Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Susan - I am sorry that you fell getting into the car. We have the same thing with our Tacoma truck. When my surgery was new last time, we kept a step stool in the truck to give me a boost getting into the truck. We will need to remember that coming in September. I am glad that Colin did not further injure his back pain having to assist you. Physio should help him some. I also hope that your chest cold gets better soon.

    Judith - We are anxious to hear what repair plans are for your condo. When it was not your fault, I am sad that you have to pay so much up front. I guess that is the way insurance works. It would be a huge bill for the third story condo person to pay if they took all the responsibility and paid for all the damage!

    Sandi - praying for your safety!

    Barb - I hope you are back to "normal" after your trip. I love that you have a compost pile that you can put your grass clippings in. We tried to do composting with a cylinder that you had a crank on it to turn the compost instead of turning it with a fork or shovel. Someone told me to put paper in it but did not explain that they meant newspaper or paper bags. I put a lot of office paper in it and it turned into a slimy stinky mess! I put it on the garden with lots of water to get rid of the smell. I was afraid my neighbor would turn me in for being a nuisance to the neighborhood. She never said anything about it but I did not do it after that. We still have the cylinder so maybe I should try again.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    I used to have one of those turning barrel vomposters too, Linda. Only mine used to dry out too much. I think the barrel was too small for our hot summers. It did produce some good compost at times though. When you use the step to get into your truck, how do you pick it up again once you're inside? We do have a running board that I step up on but this time my foot slipped on the running board itself. One leg stayed in the cab and the other went under the truck, with me hanging like a monkey from the steering wheel and armrest. I couldn't move my leg back out from under the truck without Colin one saw us, which means no one laughed!

    Judith, will read your prayer update next. It sounds like it isn't good news about the costs for repairs. I"m so sorry ๐Ÿ˜ž . My cold is slightly better this morning but I am still coughing and blowing my nose. No fever, thankfully.

    Thinking of everyone and holding you all in prayer.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Today we had cooler temps and cloud cover.
    A busy day for me with watching Mariposa & getting a tv that we were to get yesterday but somehow had the wrong number on our street.
    Now our old tv is working so I guess we got a spare. The old is 2008. Had volum issues either 0 or 100%.

    I got AMD and will start seeing a retinal dr this month. My vision didn't change much and my eye Dr wants to keep my vision where it is and he didn't like one of my tests results. The Optimum which takes pictures of the eye.
    I have a thing about lights so this may be fun for me.
    Oh well Phil 4:3. I'll have to claim that verse when I have the appointment 8/19.

    Trust all had a good day.
    Prayers for all.
    Linda we need rain too at least some rian may be benifical. Prayers you get more.
    Susan hope you are safe tih Debby and didn't get too much rain. Too bad we can't share it, the rian that is. I hope you are over the colds soon too

    How are you doing Judith and your place? When or do you know when you can get back into your own place??

    Marilyn hope you blood work came back good for you.

    Trust all had a good day.
    Sleep well when it's bed time too
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Barb, glad you have cooler temps at your end. I was glad we did too. But if the forecast Iโ€™s correct out temps get warmer each day and by Thursday we have temps going up to 95+ degrees. The forecast has been up and down with going back and forth from 95 to 98+ degrees. Hope it isnโ€™st that high as I have my Surgeon appointment on Thursday. Barb you mentioned about me being out of my place. I am still in my suite, the work is starting from top floor to bottom floor. My work may not start until end of August beginning of September.

    Linda, thanks I agree if the 3rd floor person who caused the flood is liable for any of the damages it would cost mega dollars and her Insurance premiums would increase mega, she would be paying enormous monthly costs. And having said that I sure hope she has insurance. Itโ€™s not worth it to not have it.

    Susan, thank you for asking after me. I posted on the Prayer Request Thread replying to everyoneโ€™s queries. How are you tonight? Hope the cough and chest cold is getting better. Let us know how Colin does with his Physio and Doctors appointments. My prayers are with both of you.

    Marilyn, continuing my prayers for you..
    Sandi, my prayers continue for your safety.

