Chat Cafe



  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    edited April 2022
    Marilyn, thank you again for a nice inspirational quote.

    Judith, it looks like Eastern Australian time is 17 hours ahead of Pacific Time. The next question I have for you is what time of day is best for you to chat? Then we can maybe work out if that is possible for me or if I'm sleeping. Lol! How lovely that we are both cardmakers! I was glad to see that your family enjoys your cards. And yay that the celebration on you reaching 100lb will happen soon!

    Linda, thank you so much for praying. Yes it is hard being so far away from the little family. One good thing is that my daughter-in-law's mother is staying with them until next month. They will be having her help. I have not yet heard if they're caught up on their sleep. I guess new babies means sleep deprivation everywhere in the world!

    I'm having a stay-at-home day while I wait for groceries to be delivered from two different suppliers. One lot has already come. I've called my 7yo granddaughter to wish her a happy birthday, pottered around and done the washing, addressed some correspondence, watched the dogs and cared for them, (groomed them, fed them, picked up after them) and played with them, chatted on video with a friend, helped Colin sort a few problems out, and now I am thinking of what to make for dinner. Doesn't feel like I have done much but when I see it written out it seems like more! Colin just went to pick up our caravan from the storage lot. We are keeping it here overnight so he can take it to the repairers in the morning. Someone attempted to break into our van months ago. They didn't succeed but they damaged the door (we switched storage lots then and have had no break in attempts there as the care level is higher). Now the new door is finally here so we should have a nice looking van again after tomorrow!

    Enjoy your days, everyone. 🙏💕💐
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    I keep up with reading all the messages and am praying for all you wonderful ladies - may you know that you are loved unconditionally by God, that you are worthy of living a healthy life, and my God bless you with many answers to all your prayers
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    I'm sorry to have missed yesterday but my day was pretty much a disaster. I cut three fingers badly and they did not want to stop bleeding. I would get them stopped but then just moving them would start it again. I put a pressure dressing on it and finally got it stopped seeping by bedtime. Today the fingers are really sore and it is hard to type so I will not type much. Yesterday I also met with a friend at a coffee shop and as I walked out of the door, the sun was so bright I was not seeing well and fell off the step that I did not know was there. I was afraid someone would call 911 so I tried to get up quickly. I was OK but last night I really was aching and my ankle was swollen. This morning my ankle is just bruised but feels OK. My back is hurting quite a bit I think just from being jolted so suddenly with the fall.

    My daughter and her kids came from Denver to see us las night so she took over cooking and cleaning for me so I could rest. She is such a blessing!!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Thank you Linda, the past 3 days have been so difficult for me, The past 3 weeks I have been at the Cancer Clinic for further follow up and tests with Dental Oncology, Melanoma Derma Oncology and yesterday to see the Neurology Oncologist. My oncologist sent the referral's in due to increased numbness on face lips and mouth because of not having the surgery I was needing. It was delayed since last October with surgery being postponed every month well into March.

    Yesterday my Neurologist was very concerned as she examined my face mouth and upper lip. She did tests and did tests on my whole body head to toes. She ordered blood work and a CT Scan of my whole body which included a Brain Scan. She looked at the back of both eyes. She asked questions if I had been prescribed Neurological meds for the nerve pain and the damage I had from work injury years ago. Since being diagnosed with malignant spreading type Melanoma and had 3 surgeries over a period of 7 months which has caused so much issues with my mouth & upper lip. My immune system is so compromised which is not helping my reconstruction surgery to go forward with repairing the face, upper lip and mouth.

    All 3 specialists said I needed surgery quickly, each one noted that my mouth was extremely small and needed surgery to move forward. My Neurologist said she was calling my Surgeon to ask why such a long delay and why the surgery has been postponed several times since last October. I am hoping my surgery will move forward with each Specialist contacting him asking why the delay. Thank you for your prayers...

    Susan, my prayers continue for your sweet granddaughter, trusting she will continue to thrive.

