Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,584 Member
    Judith - I hope your son gets the power and water back soon. I am glad they have a generator and bottled water. We depend on a generator when we are up in the mountains at the trailer. It is nice to feel safe knowing that we do have electricity when we need it to charge up our phones and other things.

    My husband has had a hard weekend with anxiety and irregular heartbeats. We had thought that he was moving forward but this felt like a back step. We learned that we are involved in a lawsuit with several other land owners about some property adjoining ours in the mountain. It is nothing that we have done wrong, but the other person is asking for some really big demands. We do not know how much it will cost to have a lawyer help us or when we will hear the verdict from the judge. We feel helpless and in limbo. Please pray for our faith that it will all work out for the good. My husband has an appointment with the doctor on Wednesday to discuss this past weekend's anxiety level.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,866 Member
    Linda, I am so sorry to hear about your husband having anxiety and irregular heart beats. My prayers are that the appointment with your Doctor will help and much wisdom will be given in instructing you how to manage these episodes. I am also sorry to hear about you being involved with several other land owners in a lawsuit concerning some property adjoining yours. I can’t imagine how stressful this will be. So sorry this other owner is making such great demands. Trusting the Lord provide the financial means for hiring the lawyer to work on your behalf. I am also praying the Lord turn this around and the Judge will rule and make a decision in your favor.

    Thank you for praying and thinking about my son and wife in their situation. The storm is passing and they have their power back on thankfully. They got a lot of snow too but I am rejoicing for answered prayer that my son is safe.

    God Bless your day everyone! 🙏❤️
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,584 Member
    Marilyn - Yes I totally agree with you!!!

    I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. Today is election day and we will stop hearing about all the advertizements about who is the best and how bad the others are. I pray that God can work through whoever gets into office.

    Susan - Happy Spiritual birthday! 🎈 You said that you did not have the exact date but knew it was in November. I choose today to celebrate. LOL

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member


  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,584 Member
    I'm sorry I was gone yesterday. I was proof reading my husband's notes and PowerPoint for his teaching day on Saturday. It is 5 hours of teaching. I had to read 121 pages of single spaced notes and 167 of detailed PowerPoint slides and make corrections on them. Once I read it all, we had to go through his computer slides and pages to correct all I had taken notes on. I got to be last night at 3AM although I was doing other things during the day like dishes and cooking etc. so the whole day was not spent working on his paper.

    I had a wonderful time having lunch and shopping with an old friend I have known from back when our kids were in soccor in Junior High school. My son is now turning 40 so that is a long time. It was good to get caught up on each other's lives. He husband died in the past year so she is lonely and needed to talk for a while.

    My husband went to the doctor yesterday and he assured my husband that the irregular heart beats are not an indication that he has heart disease or anything but stress. He put him on an antianxiety medication to use in the short term.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,401 Member
    Sorry to be absent. Had a hospital procedure and the anaesthetic knocked me around a bit. All is well now.

    It's Memorial Day here and we had an outside service at the Village this morning. I sang and played flite with the choir. We had some young cadets come to do their slow match flag raising ceremony. It was very moving. Afterwards the crowd had lunch together. I needed a sleep this afternoon after all that.

    Judith, good to see you here and I am still praying for your healing. I hope the storm damage is overcome very soon. Glad you are safe.

    Linda, you have some difficult things to deal with. I am so sorry about the lawsuit and about your husband's health issue. Praying for the Lord's help in your situation.

    Marilyn, good to see you back posting. Praying for your health issues too.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member


  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,584 Member
    Today I am making a cake to take to a memorial service for a mother of a friend in the church. I did not know her mother very well but had talked with her and she was a very sweet and giving person. It will be a praise service of her leaving this life and going on to so many new and wonderful things with Jesus. A friend in our women's Bible Study group that moved to North Carolina a year or so let us know that her husband had passed two days ago but I don't know if they will have a memorial service here in the Denver area. Most of their family is down South. Another friend let us know that her Aunt passed away on the same day that my friend's husband passed. In all these losses, my good friend became a new grandma a day later. The Lord gives and takes away! Praises both ways when the person passing is actually "graduating" from this life into a much better one and a new life comes into the world.

