Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 8
    Glad things are going mosty well for you, Linda. Safe travels.

    Felt unwell so didn't make it to church but a friend sent me pictures of the cake banners Colin took there for me.


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    I had issues yesterday with MFP who timed me out several times and it took me 2 entries to cover what I wanted to say. Hopefully it doesn’t happen tonight. Not sure what is happening these days!

    Linda, so sorry I see you had issues with MFP with deleting your posts but glad you could share what you have here now. Have safe travels back to Denver. I see you are at the Burbank Airport waiting for your flight. Hope it is a good flight. Yes I am sure you will be happy to get in your own bed and sleep later. So glad the College Graduation and dinner went well. So happy you still had enough mini Bundt cakes to serve after the ceremony even though some guests opened the boxes and ate some cakes thinking it was part of the catered meal. I am sure you will enjoy the live Play Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat! So nice your son in law and grandchildren had a part in doing all the sets for the backgrounds. I love it when I see families participating in group projects. Something your
    grandkids will always remember.

    Barb, I see you have had issues with MFP deleting your posts too, wow that’s all three of us, Linda, you and myself. Glad you had some cooler weather before the warmer days return. It seems we all are getting such changeable weather. Our temps were in high 90’s, had 97 degrees but today we were down to 87 degrees.

    Susan, thank you for sharing your weather patters, yes summer is always extra watering for all of us with higher temps. At least in the Winter months you don’t have to water every day. You made me chuckle 🤭 when you said you don’t get the reprieve like I do with having all the snow! You get to water in the Winter and I get to shovel snow! Haha 😂 Happy days are here again! 😆 so glad your painting turned out so nice. It will be nice for you working in a freshly painted craft room. I am sure it looks so bright and crisp looking for you. Have a blessed Sunday and enjoy your Sunday services.

    God bless you all! Thinking of you Marilyn, JC and Sandi. Been a while since I’ve heard from you. I’m concerned! Hope to see you here soon!

    Good Nite and God Bless 🙏🤗📖
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning. I feel much better today so am going to Uke in a little while. My hand/wrist still gives me.problems so I play gently or drop out for awhile these days. I can still sing!

    Judith, l about the snow! It is a lot of work. I don't miss that at all! Yes, change of seasons are never really steady weather times. It's always a bit up and down, hey. I have also had trouble with MFP, losing posts and timing out. Yes, the one corner of my craftroom that was painted looks good. It's nice to be able to work in there again.

    I trust everyone else is doing well. Thinking of you all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Sunday Afternoon Hi 👋 to All

    Today has been better I posted in all the Threads and haven’t been timed out or have any of my Posts deleted! So as a safe measure I am saving as I go along so I can carry on in case I get timed out. Today weather wise it’s cooler but is partly cloudy 🌤

    Susan, sorry to see you too have had issues with MFP with deleting posts and timing out. Wonder what is going on? So true about shovelling snow being a lot of work. I have had my share over the years. However these days I have someone shovel for me as I can’t shovel heavy snow. So glad you are feeling better and went to Ukulele. So sorry you are having some problems with your wrist but it’s good you can still play gently or even take some time off to rest your wrist. So happy you are still able to Sing. So does that mean you will join the Choir this year when they do some specials? Please keep us posted and share video’s of your Music and pictures are always welcomed!

    Have a Blessed Lord’s Day all! Love and Prayers!
    Thinking of you JC Marilyn Linda Barb & Sandi. 🤗🙏
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Hi all
    Tomorrow I will be watching Evan all day, as it’s his turn, he is Blake’s younger brother. Evan will be 22 months Tuesday.
    So I might not be on chit chat. Busy day for me for sure.
    Enjoy your week
    Prayers for all.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    I am still tired today. I talked to a nurse practitioner and she said maybe I have covid so I am taking a test today. The culture of my throat did not show anything other than normal flora. At least we are looking at different things and ruling them out. I hope to talk to the doctor tomorrow and see what the next steps will be.

    Happy Grandparents day to all us grandparents! I just saw a news article about it our I would not have known it.

