Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 4
    Hello all, including the missing ones!

    I am cleaning and washing today then have a play practice this afternoon. I'll groom the dogs also.

    Interesting to hear about your different time zones. I am on Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) if you want yo see our real time differences. Yes, I would win about welcoming in the New Year in this group, but people in Western Australia see it in first!

    Barb, yes, sounds like a dry year where you are. We get those a lot here. It hurts the farmers for sure. We are definitely west of Hong Kong. We're more in line with South East Asia and Papua Niugini. Even New Zealand is east of us.

    Linda, safe travels. What a battle to get your medications. I hope your throat heals soon and well. 🙏 Have you had this type of sore throat before? Apparently lots of us get yeast overgrowth. 😒 Glad your Dr picked it up. About my lemon tree, yes, it's small and mighty. The one lemon I got was full sized though the tree is small! Hoping for more next winter.

    Judith, there's a Zuchhini loaf recipe on Bea's site that I am going to try. It makes a chocolate loaf. I'll tell you what I think if I get time to make it for sure. Did you know she has a Facebook page too? I found her yesterday and joined. Yes, organic veges and fruit are a blessing however we get them. I buy certified organic tinned, packaged and bottled groceries too. Spices and dried herbs are lovely from my supplier. They are nothing like the supermarket variety! She even sells household cleaners and body products. All this time I thought you were in Vancouver! Lol! I understand why you wouldn't post where you actually live. 😄

    I'm listening to Christian music on YouTube as I flit around. (Well, I am sitting and typing right this moment! Lol!) It's so uplifting!

    Blessings, my friends.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 4
    My one lemon that was on my tree! We've eaten it since this photo was taken. 🍋 I have also cleared away some of the other plants that were overshadowing the tree

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Barb, so happy you are going to have some time with Mariposa when you help the family with looking after her. Grandkids are such a blessing! So happy you are starting to settle into your new Church getting to know the people. And joining a Ladies Bible Study is a great way to get to know the Ladies there as you study God’s Word 📖 together. Let me know what you will be studying? Sorry your weather has been so dry, we are here too, forecast said no rain for us. You said you ended August 3 inches short of the normal. Hopefully you will get the rain you need for September. Keep us posted.

    Linda, sorry about the yeast infection. Here’s hoping the medication you have to gargle and swallow 4 times a day clears the infection away. Sorry it’s been difficult getting your prescription filled. Hope you can get full prescription before you head to California. My prayers continue for
    everyone. Here early as I have meds being delivered my pharmacist is dropping off my doctor ordered last minute. Saw you have posted in some threads I just finished so will see them tomorrow. Have safe travels tomorrow as you leave for California. Enjoy the conference and the college graduations there. God Bless…

    Be back tomorrow all. Praying for you Marilyn, hope you received my Messenger text to you last night? Also thinking of Sandi, Susan and JC and have you in my prayers! 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Judith, we must have cross-posted again. I hope you get your medications delivered OK and the new drugs suit you. Enjoy your day!

    I have plans to do a mail out of catalogues for my craft customers today, and I need to make a congratulations on your new home card for someone. My craft room is still draped in drop sheets waiting for the painter who didn't come last week. It's a challenge working in there but I will manage!

    Some more flowers from my pot plant garden for you:




  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Susan I loved your pics. Such pretty flowers.

    With no rain I watered & pulled up a few dandelions, plus put down some grass seed & peat moss on top of it.
    I watched Mariposa or 🦋

    Judith. I hope you got your meds, & it works plus agrees with you.
    Prayers Judith for your heath & all the changes with your apartment. So glad you got help when you have to pack.

    Linda sorry about the yeast infection. Prayers it is going away.prayers for all you have going on.

    Prayers for Marilyn, Sandi, & JC.
    Have a great night sleep all. day for Susan, plus it’s Friday eve for her.

    Sleep well rest of us
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Susan, we seem to be doing this often, I see you on here posting on some of the threads and seem to miss you here, but at least I see your posts even if it’s next day. That’s ok as we know we are here and still can read each other’s news and know what is happening with each other and family! Loved the pictures of your flowers, such beautiful colours. You have a very nice garden. Glad you are getting your Catalogues in the mail for your Craft customers. I am sure they will do love receiving their new catalogue! The lady I buy StampinUp from, sends me catalogues which I love receiving as it gives me new ideas of what cards I want to make when I see new design pages and new tools to create cards for my family. I always spend time looking at the embellishments and new Punches. Always so
    much to see. You asked if I received my meds, yes I received the months supply. They work well, have had this prescription before.