    Susan your Veteran's Day celebration sounds so inspiring. There are no celebrations I know of around here but I certainly do appreciate all the veterans who have given their service for the country. My Dad served in World War II as a medic for the wounded. He did not like to talk about what he had to do or saw happening.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,866 Member
    edited November 2022
    Today is Remembrance Day: we have services in all our communities, our Federal and Provincial Leaders all take part the Veterans are present and we had 1 Veteran the oldest at 99 years old interviewed on air, so beautiful, members of various Regiments of Army, Airforce, Medics who take part, a high school student who wrote a poem on Remembrance Day and was chosen to read it, so touching. There were laying of Wreaths at the WW1 and WW2 Memorial in front of City Hall. At 11:00am there is 2 minutes of silence as a Prayer is said for families of the fallen. Then a 21 gun salute is given and the last tap is played.

    Today I think of the sacrifices that my Grandpa, Dad, and many Uncles made in their service in both WW1 and WW2 serving their country proudly!

    My Grandpa in the Canadian Army WW1, Dad WW2 Canadian Airforce, 1 Uncle in the USA Army Corp, other Uncles in Canadian Army and in the Canadian Airforce,

    All Served Proudly....

    Sorry for such a long post but today has been such a day of memories of my dear family who served and are now with Jesus in Heaven.

    Marilyn your quotes are inspiring and touching, thank you for sharing.

    Linda, happy your husbands issues with his heart are not indicative of heart disease but just the anxiety, trusting the meds doctor put him on help. Certainly a lot of families who have said goodbye to loved ones who passed but Praise God they are entering a new life and journey with Jesus in their eternal home. Love your description of “Praises both ways when the person passing is actually "graduating" from this life into a much better one and a new life comes into the world”. Thank you for sharing. The cake you made for the memorial you attended, what kind was it? Maybe you can post on our Recipe thread!

    Susan: thank you for your prayers and your kind thoughts. I so enjoyed reading all about your Remembrance Day service that was held in the Village and sharing that you took part in the service with singing in the choir and played your flute. That’s wonderful and such a blessing!

    God Bless you all this November 11th Remembrance Day! 🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,401 Member
    Thank you for your Memorial Day memories, Linda and Judith. Our family also had many in the military. Dad and several Uncles served in the Korean War. None of them talked much about it as they were told not to when leaving the Army, Airforce and Navy. My nephew and two sons served more recently. One son had two tours in Afghanistan and one in Dubai.... Sacrifices were definitely made by all three and their service left its mark. I respect all who served. There are similarities between our services, Judith. We also observe the silence after The Last Taps is played and we did have a bugler from the Village play it. So haunting and poignant. There were poems, stories and prayers from veterans and widows, teens and octogenarians. A special day.

    Marilyn, I do agree with the motivation to learn being key.🗝️

    Linda, so sorry to hear of the loss.of several friends. How wonderful to be at we know that they were e promoted to heaven. The new baby will be such a blessing to your grieving friend. Hugs.

    Have we good days, everyone. 🙏💕

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,866 Member
    Marilyn, what you shared above I say a hearty AMEN! Thank you for sharing all these inspirational quotes. They are such a blessing as we pause and meditate on each one. God Bless you my friend! 😊🙏

    Susan, I didn’t realize you had 2 sons serve, you mentioned Dubai, I have 2 Friends husband and wife who are originally from Singapore but their work took them to Dubai, they often said the conditions they had to live under were harsh. I can’t imagine your sons in the military fighting in Dubai, my heart goes out to your son.

    Then after few years my friends were transferred to Canada and lived in BC where I live, we had such beautiful times together with our other friends, then after about 15+ years here they were transferred to the Netherlands, this is where they have stayed several years, their work is keeping them their permanently. They came for a visit in February of 2020 to BC just before I was scheduled for my 3rd surgery for Malignant
    Spreading Melanoma. If you go to my FaceBook page I will post a new profile picture of the 3 of us at Church, photo taken after the service.

    Today I was so blessed, my friend dropped off my groceries and a special Starbucks smoothie and tea latte I love; another friend dropped off congee yesterday and this morning my friends husband made a pureed soup which she dropped off. God is Good! Blessings on your Sunday coming. ❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,584 Member
    Our big day is over and we can rest a little before we go back to Grand Junction on Monday. The lessons that my husband and two of his students were very inspiring and challenging from the Sermon on the Mount. After it was over, we went out to eat with a friend who lives in Aspen and drives 2 hours to come to the Grand Junction church as long as the weather is good. It was really good food and she surprised us by buying out meals too. When we got home, my husband went to bed quikly to get some good rest after standing for so many hours teaching.

