Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,378 Member
    edited February 2022
    @Cormierannie,,, Did you enjoy the game? I DID NOT get the outcome I wanted, though SO CLOSE SO VERY CLOSE!! THey should of KICKED the ball. Oh well, it was not my team anyways.
    @Cseguin2 ,,,, How much snow did you get today? We had the prettiest huge snow flakes for hours this AM!! SO COOL!!! Awww enjoy your son being there with you all!! Did you enjoy the game? How did you do with the eating? Any cool recipes to share?
    @Wallahalla,,,, Awww it's so cool when a H and W share the responsibilies. I am so happy my Mom taught my brothers to CLEAN!! Its something their wives (1 GF of 40 plus years) THANKED HER FOR!! SMART LADY!!
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,185 Member
    Good morning. We only got a dusting of snow.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,409 Member
    It's 31 feels like 25 with a high of 56 for today. Axe Sharpening: Don't overthink it, friends. Eat well. Sleep well. Love on your animals. Laugh. Play. Smile.~~Stephanie Lawler 1st Phorm Elite Trainer Action for Happiness: Tell a loved one or friend why they are special to you. Fitness quote for today: Think BIGGER and work Motivational quote for today: Your worries are not your reality. Read that again.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and 14,269 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is to work on the fundamental cross training/cross fit movements.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,819 Member
    Good morning! Well my sprinting around nyc now has me on the injured list. I sprained/strained a muscle in my calf. It hurts. Dr said Tylenol and heating pad and it will get better
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,378 Member
    @Patti241,,,,, pretty!! So pretty and easier to shovel!! Today ohhhh my it's COLD OUT!! I did go out for a short walk to the grocery store. On the way down I didn't wear my gloves, on the way home, LOL I DID!!
    @BookieNj,, OUCHERS!! OUCHERS!!! How's it doing when you see this? Also if you have any biofreeze, or any muscular ,, icy stop etc? Those help me out also. I hope it lets up soon.
    @Wallahalla,,, Awww he tried.

    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited February 2022
    Good Evening Everyone!

    We got about 3 inches or more. So beautiful while it was falling as we got big fluffy flakes. Really enjoyed watching the game and glad that Stafford got his win he has worked so hard for. We ended up just having taco dip with multigrain tostitos as dinner ended up being later than planned and we were all still pretty full.

    Today was a good day. Went to Mom's to get stuff ready for the move of the stuff being donated. Got some movement done. Hubby bought me roses and a card. It has been along time since he has bought me flowers and I love that's what he got me instead of chocolate although they would have be enjoyed as well. He said that he didn't get them because weigh day is tomorrow. I am excited to go to TOPS tomorrow but nervous as it is the first meeting since Mom has passed. I am not worried about the scale as it will be what it will be.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,378 Member
    @Cseguin2 ,, Awwww LOVE LOVE that your sweet H didn't get you chocolates in order to support your weight loss efforts!! That's so sweet, chocolates couldn't be any sweeter!!! THAT's a KEEPER as they say. Awwwwwww

    Indeed I'd not worry about what the scale says, remember Sparks taught us it's NOT a "DIE"t , its a lifestyle and into life sad and happy things happen. Any weight that has come off, you are a strong woman, you'll get it back off.

