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  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    This is the last day my daughter and granddaughter will be here. We are planning to go to the Colorado National Monument then taking my daughter out for an early birthday dinner. The Monument is beautiful and it was all created by God. The water running over sandstone has created gorgeous formations. How can anyone think there is no God when looking at these formatable works of nature?
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited July 2022
    I hope you had a nice Fourth of July. The dogs must hate the fireworks though! Lol!

    Welcome back, Judith and Linda. And thank you again for your quotes, Marilyn. I liked the one about hugs too.

    Judith I hope you are noticing some improvements in your health daily. Praying you do. I so like the Pop Bless name!! I am also glad you liked the pop up cards we made. We made some double Z fold cards at another class I held. Here's two of them. We did them in different sizes:


    Oh my, Linda, such expenses coming up! I hope it isn't too bad and is at least spaced out for you. Stay away from those bears!!! Brrrr!!!

    It's rainy and cold here. We have lots of rain ahead apparently. Today we have Dr appointments and a Disability support appointment for Col. He is trying to get finding for a high/low bed and electric armchair. His back is worsening and won't get better, do we may have a chance, God willing.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Our company is going home today so it will be back to our normal routine. Having the dog here does add some extra work with cleaning and laundry but I will be thinking happy memories as I do the work.

    It was very loud around our house last night as neighbors had their own fireworks shows. It was a little concerning that they did not have the safety cotrols that the official fireworks companies have. It is also illegal to be doing your own shows but no one came to tell them to stop. They finally quited down around 10pm so it was quiet to sleep and this morning, there was no report of fires.

    Susan - your cards are beautiful. Your friends are so blessed by recieving cards from you. You are a woman of many tallents.

    Marilyn - you shared on a different group that you were in the ER with severe rib pain. I pray that the doctor will have answers for you as you do the followup with him. Thanks for the encouraging posts you give us.

    Judith - I hope you are recovering and are able to take nourishment to maintain or add a little bit of weight. thank-you for sharing delicious recipies with us. I am sorry that you can not eat them but in the future when all is healed, you can have meals like this.

    Love and prayers to everyone! 💕
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Well Sunday night at 10:15 I had a horrible pain in my right side - never pain like that and never on the right side. Took some tynelol but it didn't work. So at midnight we called the ambulance who in turn said I should go to the hospital as it could be kidney stones. So off I went in the amulance. Got there at about 12:45 and didn't get up until 6 am. They made me pee in a bottle - it was full of blood first time that every happened - then blood tests and a CT - and then wait and wait and wait some more all in plenty of pain. Finally the Doc came - a pretty young woman - said that there was no sign of gall stones or kidney stones or infection but that my back was a mess and that I had a lesion on my kidney. Asked about the blood in the pee and she looked and me and said 'have not idea but we will give you a shot of morphine and then you can go home. Which I did. The morphine was great took the pain right away and made me want to sleep. So Monday was a wipe out as that is all I did - sleep. Today got up, went to my TOPS meeting to face the scale with a 4 pound gain with me leaving in tears as I honestly don't know what happened. Hubby picked me up we went home for about 1/2 hour and then off to the doctors office as I had an appointment at 12 noon. So grateful that I have a good doctor - he came into the room and said - well you don't look to good what I can I do for you - I burst out in tears and just let it all out. I took with me a list of what the blood work said from the hospital and asked him to explain the ones that had 'H' buy them - he was so kind and patience. I told him about the blood in the urine and what the doctor saying she didn't know what caused it, just that my kidney had as lesion and my back was in horrible shape. He smiled and said 'You don't have a lesion on your kidney, it is a cyst and it has been there for at least 10 years - since I last had an x ray and it hasnt changed therefore there was no need to worry me about it = that the doctor at the hosiptal should have payed more attention. Then I asked about the blood in the urine but no kidney stones or gall stones. He again smiled and said he didn't know what she was looking at but the one kidney on the right (where the pain was) is full of small stones and the gall balder has some stones also. He said as for the gall bladder he would not suggest surgery to remove it at this time but I don't eat 'fat' food and drink enough water it should be ok but when the times comes he will then suggest surgery for it to be taken out. As for the kidney yes it has stones and that is why I had the pain plus my back would have acted up on the pain. We talked about pain killers - most - have codeine in the which is not good for many people. So he has prescribed a med that will act like a pain med as it will make it that any stomach pain, pain from the kidneys trying to release the stones - this new med will relax all the intestines making them easier for the stones to move. He said he has no idea when they will all exit and the only way to tell would be to pee into a container and look for the stones. But as they are small the will pass but I need to drink water, then drink more water, then a little more and when I think I have had enough drink for - the more the better to help flush them out.

