Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Last night we had a beautiful rainbow to enjoy. It looked like there was a second one outside the one we saw but it never made it to another rainbow. I colors were so pretty against the gray sky. Today we are predicted to have thunder storms but in this state, we never know if the rain will hit the ground or not. We continue to water our garden and yard no matter if rain is predicted or not. It is just safer that way. It is pretty cheap to water since we use irrigation water taken from the Colorado River. When the river is muddy, our plants do get a brown film on them from the water but that is easily removed with clean city water.

    I hope you are having a wonderful restful week-end.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Lovely, Marilyn. Everyone needs a friend like Piglet.

    I hope everyone in is doing well.

    We had church, then church luncheon, then a song service with a devotion. We're working through the we Beatitudes right to now as ND this afternoon was about how merciful God is.

    It was a beautiful day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Happy Father's Day to all our fathers whether living or in our memories. My father taught me the importance of famiy, to love God and to be flexible when things do not turn out as your expected. He was a quiet man but full of wisdom. I do miss seeing him every day at work.

    Yesterday we did get some rain but mostly it was a lot of strong winds. We went outside to sit in the swing but had to come back inside because the wind was blowing dust in our eyes. The rain was appreciated but I am afraid that the wind that followed probably dried up a lot of the moisture. Our humidity was 16% yesterday. It really dries things up quickly including skin. Moisturing lotion is a good friend to all of us here.

    I am getting as much food prepared today as I can to take with us to the mountain tomorrow. We do have a gas stove to heat things up but the oven does not work so baking is out of the question. Today I am baking a meatloaf to warm up for one of our dinners.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Happy Father's Day to all our fathers whether living or in our memories. My father taught me the importance of famiy, to love God and to be flexible when things do not turn out as your expected. He was a quiet man but full of wisdom. I do miss seeing him every day at work.

    Yesterday we did get some rain but mostly it was a lot of strong winds. We went outside to sit in the swing but had to come back inside because the wind was blowing dust in our eyes. The rain was appreciated but I am afraid that the wind that followed probably dried up a lot of the moisture. Our humidity was 16% yesterday. It really dries things up quickly including skin. Moisturing lotion is a good friend to all of us here.

    I am getting as much food prepared today as I can to take with us to the mountain tomorrow. We do have a gas stove to heat things up but the oven does not work so baking is out of the question. Today I am baking a meatloaf to warm up for one of our dinners.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Evening Hello

    Thank you all for your encouragement and all your prayers. These 4 weeks with 2 surgeries back to back have been challenging. My face lips mouth have had some challenges, swelling bleeding and pain. My surgeon said both surgeries were complicated. First surgery he cleaned away disease and started reconstruction and wired my mouth closed to keep things in place for 4 weeks before the 2nd surgery could be done. The 2nd surgery repaired all the damage the cancer surgeries caused: he repaired muscles and tissues with skin flaps and skin grafts. He said it will take time to recover. It prepares me for next step of treatment!

    Thank you Susan, Linda and Marilyn for posting and keeping the team moving forward. I appreciate all the team members signing in and continuing on with your healthy journey!

    God’s Blessings, you all are loved and appreciated! ❤️🙏😇

    Welcome to the Team Starlighttucker; we stand with you cheering you on your journey! 👏👍😊
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Love your two quotes, Marilyn.

    Linda, our Father's Day is in September bit I always remember my folks on my birthday, which was today. Sounds like you are going to be well prepared for your journey.

    Judith, it is great to see you posting and I am so glad those particular surgeries are now behind you. I know you still have a long way to go. Will keep upholding you in prayer. 🙏💝
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Happy birthday Susan. <3 I hope it is/was blessed depending on what time it is when you read this. When we get back home I will get you caught us on our adventures in the mountains.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - I hope your appointment with the spinal nerve damage doctor was enlightening. You have a busy week with the surgeon and cardiologist appointments tomorrow. I hope you take extra time to rest so your body can have time to heal and repair.

