and hope to be back again sometime tomorrow! 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Judith - thanks so much for your thoughts from the sermon. We are all leaven to the world. When I make bread I am so amazed at how effective the small amount of yeast is when compared to the amount of the other ingredients. It is very powerful in that it changes all the other ingredients into something delicious. We can be that for people by spreading Jesus's love. As for the pears, we are just eating them now. I do can them but I am waiting to see how many the kids want before I begin processing them. We are also taking some peaches to them all so we will have lots of fruit with us on our trip this Friday. We do not eat many desserts and when I make them, I do not use sugar but use the natural sweeteners in the fruit. Some think my things are not sweet enough but we have done this for so long, they seem plenty sweet for us.

    Susan - it is hard sometimes to see our husbands do things that we know might cause problems later but they do make the final decision and face the consequences later. Glenn plans too many things during the day and the next day he has to slow down and rest from it. He does not mean to plan too much but he just keeps putting little things down and it ends up in a packed day. When we look at our schedule for the week on Sundays, there are times when I say "I can not do this much" and he will agree to move things around. It is a balance as to what is too much for each week. I am excited to hear that you are getting involved again in musical performance. I wish there was a group around here that I could join to sing in.

    It was really chilly this morning. It was in the 60's and I hated to get out of bed and face the cold breeze that was coming through my open window. After I got up and dressed and closed the window, it seems warmer now. It definitely feels like Fall is in the air.