Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Susan - I agree a nap is in order since you were up so early to get everyone ready to go to the airport. I am so glad that you had a good time with your family and especially that your son and his family were also able to join you for one day. All our flights last week were in the afternoon which made getting there early easier for us. We have an hour's drive to get to the airport then with the rule to get there 2 hours early makes for an early get up time if we fly out in the morning.

    Judith - our tomatoes are about gone. They get ripe a little earlier for us than yours do. We are working on our apples to get the ones that are getting ripe frozen for winter apple pies. The ones on the ground have bruises on them and some worm holes. I look forward to being able to pick nice apples off the tree next month when they are ripe. My daughter that will be here next week to help me around the house will be bringing more over for us to work on. I am very grateful that the tree has so many apples on it but by the end of the apple season, I am glad that it is over and we can go on to other things.

    Barb - I do hope you get rain! We had a huge downpour early this morning with lots of loud thunder. It woke me up and I thought it was a big plane going over our house but it continued so I finally got my tired brain to realize that it was just thunder. We are a fueling stop for military planes and they can be pretty loud during the day but not usually at night. The grass always looks so much better when we have rain and we do not have to use the sprinklers.

    I have my appointment with the doctor to check out my sore throat. I am thinking it is more allergies and pollution but it will be good to make sure.

    I had one women's zoom Bible study this morning and another one at our house tonight so today is a busy day. Take care everyone!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    My Bible study was very good. We are studying Romans. After this when we get back I’ll have Bible study home eat & watch 🦋. (Mariposa is butterfly.)
    I am getting tired of watering we will be near 90* the next 2 days. I will watch 🦋 tomorrow then pack on Thursday.
    I still have my garden. Some animal got my cantaloupes & one of my watermelons. They were very small. Just picked a watermelon on Saturday so Blake could have it. Guess we should have picked them both.
    My sunflowers are done for & tomatoes slowing down I’ve had to pick them green or a 🐿️ gets them. I do have peppers on the vines. Maybe I can take one with us to Ag ripened tomatoes are not as good as ovine ripened ones. Enjoy them Judith! 😋

    We are to get rain & cooler temps when we leave so maybe my neighbor won’t have to water much?.

    Your garden sounds neat Judith I hope you didn’t over due it.
    Prayers for you as the19 is 2 days away plus wisdom for Drs. 🙏🏻

    Susan. Thank you for explaining it. Australia is a big country. So glad you got the visit in. 😊

    Linda when is your surgery..🙏🏻🙏🏻. I went back but didn’t see ot.

    Have a good night all. Morning for Susan.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    It is going on for 10:00pm Tuesday night and I see it’s only Susan who has posted since my last post in early morning; 2:27am Tuesday morning. I left a long post with commenting on Linda and Barb’s post and some on Susan’s post.

    Susan, getting up at 2:45am is so early, not surprised that you and Colin will head home to have some rest. I agree with your post about not driving the hours you once did when you were younger. And driving 4 hours a day is even a length of time, I can see it would take a week to get to Cairns from you being near Brisbane so I understand your daughter and her 2 daughters flying home. 2 1/2 hours is much better than travelling a whole week on the road. My prayers are with you Susan and Colin, it’s hard seeing your family leave for home. So happy you had the few days visiting with your daughter and granddaughters!

    Marilyn and Sandi, it’s been so long since you have been here, you are so missed! Prayers are with you.

    Linda, praying for you as you are preparing for surgery. Barb hope you are enjoying your visit with your family in PA.

    Will say Good Night 😴 and God Bless 🙏🤗
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    I am still in Kansas. Packing day is tomorrow. We leave for PA Friday after a load of wash for PA. The days we will be in PA are 9/25/9/30. Home 10/1. We will be doing lots of hours driving. May walk at some botanical gardens or walking paths.
    Prayers for you Judith tomorrow.
    Well we pray every day.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Barb, thank you for giving me the heads up and setting me straight about when you leave and how long you are in PA visiting your family. I have made a note of the days you are away with copying and pasting what you posted in your post with the Following: Barb Said “The days we will be in PA are 9/25/9/30. Home 10/1” thank you!
    I will keep you and the family in prayer. Hope you enjoy your time in PA. Sounds lovely if you go to the Botanical Gardens and or Walking Paths. Safe Travels my Friend! Thank you for your prayers as always.

    My Prayers are with everyone! I posted last night and came here earlier than usual but I have a very early morning appointment that will carry me over to 12 Noon. Will update the Prayer Request Thread, I left some info from my last appointment that I would appreciate prayer for. Thank you 🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    I just came from the ENT doctor and he does not know what is causing the throat pain but did see some abnormal drainage from the sinuses. The surgeon does not want to do surgery until the possible infection is gone. My hip surgery has been cancelled for now. I will post more later. We are traveling now.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Oh no, Linda! I guess the cancelled surgery is for the best, and you now know something is happening with your sinuses, but I can only imagine your disappointment. Praying for you. Safe travels.

