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  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Linda, you are welcome. And thanks for sharing your thoughts. I was always amazed when I helped my Grandma prepare the Dough for the different kinds of Bread she would make, especially looking at that small ball of dough in the bowl with a damp towel spread over it. I remember my Grandma 👵 saying no peaking; then we would move on and do the rest of the days baking. The next day I remember taking the towel off the bowl and seeing the largest ball of dough that expanded and filled the bowl, I’d blink my eyes 👀 in such utter surprise wondering how that could happen! It is amazing that the yeast in the dough provides something that is almost nothing to something so amazing as a scrumptious loaf of Bread 🍞 You will enjoy your Pears and Peaches; I hear you about not adding any sugar in your baking but letting the natural juices of the fruit be the sweetener. I have done
    the same. Plenty Sweet enough for me. I buy reduced sugar in my yogurts and other things.

    Have a great day all! I am here early as I was and will continue working on the Insurance and Restoration issues.

    Susan, Barb will let you scroll upwards to what I posted yesterday! Marilyn, Sandi JC thinking of you all and praying! God’s Blessings upon your day and week ahead! 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited August 26
    While it is getting to be fall there, it is turning into summer here quite quickly. Today is the the beginning of a week in the 30°Cs. I think that's in the 80-90°F range.

    Linda, I agree that our husband's often seem to believe they can do more. I applaud Colin for not sitting back and giving up. I just wish he would go easier on himself at times. His tailbone is struggling to heal. In a way we both face the consequences of his decisions as I become responsible for doing things he cannot do, or we get someone to do it for us (eg: fixing the peeling paint and plaster seal in my craftroom!) Once he could have taken care of that but I encouraged him to let someone else do it this time. At least he let me have that! Lol! Glenn sounds as motivated as Colin. It does make me feel exhausted at times!

    Judith, that's an interesting way to look at the parable of leaven. I always liken leaven to sin, as in when the Jews had to purify themselves of sin with sacrifices and offerings during Passover and leaving out the leaven in their bread to symbolise purging themselves of sin, for a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Like Linda said, we are also the leaven or light of the world. Leaven is a powerful thing to use in a parable! I also think of Jesus, the Bread of Life... Yes, keep us posted about your temporary move during the renovations. I'm glad you feel less overwhelmed by it thanks to the help of your church. Yesterday's music groups went well! I also have a small role acting in a play we're putting on in February, called Once Upon a Time! It should be funny and good to bring grandchildren to see.

    Today I have plans to make some special birthday cards and try out another Christmas card idea. There is some housework to do first and I need to decide what we'll have for dinner. I might start washing and putting away throw rugs. I already washed the cushions on our lou ge and recliners. Colin has gone out to the caravan to do some awning maintenance. He has promised there will be no lifting involved. I trust he will be OK.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Hi all

    Judith we did a bit on the parables too in church yesterday. We just finished the summer of prayer for the whole 8 or 9 weks. He last week talkwed how eden was created for man to be with God, walk with him, God, Then man sinned so the tabernacle came, then the temple and finally Jesus! The curtain was ripped when Jesus arose.
    I've always heard that the yeast represents sin and that is why at the passover we use unleavned bread or crackers like.

    Linda a BB sounds like a lot of work, but then meeting people might be nice or interesting. Would it be outsid eof Denver? What did you make with your pears? I enjoy eating them not sure I've made anything with them. Enjoy.

    Susan, Sandi and Marily. Prayers for you and for losing weight Marilyn and others if that what you are doing.

    Wish it was Chilly here, we are in excessive heat wave, we got the Heat dome that Denver and the 4 corners had. We also have a orange ozone, breakthing as we have the Canadian fire smoke so not a good combo. My inside outside thermometer read 108* at 2 PM. It's ony going down to 76* not good. It's to be a bit better tomorrow & cooler each day and maybe a bit of rain tomorrow but big chance Thurs-Fri. Yeah!! This heat is burning my plants!
    Oh well it is August. The last week so that is good. I'm ready for fall with this heat!!
    Prayers for all!!!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Barb, we were posting at the same time! Nice to see you and I hope the August heat doesn't take any more of your plants. Hope all is well and the birthday party was fun.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Another hot day maybe not quite as bad, temperature wise. Only in mid to upper 90’s.
    We may get rain praying so. It’s to be colder tomorrow & big chance of rain Thursday night--Friday.
    Praying it happens.
    Hope all are having a good day.
    Prayers for all. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - I am sorry that you are still having hot weather and smoke. We had that for a long but are having a reprieve right now with temps only in the high eighties. I will pray that you do get the rain to help your garden. Our tomatoes look sunburned on the sides from the hot weather. We are almost at the end of the tomato season with only a few green tomatoes left on the vine. Some of the ones I picked yesterday were split for all the rain that we had.

