Chat Cafe



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    It is raining today and is much cooler than yesterday. Our dog is hiding in the bathroom because she does not like the thunder. I guess she thinks it is her little "safe cave".

    I had my first vein procedure today. The worst part was the numbing he had to do before the procedure. They used a laser to close off the veins. Today I am supposed to keep it elevated, walk every hour and keep compression stockings on to help it to clot in the incisions. So far I am just taking Tylenol and the pain is not too bad.

    Positive thought today was that the staff said I was a very good patient in spite of being a nurse. Evidently, nurses and medical personelle can be a problem when they come in there. 😁
    I have had some medical people as patients and can attest that they can ask a lot of questions and can be uncooperative. I am glad they thought I was a good patient.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,533 Member
    Good Job everyone, today marks the last day of September, Good Job, thank you for joining me this month...looking forward to October and Pushing on Together to healthier lives both Physically and Spiritually....✝️😊

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    It is certainly feeling like Fall weather. I am wearing a long sleeved shirt and still chilly. Today my leg is feeling pretty good. I took the dressings off which helped with being able to move my leg. They had put so many dressing on it, it felt like I had on a cast. I am praying that it is effective in helping my thigh pain be less.
  • misslorij3440
    misslorij3440 Posts: 4,960 Member
    I am so thankful for this team! I know the only thing I have shown up for is the monthly challenges, but I am hoping to be on this chat more often! Take care and have a wonderful beginning to this new month!
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,533 Member
    Thank you my friend, we are happy to have you:

    Welcome the First Day of October…


  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Friday: The internet is working! The internet is working! Took the tech 3 hrs. Installed a new modem. Hurray.

    Miss Lilly did well w/her grooming. Got her out for a walk, too so she could work off some energy.

    Jason has hand therapy today. He is happy with it.

    HUGS to you and enjoy FriYaY!

    ASBO: Oh my goodness. So sorry you ended up w/bedbugs. So discouraging! HOPE that gets settled son. So hard to get rid of them.

    HEALTHY: OHHHHHH you made me chuckle. AS a nurse, that’s my first instinct, too . . . check it out on reliable sites on the internet! Lordy. I feel prepared is best to meet these challenges! Good luck with the vein procedures.

    Glad you were safe w/the incidents. *SIGH* people just are so preoccupied, I guess and just don’t THINK and pay attention.

    Glad you had the time to use the pool @ the apartment.

    Hope all is well w/everyone. Missed y’all yesterday. The site was down (at least on my end) for 4 hrs. and we also had to have our internet fixed (but that was 3 hrs. and had the internet for awhile during that time.) But MFP seems to be back today w/o problems.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    Our daughter came over yesterday helped us process all the apples that had fallen off of the tree. We got enough to make 15 pies in the Winter. We will wait for the ones on the tree yet because they are still a little green. We will make quite a few sacks of apples with the skins on from them to make applesauce later. Our daughter then went to her knitting class in the evening and the grandkids stayed to play with us. We made lots of stories with the Barbie dolls and their travels.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Saturday: Weekend! Wahoo.

    Had our breakfast @ the diner. Our #’s are improving. As always, there early and that helps tremendously.

    Rainy weekend, so looks like it’ll be mostly indoor work. We need the rain.

    So, here’s to enjoying your Saturday.

    Healthy; Wow! That’s a lot of apples. Love apple pie and applesauce.

    I used to love playing w/my Barbie! Lots of imagination used.
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    Today we celebrate my grandaughter's first birthday. They are camping this weekend so we will go to the campground to celebrate with them and have chili for lunch on this cool day.
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Healthy: Happy first birthday to your granddaughter.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Sunday: Rained overnight. Supposed to have showers today, today, too.

    Definitely a rest day. Tired from the vaccination, but no ill affects.

    Here’s to the start of a new week.

  • Asobfalls
    Asobfalls Posts: 458 Member
    These electronic devices certainly are challenging !! Phone, computer, phone, microwave, even clocks and watches aren't what they used to be! But then....consider the many many facets of the Universe put together by out Creator God.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,533 Member
    Sunday Blessings

    ..(✲) (✲)
    ✲) ◕‿◕ (✲
    ...(✲) (✲) ★Dropping by to Say Hi ★ 👋
    .......║ ∕⁀•´e ♥ •.¸★ ´e ♥ •.¸★ ´e ♥ •.¸★
    .......║-.¸★¸.☆ On This The Lord's Day ♥`•.¸☆ ⛪️
    .. ⁀\║∕⁀•.¸ ´e ♥ •.¸★ ´e ♥ •.¸★ ´e ♥ •.¸★
    May your Day be Blessed Abundantly...
    Thank you All for your Friendship & Support..😇
  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    Hi back Judith! The days are coming quick for your appointment. I believe you have a birthday soon too!! Our sermon was good about Joseph and all his trials. Even if he had to be in the cistern, was a slave, in jail two times, he was still bless by God. What are our cisterns and how is God going to bless us in the time to come?
  • 1crazydog
    1crazydog Posts: 590 Member
    Monday: Rainy day yesterday and again today. Right now at least it isn’t raining.

    Yesterday was a rest day for sure. Tired after the vaccination.

    Jason has PT this morning, so he’ll be a tired camper.

    Here’s is to a motivated Monday.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    It has been a good start for the week. It is 76 degrees and absolutely a gorgeous day. I had a long talk with a friend this morning that I had not talked with for quite a while. It was good to catch up on her life which is quite busy! My daughter is going for a job interview today. I am anxious to see how that turns out. She has a job but it requires a lot of travel for her which is hard especially when the roads get bad when it snows. We are praying that she makes a wise decision in this.
  • fancyqtr
    fancyqtr Posts: 183 Member
    My Sunday Bible Study is really good. It is the one that mentioned Forensic Faith and we are now at the evidence basis for Christians. He uses these books for a lot of what he is teaching in the class.

    Love the blessings that have been posted.
  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,533 Member

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,824 Member
    Terrific Tuesday to you Judith as we celebrate your birthday today. 🎈🎉🥰❤💖May God give you the joy that only He can give during these difficult times. Prayers for your safe office visit tomorrow and peace in your heart for the outcome.