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  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Hi everyone. We do have a doggy door but the yard space is very small so it needs to be cleaned up every time. Sorry about telling you this part but we have one dog who will horribly eat the other's poop so have to be diligent about picking it up. One dog barks if let out on his own which disturbs our close neighbours (remember I have a 2 metre wide space behind my house only and other yards in the village are just as small do they can hear everything too). The pup destroys pot plants if he can reach them even though we have put them behind small fences and many are up high. They do go out there on their own sometimes but it's better if they are supervised. We also have snakes here and I dread one of them being bitten. We haven't had a snake in our yard yet but others have. It's winter so they snakes are hibernating for now, which is a good thing.

    Some slight improvement in us both today.

    In person Church is cancelled this week due to so many members being ill. We'll be on YouTube tomorrow for worship. Pastor and his family have the flu and there are others struck down as well.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    All is well in my part of the world. Summer weather has arrived - we have had temps up to mis 90's F and it looks like we will have another week of that coming up. Not to many fires that we have heard of so that is good.

    Am doing well with my food plan - am following The McDougall Program by Dr.John McDougall - 6 weeks ago discussed my eating with my doctor and I shared with him two programs I liked (Bright Line Eating and The McDougall Program) - he checked them out and said the best was the McDougall Plan. So that is what I am following. Lots of changes made to what groceries we now bring in the house and what we eat - hubby adds a little of what I don't eat but am feeling so much better with these changes. Was not sure if I could do it as a lifestyle but I now see that I could as I really am enjoying how I am feeling and am seeing already that it is reducing the illnesses I am plagued with

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today is a less busy day. Yesterday I was having a cleaning frenzy because there are two little ones - one crawling and one walking everywhere in our Bible study group. The floors need to be clean for the one who is a crawler and everything baby proofed for the other one. I have a few more cleaning items to do before we leave on Monday. The tropical theme went well. Since I can not have soy, some of the items I could not eat that were Asian but two people prepared a separate bowl of things they brought that did not have soy in it. I do appreciate their attention to what we can not eat. The only other allergy I know of in the group is avacado. That does not come up very often.

    I have spider plants rooted so I need to get them in pots today to give away. My mother plant is quite prolific. 🍃🌿
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, that is a real answer to prayer that you have found something by to help you with in your health! I am very happy to hear about the McDougall Plan helping you like that. What a relief for you.

    Linda, nice to have little ones around even though they cause extra work, hey. Glad your event worked out well. Enjoy your garden time.

    Judith, you are on my mind.

    Col is recovering pretty well and I am having a better day today too. Only three more days of isolation. We had YouTube church this morning as so many are ill, including Pastor. He didn't look like he felt well on camera but he still have us a good message, the amazing man.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All

    Hope everyone is being blessed this Lord’s Day! I will watch our Sunday Service that is being Live Streamed via YouTube! So thankful we have our services online, such a blessing and an encouragement.

    Susan: so glad you both are starting to feel better. Sorry to hear about so many in your Church being I’ll including your Pastor. Appreciate you sharing that you do have a doggy door but understand the limitations you have put in place as you have puppies who need to be watched closely so they don’t get into mischief! You mentioned snakes, didn’t realize some neighbours have snakes in their yards. So yes you need to watch your puppies so they don’t get bitten. Take care my friend; my prayers continue that you will continue to feel better 🤗🙏

    Marilyn: thanks for sharing about your weather and not being as many wildfires in your area, always thankful not having those fires. You are getting better weather than ours.

    So happy you are doing great with your food plan. Never heard of the McDougall Plan but glad you found something your Doctor is happy with and is working for you. It’s great to hear the new food plan is helping your chronic illnesses so you are noticing the difference and feeling so much better. This is great news! So glad the changes you didn’t think you could do you have found you could and the changes in your lifestyle has made a huge difference in your life. I rejoice with you and cheer you on Marilyn.

    Linda. Wow, sure sounds like you were busy with all your cleaning with baby proofing and cleaning when one has small ones roaming around and on the floor. Didn’t realize your Bible Study group brought young children and infants with them. Glad you are not having it as busy as it was.

    Your weather has been hot. We had that type of hot weather last year. Forecast says the hot temps are returning but now it’s in the 60’s and 70’s which is atypical for our summers.
    Glad your tropical theme went well and they brought foods for you and others who cannot eat soy or other foods, nice they are attentive to those needs. Hope you get your plants transplanted before you leave. Safe travels my friend! 🙏🤗

    God’s Blessings on your day and week ahead! 😊❤️🙏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    So good to hear from you Judith. You Tube is so nice for the service for those who can not attend. We are able to listen to the service in Denver via You Tube in the mornings and go to our Grand Junction service at 4pm today.

    Susan - That is scary to have snakes in your neighbors yards. I hope they do not get into yours with your dogs. Are they poisonous ones? In Denver we have some but they are good for the garden so I do not mind them. I am glad you are feeling better. Be careful that you do not try to go back to normal activites too soon. Prayers continue for recovery for you both.

    Today I have been on MFP daily for 365 days. I have not always written anything but at least checked in on the app. I miss Sparkpeople when I could give goodies to people for their birthdays, special events, or just to say Hi for encouragement.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Yes, life is change, Marilyn. Nothing is more certain than change.

