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  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Good thought Marilyn! Thanks for the quote today.

    I saw my first robin today so it must by Spring. At least that is what I want to believe. I took a nice walk in the back yard and saw that some of my plants are having little green shoots coming up. I had a tiny piece of parsley with my lunch today.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    That's wonderful that signs of spring are starting to pop up, Linda! It's finally a little cooler here which I am loving.

    Marilyn, I am glad our paths crossed.

    Judith, I forgot to say, how lovely that we have singing and music in common. 🎶💕

    It's Sunday here and we have been in church this morning. Now I am watching a Christian movie called The Overcomer before evening service.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Judith and Susan - I also have been involved in lots of singing. My parents sang together and sometimes we would sing as a faimily quartet. When I was in college I was in a trio that traveled with the recruiter to different churches and also on Spring break our concert choir traveled all over the Eastern coast of the States. I have also been one of the songleaders for the church before they started singing more contemporary songs and then my Mom died and I just did not feel like singing for a while. Now I enjoy singing for my own pleasure and with the congregation.

    Happy Spring to all of you today. This next month is my favorite part of the year when things start sprouting and growing with so much potential ahead of them.

    Judith I hope your appointments on Friday went well.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Hello my friend, so sorry Linda about your bread not turning out but happy batch of dinner rolls was a hit with everyone, yum yum 😋

    As for my Friday, it was a very heavy duty day; my oncologist referred me to a neurologist due to him being so concerned with how my mouth face and upper lips presented. Due to the many surgeries nerve muscle and skin damage over time and long wait for next surgery my face has got worse with lack of being able to move upper face above lip due to more numbness, the next surgery is supposed to clear up melanoma and repair replace nerve damage and put mouth back in correct alignment repair scar tissue and possible do skin graft and bone graft inside mouth. Next surgery is done in 2 surgeries! So far no dates for surgery. The referral was put in and the instructions were I must be seen in 1 months time, 2 months max. Will keep you posted! 🙏❤️
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Judith, I am so, so sorry this is happening with your health. 😢 I won't stop praying for you. Thank you for keeping us updated, painful as it must be to tell us. Sending many gentle hugs and hopes for better news soon. ❤

    Linda, loved reading about your musical adventures. I can relate to your feelings of sadness and not wanting to sing after losing your Mom. I still get emotional about singing and remembering so it is best for me to stick to Congregational singing now too. As well as playing flute and singing in church I've done lots with music in my lifetime - been in concert bands, choral society productions, a bush band, folk club music, a country music band, helped cut records with the bush band, taught flute privately for many years... it was all a lot of fun and experience I was glad to have.

    Marilyn, routines are good. But I change mine all the time!

    Today I taught my first card making class after a two year hiatus. It felt good to be back doing that. Three ladies came along and I think everybody had fun. They made some pretty cards too.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    edited March 2022
    Judith - thank-you for the update. It is easier to pray more specifically. I am glad the doctor gave the time limit for them to schedule your appointment. He sounds like a very supportive doctor. He is probably frustrated too that you have had to wait so long. I pray that the neurologist is able to give your some answers to the numbness.

    Susan - I am so glad you can start your card making classes. It sounds so fun. Jet fuel is getting more expensive here so flying to your next class would be out of the question right now. LOL
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Judith, I loved reading your latest news on your feed! Will keep the 30th of March in mind for prayer. Praise the Lord for answering our recent prayers!

    Now that would be nice, Linda, having you jet in for one of my card classes. Lol! Wish it could happen.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Looks like we will have a new granddaughter on Friday, all going well.

    There are complications with my Daughter-in-law's pregnancy so they will do a C section on Friday. Baby will be born a few weeks early.

    Please pray all goes well for mother and baby. Thank you.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Afternoon All

    Thank you all for your love and prayer support.

    Susan; sounds so exciting teaching your first card class after a 2 year absence, I sure would of enjoyed it had I been there; I love card making and scrapbooking. Sorry to hear about your daughter-in-law having complications with her pregnancy, for sure I am praying for a safe birth, for both Mom and Baby to be safe and healthy! Congratulations Susan and Colin on the soon birth of your grandchild!

