Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Susan - praying for your rain situation. I hope there is not a lot of damage from flooding when it receeds. I am glad you are on higher ground and not affected from the flooding.

    Marilyn - the saying is so true. Both "hurt" either choice we make although in different ways.

    Judith - it sounds like you are having a lot of rain also. I pray you are safe and protected.

    We are making a trip up to the mountain property today to check out my MIL's old phone to see it if has better reception than ours. With the way we are nestled in the mountain, some phone signals work and others do not. We have great reception at the cabin that my SIL owns with our present phones but none at our trailer. We are hoping that a different carrier will give us better reception since they are building a new phone tower on the other side of the hill. If this phone works at the trailer and our present phones work at the cabin, we could have the possibility of having a way to communicate all over the property using both phones.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Marilyn, the above quote you posted, yes I so agree.. 👍

    Linda, wow that’s quite the episode with the canner, I too hope the meat was not spoiled. Hope you have a good day ahead.

    Susan, sorry you still have rainfall. Hope things improve for you, it’s Saturday night: 11:58 pm so I am off to bed, catch you all in the morning!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    It is a beautiful day today with only a gentle wind. I am glad the wind storms are over. We are so dry here and the wind made it even worse. I have parsley seeds planted and have been watering them daily so they will germinate. Our tomato plants are looking good.

    I hope everyone has a blessed service worshiping God. It is a great way to start the week out well.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,441 Member
    edited May 2022
    That's true, Marilyn, and I did read it again.

    I had ukelele practice this morning and one of the other players who has become a friend came over for a cuppa this afternoon. It was so nice, chatting together. She and I have a lot in common so no wonder we have become friends.

    The puppy did better today with no accidents in the house. I was so happy with him. And the older dog decided to cuddle with him for the first time! Double happiness. 😊 I introduced the puppy to a harness and lead today but he had no idea what to do. As soon as I took him out the front door, he sat down and wouldn't budge! Lol!


    We finally saw some sun this morning but it clouded over in the afternoon. Could be more rain coming.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All 🌅

    Marilyn, read this mornings post, I say a hearty Amen! Yes we will get there, and be Here, today matters as everyday in the sight of God...appreciate you sharing these Food for Thought Quotes....Keep them coming! 😊

    Linda, so happy to hear your weather has improved and you have some sunny skies, its great to hear your garden is doing so well and your tomato plants are growing nicely.....😊 will send the link later today for the Devotions you will post while I'm away in hospital and recovering...

    Susan, so happy you are enjoying your ukulele and had a nice afternoon visit with your friend over a cup of tea...your puppy is so cute, the two puppies snuggling up together was so sweet. Thanks for sharing the picture. 😊

    Have a blessed day and week ahead, will be back later and will fill you in with what was said with my appointments today and tomorrow! God's Blessings...
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    We watched the super flower blood moon eclipse last night and it was beautiful. We did not watch the whole thing but a person in our neighborhood had a telescope and took pictures through it so we could all enjoy it close up. We were afraid that it might be too cloudy but it cleared up a little while after it started.

    After cleaning out my MIL closet, I decided that it was time I also did it with the seasonal clothes. It was so nice to have more space in my closet with all the clothes I really have not worn very often. I also put away the winter clothes and got out my summer clothes. Since it was 88 today, I would assume that Summer is here although our weather has been known to be a little erratic.

    Susan - I am glad that you were able to spend time with a friend today. There is a bond with people with common interests. What type of music do you do with your ukulele? Maybe your will be in a famous band some day. 😀 The dog pictures are so sweet.

    Judith - I am praying for good pre-surgical appointments. We have prayed for this for so long and now it is really happening. I pray that your follow-up surgery will be done without as much trouble as you had scheduling this one.

    Marilyn - keep those motivational quotes coming! I really enjoy reading them over and over.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,441 Member
    edited May 2022
    Linda, the moon pictures are sure to be wonderful! And re-organising your closet sounds great. Yes, friendship is a gift. As for the music we play, we have 250 songs from all sorts of places! Most of them are not new. As for being a band, we have agreed to perform in the November Village concert. We'll do three songs which are yet to be decided. 😊 Glad you enjoyed the puppy pictures.