    I am very tired tonight so will call it a night.
    Good Night & God Bless.. ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Judith, thank you for the Suite update. You have more Dr appointments coming up soon too. Praying for you about those. I think my cold symptoms are slowly starting to clear. I actually spent s little time in my craft room yesterday, which I couldn't face earlier this week. I put a prayer request on our thread about Colin. He had X-rays yesterday and the Dr is concerned his Osteoporosis is maybe meaning he broke something. He could have stress compression fractures in his vertebrae or may have broken his tailbone. She wants to know more before recommending more Physio.

    Barb, we're just having gentle showers occasionally here. No worries about floods or major storms yet. It's actually nice weather. I am not needing to watermy little pot plant garden much this week. The plants love little showers. I hope your eye test goes well and the light doesn't bother you too much. Enjoy having Mariposa with you!

    Thinking of you all, Linda, Marilyn and Sandi....sorry I missed you this morning. ๐Ÿ™
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Here is a Weather Network report: will share this and come back to reply and respond to each of you my friends! Praying for Colin, will check Prayer Request Thread!

    This is the last day for temps which are coming in at 90 degrees in my area, tomorrow we begin another heat wave! Today we have hot bright sunny โ˜€๏ธ skies, sunglasses ๐Ÿ˜Ž and sunscreen ๐Ÿงด is a must!

    According to Weather Network NO rainfall anytime soon in our forecast! Not good for our BC Forest Fires.

    Our Air Quality meter says 4 a Moderate Health Risk: a problem for those with breathing issues

    UV Rays are a High Risk and Sunscreen is to be applied liberally throughout the day: next UV report is at 6:00pm
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Susan - when I have the step stool next to the truck, I make sure Glenn is near by to put the stool inside. He usually closes the door for me because it opens so wide, I can not reach the handle to close the door. I am sorry but the mental picture I had of you hanging out of the door was interesting to imagine. I am so glad that you did not get hurt! I am glad that your cold is going away. Prayers especially for Colin and possible fractures in his back. Did he fall or just wrong movement on his weak bones?

    Barb - I am sorry to hear you have AMD. I have two friends who also have this but with treatment, they are stable. It sounds like you are doing well too except for one test results. I pray that your sight will be stable and treatable for a long time. Our forecast says that we will have rain the last part of the week so we are looking forward to that! It should cool things down too. We are still in the 100s in the afternoons.

    Judith - I am glad that your weather is not as hot as it was. I am praying for your Surgeon appointment tomorrow.

    Yesterday and today I am working on sewing projects. I am putting elastic on my sheets that are good but we got a new mattress a while ago that is taller than our old one. The fitted sheet comes off the corners sometimes so I put elastic on the corners that fits under the mattress and keeps the sheet on. I also have quite a few old towels that still have some good parts to them so I am making new reusable mop pads. The pad that came with the mop is wearing out and does not stay on the mop very well. It is held on with Velcro and only cover the bottom of the mop. These pads have tabs that fit over the top of the mop so they should stay on better. It is nice to be able to just throw them in the washer and reuse them.

    It has been windy today. I think another weather front is coming in but I don't know if it will bring any rain. I like seeing the wind make the trees in the backyard sway as if they are dancing but I do not like that it also dries things our more more.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Trusat a good hump day to all
    This may be short as we had to get a new tv, which our son, Mariposa's father installed while I was at his house watching Mariposa. Harry, my dh was at work.
    So when I came home the tv went to Roku and not our stream with Direct tv. I need to change the source which the tv is not letting me.
    I also need to find a universal tv stand so the tv will fit on our tv stand. So I got to look on the internet for that.
    Prayers for all.
    So sorry short.
    I did read the above, but with it being 7:30 already and I like to relax I need to quit.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Susan, I am so sorry to hear about Colinโ€™s back. The possible fractures, hope the doctors as they investigate further will be able to determine what is going on with Colin. Praying for Wisdom and Guidance for the Doctors. Praying for you that you will completely be over your chest cold. Please keep us posted on what the test results say for Colin! ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

