Chat Cafe



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    This morning we appointed a new elder for the church. My husband had to read something about the husband and I followed up with how the wife is included in this appointment. Our church is recognizing how much the wife makes the husband who his is. Although we do not appoint women elders, the wives still have a part in the discussions and decisions in the elders meetings. I really appreciate that the men ask for our opinion when they are making decisions that effect the church.

    When we left church it was raining, hailing, thundering and lightening. It lasted about 10 minutes so the water was really running down the sides of the street. One of the traffic lights on the mail street was not working either so that slowed down traffic. I would love to have this kind of rain back at our other house! We will be going back there tomoorrow.

    I hve a big job to do this afternoon. We are taking a small desk over to our other house that is packed full of papers - some important and some just junk. The desk was made by my grandfather out of a small organ. It has a front that folds down and inside are little drawers and sections to sort things. There are also two drawers on the bottom to store things in. I need to separate my daughter's things that are in the desk from ours and get rid of the excess papers we do not need. We are trying to gradually take things over to the other house so when we do sell this house, we will not have to move or sell so much. Since we have been here since 1991 we have collected alot of stuff.
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    Judith, praying your pain will be relieved.

    Linda, so sorry about the problems with your dogs. I know somewhat what that is like, but had to keep my dogs separated by pens and crates because they fought all the time. Brothers with one fear aggressive and one too high prey drive.

    I've been trying to get my yard to look a little better. So far I've only got the front some, but it was threateninng bad weather so I haven't got the plants actually planted. Took my dog with me to do the shopping yesterday. She enjoyed that.

    We had our Spring Fling for the ladies at church last week. Today church service was about growth.

    Hope everyong had a good day.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, that's good advice.

    Linda, we have a similar practice in our church except with Deacons. That would have been a lovely day. I love celebrations like that. I sure hope you do get some rain at your other house. It sounds like you have an excellent plan for moving to it gradually. I love the sound of the desk that your grandfather built. I'm embracing here for high winds and a cold front moving it. They say the wind main octrees over it will be that strong. But I'll wait and see. I'm quite safe here in my little house with no trees.

    Fancyqtr, sorry you have had some trouble with your dogs as well. My two little ones have worked out their differences pretty much, thankfully. I like thinking of your dog enjoying her shopping trip. And the Spring Fling sounds fun!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We drove over the mountain today to our retirement home. It was really windy for at least half way then it started getting colder with snow showers. It was 36 degrees on the pass and the trees had frost on them. It was really pretty but I would not like to stay there. I enjoy warmer weather. Over here where we really needed rain, I am told that we had rain yesterday with wind and hail. Our tomato plants have some of their leaves shredded but they will live. They had just delivered a phone book to our house and had put it on the front step (they do it to every house for free) before the rain so it was soaked. I am drying it out on our patio table. The pages are really wrinkled from being wet so I am not sure if it is worth it to keep the book. Since most everyone has internet, the book is not really needed.

    Susan and Fancyqtr - were your dogs that had "disagreements" of the same gender? I heard that dogs of the same gender had more problems than boy/girl dogs. Our two dogs are female who got so along so well when the younger was a puppy but as she neared becoming a year old is when the problems started.
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    Linda, my dogs were brothers that grew up together. I had their mother and sister here together for a while and they got along fine, even though Patty (daughter) had been gone for 4 years. The brother that had so much prey drive would go after his sister at times, too. Plus he almost killed his uncle Ben one time. I just ended up having to keep everyone separated. He should have gone to a one-dog home, but because he didn't look like the perfect example of his breed no one wanted him.

    Annie has been after what is living in the old fox den. Found out today, for sure, that they are rabbits when one was sitting on the edge of the den. Annie drove me crazy moving boards around that she thought the rabbit was under. I wish I could get her to stop.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Linda,I am so sorry about your sweet younger puppy, that must of been so traumatic to witness, thankful she wasn’t hurt anymore than she was; so sorry about your son in law having his finger broken and bitten while trying to separate the dogs! My heart goes out to you with the decisions you have to make regarding the older dog! This is so tough and heartbreaking for you! My prayers are with you; wish I could give you a big hug!

    Susan; so happy you enjoyed Church Sunday and you had the trip out West! Thank you for your kindness and your continued prayers.

    Marilyn, thank you for all the posts you share. The last 2 posts really touched my heart with the words that were shared in the quotes!

