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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - your commentary by Tony Evans yesterday was so true. Discipleship is much more of a committment than just going to church and reading your Bible. It is a committment to make Jesus Lord in your life. He is in control of all of our activites and decisions. He is a constant companion who is daily changing our lives to become more like Him. Life is so much more calm when we know He has the best in mind for us no matter what.

    Susan - I'm glad you are on the mend. I bet your dogs are glad you are feeling better also. 😀 The need fun and companionship too.

    Marilyn - I love to read and ponder on Max Lucado thoughts. They are very deep and challenging. Thanks for sharing.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Nice, Marilyn.

    It's a cold, wet, windy day here and the ocean is acting up. That's what I see on TV. We're about 30kms from the ocean. I'm having a very slow start to the day, resting in bed, but the washing is calling my name. Today we're using the clothes dryer.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    ..(✲) (✲)
    ✲) ◕‿◕ (✲
    ...(✲) (✲) ★Dropping by to Say Hi ★
    .......║ ∕⁀•´e ♥ And Share Some Summer Flowers •.¸★
    .......║-.¸★¸.☆ On Your Page ♥`•.¸☆
    .. ⁀\║∕⁀•.¸
    Be Safe and Stay Well Hydrated
    During these Hot Summer Days & Evenings…
    My Prayers are with you my Friend’s! 😊🙏

    Marilyn: thank you for sharing Max Lucado, I really like him and have several books of his that has ministered to me through the years: one that a friend gave me last Christmas entitled; You’ll Get Through This; Hope and Help for your Turbulent Times, by Max Lucado. Perfect book as I have battled Cancer the past 2 years. Keep sharing the Inspirational Quotes Marilyn.. they are a blessing.

    Susan; so sorry your weather has been stormy, hope it improves soon and glad you and Colin are beginning to feel better, this is great news, my prayers continue for you both.

    Linda, so glad the Bible Reading I shared and Commentary by Tony Evans ministered to you and spoke. I get these Devotions on my Bible App on my iPhone that I find are such a blessing. Watch for tonight’s Bible Reading and Commentary, hope you enjoy.

    God Bless you all, see you all tomorrow 😇🙏❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Yes Judith the commentary for today was also very good. Worry dies not accomplish anything good. It only takes away time that could be spent doing something constructive.

    Marilyn - what age do you feel like acting? I don't have as much energy as I did so acting younger is not always an option.

    My daughter and I are both night owls so we are staying up late watching cooking shows. We do get some good ideas from them but it is also a time where we can talk and share our thoughts and feelings. I love these times but tomorrow I may regret it when I have to get up early to get the food ready for the memorial.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    The memorial service was really nice. Michelle was loved by many people who came to share their memories. There were more people than we had thought would come but we did not run out of food for the meal and even brought home leftovers.

    It is on to the second celebration - all 6 of the summer birthdays. We are grilling steaks and having the birthday people's favorite dishes. After that we will babysit the two grandkids until 11 pm so it will be a long day!
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    You seem like you have so much energy, Linda. You are sure involved in lots of cooking and organising! Glad the memorial went well and now you get to celebrate birthdays. I am still recovering my energy.

    Marilyn, have a great day being as energetic as you want to be.

    Judith, nice to hear from you and am praying your recovery is continuing to happen, slowly but surely.

    It's a sunny but cool day here. I am still coughing but it is nicer weather so that makes me want to sit in the sun awhile.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Judith you asked what age I would like to be (as per the picture I posted) and I would think between 35 -42. Why? I got married when I was 35 and 2 months later I turned 36. Became a step mom so that was something new - a step mom to an 11 and 13 year old who lived with their mom but spent a lot of time with us. Then we started to foster - had 50 children (between fostering and the day care I did from home) for 5 years then we adopted 2 special needs children. Loved those times - would go back to when we brought our son and home to be part of our family (they were 2 and 3 years old) and looking back if I knew then how easy it would be to raise my daughter who has Down Syndrome I would have asked hubby to agree to go and adopt more of children like her - that has been the best think in my life - all the love and things she has taught us. She is now 33 and still lives at home - couldn't think of her living anywhere else.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We had an outdoor service today for church. It was a beautiful day with a slight breeze and partially cloudy. We had folding lawn chairs and our daughter brought a canopy so we could sit in the shade. Near the end of the service a band at the other end of the park started practicing for a concert that was scheduled for a few hours later which was a bit disruptive to listening to the service. All in all, it was a good service and good to see a lot of old friends. We usually meet at three different regions throughout the city so every Summer we have a park service so all the regions can meet together and we can catch up with each other face to face. As we got ready to leave it did start to sprinkle some rain but not enough to get wet walking to the car.