    It is cloudy today with high humidity which is so much better than the high temperatures we had in California. We hope to leave for Grand Junction on Wednesday unless the doctor wants to try something different with my throat. It is supposed to rain on Wednesday and we were planning to take two bookcases with us that my Dad made. I know we really need the rain so I am not complaining but we will need to cover the bookcases very will to prevent them from getting wet.

    The musical was wonderful this afternoon. The backdrop that our SIL made was huge with several sets of stairs. The pyramids were made with what looked like neon lights that changed colors with the songs. I was very impressed with his work. His life is interesting in that he is so logical and smart being an engineer then he loves to do work with the shows which takes a different part of his brain. He is also a tap dancer and does training of the people in the musical to know the right steps to do.

    Glenn picked a huge amount of grapes from our vines today which we will be freezing for later. We can not eat all of them so the frozen ones come in handy in baking later in the year. The apple tree is also heavy laden with apples but they are not quite ripe yet. We may have to come back next month to work on them. It will give me something to do as I sit and recuperate from surgery.

    Please keep me in prayer on Wednesday when I have my pre-op appointment. I am praying that this sore throat does not cancel what I have looked forward to for so long. I really do not look forward to the surgery but the relief I will get when the arthritic joint is replaced.

    Afterthought - I just checked the covid test and it is negative so that is ruled out.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Surprise. I stayed home.
    Evan has a cold, & so my resistance is lower with not working. (I was a para at a high school): I also did not sleep well as, Harry, husband, did not come home till 4:15 AM, from placing meds, he is a pharm tech veterans home. He left Sunday at 2 pm. I didn’t sleep well even w 3 walks to tire me out & taking melatonin. I never sleep well when he’s not home. It’s gotten worse with age.
    I may watch him next Monday or maybe Thursday if not needed to watch Mariposa.

    Prayers for your throat & possibilities of Covid, weather with moving bookcases & rain. Plus prayers for Wednesday with pre-op appointment. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    So glad the musicale was a success. 😊

    Prayers for all. Have a good week.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    My doctor wrote me a note today saying I should see an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor since I am not getting better. I will look up some names today to see if they are taking new clients and also if they will accept my insurance. Some places are pretty particular in who they see.

    I am making pear butter today with all the ripe pears we have. They were pretty green when we left but now that we are back from California they really ripened up quickly. We are also picking apples that have fallen from the tree but they will really be ripe starting next month.

    We will be leaving soon to go exercise at Planet Fitness. My husband is taking a power nap right now to have energy.

    Barb I am sorry that you did not sleep well and that Evan is sick with a cold. I do not like to go to bed when my husband is not home either. He has had had to go on several trips overseas to teach so we make sure we were able to talk each night and pray together even though we were apart. He had not done that for a while.

    Susan - One of our students that graduated on Friday was from South Africa. She said her accent was Australian + British. It was fun to hear her talk and to imagine what your accent sounds like. She encouraged me to write a book about our experiences. Glenn is the one that everyone sees but she says that it would be encouraging to other wives to see how being the support person of the couple can be rewarding also. I told her I would think about it. I also told her my job is to keep him alive by feeding him so he can do his job. He sometimes gets so involved in his research and teaching that he forgets to eat.

    Hi to Judith, JC, Marilyn and Sandi. I hope you are having a good Monday.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 9
    Linda, I'm glad you will see a specialist about your throat and do hope they have some answers. It's a concern for sure with you wanting to have surgery soon. Praying. And your role supporting Glenn is an important one. You do far more than feeding him to keep him alive! Granted, that is important, but you pray together, you are a wise counsellor, you do travel with him and participate in all his endeavours, you are a rock of support. The congregation would sure notice if you weren't there, I am sure! You give him a safe, loving and solid setting to work from. You can discuss challenges people face and keep it all confidential. They trust you not to break their confidences! No wonder the ladies want to hear from you. And what a great way to spend Grandparent's Day going to their production! You get all A+s in my book, my friend. I don't think Pastor's wives get enough recognition. It can be a lonely position to be in as close friendships can sometimes be hard to have due to people seeing it as favouritism. You have quite a line to walk sometimes! I hear you on not being able to sleep when Glenn is away. It sure creates a big gap when our husbands are away.

    Barb, nice to have a chance to rest and recover instead of babysitting, though I know you love those precious little ones. You are a good grandmother. Enjoy your day.

