Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    I have spent the morning waiting for and taking delivery of a new lounge suite. I have just spent time rearranging things so the furniture fits. Colin is at the Diabetes Clinic so will have to make sense of the cords later, since it is an all electric lounge. I think he will love it. I am now sitting in my new chair to type to you. I also got a new office chair but got stumped trying to put it together as the wheels won't lock into the base for me. Colin will be happy to put it together when he gets home.


    Some assembly of the new chair required! I unwrapped it, got rid of the box and packaging and now the pieces are in my craft room.


    Linda, I love your grandchildrens' creativity! Thank you so much for the chalk art pictures and picture of Etta. They are really clever!
    I was relieved to hear lots of groups are helping the hurricane victims. You are right about the spirit help being what matters eternally. Lyn and Greg are alright but today Lyn is having her right knee replaced. She would appreciate prayers for a good result and no infection. She will be in hospital for 2 or 3 days if all goes well.

    Barb, welcome home. The picture was amazing to see. I was sorry the highway there is closed due to fallen trees. Yes, it takes time to get everything back to normal after a trip like that. And you are already babysitting!

    Judith, how are things going for you? Today is the big move, right? I am thinking of you and praying all goes well.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 581 Member
    Linda. Your grand daughters are quite a the artists. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Susan you have a nice place. I hope your new office chair is put together easily.
    Enjoy it too

    Busy day with trying to catch up after being away 12 days. Our poor yard lots of leaves & all. We did get some rain but we are 8” now short for the year & none is in the forecast. Up & down temps too. Fun.

    Prayers for those in the Appalachians. We were there but above where the damage is. Keep praying the videos are so bad.
    Trump got Elon Mask to got Starlink dishes, so that their cells will work. So that is good. Keep praying.

    Prayers for Judith so glad your place has started.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited October 3
    Evening Hello Everyone,

    I got checked into the Hotel later than planned. I shared in our Prayer Thread as all your prayers were answered regarding getting settled in Hotel. Few Bumps a long the way but God worked it all out to His Glory,

    Susan, great pictures of your new furniture. Your home is beautiful. It is a job putting new furniture together.You did a wonderful job! Thanks for letting us know that Lyn is having her right knee replaced, will keep her in prayer.

    Linda, your granddaughters are are very talented. They do lovely chalk art. Thank you for sharing.

    Barb, welcome back home. Dear me MFP just signed me out right in the middle of a sentence to you, thankfully I only lost a little of what I typed. Your weather is really up and down, hope you get the rain you are needing.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Judith - so glad to hear that your transition was fairly smooth. Having a plant in your room will cheer it up. We all need some nature around us to keep us healthy as it cleans the air.

    Susan - I find it very difficult to put furniture together. My brain does not see the items as it is pictured and I get frustrated. We had a campus boy come over last year to put together my desk. It was so nice to have it done and it gave the boy some extra cash for expenses. It was worth it to have it done with no frustration on our part and the boy said he loved to put things together so it worked for all of us. I will be praying for Lyn and her knee replacement. I may need one at some time but they are trying to fix the hip first to see if that helps the knee.

    Barb - I hope you can get your house and yard in order with not too much work. I remember raking leaves from our huge maple tree as a child and jumping in it before we burnt the leaves. We lived on a farm so we could burn leaves with no problems. The smell of burning leaves is a favorite memory of Fall. We did use some of the leaves for mulch on our garden - specially to fill the trenches that had the cabbage and carrots that we stored for winter in the garden. The trenches were deep enough that the vegetables did not freeze but were kept fresh when we needed them.

    Today is my sewing day. I have some mending to do and some other odd jobs repurposing things.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Linda, I am not good at putting g furniture together. The delivery men unpacked and built our new furniture except for my new office chair. I watched a video about how to snap in the wheels on the base and it was easy after that. Colin did tighten the screws of it when he got home!

    Thank you for praying for Lyn. The surgery went well. Now she has to overcome the pain of recovery. I sure hope your hip surgery helps your knee. Enjoy your sewing day today.

    Judith, I had a lot of help with the furniture but it is all in place now! I am so relieved you had no major hitches with your move. Did you sleep well at the hotel? Being a strange place, I thought it might be a hard first night but you would have been tired so maybe not.

    Thank you for the new recipes in the recipe thread. I am tempted to try the pumpkin muffins and the sweet potato salad!