    We watched the 7 and 9 year old grandkids last night and will watch them again tomorrow night. Our 15 year old granddaughter was with us so she was a great help in entertaining the children. She has a great immagination and tells long stories to them, which they really love. They were also playing video games so all I had to do was dinner preparation and dishes.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, how beautiful that you and hubby were such loving parents and foster parents. What an amazing era in your lives. No wonder you would go back to that time if you could. I'm glad you now have the memories and also probably have an amazing extended family! The Lord has blessed you and many lives through you.

    Linda, your day sounded so nice, band practice aside! I love thinking of you outside in a park with your church family.

    It's a beautiful day here today and we are expecting someone over soon, so I shall go get ready for their visit. Judith, thinking of you. Praying for you all. Xxx
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Our grass is looking so much better with the rain we had the last couple of days. It is amazing how much better it looks after rain rather than us watering it using tap water. God provides the best water to make things grow.

    Finishing up packing all the things that need to go to the conference for the school booth. We borrowed two white tablecloths from the church but one had stains on it so I am soaking it in bleach before I wash it. I think the stain is from tea or coffee and has probably been there for quite a while. I will do my best to get as much out as I can. there will be displays on the table so the stain may not have been noticable but I feel better trying to get it out anyway.

    Susan - I am glad you are feeling enough better that you can have friends over.

    Marilyn - nice thought today

    Judith - I would love to see all your flowers that are flourishing in the warm weather. You sound like you have a lovely flower garden.

    Prayers for all of you - have a great day.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, I think we will be humbled and amazed at what the Lord will have stored up for us in Heaven 💖

    Linda, I hope you can get most of that stain out. We always have to wash the tablecloths here after we have dinners. The visitor yesterday was from a young woman who is going to clean house for us. She is coming over again this afternoon to do a few hours. It will really help me as I still have far less energy than I should have.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, Judith is exhausted tonight. She asked me to tell you she will answer your email in the morning. 💖
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I'm doing the usual packing before a trip today but this is a much longer stay. We will be in Florida for 12 days so I have to pack more since we will not have access to any laundry facilities to wash clothes. The part I do not like about traveling is when we have to take a plane to get somewhere. For some reason, flying really makes me more tired than it does to drive. We will be flying about the same amount of time as we do traveling over the mountain. Maybe it is because it is hard for me to relax so my muscles ad mind are tense the whole way. This is rediculous because my stress is not helping me any and for sure does not help the pilot any since he does not need any help from me. I will take something that is interesting to read to take my mind off noticing every little bump or turbulence that we encounter. Most of importance, I will be praying for peace in my mind and for the safety of us all as we travel. I would appreciate your prayers also.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Afternoon Hello Everyone,

    Today is hot and sunny in the high 90’s pushing to 100 degrees. Hope you all are staying safe and staying well hydrated.

    Linda, yes lots of packing when going on holiday and especially when you don’t have laundry facilities nearby. I will pray for you as you fly to your destination that you will feel calm and at peace. Enjoy your 12 days away. You mentioned you would love to see my flowers and gardens. I will try and take some pictures and share them here.

    Susan, praying your energy and strength comes back to you soon so you are able to do the things you are wanting to get done. Thanks for all your prayers for me and for asking after me.

    Marilyn another group of great Quotes you are sharing. Sure am enjoying.

    I have some updates for you as I was seen by a Specialist yesterday; a lot to take in here. Will share in our Prayer Request Forum!

    Blessings on your day stay hydrated and find some cooler places to be so you are out of the direct sunlight. 🙏😇🤗
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    I'm seeking the direct sunlight here, Judith. It's cold and windy! Lol! But I appreciate that the rest of you are enduring a hot summer and hope you have ways to keep cool and hydrated. Thank you for updating us all about how things are going for you. Xx

    Linda, praying for peace in your journey. I think flying is stressful too. I think we give away most of our control and choices when we fly, trusting the crew to do what is best. Trusting in the Lord, too! Take care.

    I'm about to wash the dogs for their groom. They are all combed out and just need to be bathed before the groomer clippers them.


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    I think that's right about grief, Marilyn. And that's a positive way to move forward, being stronger than our excuses!

    The pups got groomed and are a lot happier. I took a photo of them in the same chair. Their faces, legs, feet and bottoms have been trimmed but their coats need to be long till spring.