    Judith, glad you have someone else shovel the snow! Yes, it is hard work, and icy driveways can be loads of work chipping out all the ice. I did enjoy Uke and yes, I rejoined Starlight Singers. We're putting on a Christmas event at the end of November and also doing a musical/play called 'Once Upon a Time' in February. We're writing the play ourselves. There's a host of characters from different fairy tales that we are deliberately mixing together to create our own silly stories. We have a man here, Darren, with sound equipment and recording skills who is going to record our singing and instrumental playing too. He is leading the 80 strong group of singers/ writing the script as well as acting and dingong in it. It's a lot of fun. I play a version of Alice in Wonderland but spend a lot of time in a dungeon as the evil Queen from Sleeping Beauty doesn't like me. Oh, I sleep a lot too. Lol! It's just a bit of fun and we all enjoy each other's company. The grandchildren should be able to come see it. Colin is in it as well, as one of the 7 Dwarves who somehow get mixed up with Robin Hood and his Henchman. Yes, Robin Hood never had a Henchman before but he does in our play! Lol! Uke Jam is singing and playing as are the Guitar Gems and Starlight Singers. There are a few singing solos also. All to keep the silly story going.

    Colin accidentally cracked our main bathroom sink yesterday by dropping a heavy bottle of aftershave in it so he and his friend Garry are replacing the sink this afternoon. Meanwhile, we are going out to lunch with the church to celebrate Margaret's 90th birthday some more. She is a beautiful soul. So I am off to get ready!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    I hope you can get your sink fixed okay today. 🙏🏻
    Neat a 90 bday enjoy that!
    Your Once Upon a Time, sounds so neat. Prayers it goes so well.
    I am not sick with a cold my grandson Evan has the runny nose, no fever. I just don’t want to get sick.

    Prayers that all goes well with pre-op. Safety going back to Grand junction, Seeing a ENT dr maybe good remember I had to see one about my hearing. Prayers.

    Judith you had snow. Wow, so early. Stay safe & warm
    It’s so dry here. We are having brown grass & it’s September. Leaves are falling & or turning color & dropping as they are under so much stress with lack of rain fall.

    Prayers for all
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Barb, sorry I made it sound like I had snow. we don’t have snow her as it still Summer here. Susan and I were talking about the days when she remembered all the snow and the work it took to shovel and remove the ice when she and Colin lived in the North West Territories. The scenario I spoke about was when I lived in the Toronto/Hamilton area in Ontario when our winters were harsher than here in BC. And when we do get snow here I don’t shovel anymore I get help from someone here. Works out well. Sorry Evan had a cold and you didn’t get to watch him. Hope you can next time as I know you love both your grandkids and love to be with them. Sorry you don’t sleep well when Harry is not home, when I read your husbands name it reminded me of my dear Dad as my Dad’s name was Harry. He passed into God’s presence in 2015 at age 94, I sure miss him.

    Susan, sorry about your sink getting cracked but happy Colin and his friend are getting a new one and installing it today. So glad to hear you are going to be part of a musical, Once Upon a Time. Sounds like it will be quite a wonderful play, great you have a man who will do the sound and recording for you all. It’s exciting to hear that you and all the members are writing the play. What is the name of your Christmas Concert you are doing end of November? I look forward to hear all about and maybe pictures for both events in November and February. I will keep you all in prayer as with both productions there will be a lot of practices. Enjoy the 90th Birthday party. Hope to see some pictures.

    Linda, so sorry you are still having some problems with your throat. Good your Doctor suggested you see an Ear Eye and Throat Specialist. Hope you find someone who works with your Insurance. Will keep it in prayer. Will be praying for your pre-op on Wednesday as you prepare for your upcoming surgery. And Linda you are such a wonderful loving support to Glenn. You are such a wonderful example of a true Pastor’s Wife, you are there at the College and Church being his prayer support and you shine in all the areas of your ministry as you stand alongside Glenn. You are there for the Students, supporting them offering any counsel and also providing your home to those who are coming into town while you and Glenn are in Denver. Indeed you are a Blessing no matter where you go and you are a great blessing here to me and to us all. Your Pear butter sounds so yummy. And whatever you make with your apples maybe you could post a recipe on our Recipe Thread.