    We then talked about what to do about my weight - the diabetic pill makes me hold onto water and not lose weight as well as a few other meds. He suggested that I should look at changing up my diabetic meds to one shot a week - that it will keep the diabetes under control but will also aid in losing some weight. He said it was a bit pricey but went to look to see if he had any samples - so on Monday I am going back to him to have him how me how to give the injection to myself - and to get some free samples - hopefully he will be able to give me months and months of free samples. We talked about me doing The McDougall Plan where you go off all meds for 3 months and then have blood work done again to see the changes and to be able to stay off the meds. He said that my choice and he would work with me - I am going to stay on the meds but follow the McDougall Plan exactly for 3 months, then have blood work done and see what happens. He assured me that if I followed this plan that in 3 months I should be able to cut the meds in 1/2 or even be off some of them - so that is the game plan. Thankfully my husband is willing to work with me on this as it means changes for all 3 of us.

    So that is where I am at - needing to finish up my dinner of stir fried vegetables and brown rice, take a tynelol for the little pain I have - trying to avoid the strong pain meds as long as possible

    Thanks for listening to this long story
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, thank you so much about my cards! They give me a lot of pleasure to make and send them. I'm currently thinking up three Christmas card designs to create a class for people who want a Christmas in July Stamp-A-Stack. We'll make two of each design in an evening so they need to be fairly simple cards. Everyone will have six cards made at the end of the night. That's the plan, anyway.

    Marilyn, what a stressful ordeal you have been through. I am so sorry that all happened. It sounds like your GP is really on top of your conditions, for which I am thankful. Kidney stones HURT. I felt like I was in labour with mine (it was too big to pass naturally so had to be removed surgically). I hope the water you drink will help you get them gone. They are a menace. Praying for your recovery and that the pain would be manageable.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All

    Marilyn, you have been through so much with the pain and the stones in your kidney and the gall bladder, I can’t imagine the pain you are going through. Hopefully the meds your Doctor has put you on will help the stones to pass. Hopefully you won’t need surgery. About your diabetes, hopefully the new plan will work better for you that you will have less fluid retention and your diabetes will be kept under control. I’m so happy your Doctor is working with you trying to find what works best for you. I will keep this in prayer for you. Thank you for all the inspiring quotes you share with us, they are a blessing and bring encouragement.

    Susan, thank you for sharing the pictures of your cards. I love them, you are so creative and bless so many with your cards.

    You mentioned about Colin seeing his Doctor to apply for a disability support so he could get help with buying an electric bed and chair.

    My prayers are with you both that he will find favor in being approved for the disability grant.

    Linda, how did you enjoy your visit to the Colorado National Monument with your Daughter and Granddaughter? I am sure it was such a nice day to spend there. You also mentioned today everyone was going home. It will be quiet in your house now. Hope you enjoy the quietness and getting the things you want done now. Hope you enjoyed your 4th of July holiday and watching the fireworks. It was always a highlight of mine, spending the day with family usually having a BBQ and to end the day watching the Fireworks display at our nearby park was always fun.

    Thank you all for your prayers and for asking after me. My recovery has been challenging with heaps of pain swelling as the sutures are coming to the surface as they are starting to dissolve which has caused some problems with extra swelling. Surgeon says due to the complicated surgery it will take 6 months to heal and then I have treatment. I see Surgeon tomorrow and this appointment he is giving me exercises to help stretch out the mouth and smooth the surgical site out. Right now I am on a liquid diet with having some thicker fluids like smoothies and milkshakes that are thinned out so I can get the nourishment in via a straw.