    Hmmmm on the game,,, LOLOLOL Hey the Bengals SHOULD OF KICKED!! That'd of sent it into OT and they'd of had a chance. But at the same time GLAD you are happy and enjoyed it. You needed that.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,185 Member
    Diane: Yeah it was very easy to just sweep it away and the breeze did the rest.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,409 Member
    It's 41 feels like 36 with a high of 65 for today. Axe Sharpening: Don't complain about the odds. Beat'em. Don't complain about fair. Do your best.~~Derek Weida 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Support a local business with a positive online review or friendly message. Fitness quote for today: My best is yet to come!~~courtesy of fitness quotes app Motivational quote for today: Enjoy your own life with your own rules. You'll soon realize that it doesn't matter what others think of you.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 13,401 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is Cross Training Week 3, Day 1 in the gym after my hair appointment.
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,819 Member
    @Dianedoessmiles1 -well I still haven’t pulled out the heating pad (I am lazy and don’t want the work to find it-but probably will soon) and honestly laying on the couch seems to be helping it. So I am doing that.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,378 Member
    @Patti241 ,, that's the way to have it!! YO another cold cold day. Today it's an INSIDE day!! TY TY TY for posting this AM!! That DID HELP us!
    @Bookienj,,,, Oh I am always on mine!! I have one (Extra long found on Amazon, it's very soft has 10 settings) in my recliner and another one on the bed. LOL About ready to plug in another one for the bed and use 2!! YO this getting oldah is not for sissies!! For many years I've slept with one wrapped around my neck. It helps me out so MUCH.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Today turned out to be an emotionally tiring day. Went to TOPS thinking that it would be just like every other meeting. Boy was I wrong entered and everyone looked at me and I broke down. Got several hugs and kind words. Got on the scale and lost 3.05 lbs! Woohoo! Was highest loser since our last weigh-in in January! The rest of the meeting went well and had lots of laughs. Then met with my brother at Mom's to go over what is going where and to move more to my place. After that had lunch and did my exercise (had to force myself). Foods today have been all comfort/junk foods with little veggies. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • dkhudson56
    dkhudson56 Posts: 670 Member
    Had dr appt yesterday. I am now on generic Ambien. Said I'd never go back on prescriptions again but it is necessary so I can get more sleep. My mind never shuts off at night. Mom of course isn't happy cos medicine can cause side effects (LOL she's on 11 different ones daily plus I think 4 others as needed). Told her the side effects of me not getting enough sleep, falling, possibly breaking something and not being able to take care of her could be worse. Dr would never give me anything in past to help me sleep but he's seen the weight I've lost and not on any other prescriptions now and probably also my falling apart telling him everything that's been going on changed his mind. I go back in a month. I felt good when I woke this morn. Bowled last night 2 games over average 1 under. I was a lot more relaxed then I normally am. I believe because I got Friday night out away from Mom. Tomorrow Mom has appt with new cardiologist. One of my bowling partners gave me 4 pairs of jeans size 12. She's lost weight and they were too big for her. A little snug but I can wear them. I think 5 lbs they won't be snug. The last jeans I got from my SIL in November and are now too big for me. I gave them to my sister
  • wallahalla
    wallahalla Posts: 1,781 Member
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,378 Member
    @Cseguin2,,, Awww I love how the people you know are so very supportive!! Its very touching!! And WOOHOO on being the highest loser ,, especially with what you've been through!! Glad you all got more done today at your Moms. WTG on forcing yourself to take care of yourself with the exercise, and yes, we crave emotionally comfort food, when things are hard. Hugs from all of us.
    @dkhudson56 ,,, There are times we need medication to get better. In time after you get used to sleeping, you may, or may not be able to be weaned off it. That's between you and your Dr of course. Being a care taker is ANYTHING BUT EASY!!! I'm so sorry your Mom can be harsh at times. But you know its not easy, and hey WOOHOO on the bowling!! WTG!! I LOVE bowling, but I am not not not good at it. HOWEVER everyone LOVES it when I go!! WHY? LOL I am rather animated doing it, so to HOPEFULLY distract from my score!!! Of course we aren't in a league so that type of foolishness is okay. LOL!! That's a GREAT GREAT NSV with the jeans!! WOW!! That's my goal, a size 12, I am at a 16/18 and hoping by the end of the year a 14 again. SUPER CONGRATS!!
    @Wallahalla,, HAHAHAHAH With a cow,, OH MY indeed!! YO!!! We had a field of cows when I was kid close by where we lived (city). To this day I LOVE COWS!! I had gone to visit my Dad with my Mum (step). Dad went out of his way to go home in a different telling Mum "Watch her." OF COURSE I was all "AWWW AWWW AWWWW" so we pulled over, and the cows came right over to me. They were laughing (I WAS HOPING I hadn't attracted the cows because it was FL, and it was HOT ,,, so did I SMELL LIKE ONE??? LOL). Its their eyes, and awwww their very sweet expressions.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,185 Member
    Diane: Yeah, I agree. Today is supposed to be in the 50's and tommorrow in the 60's but rain in the evening.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,409 Member
    It's 59 feels like 55 with a high of 65 for today. Axe Sharpening: You gotta keep going. What are you gonna do, quit? That's not an option.~~Chico Bean 1st Phorm Advisor Action for Happiness: Check in on someone who may be struggling and offer to help. Fitness quote for today: Gym is my therapy.~~~gymaholic Motivational quote for today: Every day is a second chance to try again, to change and to be a better you.~~unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 16,058 steps yesterday. Today's training plan is: modified for at home cross training week 3, day 2.