Change 1 Letter in 4 to Make a Word



  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,839 Member
    An homophone for the word toes above would be "tows" that will be using in another thread.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,608 Member
    I love this sitting in the Rose Garden smelling the wonderful scent and sinking my toes in the soil, what fun and what joy! In our Garden we are safe we don’t need to worry about any FOES coming our way!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,839 Member
    While we are sitting in the rose garden digging our toes in the dirt, it is safe for even the "does" to come with their fawns to visit and eat the rose leaves. The roses will grow faster with their pruning.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    That DOES sound peaceful and rather wonderful!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,839 Member
    I can feel myself relax as I picture the picture in my head. Who waters and weeds this lovely rose garden? I saw some "hoes" in the corner so there must be a caretaker.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,839 Member
    I can feel myself relax as I picture the picture in my head. Who waters and weeds this lovely rose garden? I saw some "hoes" in the corner so there must be a caretaker.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Let's wait and see who goes to the shed with the key. That will be the caretaker.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,608 Member
    Yes the caretaker is really a good worker, he keeps the gardens looking so beautiful. I was out working in the garden and was thinking the garden needed Some more fertilizer. It is kept in the shed. Once the caretaker comes I will ask him if he can bring us the fertilizer, I will be happy to put Some of the fertilizer over the garden.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,839 Member
    Fertilizer is so important for the plants. I have heard that epsom salts is good to help them bloom. I will try that on my roses this summer. I would love to have the "most" blooms possible.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Even grey water can be good for plants. Or some other things like spoiled (or fresh!) milk! You can add some if these things to a mist bottle to spray in thr leaves of some plants.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,608 Member
    Yes Zlinda, I buy Epsom salts and spread them around my garden which also keeps bugs away from my plants, thanks Susan about adding the milk and grey water to the plants; I will try some milk this year when I plant my garden! I will make a LIST of these suggestions and try them out!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,839 Member
    My grape hyacinth is starting to bloom. I wonder if putting milk on it would make the blossoms "last". They are so pretty I want to enjoy them for a long time.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,839 Member
    My grape hyacinth is starting to bloom. I wonder if putting milk on it would make the blossoms "last". They are so pretty I want to enjoy them for a long time.

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,608 Member
    Wow, and with your weather being so sporadic, cold snow rain etc etc 😳 It’s a thought, it would be nice if putting Milk on the plant would make it last, back east my husband and I wrapped certain smaller trees and shrubbery in burlap to keep them safe from the elements of Bitterly Cold Ontario Weather, not sure about your plant but we need to think of a solution FAST

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    You both have to think of how to protect your plants from the cold. We think more about protecting them from the heat! Except in Tasmania. They get snow there. I would Google your plant, Linda, and see if there are some recommendations for what to put on it to help the blooms last. Milk helps certain plants but not others. I should have cautioned you both about that 😀. In the past, I have tried lots of home remedies on lots of different plants!

  • 316Judith
    316Judith Posts: 7,608 Member
    Thank you Susan, it’s good to try different home remedies, and like you in the Past, I have found out thru trial and error some work some don’t. 😳Very thoughtful of you Susan to see if there is something that will help Linda’s blooms Last longer. We will have to find out the STAT Lists on some of these home remedies and see who has highest number of success!

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,839 Member
    Yes I need help to keep my blooms to last on my roses as well as my orange "star" plant. It's blossoms are so pretty and the smell is so sweet it can be overwhelming in a small room.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    edited March 16
    I know the sun can sometimes burn blooms before their time. A shady tarp can help them stay fresh longer.

  • Healthyme7410
    Healthyme7410 Posts: 9,839 Member
    Putting out a "trap" to stop bugs and worms from eating the blossoms will help also.

  • LosinSusin
    LosinSusin Posts: 4,711 Member
    Yes. Insect traps are very useful in the garden. We need to protect the birds from being so rapt about the trapped insects, they eat them. It's OK if they insects aren't poisoned?