    Linda, I so enjoyed reading about you coming from a musical family. Such a blessing to sing with your parents and being able to bless others as you and family sang together. My Dad and Grandfather sang and played the piano and pipe organ together. Hard to believe it’s Spring, thanks for the greetings and Happy Spring to you and everyone.

    Marilyn, thank you for sharing the picture quotes, always up-lifting.

    Blessings on your day and rest of the week. Will keep you posted on my appointments. ❤️🙏

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Judith - I was so excited to read that you were able to get the appointments so quickly. God does move when people pray. I hope the neurologist appointment will come as quickly. I feel like we are living your life with you as things unfold in God's time.

    Susan - Congratulations on the new grandbaby coming soon. It is wonderful that the medical field has so much available to help those who may be having problems with the pregnancy. So many changes have happened since I had my first child 40+ years ago! NICU's were not available for my preemie baby. She did fine, she just was very small for a long time and slept a lot spending energy growing.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Thank you both for your encouraging words and prayers, Judith and Linda. I have been praying with close friends today too about the safe arrival and health if our baby girl. In 12 hours, her Mother will go to the hospital for her procedure.

    My own daughter was born 5 weeks early and had a low birth weight. She took about six weeks to start growing but is now a mother of two and doing fine! I know this is possible for our new baby but will still be glad when she is safely here.

    Linda, I was singing and playing ukelele with a friend on Tuesday. And Judith, today I video called a crafty friend and we sat at our desks at our respective homes and crafted on our own projects for a couple of hours. I love being able to do that. 💕

    Thinking of you, Marilyn, and hoping you and your family are recovering well from your illness.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    We made our trip over the mountain today to come to our Denver home. My husband has a doctor appointment and I have a mammogram and dexa scan to do plus we have a 3 day leaders conference to attend. We will be in the area for 10 days but our time is already starting to get scheduled up. I usually try to get with friends when I am here.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Marilyn, thank you for posting the encouraging quotes. Hope today finds you well.

    Susan, praying today for the healthy and safe birth of your grandchild.Praying for safety for both Mother and Baby.
    I like the idea of having a video session in making cards together with a friend. I may try this as I have 2 apps, FaceTime and Zoom and I use FaceBook Messenger Video. If you can please post some pictures of the cards you make.

    Linda, glad you had a safe journey over the mountain to your Denver home. Trust your medical appointments go well for you both. Enjoy your 3 day Leaders Conference, look forward to hearing all about what was discussed and what you both learned. Have a great few days in Denver, hope you get to meet up with your friends while there.

    Blessings on your day and weekend ahead...❤️🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    I recieved my replacement CPAP machine yesterday and now I have to send the old defective one back. This new one is very different than the original one and it took both my husband and I to read and re-read the instructions to get the bluetooth to work so I can see the results on my phone. This machine has a much stronger air flow so it is going to be an adjustment for sure. This one really makes the air go deep inside my lungs so for sure I will not get pneumonia but it is distracting to my husband because it is noisy when I decide to stop breathing and it comes to my rescue. That is of course what it is meant to do so we will have to adjust.

    I had my 5th of six sessions for Faith Community Nursing classes today. In the middle of the class which is on zoom, my internet decided to drop off and I had to talk to the technician on zoom to figure out what to do. I finally used my phone which worked but the picture was so small I could not read the words on the speaker's screen as she was teaching. I have a manual to go along with it so I was not totally lost. I hope the internet works tomorrow. It is graduation day!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,439 Member
    Linda, congratulations on your graduation day! Also glad you have found a good C-pap machine. I have one too. Enjoy family and friends.

    Marilyn, thank you for the encouragement.

    Judith, baby Inara is here! And there were NO complications, other than her being very small! Thank you for praying and praise the Lord!


    We are in love with her 💕🥰

    We also got a new puppy today. I just have to show you. Here's me with Jasper.


    I'll show you some cards another day 🤗