    Judith - I am hoping that you are getting near the end of the renovation talks and that they can get to work soon. I was intrigued with the recipe you posted of cookies with potato chips in them. Do the chips get soggy or do they stay crisp? I know I have heard the sweet and salty are a good combination so the chips would help with the salty part.

    Susan -We also have had to depend on people to help us do things that we used to be able to do. Our children forbid us to do things on the roof anymore like clean out the gutters and service the swamp cooler. although it costs money to have someone else do it I would rather be safe than sorry if Glenn fell off the roof or hurt himself some other way.

    🙋🏼‍♀️Waving "Hi!" to everyone. Hope you are having a good start of your week.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    That's good to get people to help, Linda. I know Glenn is a hands on man like Colin. They struggle with accepting help!

    Barb, I hope you get cooler weather soon.

    Am at an Artistic Seniors group meeting so am just checking in 🙂
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    I'm home from the brief Artistic Seniors meeting. We're planning Christmas carols in November and a concert in February. Today the director couldn't be with us so we just sorted out a few mundane things.

    I did some housework this morning then spent two hours grooming the dogs. They needed trims, their feet needed attention, and they both needed a good brush and comb. I did their teeth, faces and ears. They look sweet now. Then I finished making a couple of cards before going to the meeting. I got distracted before I checked in with you all this morning and remembered that I hadn't done so during the meeting!

    Colin had Physio today. She taught him some things to do that will help with standing and sitting. It's a process!

    I hope everyone is having a good day.
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 960 Member
    Hi everyone. Just checking in. This has been a busy week so far but not much going on today, just a few errands. The weather is still hot here in Florida and sometimes September can be one of our hottest. It’s also still hurricane season until November . Praying we don’t have anymore.
    Enjoy your Wednesday. 😊
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Hi Barb. Nice to hear from you. Our seasons are the.opposite so while your hurricane season November, our cyclone and fire season starts. Summer goes from November to March here and so we have hot Christmases. Stay safe and well!

    I hope everyone else is doing alright.

    Not much planned here today. I'll eventually work on some special birthday cards I need done, after doing my routine household chores.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Today my friend took me out to lunch for my belated birthday. She had said in April when it was my birthday that she wanted to take me out but it has taken this long for our schedules to match. We had a good time catching up with our lives. I had a lettuce wrap so I avoided having the carbs from bread and still felt that I had a sandwich.

    Sandi - I am sorry that you are still having hot weather. I certainly do agree with you that no more hurricanes develop to cause damage.

    Barb - I am sorry that you also are having hot weather. It is only 91F here today. I am praying for rain for you.

    Susan - since you have Christmas during the Summer, how do you decorate for the holiday? We have snowmen, fir trees, lights on the outside of the house but since you are having different weather, what do you use to decorate? Snowmen would be out of the question.

    Judith - missing your chatting with us. I don't remember if you have another doctor appointment or not.
    Maybe you are working on the insurance stuff. It will be so good to have that done and work start!

    Marilyn - I hope you are doing well physically. How is Priscilla doing?
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Hi all hope I can remember everyone’s names but may not be the best.

    Susan hope you won’t have hurricanes. I had them in PA, where I grew up. I heard the Atlantic is to get active again & September is the busiest. So praying for you Susan. Stay safe. I remover hurricanes, as I grew up, in PA & we see the damage done in NJ. Plus trees will go to ground with the wind & back up again.raying.
    Your Artistic Seniors sounds neat. Prayers for Colin too. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Prayers for Marilyn & hope doing ok physically.

    Linda. Happy belated bday. I hope it was a nice one for you.