    It’s getting late so will sign off for now. Prayers for everyone. Love and Hugs! 🙏❤️🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Susan - thanks so much for your beautiful words about service to our husbands. We really do work together well. He does most of the talking but I am the observer of body language and summarize things when we are done. If I have something to say in the middle I do it also. 😊 The Christmas singing and the play sound great. Since they record it, would it be possible for us to hear it also? The can of after shave must have been pretty heavy to crack the sink. I am glad Colin and his friend can fix it. We are not do-it-yourselfer so we have to pay to have people do things for us.

    Barb - it is turning Fall here too. Some of the trees are beginning to change color and the garden is getting to look worn out from all the work it did during the hot summer weather. There are still a few things blooming and the peppers and egg plants are doing their best to get ripe. My grandpa's name was Harry. It is not a name that is used much anymore although I think some of the old names are coming back so we are full circle.

    Judith - Thanks for you kind words. There are times when things are noticed that are helpful. I think we could all use a good dose of gratitude for what we all do that is just "normal" to each of us. Usually we just make applesauce and I freeze sliced apples for apple pies. I have a good recipe for sugarless apple pie that Glenn loves. It is not without sugar but it is fruit sugar so that does not bother him to eat. It is sweetened with concentrated apple juice concentrate.

    Thanks everyone for the prayers for the pre-op appointment and for my throat.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    The ladies Bible study was great we will be studying the book of Romans. It will take all school year to go, through it over 30 ladies there some from other churches.
    Our leaves are falling due to stress to the trees, from lack of rain, some of the leaves are coloring. All to early as it is still summer. God is in control.
    Harry, is my husbands name his father’s as he is a junior & 🦋 dad, our oldest, son’s name, he is the 3. Sometimes I call him 3. Interesting about all the Harry’s. 😊. Yes, Harry is an old name. Kind of like my name Barbara or Barb. No one names them that any more.
    More of my tomatoes are being eaten by RP the squirrels. Crazy. Squirrels
    We got moles. Please pray we can get rid of them, I put bubblegum out in the holes I found. Lots of them are in my 12 Hybrid roses garden. . 🙏🏻l🙏🏻

    Judith I was wondering about snow as I had not heard anything from my sister who, lives in Victoria & a niece, her daughter, lives in Vancouver. Prayers for you. 🙏🏻

    Susan. I hope your sink & working well

    You are busy. Prayers for pre-op & way back to Grand Junction. How is your throat too? 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    We will get Francine clouds but the rain will be east of us. St Louis. The rain will keep temps down. We may be warm but our humidity has
    been low so that is good. The grass here is turning brown & we are getting close to be in a severe drought. 🙏🏻

    Prayers for all.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 10
    Good morning. It's raining here today. Wouldn't you know it, I deep watered my plants yesterday. Today they will be swamped.

    Barb yes, the sink has been replaced and the sealant cured overnight so it is now usable. Linda, Colin dropped a heavy glass bottle of aftershave in the previous sink. The lid was decorated with a wooden overlay and when he picked the bottle up by the wooden cover, it slipped off the bottle and crashed in the sink. There is a mirrored cabinet set into the wall over the sink and he was trying to get the bottle out of that. The bottle didn't break though. Barb I'm glad you aren't sick. I hope your grandson is getting better.

    Linda, you are welcome for my thoughts on your role as a Pastor's wife and Judith added even more. You really do so much. I hope your throat is getting better. With the pain of your hip and all the travelling you do plus hospitality and teaching, you could probably do with some full on rest days! I'm not sure if the recording of the show will be available to us. The recording is being used in the live production. I'll ask. If they put it on YouTube I may be able to share a link, but they may not have planned to do that? I think they need permission to upload some of the songs?