    Marilyn, that quote today was lovely.

    Judith, your hospital stay is coming up very quickly now. Praying all will go smoothly and you will get what you need, hon. May the Lord bless and keep you. 🙏 I am glad you enjoyed the photo of my two dogs! The puppy is a handful right now but is making progress. He is still only three months old (he is the red one).

    Today I got two more skylights installed, one on the living room and one in the wardrobe in our room. I really love how they brighten everything up.

    Here's the well-lit living room. I am sitting in the chair at the front, typing to you . 💕

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    edited May 2022
    Susan - Thanks for the picture. I enjoyed seeing parts of both of your dogs there too. The skylight looks like it really brightens things up.

    Today my husband bought a bunch of fishing worms to put in our patio planter where we have our tomato plants. He is in hopes that they will make the gound easier for the plants to grow. I hope we do not drown them when we water them. He says it will not but I have my doubts. I am praying for healthy tomatoes as well as healthy worms.

    We had lunch with friends we have known for many years. Their children were best friends with our children when they were little. Now both of us have empty nests with quite a few grandchildren to love. It was good to catch up on their lives.

    Continued prayers for you Judith as you go through pre-op appointments!

    Addendum added 20 minutes later:
    I was sitting at my desk and heard my husband say "Oh no!" very loudly. I asked him what is wrong and he pointed to the patio planter and a big fat robin was in the middle of the planter digging up the worms he had just put in there. 😁 I was worried about drowning them but never thought about the birds eating them. I hope most of them got deep enough that the robin can not get them now. Never a dull moment around our house.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My surgery is at 7:45am and I have to be at hospital at 5:45am...early up and early surgery..

    Thank you for your prayers..

    I will sign in when back home from hospital...

    Linda here is the link you are needing for the devotions you are doing.. thank you so much....

    Love you all, thanks for holding the fort down while I am in hospital...

    Love and Hugs
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Judith - for me that would be really early to get to the hospital! I would be sleeping as they did the admission paperwork and activities! Maybe you are an "early bird" so it was not too bad. Last night I prayed for the wisdom of the surgeons as they do this delicate surgery. Now on to the recovery process.

    There is a possibility I can get my MIL's car to drive. My car is getting pretty old and is so low to the ground that I have problems getting into it if my knee is acting up. We are going to take it for a test drive tonight to see if I like how it drives. I really love my little car and will miss it if we decide to get rid of it. 😥
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,441 Member
    Judith, it's really happening! You are in my prayers and always in my thoughts and heart. May everything go really well. I hope you will feel like letting us know how it went but we do understand if you need to wait a while before you try to chat. Hugs.

    Linda, that sounds like a great idea if your mother in law's car will suit you better. I hope it does!

    Just a bit of a routine day here. I had the puppy vet checked and he is doing really well. Linda, you have sharp eyes. I didn't see Jasper's back-end in that photo! Lol!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Judith - I am so glad that stage I of your surgery is done. I continue to pray that you heal well, all the cancer is gone and that stage II will not be delayed like this first one was. You are a role model for those of us who get impatient over little things. You amaze me with your patience in this huge area of your physical life.

    Susan - I am glad you had a good puppy vet check. I don't think at my age I would be able to handle training a new puppy. When we go over to Denver and stay at our other house, I get to see a little bit of how hard it is to train their young dog. The trainer says she is really smart and needs a job to do but they are not home during the day so the dog creates jobs to do - which are not the best for the furnature, carpets, etc. She likes to tear things apart. Our older dog with leukemia is getting weaker. She now is in diapers and very tired but does not seem to be in pain. We will be going over there this weekend so see how she is doing first hand. It is so hard to watch our beloved dog decline and to know how to treat it.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,441 Member
    Judith, I really hope and pray all went well with your surgery. 💕🙏

    Marilyn, are you Ok? Have missed you the last couple of days.