    Judith how is your renovations going? Any news when they will be finished? 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Yes we got a bit of rain .5”. It cooled it down some but another hot not as hot today. 94* so no 98*.
    We are to be 94* tomorrow then some rain & cooler temps. With Labor day weekend we will be very nice. So like Sandi I’ve been hot here in Kansas too.
    We have lots of flies so I spent lots of time trying to kill them. We got rid of some flour new but had a
    hole in it. Plus tried to get rid of some other foods. Hoping we got it solved.
    I hope with Labor Day so cool I plan on washing 5 windows & curtains.
    I also tried to get rid of some spider webs in windows.
    I watched Mariposa a bit & will be watching her again tomorrow
    Prayers for all. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Evening Hello everyone

    Barb, Sorry but I need to correct you, I haven’t started renovations yet we have had only conversations.

    I posted partly yesterday but didn’t get to chat with you all.

    I have had 2 heavy duty days of conversations with Canstar and Insurance.

    Good news to share; you remember I said the church said they wanted to help me, wow, They sure did. Praise God! God is so Good!

    My Church has paid my $1,000 dollars to cover the Insurance Deductibles! Praise God

    Today I got a call from Canstar to tell me my Renovations are starting October 1st and I will be in a Hotel from October 1st to October 16th.

    Canstar will pack up the contents of my place and move it to a Storage unit while work is being done.

    I am rejoicing that God has moved the mountains
    and has met all my needs! Glory to God!

    This basically tells you why I was silent here for a day. So many calls and planning this gal is completely tired. Off to bed now. Have a good night rest everyone. Good Night God Bless 😴🙏
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    So glad that your church is going to help you out. I just thought it had began but glad that you have help and will have help packingand with storage too. Prayers it all works out well as it will be here soon as the months go by fast.
    Praying for you, plus your health too.

    We had another hot and humi day 95,* It is to cool down tonight and maybe some rain after midnight. We are very dry and my plants with the 90* plus are burnig my plants. I grew my first watermelon, though small it was good. I have 2 more & 2 canteloupe my first there too! Kind of exciting on that!!
    Oh tomorrow I will attend the craft morning they have for ladies at the new church we are attending. I really like it and they meet on Fridays. This Firday, is Jean, a dd, last day of being off at noon, so the next time I watch Blake or Evan it will be on Monday and all day 8-5.

    Prayers for all.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    edited August 29
    Barb, that's great that you have a Craft group to go to! What kinds if craft will you be doing? I love the sound of your garden too. It is so exciting to see fruits and vegetables growing! We have no hurricanes here on the Pacific Ocean but we do get huge Cyclones. They turn in the opposite direction to hurricanes. They monster up and down the Queensland coast line but don't usually get as far south as us, but they can. I used to live north of here and Cyclones were a part of every summer. I have lived through a couple of category 4 and 5 Cyclones.

    Linda, you are right, snowmen etc are inappropriate for us here in summer. People do decorate with them though. I prefer Sandmen. Lol! (Build a snowman out of sand at the beach). They do use twinkling lights and pine trees do grow here so Christmas trees are pines, but the pines here are not as tightly packed as say, a Spruce tree, so our trees look more sparse than yours. We use baubles, bells, stars and tinsel, and poinsettias bloom in summer so people have live poinsettia plants. We make wreaths for our doors. Santa doesn't always wear his winter gear but is often dressed for the beach! Yes, he has his reindeer but sometimes switches them out for big white kangaroos called boomers. It feels totally different to have a hot Christmas. We often cook food before Christmas so we can have cold meat and salad on the day. Seafood and fruit is a must, but there will be cold ham as well. Not everyone eats Turkey but I like having cold Turkey or chiicken instead of seafood and ham.

    Judith, it sounds like the Lord is blessing you through your church family, making things as smooth as possible for you during the disruption of the repairs. I am greatly relieved for you! It sure would be tiring, making all the arrangements and having uncertainties. I'm glad you are starting to have answers for all the questions you have had about how these repairs can happen. I'll keep praying about it all.

    I have a friend coming over for coffee so I had best stop here.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    In Florida they have snowmen balls like a big snowman in a bowl that you shake & there is snow. So it’s a big snowman in a ball with snow falling. All with air pumping into it. Plus Christmas lights on palm trees. Those 2 things I will always remember. My mom told me, as they were snow birds , that the people down there thought 45-50* was cold. They wear a heavy coat for those temps. Guess it’s what you are use too.