    Judith, I was a young teen when I lived in the NWT with my parents and siblings. Colin has never been to the US or Canada. I met him in Australia. He's Australian born. I've basically been in Australia since I was 16 but did live here for two other years when I was younger. We moved a lot when I was with my folks. We don't have a name for our Christmas concert yet. It will be done more as a carolling night. We want to encourage people to sing with us. The night will probably get a name eventually but it's still in the formation stage right now. The manager of our Village asked us to do it quite recently so we're scrambling to put it together while we practice for our major production in February, Once Upon a Time. I think about 30 people will put on the carolling night. About 80 of us are involved in Once Upon a Time. There's a lot of coordinating to do!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    edited September 11
    Linda, your applesauce and sugarless Apple pie sound so delicious, please if you can share those recipes on our Recipe Thread. I am sure we all would love both recipes. You are welcome Linda got the words I shared. It’s really interesting we all have family members with the Name of Harry, Dad was # 13 child born and we often laughed as a Family as Dad’s Full Name was Harvie Harry, Dad said his parents ran out of names by the time Dad was born, and they forgot how to spell Harvie, so Dad went thru all 94 years known as Harvie Harry but Dad was known to Friend’s and his Mother as Harry but not his Dad! My Husband was Thomas David Harry Scott. 😊 sorry your garden has shown the affects from the not so favourable summer. My Tomatoes didn’t do well, first time ever. Green Peppers are growing but struggling. Praying for your pre-op tomorrow. Let me know how you did.

    Susan, sorry I forgot you mentioned that you were a young gal living there. It’s wonderful you travelled to Australia and met your Colin there and eventually married. You have been in Australia for a long time. With your Dad connected to the Mines is that why your family moved around a lot as you were growing up. A wonderful opportunity and seeing many places but realize it isn’t easy learning new cultures and meeting new friends. I didn’t know Colin has never been to Canada or to the United States of America before. Having said that it’s awesome your parents moved around a lot as if they didn’t you may never have moved to Australia, isn’t God so Good. You met your Life Partner just due to your parents moving to Australia. . Keep us posted on your Christmas Concert and your play Once Upon a Time. So excited for you.

    Barb, it’s awesome that Linda and Susan have family named Harry in their Family Line and your Husband names Harry. Last post I mentioned my Dad’s Name was Harry and my Husband was known as Thomas David Harry Scott. So glad you enjoyed your Ladies Bible Study. The Book of Romans is a wonderful Book in the Bible to Study. Having 30 ladies is a wonderful number in your group. So sorry about the Moles in your garden and your squirrels 🐿 eating your Tomatoes. We have a lot of Squirrels 🐿 this year all through our complex, they are getting into the Townhomes and Condo’s and sure making a mess. I have Wild Finches in my garden and they love to jump in the bird bath. They sit on the side of the bath and drink the water and actually jump in water and splash the water all over. Entertainment at the Scott’s House! 😆 You have had a summer that has been less favourable weather wise. Sorry your garden is not doing well.
    The weather is so unpredictable world wide.

    Will say Good Night and God Bless!
    Praying for you all. See you tomorrow. 🤗🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning all. It's a cooler week with rain showers here. I'm enjoying this weather. I know summer will probably be hot and muggy.

    Judith, it's interesting to hear about your family names. I don't have any family named Harry, sorry. Your Dad sure came from a big family! Was your mother's family also large? Yes, my Dad liked to try working with different types of mines and minerals but he was also a restless man. He liked to move to New places as o the whole family moved too. I had 9 different school a growing up. I was always saying goodbye to friends and family and getting used to new systems of schooling and trying to make new friends. It wasn't easy but it made me adaptable. It also made me anxious, something I have fought against all my life. 'Philippians 4:6 (KJV) Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.' I think about that verse when I feel nervous. It tells me exactly what to do!

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Good eve morning for Susan.
    So glad sink in & can be used. I didn’t know you moved around so much Susan. That had to be hard. You lived lots of differ t places too. That had to be hard with school& making friends.

    All the names & Harry stories so interesting. Who would know, as it’s mot in use now.

    Linda prayers for your travels
    How is your throat. Prayers

    Judith. Prayers for all you do.
    When do you see the surgeon or dr again? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    I may get mulch & put down plus soil on my roses & around the house. I’ve been putting down the black mulch I have & still have 2 more bags. I like cedar mulch around the house & my roses.