    Linda, I will be 68 next month and thought for awhile about getting this puppy. I am coping though and enjoying him so much. Of course I am usually home so can keep a consistent eye on him and read his body language for what he needs. Today was a rainy day so we stepped backwards on the house training, but we'll get there. I am so sad for you with your dog being so ill. My heart goes out to you. Dogs really are family members, aren't they. 🌹💗
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    We have a a major weather change in our area. It is much colder (40+ degree drop in temperature from yesterday) and very cloudy. There is a possibility of rain but I doubt it since we live in a desert area. We are planning to go over the mountain this weekend for some dental appointments and there is a prediction of 10 inches of snow on the passes. At our other house, it is raining now and will turn to snow with 2-10 inches expected there. That is a large difference in the inches so I expect it will be more like 2-4 inches. We will be leaving on Saturday afternoon and hope that the snow will have melted off the roads since it has been so hot lately.

    It is looking like we will go ahead and get my M-I-L's car. It is so much easier to get in and out of! It is bigger than my old car so I will have to adjust to some things like parking it and seeing in my blind space.

    I hope you are all having a good day. I need to get busy with mine washing clothes, cleaning, etc for our trip.
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,441 Member
    Wow, Linda, that is quite a temperature drop! Safe travels over the mountains. It's great to know you're going to be able to have your MiL's car.

    It's election day here so that's all that's on TV. I spent 3/4 of the day doing the church books then crafted online with a friend. The dogs accompanied me all day long. Tonight there's a concert in the village and I get to take my own snacks. It's called Broadway to Pavarotti so it should be interesting,! Better go get my umbrella and wet weather shoes to walk up there. It has rained all day.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member

    Sorry I have been not posting more by accident. I have had a few medical issues and now got news that my kidneys are not good - magic healthy number is 60 and my blood work last week shows my number is down to 34 - so doctor have given me strict orders of what to do to avoid kidney failure. Here is what I am now having to do (1) drink 64 - 90 oz of water every day (2) absolutely no salt - he kept saying nada, I mean no salt, nada as food naturally has some salt in it so DO NOT add any salt and (3) protein once a day and no more than 2 oz.

    So my meals are changing. I got the protein down on Thursday to 16 grams which is good and sodium was at 654 mg. Would like the sodium to be at 500 mg or lower. Friday was the same. Couldn't believe that celery is loaded with sodium so it is a food I am not having any more. Have been looking up food to check out the level of protein (which is in just about everything) and sodium (which is in most vegetables). And my hubby announced that he is not letting me have anything that would affect my kidneys - he sat with me for about 1 hour yesterday looking up foods we generally eat to see the sodium level and to check out protein in things like fish, chicken and beef. Doctor suggested to go as many days as possible as possible without any 'meat products' as that is a big one for the kidneys. So that means getting in more vegetables that I can eat without getting digestive problems. Have started a grocery list for this coming weekend listing new vegetables we are going to try and one that we like that I can eat and looking at things like lentil, beans and seeds. But have to be careful with all due that they affect my stomach - so lots of changes. I go back for blood work in August (end of the month) and am praying that there will be an improvement as the thought of kidney failure does not land gently.

    Be blessed everyone
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,566 Member
    Marilyn - I pray that you are able to transition to this new diet smoothly. I am glad that your husband is in agreement as to eating the same foods as you will be. It is always to have family support in eating plans.

    We make it over the mountain OK today. It snowed on us a little but basically the roads were wet in a lot of places. We started out with a temperature of 64 at our Grand Junction house, the temperature dropped to 26 at the highest part of the passes and now we are at 50 degrees in Denver. We brought our winter coats to stay here sinced it will be below freezing tonight and tomorrow. In Grand Junction we have plants growing and thriving but here we have not even started planting anything.

    Post-op day #3 for Judith. I hope she is able to get home either today or tomorrow as was planned.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,441 Member
    Oh Marilyn. I'm sorry you are going through this but it sounds like your Dr and husband are most proactive. You too. Will pray about your kidney condition. Thank you for updating us. We care about you.

    Linda, safe travels in the changing weather. Judith is on my mind too and she posted an update in Prayer Requests where I also read about your grandson. Hugs.

    We had YouTube church today due to the rain and local flooding. Had a quiet day here. The concert last night was good.