    Blessings on your day, Love and Hugs 🙏❤️🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Yesterday was a cleaning day since my daughter and granddaughter left. Since their dog slept in the bed with them this included washing the blankets. We got our Covid booster soon after they left and as the day went on, I felt more and more tired. I went to bed 2 hours earlier than usual because I could not keep awake. My husband also was tired and had some muscle pains but both of us are feeling better today. I need to mop us the dirty doggy foot prints and dust for all the stray hairs she left. She should be bald by all the hair loss but she seems to keep growing it back. She seems to be quieter since she does not have our older dog around so that is a blessing although we miss her still.

    Judith - we did have a beautiful day to go through the Momument. It was really hot so we did not get out much but were able to see quite a bit of it just from the truck. My granddaughter forgot to take her motion sickness pills so all the curvy roads caused her some distress. She got very dizzy getting close to the edge of the canyon so she did not get to see how deep them were. Next time, we will make sure she had her pills with her so she can enjoy it better. I hope your visit with the doctor can give you the exercises you need to stretch out your mouth. That in itself sounds painful on top of all of the surgical pain you are enduring. I am glad you are able to tolerate a liquid diet but I imagine that gets boring after a while. I know that the liquids are to rest your mouth/surgical sites but I am assuming that you will be able to eat a bigger variety after the 6 months of healing. It will be wonderful to see your weight increase after all this time being under 100 pounds.

    Marilyn - I am so glad that your doctor understands your concerns and is able to expain them to you. I don't know about Canadian medicine but maybe the ER doctor did not have access to your older records and therfore made some assumptions that caused you anxiety. I am sorry you had to go through this. I hope the stones stay small and drinking water is the answer to all this kidney pain. At least the gall baldder stones are not causing problems and with your low fat diet the bile is not as needed to digest much fat.

    Susan - I am praying for Colon to get the disability support that he needs. I am sure that when his needs are met your will be feeling more calm also.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Hi everyone. Thank you for your prayers for us. You all have mine, too.

    I got to meet my new granddaughter today. She was born the end of March but for various reasons I couldn't meet her till today. She's a sweetheart.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - I did not realize that you had another granddaughter. She looks so sweet. Grandchildren as so special and so fun to see them grow into their own personalities.

    We are going to the department of motor vehicles today to make it official that the title is changed from my mother-in-law's car to us. This makes us, a family of two, owners of 1 truck, 1 SUV and 2 cars. That is ridiculous although not all of them are at the same location. The truck is for traveling and going up to the mountains, the SUV is for me to drive when I am in Denver and the 2 cars are here in Grand Junction. My older car has a strange sound in the motor so we do not know how long it will last since it has 250,000 miles on it. The car from my M-I-L is bigger but most of all is so much easier to get into since it is higher off the ground. My knees and hips appreciate this very much!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Tonight we are having a nacho's and taco bar with our Bible study group. I am out early (at least to me) to the grocery store to get things to make for tonight and to get in my exercise. I made watermelon juice in my blender yesterday and did not realize that I got some splatters on the floor. How did I do that? I don't know but there are some sticky spots that I need to mop up today. I usually do the kitchen on my hands and knees to make use we get all the food spots up. We are having ants coming in the house this time of year and they love food residue! Any ideas how to keep the ants out of the house? I think they are coming up through the vents in the house because that is where I see them congregating like they are making a plan to take over the house. 😁
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
    Ants - I keep them away using an essential oil -peppermint oil. I have some in a spray bottle, I put about 5 - 10 drops in a small spray bottle of water and spray the area and the tend to stay away - when I first tried this I just put 5 - 10 drops directly around the area - I do this once a month at the doors where we go in and out the house - and they just don't come near it.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Washing powder helps me keep ants out bi sprinkle it around doors and wherever there is an ant trail.

    Linda, Inara was born at the end of March. I spoke of her back then, but I couldn't meet her till this week. She's pretty special!