    Take care my friend,

    God Blessings...📖✝️🤗

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Linda - just read your last message - please take care of your hand and ankle - take the rest you need to heatl

    Judith - prayers continue for you - my you feel the Lord around you holding you extra close during all of this.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    edited April 2022
    Thank-you for your prayers. My fingers are feeling better but still really sore. The cuts are on the tips of the fingers and I seem to bump them a lot. I was able to walk much further (once I got started which is usual) today so my ankle is about back to normal.

    Judith - I am so glad the neurologist is trying to get the doctors to make your a bigger priority and questioning why everyone has been so slow to help you. I hope she has a big influence on everyone and you get your surgery quickly.

    Rory - Happy Belated Birthday!! 💐✨🎈 I hope it was a wonderful day. Thanks for letting us celebrate with you.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Linda, I do hope your fingers here quickly! That sounds like quite a bad injury to them. It would have been a big concern that they would not stop bleeding. I understand about blood thinners but still. Please take care.

    Happy Birthday, Rory!

    Judith kommer I am thinking of you often during the day and praying for you. I hope you have some good news soon I really really do. You take care as well.

    Marilyn, thank you for the update. I hope things are going well for you.

    Thinking of all of you. I'm praying the lord would be with you all.

    I have been spending this weekend at a virtual conference. It's quite interesting and uplifting, so is a good use of time. We are staying home for a few days after becoming a close contact other friend with Covid. Hans no church today. Pasta is going to put something online thankfully. Neither of us have any symptoms and we don't think we are going to get 6. Our friend also has no symptoms. I don't know how this works, but we are obeying the Health Dept rules. We won't go out anywhere until after Wednesday this coming week
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    edited April 2022

    @Susan - you mention being with some with covid - please take extra care. All 3 of us got covid mid February and we don't know who we were with that passed it on - and boy were we sick. No hospital but though we were positive for about 10 days we were out of commission for over one month - and still having trouble with fatigue. We were so grateful that we had had the shots as the doctor when I called him and told him what were feeling said that if no shots we would have landed up in the hospital with breathing problems - not nice

    Am on plan with my food - have a good buddy that connects with me on messenger every evening to hear what I will eat tomorrow and how the day went. She was able to give me a good suggestion for my lunch today which will keep me on plan. Looking for a loss on Tuesday when I weigh in.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Susan - I hope you are able to avoid getting covid. As Maryilym says, it lasts longer than just a few days. The after-affects are pretty hard too. I am glad you are able to attend virtual conferences. I always enjoy being able to be more relaxed when people can not see my whole body. One day I wore my pajama bottoms all day because I was cold. No one was any the wiser - other than you all now. 😁

    Marilyn - I am glad that you have the daily support with your meal plan. It looks like it really helps you stay on track.

    Judth - I am hoping for a speeding up of your wait since the neurologist is now involved. This is certainly looking like a blessing for you.
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    I hope that all have your injuries, illnesses and surgery taken care of. I haven't been following this, so don't really know all of you. Judith, I pray that your necessary surgery is taken care of soon.
    Friday I was taken to lunch for my BD, then in the evening I went to a Worship and Prayer service at my church -- my gift to myself. I really liked that night.
    This morning at church they had the younger youth do a program singing Hosanna and waving palm branches. It was a good service.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Welcome, fancyqtr. It will be nice to get to know you, too. Glad you had a lovely time at church. Happy birthday!

    Marilyn, thank you for your care. <3 I am so sorry the virus hit you so hard. Glad you are overcoming it now. Its hard to be totally careful as so many have it without having symptoms. I avoid crowds and don't go out much at all. I did have a cup of tea with this friend at her place, and that was our contact. I hope you get plenty of rest and that's great news about your diet and weight loss!

    Linda, so far so good. We don't have ANY symptoms. All going well, we will be out of isolation on Wednesday. We have both been exposed to this before and not caught it. I hope we avoid it this time too. Many people around us are sick with it, but we only had contact with one of them who still also has no symptoms. We're being careful. I keep praying we'll continue to be well. With my asthma, I really do not need it. Hope you are well too.