    Barb, thank you for complimenting my place. It is light and airy. I like it here.

    I sure hope there is more help for the people in the Appalachians. That's good to know they can communicate now thanks to the satellite dishes from Elon Musk.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 581 Member
    Good eve.
    I got some more yard work done; & repotted a plant my mom gave me plus some bulbs my sister gave me.
    Still lots to do yard work as we are in a severe drought & animals are eating my plants. I came home to my free Lowe’s mum is gone , only a Halle remains & one of my Hybrid roses, Mr Lincoln it’s a red rose got eaten too. It’s in a cage & some animal got the cage off & ate it. There is altos green so I know it is alive but sad to come home with those 2 missing. Plus our red maple tree that our son in law started from their tree. I think it’s so ry animals are eating plants.
    I got some graduates & I’m hoping that will help.
    We are in a severe drought & no rain in the forecast.

    Prayers for all.
    Craft morning at church &we are making lap tie blankets. My first one. So we will see. I’ll find out who they are for tomorrow.

    Linda did you get a lot of sewing watching 🦋 is keeping me busy. I will be watching her 3 days a week instead of 2. Plus the weeks I watch Evan or Blake it’s 4. It is fun somok just not good for making meals & getting lawn work done.

    Susan did you get your chair together.?
    Prayers for all.
  • Paraest
    Paraest Posts: 581 Member
    Today is Feast of trumpets or Rosh Hashanah. Started at our 6 PM.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Happy Rosh Hashanah Barb!

    Hope you enjoy watching Mariposa! Sorry you lost so many of your plants while you were away

    Susan, thanks for letting us know that Lyn came through her surgery. Will continue to keep her in prayer. So glad to hear you got your furniture put together. It looks so comfortable. I am sure you will enjoy! I have been so tired since I came to the Hotel, guess with all the packing and getting ready it tired me out.I slept earlier and now going back to bed. Appreciate your prayers.

    Londa, how was your sewing day? Did you get all your mending and repurposing done you were hoping for. My grandmother and Mom had days like that, me I am not the sewer in the family.

    Have a great day! I started posting on the threads on Thursday and now I am about to sign off and it’s now Friday morning at 12:33am. Be back in the morning or late afternoon. 🙏🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Happy Rosh Hashana, Barb.

    It's also World Cardmaking Day today. I spent last night scheduling 7 x hourly posts for my papercraftcentral page on Facebook as we have our son and 2yo granddaughter here on a surprise visit.

    One of the new recliners is off its rocker and we'll have to get it repaired already
    I don't think the guys who built it did a good job. 😒 We certainly haven't done anything rough with it and it's only two days old.

    I did build my own desk chair and Colin made sure the screws were tight enough.


    Lyn hasn't wanted to talk yet but I have been texting her in hospital.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Judith - I had a successful sewing day but still have a few more things I want to work on. I lost track of time and did not get to bed until 2am. Today I hope to get some more things done. I am praying that you can get your rest after all that activity of moving and packing. I think being in a different bed can also make it difficult to get good rest at first. Your flowers were so pretty on Facebook. I am glad you have a church and friends close by.

    Susan - thanks for the update on Lyn. When doctors in the States do surgery, they put extra pain medication in the surgical wound before suturing it closed to help with post-operative pain the first 24 hours. After that time, the pain can get worse which can be frustrating. I am not sure if Australian doctors do the same thing. I pray for pain relief for both her and Colin. I am so glad that your son and granddaughter made a surprise visit to you. How long will they stay? I am sorry that your furniture is already having problems. I see that you and I have twin office chairs. Mine has a loud squeak in it when I move. I hope yours does not have that too. I got mine at a garage sale for a good price so I can not complain.

    Barb - I am sorry that the animals are eating your plants. It's too bad they can not define what plants are OK to eat and those that are not. There was a huge group of Elk that were on our property when we were there a few weeks ago. My husband said they were eating the grass that was meant for our cattle. They did eat quite a lot but they need food also.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Susan, so sorry about your furniture having issues already, I hope you can get a replacement. Your computer office chair looks so nice, comfy too. Hope it is. I too am happy you got a surprise visit from your Granddaughter and Son. Enjoy your time. How long are they staying?

    Linda, sounds like me when I read with losing track of time, I could almost see you sewing away and suddenly realize it’s 2 am and you are still up and sewing! That brought a smile to me.

    Well all, this gal is so tired so calling it a night! 😴