    My, you do have quite a few vehicles, but all to a purpose. We have just one these days. I often wish I had my own car but there's no room for a second hand be now.

    I went to a garden show yesterday which was lovely. I didn't buy much as there's no room for a garden but I did get a Tillandsia (air plant). It is very tiny! About 3" high.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning Everyone

    Susan, your Granddaughter is so precious, so happy you got to meet her, the picture of the two of you is so sweet, love the smiles. Hope you are enjoying your visit with the family and soaking up the precious times to cuddle and pour out your love on your sweet granddaughter and of course the whole family.

    Linda, that is great you got your MIL’s car registered in your names. I hear you about being easier to get into a higher up car, it helps with having a car raised higher from street when one has issues with hips and knees. I agree they will love you for it. Having several vehicles for different places and jobs is a great idea. You are blessed.

    Marilyn, thanks again for the quotes you have shared, so true and great to share with us. Your wise advice to Susan about the ants is one I so agree with as I am a member of an Essential Oil group and use all essential oils for various things, diffuse oils also and one thing I too have discovered ants don’t like essential oils, I have a essential oil cleaner and for sure cleaning door tracks or anything else is a deterrent to ants. Thanks Marilyn for confirming here that ants don’t like it.

    My apologies for being away for a few days, my recovery hasn’t been all smooth, have had rough days with Doctors and Surgeons visits in between so just haven’t been strong enough to be here. Know you are never forgotten but always kept close to my heart. You are loves, thanks for your valued friendship and support! 💗🙏🤗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited July 2022
    Judith - I am sorry you have had some rough days. Going to doctor appointments is tiring but especially so if you do not feel good in the first place. Thanks for your prayers for us as we continue to pray for you.

    Thanks for all of the ant suggestions. They are so tiny but so bothersome. Right now I have only seen one ant but I am sure that it has plenty of friends who can come along with him if he finds some "treats" on my floor. Having the dog and a messy granddaughter who eats in various places did not help the situation. I believe that the ants will be less since they have gone back to Denver. It is all unintentional but a little piece of a chip, a grape, some popcorn, etc are a feast for the ants.

    I ready my Bible outside today so I could get some sun on my legs. We are going to Orlando, Florida in two weeks and I do not want to scare anyone with my white legs if I choose to wear shorter pants. Unfortunately, I did not check the UV report and see that it said the count was high and to minimize ourdoor sun exposure. My legs are definitely not white anymore but sunburnt much more than I intended. At my age, I should not be so vain as to want to have some color in my legs. Sunless tanner is also an option I could choose. I do like to get the vitamin D stright from the sun though.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Judith, now our son's family are only a 40 minute drive away, we will get to see them more often for shorter visits! It's good to have them living much closer to us. I do hope your recovery is happening without any complications. I know it is going to take plenty of time for you to get to where you can be. My prayers for you will continue.

    Linda, glad you have a solution for the ants now. Yes, they like crumbs, and it's also possible rain is coming. I have had ants try to nest in the house when a storm is coming. They are determined critters! I laughed when I read your leg story. I feel the same way!

    Marilyn, thank you for your quote. I do hope and pray you are alright and not in too much pain with your kidneys.

    We have Church today so I will make vegetable soup for dinner when we get home tomight.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited July 2022
    We just watched the Denver service on line and he was talking about how important it is that we have friends who help us grow becoming more like Jesus. He said we need at least 5 friends who we feel know us and are not afraid to ask the hard questions to help us grow. He also said the "God loves us as we are but loves us too much to let us stay that way." Good things to think about. Tonight at our service here (we meet at 4pm) my husband will be preaching on how important it is to have Sabbath times in our lives. We get so involved with life we forget to slow down so we can hear God speaking to us telling us how he loves us, what plans he has for us, or just to be grateful. I am reading a book called "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" that speaks to this same thought. God gave the Israelites a command to have a Sabbath each week because He knew they needed this time to reflect on Him. Although we are not under the Old Testament law now, this principle is so important in our busy lives.