    Judith, I will check out the prayer request thread this morning. Was praying for you last night as I was for you all.

    Barb, yes, Australia is as big as mainland USA and our six states and one territory are all huge. Brisbane and Cairns are in the same state but are around 24hrs drive apart. The roads are not always good or we could maybe go faster. I hope you have a safe trip once you start your journey.

    I'm preparing to teach a card class so must go. My DD and two DGDs got home safely. I miss them. 💗
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Susan. So glad all got home safely.
    Trust your card class goes well.

    Linda. Oh so sorry that your surgery is postponed. Yet due to the anesthesiologist to put you under, you need to have no sinus issues. Praying.

    Judith prayers for you so sad. Wisdom needed.

    So this morning I woke up and our maple tree that our sin in-law in Andover started from a sappling, got chewed down. It was lying down on the ground this morning. I guess it is so ry & hot 10* over normal temp. The animals are eating my melons, tomatoes & now trees. So sad.

    Have a good night day Friday for Susan.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited September 19
    Oh no about your plants and trees, Barb! That has to be so disappointing. I hope you can salvage something in your garden. You put a lot of effort into your garden. Yes, it's Friday morning here as I type. Card class yesterday went well. We always have a fun afternoon.

    We have a lunch with friends today and I have a few domestic things to get done before we go, so I'll go check out the other threads now. Thinking of you all 🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    We made it back from taking the trailer back to storage for the seasons when it is too cold to stay in it. Last night it got below freezing and our hose from the spring froze so we only had the water be brought up from Grand Junction and a few gallons of water left in the storage tank in the trailer to use for drinking, dishes, cleaning, etc. It was 37 degrees in our trailer when Glenn got up this morning. He put on the heater which helped to warm it up before I got up. He is so thoughtful to me! We did not see any damage from the freeze to the hose or inside the trailer and hope we do not see any when we fill up the water tank next Summer. We were able to get by but there were no showers for us until we got home. The Aspen trees are beginning to turn bright yellow up in the high country and they are so pretty against the backdrop of the dark pine trees. We saw three young does walking along the road as we were getting ready to go. I went inside and when I came out they were gone. I was afraid that they would get in the road and get hit. Evidently they decided to stay on our side of the road and wandered off somewhere else. We shampooed the carpets in the offices and bedroom before we left and put all moveable furniture in the other rooms. When we got home it looked like someone ransacked out house but it was us that had done it. We now have to put all the furniture back where it belongs. I am sorting through all my books and will be giving quite a few away.

    My ENT said he did not know what was wrong with my sinuses but that there was something wrong. He saw another person the day before that had the same thing but he has not seen anything like it. At least I and one other person are giving him some new experiences. He said there is odd looking drainage that may be covering an ulcer or wound. I am on antibiotics for 10 days and then will go back to see him for a follow-up. If it is still there. he wants to use anesthesia and have a deeper look and suction things out. I am hoping that the medication will fix it. I do not want to have two episodes of being put to sleep in the same month. All plans for surgery and therapy are put on hold until the ENT says I am healed. The wait was for one month when I got the original surgical date so if I am OK in two weeks, It might be near the end of October before I can get rescheduled.

    Barb - happy traveling tomorrow. I am so sorry about your trees that the animals are eating. We have our gardens up on legs so they are at our waist level so other than birds, no animals are bothering our plants.

    Susan - I hope you are rested up from your company. I miss my grandkids so much when they leave. Of course I get to see them much more often than you do yours. They were going to come help me after surgery but that obviously will not happen. We might go back to Denver and try to get some of the apples off the tree processed before the next surgery date. Glenn really likes the green ones he picked up off the ground but they are a bit tart for me.

    Judith - I am so sorry about the treatment that you received at your appointment. That is not acceptable and should be reported. I have found that the people who are more specialized in their area of care, the less kind the bedside manner they have. I don't know why this is but maybe they are treating the more serious cases and have more anxiety that they might not know the right things to do. They are generally very proud of what they can accomplish and tell all about it. That has my experience working in the hospital. I like to go to the general practitioners who have time to sit and talk about more than just what your complaint is. I am praying for your surgeon's visit tomorrow to be very different than the earlier appointment. Was the prescription for the ointment you used again to be coupled with laser?

