Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Our daughter and granddaughter should arrive today so I have been getting ready for them as well as packing for our annual family vacation in the mountains. There are so many things to get ready when we have to take all the food we will need for a week and keep it cold in a cooler. My daughter will go with me to buy the groceries when she comes and I have mostly everything frozen that I can. I will have some internet service but only my phone to check anything posted so I may not be on here much. Using my phone seems to take twice as long to get things on here and I may be really busy having fun with family. If I don't get on, I hope you have a wonderful and blessed week. 🌻💞 🌞😎
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Thank you for sharing; enjoyed reading each post. God Bless you all for being faithful in helping to keep the Team moving forward. You all are so appreciated. ❤️

    You are doing great with keeping up with your healthy nutrition and your Fitness. Keep up the great work! 👍👏😊

    I am posting new Fitness Goals on Tuesday Morning for you. Hope you will join me.

    Sorry for not posting regularly but my recovery has been difficult.

    I posted in the Prayer and Monthly Challenges forum. You can catch up there with what I have shared!

    I will be posting on a regular basis this week and beyond. Thank you for keeping me in prayer. They are helping and I feel your prayers. ❤️🙏
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    True, Maryn. I am proving that all over, trying to learn ukelele chords!! Lol,!

    Speaking of which, I practiced with the other ukelele players today and had choir in the afternoon. In between I prepped for another card class I am running tomorrow.

    Hope everything is alright where you are.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Morning Blessings Hello,

    I know I posted earlier but came back to read the posts and reply individually here. Thank you all for sharing as it’s appreciated!

    Susan; thanks for sharing, sounds exciting learning to play the Ukelele and being able to practice with other players. So happy you are in the choir, I’m sure you enjoy singing the Praises of God. I too was apart of a choir ( Eastern Canada) but here in Western Canada our Church only has a Praise and Worship Team in which I enjoy being a part of.

    Hope your card class goes well! Keep us posted on how it went and what kind of cards you made. I would love to see the pictures if you are able to post.

    Linda; you mentioned you were planning for your annual family vacation in the mountains. Did your daughter and granddaughter arrive? I am sure you are enjoying your time with them. Hope weather is all good.

    Marilyn, thank you for the many inspiring quotes you share with us. Keep them coming as they are a blessing to us all.

    God’s Blessings on your day and week ahead! 😊❤️🙏
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    edited June 2022
    Hi Judith. Glad you feel like posting every now and then. We do understand that your recovery is taking a lot out of you and do not expect you to post every day for now! Take it as gently as you need, dear friend. 💝 I know it is hard to collect your thoughts and focus on a keyboard when there is much pain and exhaustion.

    Marilyn, your quotes and jokes are always appreciated!

    Linda, I know you're travelling right now. Safe travels and safe return.

    The card class went well. We made a couple of pop up cards 😊



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    There's a lot of wisdom in that old owl, Marilyn.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    That's right, Marilyn. Sometimes you have to be intentional about those things 😊

    Thinking of you both, Linda and Judith.

    Had a cleaning morning followed by a visit from Pastor, his wife and mother-in-law, all of whom I love dearly. We had a lovely visit.

    I tried a new recipe tonight - low FODMAP fish cakes. Hubby and I enjoyed them.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 5,447 Member
    Yes, little by little, Marilyn.

    Church breakfasts were held today, one for the men and one for the women. It was very enjoyable.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Thank you all for posting and for your kindness and prayers as I have have a long and slow recovery from the last two surgeries that my Surgeon said were complicated. I will be posting as much as possible, at least post in our Monthly Goals and here in chat!

    Susan: I enjoyed seeing your pop up cards, very nice, haven’t made those type of cards but will give it a try one day soon. You have inspired me.

    Linda: I heard you are travelling, safe travels my friend and enjoy all the sights you see.

    Marilyn: thanks again for all your inspiring quotes you share here. Keep them coming!

    Wishing you all a Fantastic and Blessed Month of July! Let’s keep pushing ahead and raise the bar to our personal best as we meet our goals and become our Healthiest Best! You can do this 1 Step at a time. I stand with you cheering you on your journey! 😊👏
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    We made it home safely last night. I have done 6 loads of laundry so far and still have a lot to go. It was rainy and muddy so we have a lot of dirt we brough back with us. I am so glad we have a washer, dryer and electricity to take care of all this dirt! As I said it was rainy for several days. The kids had a lot of fun making rivers from the bit puddles but those of us who drove up the dirt road, it was not so fun. The ruts we made as we were slipping and sliding were pretty deep. It was good that we all had 4 wheel drive to make it up the mountain. The grass is so much greener and the cattle are happy with the extra moisture so it was good. Our spring is working well and the cattle tank is overflowing. My husband, daughter and grandson did make the treck up the mountin to check on the spring and to fix the cage around it that a bear had broken down getting in there to drink. He had also chewed up several feet of the pipe lower down trying to get some water two weeks before. We have not seen the bear but we do see evidence of him. We wear bells around our necks when we walk in the woods so scare them off but also keep bear spray close at hand in case we need it. We have not had to use it yet but it is comforting to know we have it if necessary. It is pretty expensive at $50 a bottle that has only 7 seconds of spray but would be so worth it if needed. With all the rain, we discovered that we have a leak in the trailer around the airconditioner (that does not work). In one afternoon, we collected 4 gallons of rain water that had dripped out. We tried to fix it but it still has a small leak. We may need to take it to the repair shop which may be expensive. One day when it was not raining, we went to a nearby town and let the kids have fun at the playground in the park then we went wading in the lake for a while to cool down. The water was muddy and pretty chilly but the kids loved it. They all needed showers when we got home.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    edited July 2022
    Good Morning All

    Welcome back Linda. Wow, you sure are getting the weather with all that rain that is making so many mud puddles, yes, I can see the grandkids having heaps of fun playing in the mud puddles. Good job you have your 4 way drive to get up the steep hills with all that rain that caused such deep tire marks in the ground. You said about the price of Bear spray; wow, $50 per bottle for 1 spray, that is pricy but ever so worth it if you encountered a bear. It does give you peace of mind having the spray if needed. Have a great day and hope you get all the laundry done and take time to rest.

    Marilyn really enjoyed todays picture quote, as always thank you for sharing.

    May this week be a blessing to each of you. God’s Blessings 😊🙏🤗
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,588 Member
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 10,576 Member
    Today we had church outside at a friend's house followed with a potluck meal. We could not take my daughter's dog with us so we came home and checked on her then went to another friend's house to watch fireworks in the evening. The town has fireworks on the 3rd of July rather than the 4th and have done so for a very long time. I am not sure why they do this but it allows people to see another fireworks show at another location on the 4th. It has been a very nice day today.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 8,639 Member
    Good Morning

    Linda: sounds so nice having Church outdoors at a friends home. I am sure you all enjoyed the potluck after Church. Years ago we had an assistant Pastor who called those type of meals “Pot Bless” dinners. It stayed with me and the congregation for years and now when we are going to have a dinner after Church we announce we are having a “Pot Bless” Interesting about having your fire works on July 3rd but I like that idea as it gives opportunity for you to check out another fireworks display somewhere else.

    Marilyn: thank you for todays quote and I agree with that statement, we sure need much more peace in our communities these days. We all need a good dose of Love and Peace spreading it out to all we come in contact with. If that were to happen our communities would be a much better place to live in!

    Happy 4th of July to you all today. Have a Blessed day! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️