    Judith - I am glad you have such good friends who bring you food and treats. God does provide for all of us in so many ways.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,401 Member
    Marilyn, amen! God can do anything but fail, as the song goes

    Yes, Judith, our two boys served and only one was deployed. When he stayed in Dubai it was in the desert. We have no idea what happened there or in Afghanistan but it was all before Troops were withdrawn. Both 'boys' are family men now, approaching their 40s. I am glad to have them home. Our daughter did not serve but I am glad she didn't. She was not cut out for it at all. Thank you for your FB profile pic. It is lovely. And I am also glad you have kind and supportive friends 💕

    Linda what a blessing to be taken out for a meal. Our lessons today were on Hebrews 13 and 1 John 2. Both were very good. They hit home.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,584 Member
    I can't say it was an exciting day but it was busy with church, 3 hour meeting after church, exercise, cleaning, laundry, etc. Tomorrow we travel again so packing is on my list also. Blessings on you all for a good week ahead.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,866 Member
    Evening Hello

    I watched my Sunday morning Church Live Stream service and was so blessed with todays message and the Worship service. God brought me comfort and I could feel His awesome presence as He knew it was a difficult day and He came along side me and showed me His Love and strength to push thru and just rest in His Arms. God is Good and He is Faithful! 🙏✝️
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,866 Member
    edited November 2022
    Evening Hello,

    Marilyn, thank you for another great quote. “Be Happy on Purpose” my prayers are with you, how’s it going with your kidney function? Trust you are doing better my friend. 🙏❤️

    Susan, as always my prayers are with you and Colin, trust all is well with you both? Happy you saw and liked my FB picture of me and my friends who once lived in Dubai. So gad your sons are now home living closer to you both and happy your daughter didn’t serve, yes I sure know and understand what you are saying as my daughter wouldn’t of been cut out for being in the military or serving in the countries our families served in either. And thinking of serving on what you said about your son serving in the Desert, that has to be so harsh. We sure can be thankful our families are safe and living closer to us.

    Linda, you said it was travel time again for you both today, safe travelling my friend, my prayers go with you both that the roads will be clear and safe for you. Your Sunday was sure busy with Church 3 hour meeting after Church and all the cleaning exercise and packing you did. Take care and God Bless…❤️🙏

    Thanks all for your love kindness and many prayers. Of course mine our with you all as well! 🙏❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,584 Member
    The trip over the mountain was good. It was snowing as we went over the highest peak but the roads were only wet. My suitcase is unpacked but not my husband's, which is surprising. He says he is resting from the long weekend and he will get to it. He does deserve a rest time! He says he does not know what to do because he does not have any big assignments to do. I told him I had plenty of cleaning he could do if he was bored but he was not excited about those possibilities. Of course, I was joking with him.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,584 Member
    edited November 2022
    Today we are getting a gas insert put in our fireplace to help keep the house warm. I do love the sound of crackling logs in a fireplace but I do not like the smell and the smoke that came from using the real fireplace. We smelled like we had been camping near a roaring fire which does not impress the outside work world. 🔥

    The leaves are mostly off the trees. Some trees are still holding on. Our Maple tree in front of the house last year did not loose all of it's leaves until the new growth started in the spring. It was a very odd situtation to see.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,401 Member
    edited November 2022
    Hello everyone. It seems MyFitnessPal is playing up for me today. I was unable to post in another thread but it is allowing me to do voice-to-text in this thread. We'll see how long I get away with it.

    I couldn't even edit what I had posted in another group!

    All is well here. I have been missing because we have been super busy. We had our caravan appraised and the appraiser found some wood rot. We have been working with the insurer to try to get that fixed before we sell it. I've had an Opthalmic surgeon appointment and the good news is no surgery is necessary. I will have another appointment next year for a check up. We've been investigating adjustable beds as Colin is really uncomfortable in a normal bed. We did find one that we like and they have it all in place by the middle of December. It will be lovely to have a solution for him at last. I have been at rehearsals for our concerts coming up. Church kept me busy on Sunday. We have had visitors, other appointments and commitments. I have been thinking of you all though.

    Judith I am so glad the Lord comforted you with the message you heard on the weekend. He knows what we need, doesn't He? I could tell you could understand about my daughter and not serving. Yes, it was very harsh on our son. I think he has been marked permanently by his experiences. Fortunately, he is out of the army now after serving for 10 years. He has a new baby and is concentrating on renovating their house. We are always concerned about him, but it is better when he is busy.