    Linda, you are so creative in making the elastic corners to fit over your new thicker mattress, certainly a lot cheaper than buying new fitted sheets. And making mop heads from your old towels, so brilliant. You remind me of my grandma and mother who could sew anything. I am not a Sewer like you, I am creative in card making and scrapbooking and floral arranging which I did in China cups and saucers. I made them as gifts to give away. But sewing was never my strength. Wish I lived closer to you so you could teach me. Thanks for sharing. Hope you can take a picture of everything so we can see your creativity! ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Barb, hope you can get the service back for your TV, how special that your son came and installed a new TV for you. So exciting. And you get to buy a new Stand for the New Model, is it a Flat Screen wide television? You said you were signing out as it was the time you wanted to rest. Have a great evening.

    Marilyn, Sandi JC you are being thought of and prayed for!

    I am at my Surgeonโ€™s follow up appointment early morning. He has procedures to be done. Will update you tomorrow night!

    Godโ€™s Blessings on your day ahead!
    Love and Prayers all ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Oh wow. Many prayers for all ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

    Linda with the many sewing projects. The elastic around the mattress sounds neat. Hope you had a good day.
    We just flipped our mattress today.

    Susan. Many prayers for Colin & his back. Maybe if he has osteoporosis he can get a
    Prolia shot.? Both myself & husband get it. I have a bone test Saturday again so Medicare pays for it.
    So glad Colin had X-rays. I hope you get the results soon. Praying so & wisdom for drs. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

    Judith. I hope & ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป younger some good news from surgeon or helpful news. Praying.

    Marilyn & Sandi prayer's for all so glad God knows what we need & when. His ways are always best.

    Tv is working. Takes a long time getting it turned on guess Iโ€™ll learn. We canโ€™t get the remote to work on volume but is ok. The tv doesnโ€™t fit on the tv table so I ordered at universal tv table stand. I ordered one come this weekend & it cost a bit more.
    Our tv is a 32โ€ & the stand fits 32-60โ€. Tryst it works. Wonder if I should have ordered a cheaper one with the 32โ€ in the middle not at the beginning of size fits. Oh well God will work it out I hope.

    We had some rain this morning & have cooler temps which is nice.
    Hope all are having a good day. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    Barb - I am glad you have your TV working and have a nice stand ordered for it. If it is too big you could have space on either side for something else like a plant. I am always in need of more space for plants. When I prune them, I feel sad if I throw away the parts I cut off so I root them and then I end up with way too many plants. I have given a lot of them away over the years.

    Judith - I an anxious to hear about your surgeon appointment today. You need some good news about treatments! If we lived closer, I would be glad to give you sewing instructions. My re-purposed mop pad made from old towels may not look glamorous but it worked great this morning. It is a little harder to move around compared to the microfiber pad that came with it but I felt the new one cleaned much better. My floors look shinier this morning.

    Susan - I am praying that each day brings you healthier with your chest cold. Also Colin is having less pain in his back.

    Sandi - how are you doing with the hurricane in your area? Did you get flooded with all the rain I heard that the area was having?

    The clouds are coming in and the sky is dark but no rain so far. There are thunder showers forecast for tomorrow so we will see if the forecasters know what they are talking about. ๐Ÿ˜€Sometimes they are totally wrong.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Hello all. It's a muggy, cloudy day here with little showers forecast. We're glad to have some rain. Still battling the cold. Everyone who has had it tell me it lasts 3 weeks. I am just entering week 2.

    I felt up to crafting with a friend via Messenger yesterday (video chat) and finally started my Christmas cards. I tried out a new thing called Metallic Basics. It's a liquid that comes in a bottle with a tip on the end and it takes 24 hours to dry, so I outlined the circle with copper (I also have a bottle of silver and one of gold) and made three little copper dots too. I need to practise more. You need to make the line in one continuous swoop, so need to take it kinda slow. I coloured the stamped angel and her background with alcohol markers.


    Linda, I love how clever you are with your sewing. Now that Colin and our son have cleared the garage floor a bit (they built Mezzanine storage which is above car height) I should be able to get to my sewing cupboard and machine. One of these days I'll tackle a few sewing projects too. Thank you for praying for us.