    Thinking of you, Judith. Xx 🙏

    I had a day of learning online, various topics. I like to use my brain when I get the chance. 😀
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Welcome to the Team Fancyqrt, so happy to have you here and sharing in our Chat Cafe. Just to update you a little, I was diagnosed with Malignant Spreading type Melanoma in July of 2019, I have been under treatment since then with 3 major surgeries since, all 3 surgeries within 7 months of each other. I am waiting on further and also need reconstruction surgery. The delays in these next 2 surgeries have caused more issues as well as neurological damage. My Neurologist is pushing for me to get these next 2 surgeries completed. The delays have been mainly due to the pandemic.

    Linda, Susan, Marilyn

    Thank you for sharing and for all your encouraging messages you have shared. Thank you for your prayers, of course mine are always with you.

    May I encourage you to read and meditate on today's Easter Devotional, The Devotion is "Reflecting on Palm Sunday"

    We have just entered the Easter Week, let us Reflect and Meditate on what Easter means to us a Christian, God's People, Remember what Jesus did for us, the Sacrifice He Made by Pouring out His Life's Blood that We Might be Saved, Forgiven, Washed and Cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, to give us New Life in Him. If it were not for Jesus Death and Resurrection we would still be in our Sins.

    Hallelujah, He is Risen, We Serve a Risen Savior....Let's Celebrate Easter, Celebrate Jesus, our Risen Lord! ✝️🙏❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Judith - the Palm Sunday devotional was very thought provoking. What a difference in just a week - rejoicing for anticipated victory over the Romans to absolute devastation that the Messiah was dead. They probably felt all hope was gone but in three days the miracle of miracles happened - our sins were paid for and we have a new life. May Easter never get so commercialized with bunnies and candy that we forget what the real Easter was and is about.

    Today would have been my F-I-L's 92 birthday so we are going out to get together as a family to celebrate his life by eating his favorite foods. He was not a picky eater so the menu was easy. He has been gone for 2 1/2 years now.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    edited April 2022
    Linda, time passes so quickly. I lost my mother in 2018 so it has already been nearly 4 years. It seems like no time and it seems like forever. I'm so glad that the Lord will reunite us one day.

    Marilyn, the Cherokee knew the struggle between good and evil, hey. The Lord established it all in the beginning with Adam, Eve and the serpent. It's a good reminder.

    Judith, I am thinking of you and all your appointments and challenges. I'll go read the devotional you spoke of after this. Easter always brings the Lord's sacrifice and my salvation closer to my heart. ❤

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    We are having typical Colorado spring weather. It was warm yesterday then high winds and snow this morning. This afternoon the snow is melted off already. We only got about an inch but they are expecting a foot in the mountains. My sister-in-law told me yesterday that the frost of last week killed all but a few of the apricot blooms. The peaches are not quite ready to bloom but the plums are in full bloom. I don't know if the cold weather and snow did any damage to the plums or not last night. The plums are so good to eat fresh but when I freeze them they get really sour. We do not use sugar to preserve fruit so we need to mix then with other fruits or get creative to eat them after they are frozen.

    We got a message that the irrigation water will be turned on Friday. We get our water from the Colorado
    River so since we are not paying for city water to irrigate, it is pretty cheap to pay for. Since the water level is low though we may be asked to only irrigate on certain days. So far we have not heard of any restrictions.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Too true, Marilyn. Even painful parts of our lives are only wasted if we do not learn from them. I get plenty of life lessons through having to change.

    Linda, I hope you get nice crop of fruit! We have had quite warm days here this week but today is a little cooler and we have had an afternoon shower.

    I took both dogs to the groomed today and Archie had a full groom. He looks very dapper. Jasper had an introduction to the groomer and had his nails cut and his face trimmed. He took it well. :smiley:

    We're having YouTube church tonight as some have been exposed to covid. Maybe Sunday we will have in person church. Hope so.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member