    Craft group. We all are working on our knitting or crochet projects. I can do both a talent God gave me. Right now I’m working on a granny square lap blanket for a grand daughter. I’ve finished 3 & May our oldest Kaelyn will be 13 so she will get hers.
    My grandmother gave us each one when we were 16 but with all going on I am praying the Rapture is soon so I figure, they can get them earlier.

    Have a great eve.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Thank you all for your encouragement. Yes living amongst the place being some upside down has been some stressful. But with the church helping with the Financial blessing it’s taken a load of financial stress off me. Praise God! Today was busy again as 3 calls from Insurance and forms to sign and looking for Hotel to stay came together today.

    The Hotel suite has been booked for October 1st to October 16th and they have a fridge and microwave in the room. I have to see if they can still get a kettle and blender for the suite or will take mine. With special liquid and pureed food I am limited so I can’t eat at their Hotel.

    There is still a shower chair the Hotel has to get so trusting God for those things. Right now I have 1 person to help pack all the Fine China and crystal and the other fine breakables! I can help some but if we can get 2 more would be great.

    Then there are all my Books, Bible College and Nursing texts. Then my Needle Point Pictures that were all professionally framed that my Mother paid for that need packing to store at my daughters home. My Mother did all the Needlepoints. There is lots to pack
    that Movers won’t do because of liability!

    Susan thank you for sharing how you celebrate Christmas in the summer Season. It is different than living in Winter at Christmas. I grew up with White cold Christmas with always mega snow. I have family in Miami and it always seemed strange seeing Christmas tree in the midst of beaches and Palm trees. You made me chuckle with Santa wearing Beach attire and his reindeers being kangaroos, too funny 😂 your food sounds scrumptious. I sure could eat that. Hope you enjoyed having your friend over for a visit over

    Barb, you are getting hot weather, we are back to rising hot temps again, tomorrow over 85 degrees and today over 80 degrees. I love that you knit and crochet. Your grandkids will love the Granny Squares you are knitting for their lap blankets. Would love to see a picture of them!

    Will close for now and say good night, God Bless 🙏🤗😴🛌
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    My Dad would have been 105 today. He died when he was 96 but we still think of him when this day comes around. Today was a 84F day. It was a busy day getting laundry done, floor mopped for our Bible study this afternoon and starting to think about what to pack. We will go to Denver for a few days then be in California for a few days so I have to pack different clothes. It was 106F in California today so I will need to pack things that are cool. Along with the conference, we will be having a graduation ceremony also for our students so we have to pack the graduation gowns, diplomas, and things for our table we will set up to answer anyone who has questions about the school.

    Susan - thanks for letting us know about Christmas in Australia. It would take me a while to get used to hot weather during that holiday!

    Barb - thanks also for telling us about what Christmas is like in Florida. I had a friend who had a huge palm tree in her living room and she put lights on it for Christmas although we had cold and snow outside. The granny square lap blanket sounds beautiful. Do you have a color scheme for them? My husband's grandma made us one then she put a black border and columns between the squares. It really made the colors seem brighter.

    Judith - it sounds like your plans are coming together. If we lived closer, I would be glad to help you pack your breakables. I am glad that your daughter will keep those boxes at her house. The framed needlepoint pictures sound beautiful especially since your mother crafted them. God is awesome as he is directing things to be taken care of as you need it.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Linda. Your dad lived to a ripe old age. Prayers. Prayers also for wisdom as you pack different clothes for temps you will have. Plus prayers for safety & stay healthy. Plus graduation I pray all goes well. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    Susan so Australia, you live in. My daughter in law, Mariposa’s mom, sister & husband like to move to,Australia from Hong Kong.

    Judith. Thank you prayers for all the packing. I don’t know how to send pics other than changing my picture. I can send them to you by email. Any other ideas. I just use all kind of colors. Addalyn, whose I’m working on now, loves pink so she will have several shades red blue turquoise, multi colors too. Then black to get the squares together. Trust this helps you. I put 80 squares together.
    Neat on pictures your mom made they must be priceless. Praying all goes well. 🙏🏻

    Prayers all have a great weekend & stay safe and healthy. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    I’m going to try to send 2 of my 3 granny square blankets. This is for 2 of my he as brains & orange at one time was their favorite color. Both grandsons 9gbg6as2k5a2.jpeg
    [img] 45c.jpeg[/img]
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