    Barb, how nice to have the new TV working. I like Linda's idea of placing plants nearby, if they fit.

    Yes, Barb and Linda, Colin has Prolia shots but missed his last one. He has had another one this week. I hope it helps. He is 68 now and they diagnosed his Osteoporosis when he was 40, so he has had lots of treatments over the years. He started Prolia at least 5 years ago, maybe longer. His bone density has always been very low (3% above the lower end of the bell curve). Recently it went down to 2.8% above the line. So he can and does injur his bones just by walking and lifting anything...

    Judith, I have been remembering you in prayer through the night and morning. I too hope the Drs have better news for you today. Glad the fires are still being kept at bay but the air quality sounds bad. Take care and I am sending virtual hugs to you.

    Thank you all for praying for us and for each other.

  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    Howdy all. Hope all are having a great day. Prayers so

    Yes, prayers for Judith in her surgeon report. Wisdom for Drs too. How is your apartment or condo coming ? ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

    Susan. Prayers for Colin his back and all. Can he sleep at night or in so much prayers.
    Sounds neat to have your own sewing room. You guys are so talented.
    I love your Christmas card Susan. So neat!

    I knit & crochet. Not so good with sewing other than repairs. Our youngest daughter sews. Sometimes. She was a fashion design major at Kansas State. Works for a Hanes ordering sport teams merchandise for Dicks stores. Works at home on a computer.

    Linda did you get rain? Still cool as our high today only like 71-72*. Kind of a taste of all.
    Hope your sewing goes well.

    Our tv stand is not as wide as the tv. Our old tv had a built in stand on it & fit nicely on the tv stand. So I am hoping with the table stand it will work. Iโ€™d like to, put the old tv outside by the trash can, so when we have trash maybe someone will take it. But it looks like rain that day, so maybe next week? Otherwise next time they have community shredding with a way to get rid of electronics. .
    My tv stand has no room for plants. But thatโ€™s a good idea, ๐Ÿ˜. Though with toddler grandkids I keep my few plants together by the south window in the dinning room. Like you guys not enough space for plants.
    Right now I have 2 plants outside a Thanksgiving & Christmas cactus. I like to try & get them to flower this year.
    Praying all. Have a great weekend!!

    Oh today is our 2nd sonโ€™s bday, tomorrow is our 2nd daughterโ€™s bday & then Sunday s my sisterโ€™s bday. Busy weekend of bdays.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    I am loving the sound of rain on the trees outside. It is raining and thundering and I hope that it continues for a while. Rain is so much better for the plants than tap water. Glenn scrubbed the seats for the swing earlier today and now the rain is really rinsing them. The already were wet so what does a little rain do for it that would hurt it? A few more 100F day temperatures and it will dry up quickly.

    Susan - the copper ring is very pretty on your card. I am sure my hands would not be steady enough to do as well as you did for your first try. it will add a nice sparkle to your Christmas cards.

    Barb - do your Thanksgiving and Christmas cactus look different or do they bloom at that season? Tell your children happy birthday for us. You are right you have a busy week ahead of you.

    Judith - I hope you did not have a difficult time with the surgeon. Rest well and get back to us when you are able.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,408 Member
    Sounds like a fun weekend, Barb. How many children do you have? I have a daughter and two step-sons. Yes, Colin is in pain a lot and has trouble sleeping too long, but he never lets anything slow him down much. I don't have a sewing room, just a cupboard in the garage, but I do have a papercrafts room. I used to knit, sew, quilt and crochet but now mainly make cards.

    Thinking of all of you today.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Evening hello

    I have read all your posts but a lot of info to remember but know I care and will be back on track for the weekend.

    Reading all about your creativity Linda Barb and Susan, itโ€™s nice you are are so creative. As for me like most of you, I do knitting, crafts, floral arranging in China cups and saucers for gifts and love card making and scrapbooking; I buy my products from StampinUp like Susan, think Susan is a Demonstrator with them.

    I had my appointment with Surgeon, turned into a 2 hour treatment/procedure. I gave full report in our Prayer Request thread.