    Marilyn and JC I am praying that you are doing well. I would love to hear about how you are doing.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Most of my garden is ok it’s been only the veggies. I pick tomatoes, green to get them.
    It is so sad about the red maple tree. Maybe we got too many 🐿️?
    We were near 90* today. Same for tomorrow before a cold front comes in tomorrow night with rain & lots of rain on Sunday.
    We did get .5” of rain today. 😊. Some did not get any. The sun came out & the temps rose.
    So glad you are back home.
    Prayers you can get your surgery date after 10 days &’meds work/heal

    Prayers for you it’s got to be so frustrating it would be so nice if they would be sympathetic maybe listen & really try to get answers for you. God heals & I’m praying for that.

    Susan rest up & the weekend will. Be here before you know it.

    Marilyn & JC home all is well with you two.

    Well we are by packed, i’m taking my bread machine to make some home made bread. I got some bread flour, wheat flour & yeast packed too.
    We will do one load of with towels & load the car. I may need to water as it’s to be 90* then the rain comes at night. Cooler temps all week long so maybe no more 90*.
    We will stay the night in Springfield, Illinois tomorrow night. We enjoy seeing some its oval gardens might do that on way too.
    Sleep well

    Prayers for all.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Good Morning,

    I posted on all the threads and updated you on the Prayer Request thread but couldn’t stay awake so now back to post here.

    Linda, I am so sorry to hear your surgery has been cancelled. It must be a great disappointment for you. I hope your ENT can find what’s causing the issues with the infection. Here’s hoping the antibiotics will be successful and the surgery can be rescheduled quickly for you. My prayers are with you that the med will clear up the infection without you having to have an anesthetic for further treatment.

    Barb, I am so sorry to hear about the intense heat and that the animals have chewed down your red maple tree and have been eating your produce and plants. I hope you have been able to salvage some of your garden. I am praying for you. Hope the cooler temps come and you get some rain.

    Susan, hope you enjoyed your visit with friends and had a nice lunch together. Happy you
    Had a great card class yesterday.

    Thank you all for your kindness and all your replies regarding my experience last week at the Cancer Clinic. Appreciate all your prayers.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Since we shampooed our carpets before we left for the trailer, we have lots of furniture to put back in place. I am working on the bookcases today. I have found a lot of books that I really do not need to keep so I am making a pile to give away to the "Friends of the Library" group that will have a book sale and sell the books to make money for the library. I am glad that I can give new life to the books that I have already read. Tomorrow one of my friends said her neighborhood is having a big garage sale so I am going to that. It is not that I really need anything but it is always fun to see things that other people do not want but may be another persons treasures.

    Barb - praying for your safe journeys as you travel.

    Judith - I am actually not really disappointed in not having my hip replaced. For some reason, I had an odd feeling about the whole process which was unsettling. Maybe there would have been something that would go wrong if I had gone ahead with it. On the other hand, I know God is in control and what needs to happen will happen. I would be so pleased if these antibiotics can cure my sore throat and we can proceed with the surgery! My daughter who was coming to help take care of me says she is coming anyway and will try to make meals for me to have when the surgery actually does happen. I'm not sure if she will be able to come them so we are just doing things ahead of time.

    Susan - It looks like we cross posted yesterday. I wonder if it will happen again today since I do not see you on this thread yet. You might be just behind me.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Judith, yes. We had a great visit from our friends yesterday and talked for hours! We have all kown each other since the 1990s. We get together every few months. The next time we meet it will be in December. We then came home and were chatting with our neighbours opposite us when we noticed another neighbour Rod walking home fast with the defibrillator we keep in the street. His wife Cath was having heart difficulties and the ambulance soon came. It turns out Cath is OK but she needed to go to the hospital for the night. She is 75 and quite active. She's very popular with us all. It was a relief that she is alright for now. I will be praying about your next appointment and hope you have a much kinder doctor.

    Barb, wow! You are well prepared with all the fixings to make bread! Glad you are packed and ready to travel. Yes, it is already Saturday here and I am having an easy morning. Church is tomorrow and I have a sound recording session in the afternoon so I am appreciating the break.

    Linda, how strange about your sinus issues. I glad the specialist is onto it and that he will keep working with you to find a solution. I hope it doesn't delay your surgery too much. Glad you had time to store away the trailer (brrr! The weather sounds cold!) Nice to have your carpets clean and the ransacked house put back together! Lol! We actually spent time yesterday moving furniture around. We wanted less clutter in our big kitchen/dining/living room. I think we will try selling a bit more furniture. I am still missing my granddaughters 💗

    Thinking of you all. 🙏
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Prayers for all. We made it to Springfield, IL. Hoping to see some botanical gardens tomorrow morning.
    Prayers for all.
    Especially Linda to get better so, she can have her surgery. 🙏🏻
    Then there is Judith. Her doctors need lots of wisdom from God. God heals so praying. 🙏🏻
    The heat is here too. By Sunday we should be in the 70’s. That will feel so good after 90’s.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    It’s almost my bedtime, I posted early this morning and dropped by to finish up some of the Threads I didn’t work on this morning and stopping by briefly to say thanks for your kindness and your prayers. I have an extremely busy morning as I have a friend coming to help pack the fine breakables, China and Crystal getting ready for my trip to the Hotel.