    Linda, we have a variety of snakes in the area. Some are harmless tree snakes, some are big pythons who could eat my dogs, some are poisonous to animals and humans. We all watch out for them all. So far my near neighbours have not mentioned having snakes but someone a few doors down had a python in her yard in the summer. I was sitting outside in the sun today. It was so nice. We're all still taking it easy.

    Judith, it's great to have services online for those who cannot attend in person. Our folk like to chat before Pastor comes on too so you get some news that way. I hope the heat is not too much for you and you are continuing to heal. You're inching towards recovery 💖🙏

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    That sounds like a powerful idea, Marilyn. Rest is do underrated these days. It really is a powerful healer.

    I'm resting in bed at the moment. It's too cold to get up, but I am feeling a little hungry. A good sign, hey?
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We made the trip over the mountain to Denver today. The traffic was good but we did get rained on several times. Fortunately, we had all of the things in the back of the truck in plastic bins so they did not get wet. It is 10 degrees cooler here so that is nice also. The garden is so nice and green and we have a large zucchini ready to pick. Since it is large, I may stuff it with meatloaf mixture and bake it. That is one of my favorite ways to use this squash. Our grass is pretty dry and brown. One of the reasons that the grass is dry is that my mint has gone crazy growing and had covered one of the sprinklers. We will be cutting it back so the water can get where it needs to be. I really do not like this type of mint and wish I could dig it out and get rid of it but it just keeps coming back. It is lemon mint that someone gave me when I was still working. It tastes like the lemon scented furniture polish smells that I use. UGH!

    Susan - it sounds like your are on way back to health. I hope you both feel better soon.

    I have lots of unpacking to do and some of the work for the college so I need to stop. I hope you have had a good start of the week.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Gratitude is sure a great positive in a person 's life, Marilyn.

    Linda, sounds like a very busy and productive day for you. Take care.

    Isolation is technically over but I feel naseous, still have a cough and am tired. Colin feels better so is running around doing things. I am considering going back to bed.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    It is 11pm and I am making an apple pie for a friend whose wife died last month. Her memorial service is Saturday. Most people would be in bed but I am wide awake so I might as well be productive.

    Susan I hope you do take a nice nap whenever you need one. It helps build up your strength. I'm so glad that Colin is feeling better.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Evening Hello, thank you all for your kind messages you have sent me regarding my recovery from my latest surgeries. It is a long and slow recovery so there are days that challenges prevent me from being here, just want you to know even if I'm not here you are never forgotten but always held close to my heart. Todays weather was hot and sunny, 80 degrees plus...we finally are getting our summer, my tomatoes and plants are loving sunny skies and are growing in leaps and bounds. Today I got my new screen door installed, so enjoying and really looks good. Sounds like you are making the best of your day!

    Susan, happy you and Colin are getting better, my prayers continue for you. Snakes, oh my that is scary especially having pythons in your neighbours yard. Please be careful my friend.

    Marilyn, your quotes have been so good and have spoken to me and ministered, thank you and God Bless!

    Linda, happy you made it over the mountain and enjoying cooler temps in Denver. Sorry about the mint taking over your lawn and covering your lawn sprinkler system. Hope you can dig some of the mint away so you can water your lawn again.

    Yes, I am so thankful for our Sunday Service Live Streaming on YouTube, I get to be apart of the discussions Worship and hear Pastor Preach. Such a Blessing in which I thank God.

    Hope you all have a restful sleep tonight. Will be back again tomorrow or should I say Lord willing and catch up with you again. Good Nite Sweet Dreams and God Bless you all...🙏❤️😴

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I had to get up early (for me at least) to pick up my husband from the repair shop when he took our truck in for an oil change. While he was there they told him he was due for some checkups that will probably cost more than we expected but we need the truck to work well over the mountains. When I got home, I went back to be and slept for two more hours. I feel much better now.

    Judith, it is always good to hear from you when you feel like it. I agree with the sunshine and rain, our whole garden has really flourished. Unfortunately so have the weeds. The hot weather has caused the lettuce to bolt and go to seed so we did have to pull that up since it was too bitter to eat.

    Susan - I hope you are feeling better each day.

    Marilyn - thanks for sharing the noodle information. That is very interesting.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Afternoon Hello Everyone,

    Today is a scorcher reaching to 90+ temps, it’s just under 90 degrees now but sure is sunny!

    After all the cold cloudy and rainy days I admit I welcome the sunny hot days. My plants, hanging baskets and tomato plants are loving this weather!

    Marilyn, your Noodle post was very interesting to see the calories that most pasta and noodles contain, thanks for sharing.

    Susan, trust today you and Colin are feeling much better. My prayers continue for you.

    Linda, hope the added checkups for your truck didn’t add too much more to your expenses but understand how important it is to have a good working truck when you use it for travel especial the amount of times you travel over the mountains. Happy you were able to go back to bed and slept for another couple of hours. I am sure it refreshed you to continue the things you needed to do the rest of the day!

    Take care all! God Bless your day 😊🙏☀️🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Hi everyone. Thank you for your prayers and concern for us. Colin is feeling much better. I am still getting over it all. I'll get there.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member