    Linda, you have been busy too. Glad your trip over the mountains was uneventful. The word picture you painted about the trees was good to read. I hope your husband is feeling better day-by-day.

    Marilyn, as always, I appreciate what you post. I am also praying that your kidney function is improving.

    We have prayer meeting tonight and I need to get dinner ready before then. Know that I care about you all and you are all in my prayers.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,866 Member
    edited November 2022
    Thank you Susan for sharing and thanks for your prayers for us all. You mentioned about buying a adjustable bed, they are wonderful, I have had one for years and they do help with everything. It helps keep the fluid retention down in my legs and body and helps get me in better position when pain is over the top. I hope you are successful in getting one for Colin. You would even like it, you can get all sizes, twin extra long Queen and king size. Let me know how it goes.

    Linda, so glad you got over the mountain safely and you are now home. It will be nice having a gas insert.. be so comfortable to stay cozy and warm.

    Marilyn, thanks again for the great quote you shared.

    Blessings on your night and day ahead. Started my text before midnight and it was still Tuesday; now it’s Wednesday! Happy Wednesday, now it’s time for bed for me at 12:03am. Good Nite and God Bless 😴❤️
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,584 Member
    Susan - it is probably voice to text problem but what is a "salmac surgeon"? You probably said something else but I can not translate it in my brain. I am glad that you can get a new bed for Colon to be more comfortable. My FIL had the legs on the head of his bed up on wooden stumps to elevate his head for his gastric reflux. It worked but it was easy to slip down in the bed since it was at that angle. An adjustable bed would have been so much better for him.

    We are toasty warm today with our new gas insert in the fireplace. We do not need to run the furnace today because the insert warms the main part of the house. It was pretty smelly last night as the newness of the insert was being burnt off. We had to have the windows open even with the really cold weather outside and I had a headache from the smell. It has no odor now so that is much better.

    I have dinner in the crock pot so my meals are done for the day. Today I am getting all the summer clothes and sheets put away and the warm clothes all out and ready to wear. I do not assume we will have any more warm weather this year.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member


  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 6,401 Member
    Judith, I hope you were able to sleep after your late night. I couldn't sleep till 1:30am! Maybe changes in season affected me. It wasn't pain like I suspect kept you awake. Yes, it took us 2 1/2 hours to choose just the right beds for Colin and I. We are short people but still wound up with twin King Singles. My mattress will be softer than Colin's. Yay! I am glad to hear you already have a comfortable adjustable bed. 💕

    Linda, sorry about the typos. I went back and corrected a few from yesterday's post. I meant to type 'Opthalmic' surgeon. I have a cataract in my left eye that is being monitored. My right eye had one that was corrected a few years ago. Glad you had the crock pot all organised for yesterday! I am cooking air fried chicken tonight. It's so easy ☺️

    Marilyn, yes, attitude sure matters!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 3,605 Member


  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 9,866 Member
    edited November 2022
    Amen Marilyn on your both quotes shared, Attitude is sure one we all need as it does matter to have the right attitude; I like the above quote in the heart about good day ending, yes, right on! 😊👍

    Linda, sorry about your headache with the odour from new gas insert but glad it has worn off and no further smell. I am sure it’s so nice to gather in front of the gas fireplace to be toasty warm. It’s so nice having a crock pot to prepare and have your dinner already for the day, I have 2 sizes and use my small one for putting my pureed and prepared soup I have made and to keep hot for the day of
    meals I have. Sorting thru and Putting your summer clothes away and bringing out your winter clothes is something I need to do. Thanks for the reminder as I read your post, better than sorting thru whole closet searching for something warmer to wear, I’m really behind this year in putting summer clothes away and searching for my warm blankets that were put away after they were washed and stored away all summer. Time to get cracking! 😊

    Susan, yes a automatic bed really helps for all your needs. So happy you got new beds and comfy mattresses for each bed. King Singles sound like such a great choice! You will love them! My bed has a Beauty Mattress extra thick and is softer and comfy, I have the extra long and 3/4 size mattress which is a little wider than a Twin and some smaller than a Queen size. You mentioned taking about 2 hours choosing your beds, I hear you as I took that long also. A big decision to make and with paying thousands of dollars you want to be sure it’s the right one for you. About your eye/cataract that is being monitored for sure my prayers are with you. Glad your other eye has been looked after.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    In Closing:

    In our November Team Monthly Goals I left a note for you all; look forward to reading your feedback you leave for me! 😊