    Will be back tomorrow and reply to the posts you share. Good Night and God Bless! 😴🙏❤️🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - so glad to hear you made it to Springfield and that you were going to the Botanical Gardens. WE have a lovely on in Denver that we really enjoy going to see. I have a friend who took closeup pictures of some of the gorgeous flowers and put them on notecards to send to friends. What kind of bread are you making with your bread machine when you get to your destination? I love the smell of baking bread in my kitchen although I eat way too much of it if I cut it when it is hot and slather butter on it which melts into the crevices. I do not make bread as often as I used to since it is such a temptation to eat it!

    Susan - I am glad that Cath did not have to stay long in the hospital. It is scary when our hearts start "acting up".

    Judith - I hope you are able to get all your breakables packed in preparation for the remodel. Do you have a storage place nearby to put them in?

    I went to some garage sales today and bought $5 worth of towels (9 total towels) but nothing else interested me. We are now going to an antique car show that a friend is entering her car in. We also need to get our rings checked and to take the books I do not need to the donation spot. Not a very exciting day today. See you all later.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Good morning. We're getting ready for church here so I won't stay long. Glad to hear from you all.

    Linda, your day actually sounded quite productive. The everyday things we do are needed! Fortunately Cath didn't need the Defibrillator. She is home now, resting up.

    Judith, it's finally happening. Your renovations will be wonderful to have in the back mirror. When I think the flooding happened in July, it's a long time to wait. Your friends helping you pack are a blessing. I hope you don't get overtired.

    Barb, thank you for letting us know you arrived safely. Have a good time and stay safe!

    I was at my craft desk a lot yesterday. I made two sympathy cards and got 6 scrapbook layouts done. I rarely scrap so there were lots of choices with photos, and I had kits to follow so the pages went together quickly and easily.

    Till tomorrow.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Glad Cath is ok. She’s the same age as Harry my dh. 🙏

    Judith. Prayers as you pack your breakables & pictures & any thing else you need. So your renovations will start soon, prayers all goes well.
    Praying for your health & wisdom for drs.
    We will stay in Richmond Indiana tonight. We hope to see a garden tomorrow. We did a hike this morning that use to be an old railroad track.

    Linda. So glad you had a productive day.

    Susan sounds like you had lots done with your cards.
    We hope to watch our church service on line tomorrow. Our pastors and a group are getting back from Ecuador tonight. So be nice to hear about the trip.

    Hoping my sister, Jan can come to PA, as she just changed job & is in training now. She might only come for the weekend & have to fly. We are praying. She’s to trim my hair & my mom’s.
    She lives in RI & I haven’t seen her in 5 years. We both planned this trip back in the early spring.

    Prayers for all. 🙏🙏
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,596 Member
    Linda, sounds like a great time to visit the garage sales, we can always use Tea Towels. When I lived back East I went to Garage Sales with a friend, we made it an afternoon and then went out for supper after, usually on a Saturday as that was the day my Kids spent with their Grandparents and their Great Grandma and Grandpa. You asked about my packing, my friend came and really helped, we packed 8 boxes. We have couple more to do then the Movers do the rest!

    Susan, sounds like an awesome day with card making and the scrapbooking you did, that’s a lot of layouts, but at least you had the kits to help you out. Will you use some of your pictures you took when you were on holiday for the 6 months you were away? You took such beautiful pictures. And speaking of cards, I will get home in time to work on my daughters Birthday card and then I have Family Christmas cards to do. Hope you enjoy your Sunday Services.

    Barb, so glad you arrived safely, enjoy your stay in Richmond Indiana! We have a Richmond in BC! Hope you enjoy the Gardens you visit. I always enjoyed visiting the Botanical Gardens. I remember you said you have family in Victoria BC, have you been to the Gardens or the Parliament Buildings in Victoria BC? I hope you get to see your sister Jan, it would be so special to connect especially after not seeing her for 5 years. You asked if I got the pictures packed, that was the one thing that will get done next.

    Take care all; my prayers are with you all! Have a Blessed Lord’s Day! Enjoy your Sunday Services.

    Good Night 😴 God Bless…