    Have a good night all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    edited September 12
    Susan, thank you for sharing, of course we have talked about all the moves and different places you have lived. But thinking about a young child with so many moves and learning new school systems and making new friends and having to say goodbye and do it all over again. When you said it made you anxious, my heart was so touched just thinking how you coped and learned how to adapt. You are a Strong woman Susan, God sure shaped you in to the woman you are today. You bring strength and courage in our midst and bless us in so many ways. We have learned much from you my friend in how you and Colin travel and adapt into the environments you find yourself in. Philippians 4:6 has always ministered to me. God knows exactly what we need and feels our emotions and reaches out with such compassion!

    Came back as I posted and was about to leave I saw Barb’s post!

    Barb, sorry I almost missed your post. Looks you are preparing your garden for the Fall. It’s good to get the mulch down and soil around your roses. You said you had 2 bags of mulch still to put down on your land. A lot of work Barb. Please be careful and stay safe. You asked when my next appointments were. I see my Surgeon tomorrow. Then Friday I am at the Cancer Clinic for follow up with my Derma- Oncologist. Will keep you posted.

    Linda, held you close to my heart praying for you today as you had your pre op. Trusting all went well!

    God Bless you all. Have an early morning as I leave house at 7:00am to head to the hospital for follow up with Surgeon. See you all tomorrow. 🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Susan - Moving as many times as you have would make me anxious also making new friends, new schools and new rules. People who are extroverts would love that type of life but those of us who are homebodies, it would be very difficult. I can see that you made the best of it and grew/matured into someone who is adaptable to many circumstances. We did move quite a bit for Glenn's education but the children were small and homeschooled so that worked out for them.

    Judith - the applesauce recipe is just apples with the skins on and a little water cooked in a crockpot until soft then frozen. Once thawed, they can be blended to a smooth consistency but still have the valuable fiber from the skins. Spices like cinnamon can be added at that time but we usually just eat it as it is. I will look up the pie filling and post it when we get unpacked and more organized.

    Barb - we have rocks around our rose bushes to keep the weeds down but mulch is a great idea to keep the moisture in the ground when we get occasional rains. I will try to remember to take a picture of my roses outside my office window tomorrow.

    Our trip was uneventful back to Grand Junction. It is so nice to be back in a ranch style house where we do not have to go up and down stairs like we do in the Westminster house. My hip is not happy when I have to go up and down the stairs to go up to the bedroom and then more stairs to go down in the basement to do laundry. The pre-op appointment went well. I have all my orders of what to do before the surgery like the showers with antiseptic soap, ointment to put in my nose, changes in medication, etc. They did some lab work to check to see if I have any problems with bleeding and that my electrolytes are OK. They also did an EKG to make use I do not have any cardiac issues. That would be the only thing that would keep me from having the surgery but I really doubt that they will find any problems. We do not have the time for the surgery yet but it could be pretty early. We need to be at the hospital 2 hours early and if the surgery starts at 6am that is really early for me who likes to sleep in! With us having to travel 2 hours to get to the hospital, we will be staying at a hotel close to the hospital. They have an agreement with the hospital to give a "medical" discount to people coming a day early for surgery. They did some lab work to check to see if I have any problems with bleeding and that my electrolytes are OK.

    As for my throat. I am waiting to see if the referral has been received from the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor then I will make an appointment. The orthopedic doctor looked at my throat today and did not see anything abnormal. He did not seem concerned about it as long as it does not cause any problems with my breathing.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    It seems that I was the last one to post yesterday and the first to post today. I did put the apple pie recipe in the recipe thread for those who are interested.

    Our Bible study group has expanded from 6 to 14 because one couple needed to take a break. They are so busy with two teens and a middle schooler all being home schooled. She love to help but it got to be just too much so they are taking a needed rest. We now have 4 campus students in our group and the rest of us are all over 60. It will be interesting to see how we all relate to one another. We met today but are still trying to match out schedules with the campus who are in classes most of the day but us older people do not like to drive at night. Somewhere we will find a "happy medium" as my Mom used to say.

    It is cloudy today but no rain. The humidity is back to normal at 11% so I doubt that there will be any rain soon.

    I need go to a TOPS meeting soon so I need to get going but wanted to say Hi! Unfortunately, I will not have a loss this time due to my eating during the conference. We had lots of carbs in the meals that they provided. I should have controlled myself but I will have to admit my gain. There is another week to go before surgery so I will try to get back on track then who knows how my weight will be then. I know there will be a lot of swelling and not as much exercise as usual.