    Barb, you said with no rain you did some watering and pulled the dandelions up. It’s good to weed and prepare the ground for next season. It all takes time putting grass seed and peat moss down. I am sure your land looks fresh and renewed! I am sure you had fun watching Mariposa today. Grandchildren are so precious. What all did you do together, new games or activities? Thank you for your prayers and asking after me. How is your weather besides being dry and no rain? Are you still having high temps? Or has it cooled down where you are?

    My prayers are with you all and for sure I miss you Marilyn, Sandi, JC. Hope all is well with you?

    Love and Prayers to everyone! 🤗🙏 God Bless
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    We made it safely to California with just a few "bumps" over the mountains as we were coming down for a landing. I was able to get my prescription so am now taking it and praying for quick results. We are meeting quite a few students that I have never met. I now have a face to put with the names I have put in the computer. I am trying to get to bed early since I only got 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night. I am steeping my chamomile tea and then will get off to bed. I will come in here as I am able for the next few days.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    It has gotten cooler so that is great. It's great walking westher. I opened some windows and turned off the a/c. Looks like the upper 80's will come back next week. Oh well.
    I've been watereing the grass some with the sprinkler.

    Linda so glad you made it to California. I hope you got the rest you needed. Prayers for your busy time in California and all the events go somoothly.

    So glad yo got yourmeds. Prayres for a great day.

    Susan hope you have a good day wihch I guess is almost over for you.
    Prayers for your card catalog and all too.

    Prayers for all.
    Happy Friday eve all..
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    It's Friday morning here and I am about to have breakfast. It's cool this morning and one of my fogs wanted to be let out just before 6am, so I am up early. The birds were already up and flying around outside. I saw doves, friarbirds and an Ibis. A couple of doves are trying to nest in one of my pot plants that hang on our fence. It drives the dogs crazy to have then in the yard so close. I kind of hope mama dove finds another safer place to lay her eggs.

    Barb, thank you for your good wishes. I got my catalogues put in envelopes, addressed and wrote notes to everyone. I made them a little Christmas themed slide out envelope too. It all takes time.

    Linda. Glad to hear your flight is done. It's hood to put faces to names. Enjoy your busy time there and I hope your throat is improving.

    Judith, yes, we catch up with each other's news eventually! Glad you liked my flowers. And glad you have a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator who sends you catalogues. They are great idea books for sure. Oh, so your meds weren't new. I somehow thought the Drs were trying you on some new things. It's good you won't have an adjustment period then.

    Sending greetings our to Marilyn, Sandi and JC.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Sleep well.
    Susan enjoy your Friday & weekend. When we get up you will be ending your Friday. 😊
    Tomorrow,Friday, I will be going to craft knitting & crochet at my church. They meet on Friday mornings
    Tuesday 9/10. The ladies Bible study starts. We will be studying Roman’s. I plan on going to it. 😊 So I’ll have a busy week with babysitting, garden with watering etc, & house chores. I may clean some windows Saturday as it’s to be cool again before some upper 80’s come back. Oh we got a bit.of rain 5-10 minutes today. No rain in forecast now for 10 days. So grass is browning. Lots of watering in the eve to help it, I am doing.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Linda, so happy you have arrived in California safely. It will be nice meeting the students in person as you said, now you can put faces to the names you have in your computer. Glad you got your meds, I am praying they work quickly. You sure are getting hot temps, 104 degrees is sure hot 🥵 we are having temps in the 90’s, our day started at 91 degrees then soared to 97 degrees. Lots of watering for me so my garden doesn’t wither away. Enjoy your chamomile tea and hope you get a good night sleep! 😴

    Susan, nice you are enjoying cooler weather, glad the Fog lifted. I can see in my minds eye your “boys” going crazy as they watched the Doves building a nest in one of your flower pots. This is one Bird I love. They are such a beautiful bird. I love it when you share stories like this and when you share your similar interests we both have with StampinUp and crafting cards! I can see why you thought my meds I got delivered were new; in one of my posts I spoke about my next appointment with my Oncologist and he would possibly discuss what next treatment option could be since last treatment didn’t work. I will let you know what is said as I have that appointment next Friday. Hope you have enjoyed your Friday. For me it’s almost 8;30pm Thursday evening.

    Barb, enjoy your Friday as you Knit and Crochet at your Church, hope you enjoy the fellowship with everyone as you work on your craft projects. Great the group meets on Friday Mornings. Something to look forward to each week. I am sure you will enjoy your Tuesday Ladies Bible Study studying the Book of Romans. At my Church I taught Bible on Tuesday mornings, 9:00 am to12 Noon. You sharing brought back happy
    memories. Glad you got some cooler weather and some rain before your temps in the 80’s come back next week. Sounds like your coming week will be busy with babysitting your garden work and watering the garden! Then your activities at the Church. Have a great week Barb.

    Thinking of you Marilyn Sandi and JC. Prayers for everyone. Take care, will sign off now. 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    edited September 6
    We are on a lunch break now. The day started very early at 5:30 am for a breakfast at 7am for the graduates. The person sitting next to me was an extravert and had lots to say about things she has been learning about her vegan diet. It was good she had lots to say because at that hour in the morning I was barely sure I was dressed properly and had my hair combed. LOL The classes have been good focusing on Jesus as the master teacher. Teaching is more than just imparting information to the students. It is identifying with the person, seeing their needs and loving them enough to take them from where they are and helping them to become more like Jesus.

    The weather was a little cooler at 102F yesterday. I don't know what the temperature is today but it is cloudy so I am hoping it is cooler. This is a desert area so people do not go outside much during the day. If the do, it is
    to rush to an air-conditioned car to go to another air-conditioned place. The minister
    here at the church where we are meeting told me that their monthly electric bill in the hottest part of Summer was $900. They cut down last
    month on air-conditioning so it was "only"
    $500. It is very expensive to live in California!

    The medicine is helping some but we are still waiting for the culture to come back tomorrow to see if we have the correct medicine. I just had a dull pickle on my sandwich and my tongue is feeling very sensitive. Thanks for the prayers.

    Barb- I'm glad you got some rain but I don't think that little shower was enough by your comments. Every drop of water is important to our yards. One Summer at my work we were not allowed to do any watering and the yards were totally brown all Summer. The next year it was less dry and sprinkling was allowed. The grass came back to the pretty green we expected. It is amazing how resilient grass can be.

    Susan - I did enjoy your flower pictures also. You must have large pots for birds wanting to have a nest in it. Our daughter's dog hates to have any animals in our yard. There are some rabbits and squirrels that live to tease her. They know where their safe placesg4d0r93w5ijs.jpg
    are and run away from her if she chases

    Judith - I assume that your sidewalks are w/c accessible. Please be careful as you are outside watering your plants.

    Lunch break is over soon. We may go back to the hotel and sleep a bit more. All the presentations are being recorded so we can listen to them later. Tonight is a busy night with the graduation happening and we are doing an honoring of our professor/ dean who passed away this Summer also.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member

    Here are some of my sunflowers. Sunflowers are the Kansas state flower. Some stalks are so thick, & so many are bent. So I’m trying to cut some every so often.
    I cleaned 3 more windows, vacuumed some and some other chores. I went to get some fallscents from Bath & Body. Works as I need some fall scents. Soap that is.
    It’s to be in the 50’s again so I opened the windows & made it so the a/c won’t go on. By mid week we will be back to mid & upper 80’s. No rain in forecast & all we got is .20”. Or less oh well it was something. It is neat how God with water greens grass up. 😊
    Our church’s birthday is Sunday 71 years is Sunday so to celebrate it after the service we will have sandwiches & bounce houses for the kids, a birthday party for the church. Kind of neat! Probably cake too.

    Linda 5:30 is very early. Hope you won’t need toothpicks to keep your eyes open 😆.
    $900 is a huge bill glad it came down the next month.
    Continue prayers for healing. Hope some results come in soon if not today.

    Please be careful as you water. We all are praying for you.
    Prayers when you see your oncologist & he knows what steps are best for you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    I hope you are having or had a good night sleep. Happy Saturday for you soon.

    Prayers for all 🙏🏻
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    I had problems attaching the picture of our lunch plates as you can see above. It got put in the middle of a sentence. It is plastic and almost too pretty to throw away.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 6
    Linda, I wondered what the pretty blue in picture was about! Wow! I would have kept my lunch plate if I could have washed it off and then served things on it at home! Lol! It's very nice. I had never seen one like it. It sure sounds hot in Ca. I remember hot days there in Fresno, visiting my Grandmother. She had a swamp cooler and unless you sat right in front of it, it did next to nothing to cool you down. 😎 It made the house more humid and stuffy too. She rarely ran it as electricity was expensive even when I was a child. That's wonderful about your throat getting a little better. I hope you can enjoy your time with the Bible college. You are a trooper getting up for such an early start and focusing lovingly on the needs of your students. Teaching really is about connection. You need to be 'seen' to teach. That's for sure.

    Barb, what pretty sunflowers! They are so cheerful. Thank you for sharing them. Yes, it is Saturday here already. How wonderful about your 71st church anniversary ❤️. Enjoy those celebrations. Our church is young. We started 16 years ago and are still in a rented church hall. We still celebrate everything though. God is good. I hear you about the watering. I need to water twice a week and it isn't even summer yet. No rain for us anytime soon either.

    Judith, yes, please do share what your Oncologist says next week. Praying for you. Doves are beautiful but in our tiny back yard with two little dogs that are more than interested in them, it's very difficult to give them peace and privacy. I hope they go somewhere else. I love birds though. Doves can nest inside hedges and there are plenty of those around that are much less dangerous for them.

    Yesterday I made a couple of cake banners. They are for church this Sunday. I only took a photo of the 90th birthday one but I also made a 65th wedding anniversary one in pale blue. I might take a photo of it on Sunday when it is in the cake, if I get a chance.


    Today my craftroom is out of bounds as the painter is coming to fix that corner that is peeling. My room is covered in drop sheets. This is where my craft desk is.


    Have good days, everyone!

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Love the pics.
    Susan hope the painting goes well

    Linda I didn’t get your late picture on my iPad. But it’s on my cell. Thank you for sharing it

    Have a great weekend

    Prayers for all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    edited September 7
    Linda, continue to pray for you and hope results come soon so you know for sure what it is. You are sure committed with getting up that early for your students that started early. I agree with everything you said about teaching. It’s so important one connects with the students they are teaching. Glad to hear the sessions are being recorded so you can listen to them later. Hope you did go back to the Hotel and got some sleep. Your sessions on Jesus sound so good, I will look forward to hearing about all that has been taught. Loved the pretty plate you shared, to pretty to throw away. I thought there might of been problems posting as it did look like it got posted in
    a middle of one of your sentences. You asked about my watering and if it was accessible, so kind and thoughtful Linda looking out for my safety, where I water is in my own yard so I don’t have to worry about being out on the sidewalks or pathways. All good! It sure has been hot last few days. Not as hot as you are having.

    Susan, hope the painting goes well. I am sure you miss being in your craft room. I love the picture of your cake banner for the 90th Birthday. I am sure the 65th Wedding Anniversary banner is lovely and all your church members will love them both. I would love to see a picture of the Anniversary Banner set in the cake. You are so creative Susan! I hope I will have news for you regarding my Oncologist report. You were saying you have to water twice a week and it’s not summer yet. For us here it’s 2 times a day with the dryness and the heat and no rain.

    Barb, your Sunflowers are so pretty. I love having Sunflowers in our Garden, I have grown them in past years but I didn’t see any this year. Sorry about all the dry conditions you are exciting your Church celebrating 72 years of being a church. We had a big celebration for celebrating 50 years and now we are over 60 years. Look forward to hearing all about your 71 year Birthday of being a Church! The kids will love the bouncy houses and your luncheon will be so good as you gather and have great fellowship.

    I left and came back as MFP is having issues with some of the postings here. I almost lost some of my posts. And it’s acting up again.

    Marilyn JC and Sandi, keeping you close in thoughts and prayers! Good Night all God Bless 🙏😴🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning. It's a beautiful day here, more like spring instead of summer. We have church happening soon but I wanted to check in before we leave.

    Judith, glad to hear from you. In summer I will also be watering more unless we get monsoonal rains. In winter it's nice not to have to water every day, but in summer I usually need to ramp up my watering schedule. We don't get snow here so there's no absolute reprieve from watering all year. Lol! Yes, the painting went well and my craft room is free of drop sheets once again! I repaired a few delicate hand made things at my desk yesterday. The painter did a lively job so now my craft room is almost back in order. I just need to let the fresh paint cure before moving things back in place.

    Barb, thanks for asking about the painting. It's all good now!

    Waving to everyone. Praying for you all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    We are waiting in the Burbank airport to fly out soon. We have an hour layover in Salt Lake, Utah then on to Denver. I am looking forward to my own bed and getting to sleep later.

    The graduation was great. The only problem is we put out the boxes of miniature Bundt cakes that were to be served after the ceremony but some people opened the boxes and ate them early. The dinner had been catered so I guess they thought the cakes were part of that. We still had plenty for after the ceremony.

    Tomorrow will be busy with church then we are going to see the musical "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat." Our son- in- law did all the sets for the backgrounds. The grandkids helped him too so it was a family project.

    I must get ready for the flight so I will quit here. I lost part of my writing because MFP deleted it. Talk to you all later.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Hope all had a great Saturday. Sunday now for Susan.
    Nice weather cool
    AM. Feels like fall temps, the warmer temps will be coming back mid week. I did water the grass as it so dry. Almost 4” short.

    Susan glad painting done. I bet it looks great.

    Prayers Sunday services go well. Joseph Amazing Technical coat will be neat. One of our high schools did it. It was good. They
    threw Joseph in with the musical pit for that one scene of being out in the pit by his brothers.
    I’ve had MFP delete my comments too. Very frustrating.

    Prayers for you.
    Prayers for all.