    God’s Blessings, have a blessed day and May June be a month of many blessings and success in your ongoing healthy living! Keep up the great work! 😊🙏💗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today is a painting day. We (mostly my husband) is working with the palm sander to get the rust off the metal patio furnature then we will pain them with "Rust-oleum" to prevent the rust again. We do keep them in the storage shed during the winter which does help some but they are out in the rain during the summer. It does not rain very often so we should not have to do this again for a while.

    Today is our older dog's 8th birthday. She is being fed her favorite foods and pampered today. She is very sweet when she is left by herself without the younger dog bothering her. We are keeping them separate for sure now until her vet appointment on Wednesday.

    Judith I am sorry you are having so much pain. I appreciate that you do take some time visiting here even though you are still recovering. May God's blessings be on you and give you rest.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Oh Linda, it's so sad about your older dog. I wish it could be different but know you have to do something. I hope the younger dog is recovering.

    Marilyn, that's a very empowering and responsible quote.👍

    Judith, good to hear from you. I know you are in pain and am praying it starts to lessen. You are amazing to be keeping up with fitness goals at this time! 🙏💖

    Today was ukelele day, post office collection day and then I video chatted with hubby and 2 granddaughters. That was nice 💕 I received some new craft supplies in the mail so think tomorrow will be a good crafting day. I need to make a birthday card for a friend's 70th.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    The patio furniture is a glossy black and shining in the sunshine. I am glad we got it done because they were getting rusty. My husband wants to get a swing with a shade on it for his birthday to put on the patio this summer also. With all the plants and furnature, the patio is getting pretty full. We do not have plans to enlarge it so we had better stop getting more things. It is really nice to eat on the patio so I appreciate what we have out there now.

    It is chilly this morning - in the 60's but will be warming up. It is interesting how our thoughts are so different in the seasons. If I said in December that it was in the 60's, it would be considered hot because we are normally in the 20's and 30's. I am glad for seasons so we get variety in our weather.

    I am praying for all of us as we go through our daily routines that we see God in all things. I was reading in Matthew this morning where Jesus sent Peter to the lake to get a fish that had a coin in it mouth to pay the taxes. God provides for us what ever we need but many times I take that for granted. God is at work in our good and bad days if we open our eyes to his provision. It is such an honor to be considered his child.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    The power has been going on and off here so I am just getting a quick word in. All's well at my house. I have candles. (It's night and pitch black outside). There is no information about why our power is cutting out.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    edited June 2022
    Gorgeous day today at 85F with a slight breeze. We ate lunch with friends at a cafe that is run by Hospice. They do such great things with grieving pesons as well as families so I felt like I had good converstation as well as giving to a good cause. Both my parents had Hospice when they were declining in health and I felt very supported by them as a family member.

    We went to the financial group that had all the investments that my husband's parents had gathered over the years and signed the papers to divide it into new accounts for the 3 children. Other than just going through the trailer and donating things we are mostly done. My S-I-L says she is not ready to go through the house yet so that will wait until she is ready.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, interesting thought

    Linda, sounds like you had a nice day. It is always sad tidying up people's possessions though. Hugs

    It was cold and dark last night. The power stayed off for two hours. I have no idea why. The dogs and I went to bed early.

    Today was quiet and slow. I groomed the dogs, did some washing, had a friend and ver for coffee. Might have another early night.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All 🌅

    It’s great to read all your posts, wow nice warm weather Linda and Susan sorry about power being off, Marilyn some great thought inspiring quotes!

    Yesterday got call from Surgeon and my next surgery date is June 15th to complete work that was started on May 18th and remove wires that are closing mouth and upper and lower lips on left side. A lot of sutures that need cleaning as well as all face and lip wounds and dressing changes. Surgeon said it will be a long and slow recovery! I have to keep up with pain control but really don’t like taking pain meds but realize it is necessary right now.

    I will sign in some mornings after pain meds have taken hold; and when I am not here know you are all in my thoughts and prayers. You are never forgotten. Love and appreciate you much!

    God Bless you 🙏❤️😊
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Judith - it is so good to see you active today. I am so excited you have your surgical date for the next surgery. It sounds like this one will be a little easier than the other one but maybe I am wrong. We all know that you will be here when you can but also want you to take the needed rest that you need to fully heal.

    Our middle daughter is coming over the mountain today and will help up get our trailer up to our mountin property tomorrow. She and our ten year old grandson will walk up to the spring to check to see why it is not running in the cattle watering tank. Hopefully it is just that the Fall leaves have plugged the pipe and not that the pipe is broken somewhere between the spring and the tank.

    Susan - I am glad you power is back on. When it is off during the night, I am amazed at how dark is can be. We have a street light just outside our bedroom window so at night even with our house lights off, we still have some light coming through the curtains
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member