    Love you all, Prayers and Hugs โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—
  • semsmith5408
    semsmith5408 Posts: 960 Member
    Sorry Iโ€™ve been missing from this group. The storm hit just to the east of our area. We were without power for a few hours and had a lot of debris in the yard. So many others were hit so much worse and are still without power and are flooded from their homes.
    Appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

    I use to do a lot of crafting and occasionally will knit or crochet but seems now I would just like to read! I really need to get back to knitting as I have a lot of yarn!

    Will try to get back more often!
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 568 Member
    I have 4 children. 2 boys then 2 sons. Yesterday was our sonโ€™s bday in Branson.

    @ sensmith5408. Prayers. I forgot your first name. So glad you got power. Sorry about the clean up.
    Prayers for you & others with the clean up. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

    We got the tv stand & our oldest will put it together I hope as there are lots of parts.

    Susan. I was wondering about sleepin. Praying. I hope in a week or so he can feel a bit better with less pain Iโ€™m sure it will be slow. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

    Linda. The sound of rain & smell of rain is so nice. Sorry so hot there in CO. We are above normal low 70โ€™s. So very unusual for August.

    Prayers Judith. Iโ€™ll check prayer request out.

    Have a blessed Saturday all. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปโœ๏ธ
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,535 Member
    The rain last night really cooled us down. The breeze coming through our windows when I went to be was a little chilly. Today there has been a lot of thunder but the storm passed us by and went toward the Grand Mesa. It feels like the plants are looking fresher and standing taller now.

    The rain has been making water stains on our cushions in our swing on the patio so my husband's job yesterday was to scrub them and rinse them off. They do look a lot better but some of the water stains I think are permanent.

    Sandi - I am glad that your area was not damaged too much. I saw pictures on the news of lots of damage from the flooding and roads washed out by the currents of the water. Hopefully the hurricanes do not come your direction very often.

    Judith - thanks for the update. I am praying that the new treatment will be effective without doing more damage to the good skin.

    Susan - I do not have a sewing room but have to haul out my sewing machine from our bedroom to put on the dining room table to sew. I try to think of as many sewing projects as I can and do them all together so I do not have to take the machine out over and over again. My Dad used to knit when he was in the service and he said that he would repair the worn out heels in the other soldiers socks. I am not sure how he did that but he did show me how to knit and his stitches were really even. Mine on the other hand got bigger and bigger as I went along so my little piece got wider and wider the longer I knitted. I do not do it any more. I did crochet especially "granny squares" when I was younger but that was a long time ago.

    Barb - I agree when I buy things unassembled, I try to find someone younger to help me put it together. It seems the instructions are getting less helpful and do not make as much sense as they used to. Maybe it is my brain that makes less sense and the instructions are fine.

    Hope everyone's week-end is going well.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,603 Member
    Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹ All

    Linda, I corrected my post on Prayer Request thread, and new treatment canโ€™t be started until end of September maybe later as the one I was on for 6 weeks was extremely toxic to Liver and the enzymes the Liver produces! My Oncologist said my body had to rest for 2 months to re-check and see where we go from there. So glad you got rain, it will help with the cool down of the hot weather you had. Sorry about the swing cushions that got stained. Glad some stains got cleaned but sorry some stains were left.

    Barb, thanks for sharing about how many children you have. Nice family of boys, but itโ€™s nice you have your daughter in laws and granddaughter, Godโ€™s Blessings indeed. ๐Ÿ˜Š so glad you got your TV Stand and your son will help with putting it together. It seems these days you almost have to have a degree in putting all those pieces that come with the things we buy. ๐Ÿ˜†

    Sandi, so glad to see you back. Thanking God you are safe. Sorry about all the clean up and sorry for those who didnโ€™t fare so well with the flooded area after the hurricane. My prayers continue for you.

    Susan my prayers continue for Colin, glad he is receiving the injections for his osteoporosis! Too bad he missed the one that likely contributed to much lower density results from last test. Hereโ€™s hoping his next test will show improvement!

    Marilyn, thinking of you and praying for you!

    May you all have a Blessed Weekend, and be Blessed Sunday as you attend your Sunday services and spend time with your family!

    Love and Hugs my Friends! โค๏ธ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ™