Chat Cafe



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    It was a long day today. We had a "bring your neighbor to church day" so there were a lot of visitors to meet and greet. After the service we had an elders' meeting for almost 2 hours then we went to see our son and his family to deliver 40# of hamburger that he had bought and to pick up the rototiller he had repaired for us. I don't think we will be able to use it for a few days since the soil is still wet from all the snow they had here.

    What wonderful news that Judith is home and recooperating! God is good in providing this early surgery to now the second one will be not far away.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, I hope you are doing a little better today.

    Linda, sounds like quite a nice church meeting. Yes, it is good news about Judith.

    I spent this afternoon creating a craft class for Wednesday. The morning was spent on housework.

    The dogs have been very needy lately. They want to go to bed early tonight.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    I had two grandkids over all day today starting bright and early (for me at least) at 8am. My daughter had a meeting to go to so if worked out perfectly for them to stay with us. We played outside doing scavenger hunts, working in the garden, cutting branches off the apple tree that were broken during the snow storm as well as cooked meals and read a book. Overall it was a good day but I would not get anything done if we did it on a more frequent time. Our older granddaughter come home from school at 3:30 so she took over the duties so I could get some things done.

    Susan - how long will Colin be gone visiting the baby and family? It sounds like you are keeping yourself busy while he is gone.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, fresh starts are just what we need sometimes.

    Linda, what a lovely day you had. Col is away till June 9th. He calls once or twice a day. I'm doing alright but I do miss him. The practical tasks of living are fine. I miss his company.

    Today I combed out the dogs, washed them then took them for a clip. They look so cute.

    Tomorrow I have ukelele in the morning, a craft class to run in the afternoon, and a church meeting in the evening. It's bea busy day too.b
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We had a really good discussion in our Bible study this morning. It was from the video series "Churches that Heal" by Dr Cloud. We were talking about maturity in Christ and how that effects our dealing with others. One thing I really liked was that he said you should not try to be an expert on something you don't have a talent in. You can not live up to others expectations. This is what happened to me growing up. I wanted to be a teacher and was in school for it but my brother begged me to move closer to him and go to school to be a nurse. He said there are so many jobs you can get with that degree. I followed his advice and got my license but it was not my passion. I was able to do what I needed to do adequately with education but I wonder what my life would have been like if I had pursued by dream of being a teacher? I did home school my children so I did get to do it with them. I also wonder if I could have handled what the teachers need to address now in school with the so many ungodly things that are promoted. (As it read this I realize I may have already shared this with you all.) If I have, just forgive my forgetfulness please. ☺
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Marilyn, I ate well today. That's what I did for my future self!

    Linda, I was a teacher for a couple of decades. I agree, it is a very satisfying profession, though the paperwork and auditing required was a killer! I don't remember you saying that to us before. I'm sorry you couldn't follow your passion. 💕 But you have found ways to teach anyway!

    Had a very busy day and just got home from Bible study and prayer meeting. We are working through Joshua and it is a very good study. Tonight we had an excellent discussion about chapter 6.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Last night instead of having a regular lesson at women's midweek study, we just prayed for the families of the school in Texas where 22 people were killed yesterday. 18 of those killed were innocent children. School shootings are becoming more common and it hurts our hearts to hear about it. So much hatred and anger is seen in the writings of those who do the shootings. Satan is having an effect on so many people that is so sad. Do those of you outside of the States have things like this happening?

    Last night we had a really lovely rain that brightened up all the growing plants. We were hoping to plant some seeds in the garden today but it might be too wet to do that. We have volunteer sunflowers coming up from last year's crop that are growing fast. It will not be long until they are towering above all the other plants giving them shade. If we allow too many of them to grow, they can cause too much shade so we have to be selective in how many we have. It will be interesting to see what color these are. Last year we had a variety of colors that were beautiful.

    Keep praying for Judith. As she said in the prayer requests, she has been struggling with pain and swelling but God is powerful and will answer our prayers on her behalf. 💖
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today we drove into the mountains to have a consult with an orthopedic doctor to see what is wrong with my husband's knee. He has been having pain for the last 3 months. They did x-rays and said that he had a tear in the tendon and the calf muscle. There is also arthritis in his knee so they did a cortisone shot in the knee joint and gave him a "sleeve support" to wear when he is exercising. He says the knee already feels better with the shot. We do not need to consider any type of surgery but with the shot and with physical therapy the pain should go away. I am so delighted that we do not need to consider surgery! Thanks for your prayers.

    We just found out that our grandson has tested positive for covid. We were with the family on Saturday but so far do not have any symptoms. Since it has been 5 days, we will test tomorrow before having my husband's 69th birthday party with family. Growing up my mother used to hide boiled eggs in meatloaf when she baked it and I have carried on that tradition although some of the in-laws think it is a bit strange. My husband has requested this for his protein along with scalloped potatoes, green beans, chips and guacamole and apple pie with ice cream. I make the apple pie without sugar so he can eat it. It does not have artificial sweeteners but I thicken concentrated apple juice for the sweetner. Fruit juice does not seem to bother his hypoclycemia.

    It was good to see on Facebook that Judith had a good doctor visit. I am so glad that the surgery is healing well and that her next one will be scheduled without delay this time.

    For those of you praying for my grandson with the seizures here is the update. The doctor put him back on the medication he was on when he was younger hoping that it will work as well as it did last time. They took him off of it for several years thinking that he had outgrown the seizures but they did come back. The medication is gradually increased until he will be at the optimum dosage to control the seizures. It will be a while before they can see if this is working as they work to get the correct dose.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Lynda, praying for your grandsons' health conditions and the families of the victims of the massacre. No, we tend not to have very many things like that happening here. The last one I believe was in the 1980s at a popular tourist spot. I don't recall a school massacre in the past 60 years.

    May your husband enjoy his birthday! My mother used to put boiled eggs in meatloaf too and I still do it.

    Thank you for the update on Judith. I haven't been on Facebook much today so will go read it. 🙏

    Marilyn, those valuable characteristics are what impress me, too. 💗 Let us know how you are doing with your kidney condition when the time is right. 🙏

    Domestic day here. I am off on a little road trip with my friend Lynda tomorrow to visit Anne, a mutual friend. She lives a two hour car trip from here so am looking forward to it. The dogs are going with us too. 🐶🐕🐾
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    My husband and I both tested negative for covid so we did not get it from our son last week. I have most of the food ready to put into the oven or already done so the brithday party is just a few hours away. We wanted to be sure we were negative before we got together tonight.

    We got the tomatoes all planted in the garden and it is supposed to rain this afternoon so the plants will love the extra drink they will get as well as the seeds we just planted. There is a possibility that there will be thunder/lightning also. I love those kinds of storms as long as everyone is safely inside the house.

    We are a bit traumatized here. Our dogs usually get along as long as we watch them closely but today I was alone and they got into a huge fight. The younger dog was behind her gate in the kitchen but somehow she got into the living room with the older dog and the older dog grabbed her by the neck shaking her and would not let her go. My son-in-law had just gotten home so he tried to separate them and he got bitten also. He had to go to the ER to get stitches in his finger. They did an x-ray also and found that he had a broken bone too. We have been wondering when it was time for our older dog to go over the rainbow bridge and now my daughter said this was the event that shows her that our older dog is just not doing well and wants to be left alone. We can not have her get aggressive with one of the grandkids or us so she has a vet appointment for next Wednesday. We are all so sad for both dogs. The younger one was shaking in fright for quite a while as all of us humans also who were witnessing this.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited May 2022
    Morning Hello Everyone, so good to see you all continuing on with posting and encouraging everyone in their daily journey! You are doing great!

    I so miss you all. It’s been a slow recovery, heaps going on with swelling and mega pain due to the wires used to shut left side of mouth and lips shut. Using a special syringe with plastic tubing attached to get in blended full liquid diet! Will be 4 weeks before surgery #5 to complete the work and remove wires. Surgeon said it’s a long recovery; thankful I have a lovely garden and yard to enjoy while I go thru this recovery phrase!

    God is Good and He is my Sustainer! Appreciate your many prayers and words of encouragement that are helping me thru!

    Know you all are missed and loved!

    I am back May 30th and will be posting our June Team Challenges! Hope you all will be back for another great successful month of June! Let’s Raise the Bar to our Personal Best and make June even greater! Yes, We Can with God’s Strength!

    Blessings on your Weekend! ❤️😇🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Oh Linda, how scary and sad about your dog. Marilyn found a lovely message for you. I do hope your son will be alright. Hugs.

    Judith, lovely to hear from you and have some of the details about your recovery process. May the Lord bless and keep you when you heal. 💗🙏 Glad you will take time to rest so you recover property. Xx

    Had a nice trip out west today and am very tired so will wish you all a good night. 💤
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    thank-you Marilyn for the post. I sent it to my daughter and it said it made her cry about the decisions she needs to make but was comforting also.

    Judith - great to see you back here posting. I can not imagine what you are going through with your jaw wired shut. I would be so frustrated not being able to yawn. (I seem to do that a lot. I need more sleep!) I am glad that things are healing well and you are able to have you final surgery soon (a relative term).

    Our younger dog did need to be taken to the vet later in the day yesterday. She had a puncture bite that they were concerned about. The vet had to sedate her to shave her neck to see how badly she was hurt. She is still very sleepy today. It has been a very quiet day so far. When one of us is left alone, we are putting the younger one in her kennel so she can not get out to get into the same situation we had yesterday. I am so grateful that there was not more damage than there was.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited May 2022
    Marilyn, you always find wise or funny words. Thank you.

    Linda, glad you got your young dog looked after. I don't envy you the week ahead.

    Church was lovely this morning. It's cool and windy here so I am resting between church services.