Change 1 Letter in 4 to Make a Word



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    If we blow off the roof, it will be a huge "poof" like a volcano so everyone will know we are rejoicing.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    Oh yes, let's blow off the roof with a poof! Then when everyone comes, we can serve food and have fellowship.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,662 Member
    Amen Susan, we sure will, trumpet choirs we will sing the Praises of God and Shine for Jesus wherever we go. We sure our Rife with Life filled with the Praises of God! We have Rich Food in the Word of the Lord and are filled with the Praises of God! The Best “Food” ever!

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    It will be good to have food to nourish us physically and spiritually as we sing and raise our voices, instruments of music and beat our gongs!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    We will all be in a good "mood" with the good food and all the joyful "noise" our instruments and voices will make.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    In the quietness of the evening air, the sound of music can travel quite a distance. I wonder if there are people on the "moon" that can hear us singing and playing our instruments?

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    Mow that would be something, to make enough joyful noise to be heard on the Moon! That sure would put me in an awesome mood! What a BOON!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,662 Member
    Yes I agree Susan, that would be a Boon, and as I was thinking about our voices heard on the Moon I looked out on the water on the Lagoon and what did I see but a lovely Loon gracefully floating down the Lagoon without a care in the world!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    What a pretty picture to see the loon gracefully floating downthe lagoon. I also see a "coon" at the side of the water dunking his food before he eats it. The old wives tale is that they are washing their food but google says - "They douse it to give them better sensory information so that they can determine what kind of food is being held and eaten." I wonder if their eyesight is poor so they need to do it?

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    A Loon and a Coon in the Lagoon! It must be before or after noon for them to be so active! That's interesting about why Coons wash their food, Linda. I wonder if it also makes it easier to swallow?

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,662 Member
    Yes, thank you Linda for the picture of both Loon and Coon, didn’t know the Coon did that and Susan good question about wondering if it helped the Coon to swallow what he was eating with washing it first! And with the day going by quickly and the Coon and Loon by the waters edge they will need extra light to see where they are going, so thankful God gave us the Moon for the Night and Sun for the daylight. Yes, the Loon and the Coon will be happy with the MOON lighting up the Lagoon and Sky!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    Yes the moon will give will give the coon and loon light to do what they need to do. It reminds us that "soon" it will be time to go to bed and get our beauty sleep.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    Ahhh, sleeping by the light of the moon soon sounds great. Where will we go to sleep? I don't think we need a place for a SNOB. Did we bring a tent and sleeping bags?

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,662 Member
    Susan, thanks for the reminder, I was trying to turn the knob on the door handle to get the sleeping bags and the tent out of my utility room and the door KNOB wouldn’t turn?? Any ideas Ladies??

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    Yuu need to oil the knob of the utility room so you can get the door open. I would come to help you but I can not get my shoes on. There is a tight "knot" in my shoelaces and I can not get it undone.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    edited January 11
    You need to oil the knob of the utility room so you can get the door open. I would come to help you but I can not get my shoes on. There is a tight "knot" in my shoelaces and I can not get it undone.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,662 Member
    Thank you Linda for the help in using oil on the knob and for your willingness to help. Sorry about the Knot in your shoe laces. Not Fun: so we are in a predicament as I tried oiling the Door Knob and it didn’t work: so please NOTE until I can get the Door Knob to open we are on Hold until we can find a better plan! Sorry 😞 all!

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,739 Member
    I note the knob is stuck and vote we call a handyman to fix it before nightfall!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,662 Member
    Thank you Susan, I agree and add my Vote to yours! Yes all this waiting is taking it’s TOLE! We sure need to get through this door soon!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,882 Member
    I do hope the handyman gets here soon so we can get our sleeping bags and tents out of the locked utility room. Did anyone tell him to take the "toll" road? It is a faster route to take to get to our house.