    We made it back from the mountains although it did take us almost an hour longer with the construction detours. We could have waited until they opened the road at noon but the long wait line might have taken us just the same amount of time. Last night about dusk we saw 3 momma Elk with their babies coming to our water tank for a drink. They were so cute but also very shy. I wanted to take a picture but we were trying to stay very quiet so we did not scare them. Just a few hours earlier we hard a very loud commotion at the water tank with some magpies and crows looking at the water. We went to look and a crow had tried to get a drink but the water was too low (it was being filled by the spring) and it fell in. He was doing the breaststroke trying to keep his head above water. We were able to get him out of the tank using a shovel for him to stand on. I did not realize that they are about the size of a chicken. When they are flying high in the sky they look pretty small. Anyway, once we got him out, we noticed that his wing was not straight but he would not let us come close to see it. This morning we saw him walking accross the grass toward some taller grass. He may have a broken wing with all the magpie birds trying to bite him when he was in the water. It could be that his wing will heal and he will be able to fly again but time with tell. I hope he can find food on the ground to eat as it heals. Nature will take care of him but at least we did our best to give him a fighting start.

    We will be going back to the mountains starting next Sunday until Friday for our annual family trip. We went this week to make sure that we have the right supplies needed. We have four plastic boxes with supplies in it just for this reason. Everything is there when we need it including linens, cooking utensils, kitchen supplies, work supplies, etc. It makes packing so much easier since we keep all this in our trailer.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    MyFitnessPal is being very glitchy for me. I have tried to read this thread three times and each time being kicked out to some other page. It's weird. I did manage to read all the posts now.

    Marilyn Koma you'll always find some good things for us to see. I hope you are doing well.

    Linda, I loved hearing about your trip and about the drama with the crow. My father rescued one once that only had one leg and we had it around our yard for a long time. I was only about six years old and remember it seeming awfully big!

    Thank you for your birthday wishes 🥳 I had a lovely day.

    They have a weekly Tai Chi class here that I decided to try today. I'll keep going for awhile and see how it goes. I used to do Tai Chi years ago but have forgotten most of it.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Susan - Tai Chi looks like it is a great way to exercise joints as well as calming the spirit. We all need some stress relief in this world - at least I feel that need. I do not think we have much around here for classes here but I could check to see if there is a DVD to try this.

    Today is my daughter's 43rd birthday. She is such a blessing to all of us in that she is very outgoing, loves to help people and is so positive. I told her today that I want to grow up to be like her. 😊 I am more of an introvert so when she is around, she puts me in positions that makes me stretch - but not too much that it is too uncomfortable.

    Judith - I hope your appointments went well today.

    We had lunch today with friends. They are so encouraging and we have had a lot of experiences together. We try to get together every other week to talk and "spur each other on to good works". Their children were really good friends with our kids also so we have that in common. Helping each other get to heaven is our goal.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Linda, I hope you like Tai Chi! It has a lot of health benefits. I love the sound of your daughter's gentle approach and also your encouraging friends group 🤗💕

    Judith, thinking of you with prayers and love. You too, Marilyn.

    I saw the Dietician today. She wants me on a low FODMAP diet. My head is spinning Ina not with all the new information. I will process it to though and hopefully get it to feeling better too.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today is cooler and brings back memories of my growing up in Ohio. One of my favorite things to do was lay on my bed reading and listening to the rain as it hit the roof of the porch. Today it is raining that same way and is thundering too which I also love. We so seldom have rain or any humidity so I am enjoying it. The farmers are cutting hay to bale so I hope they were able to get it done before the rain started.

    Tonight we are hosting our Bible study group at our house. We are having a selection of different salads then we are making bags to give the homeless with items like socks, wipes, sunscreen, snacks, water bottles, etc.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today is cooler and brings back memories of my growing up in Ohio. One of my favorite things to do was lay on my bed reading and listening to the rain as it hit the roof of the porch. Today it is raining that same way and is thundering too which I also love. We so seldom have rain or any humidity so I am enjoying it. The farmers are cutting hay to bale so I hope they were able to get it done before the rain started.

    Tonight we are hosting our Bible study group at our house. We are having a selection of different salads then we are making bags to give the homeless with items like socks, wipes, sunscreen, snacks, water bottles, etc.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, gratitude is so important. The Lord teaches us that, hey.

    Linda, your memories sound lovely and your Bible study group sounds so good. Enjoy.

    I taught a card class today. It took 5 1/2 hours as we had some newbies in the group. Tiring for me but fun.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member