This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Jean, I’m sure it is frustrating to have to wait for a non-emergency procedure, especially when the cause of your wait is because of the ignorance or selfishness of others. I’m glad you are able to rest and (try to) relax at home while you wait. You are very charitable and gracious in your attitude toward those who are causing your wait.

    When I was in the ER after my accident, I was told that I was spending the night in that unit because they had a waiting list of 50 to 60 patients for beds in the hospital. And that was before the latest wave of infections had started to spike. Of course, after the surgery on my arm was done the next day, they had to find me a bed, so I did go to a unit in the hospital afterward. I do think they were in a hurry to discharge me as I would have benefitted from one more night in the hospital before going home. I was extremely weak and barely able to walk at the time of discharge and was having bouts of extremely low blood pressure, but they sent me home anyway.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    I am home with an appointment with the cardiologist later this month. The problem still exists but it is non-emergency. I just spend a lot of time resting. The hospital is one of those overcrowded with Covid patients, so a pecking order is established for those wanting/needing a room. It just means that the cardiologist couldn't start me on the new med as it requires hospitalization. I could say something about those Covid patients who did not have one vaccine shot, but a severely ill person needs help regardless of bad decision making.

    It is a "wonderful" 5 degrees. We had six inches of snow but an hour away, they had 13 inches. Love the way storms track. The news said some who only had a 30 minute drive never packed emergency provisions not thinking they would ever be trappe

    In the meantime, I am existing with a heart rate in the 120s non-stop. I send a copy of my ECG I do at home to my carddiologist. I know what to do if I should have to go to the ER. I also just rest a lot.

    Good thoughts for your heart to hang in there continue!

    I've read a lot of articles and done a lot of thinking/soul searching about hospital triage decisions and vaccine status. Hospitals have done even more thinking/soul searching. They constantly have to make life and death decisions and having to decide who to save when they can't save everyone, while not everyday decisions, do arise. One minute I'm going down the path of "of course vaccination status should factor in" and then I remember "oh, they also need to decide whether to factor in obesity, drug use, alcohol use, and other bad decisions". Luckily no one cares about my opinion because I flip flop.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    It is COLD here in Maryland. I fed this morning, left a ton of food since we may get freezing rain tomorrow, then came home and filled the bird feeders.

    I'm in a mood to organize so look out diet food and cat food stashes!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - love it!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    We're supposed to get freezing rain today and the farther north you go the more ice is predicted. Could be power outages in PA. I'm hoping not here.

    Just finishing up week one of 2022 diet and so far I've been pretty good at sticking at it in spite of all the challenges (food ordering, boredom, etc.)

    I've got my food picked out and spreadsheets filled out for the coming week.

    Now I need to dig into CROM paperwork.

    I HATE when things I've relied on for years disappear. Latest? McCormick pork tenderloin seasoning with cooking bag. Such an easy but good dinner. I pretty much wiped out ebay yesterday.

    What I really hate is when I find out about something disappearing so late not even sellers on ebay have it - case in point - Wonderslim Marinara Ziti.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Headline in the Baltimore Sun today:

    Staffs of Maryland hospitals, stressed and sickened with COVID-19, know ‘cavalry’ isn’t coming

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    We have freezing rain today, but I am not venturing out. This type of weather always seems to elevate my urge to eat--and not veggies.

    I have a new interest. I downloaded one of those color by number apps and have become addicted to it. Great way to relax and spend time, and it also sharpens visual acuity and perception in the process.

    I think I will have chili for lunch; not a fancy Sunday dinner but satisfying.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Jean, that’s great that you’ve found the coloring app that keeps boredom away and relaxes you. I hope you get a new date soon. We’re just staying home as much as possible and masking when we go out. I feel pretty safe on the island but avoid crowds. DH has some medical appointments in FT Meyers next week. It’s a new primary care. He had the same doctor for 4 years and we got a call in November saying he was gone. Who knows where he went. He’ll met the new doctor Tuesday.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    We have freezing rain today, but I am not venturing out. This type of weather always seems to elevate my urge to eat--and not veggies.

    I have a new interest. I downloaded one of those color by number apps and have become addicted to it. Great way to relax and spend time, and it also sharpens visual acuity and perception in the process.

    I think I will have chili for lunch; not a fancy Sunday dinner but satisfying.

    I have a good friend who does a lot of very detailed coloring. Color by numbers sounds like a cool take on that.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - another great one!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    edited January 2022
    Gotta love the first week of a diet. Lost 4 pounds.

    I was going merrily along feeding this morning, went to the post office to put money in the one CROM account that was almost empty (as usual had to educate the clerk), and then was ready to head to Towson to the drive through window at CROM's bank (to deposit checks; not trusting mail) when my tire light came on. I probably could have made it to Towson and back (I have what's called run flat tires and you can go like 50 or 75 miles, I forget which). But I was good and came home.

    DH identified the problem as the front passenger side and we called AAA. They came in an hour amazingly. The guy (who was almost too fat to move, COVID risk much?) changed the tire and we discovered the old tire had a huge nail (gotta love the colonies). So I (notice I said I) put the old tire in the car and went over to Mr. Tire.

    The kid at Mr. Tire, with the exalted title of assistant manager, turns out to be related to the people two doors down from us, and does not have the authority to actually order a tire. That has to wait for the manager tomorrow. Geesh!

    Then I finally went to the bank. Came back around, got as far as the major intersection nearest our house, thinking I'm almost home, but NO!

    They were apparently giving out COVID test kits at the senior center and traffic was backed up for like a mile in every direction. Took me forever to make it the short rest of the way home.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Jean, that’s great that you’ve found the coloring app that keeps boredom away and relaxes you. I hope you get a new date soon. We’re just staying home as much as possible and masking when we go out. I feel pretty safe on the island but avoid crowds. DH has some medical appointments in FT Meyers next week. It’s a new primary care. He had the same doctor for 4 years and we got a call in November saying he was gone. Who knows where he went. He’ll met the new doctor Tuesday.

    Apparently the exodus of personnel from health care is huge (much like the exodus from many other fields). I'm up-to-date but I wonder when I have to start the cycle over again how many of my doctors will be around.

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    What a morning, Maryanne! I’m glad you got everything done, despite all the obstacles you encountered. I agree with you about the state of our healthcare system. I’ve also been reading about how bad the burnout is in all aspects of the system and how many people are just leaving. I can’t even imagine how exhausted, frustrated, and just plain fed up they must be. And I can’t blame them one bit if they do choose to walk away. I’d hate to be starting out a career in nursing or any adjacent field right now.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I’d love to know if DH’s previous doctor relocated to somewhere else or if he’s left the profession. We might be able to find out when DH checks in with the doctor’s office tomorrow. She’s in the same office that he used so maybe the receptionist will let us know where Dr B went if we ask her.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    What a morning, Maryanne! I’m glad you got everything done, despite all the obstacles you encountered. I agree with you about the state of our healthcare system. I’ve also been reading about how bad the burnout is in all aspects of the system and how many people are just leaving. I can’t even imagine how exhausted, frustrated, and just plain fed up they must be. And I can’t blame them one bit if they do choose to walk away. I’d hate to be starting out a career in nursing or any adjacent field right now.

    DH told me this morning about Omicron parties. People trying to get it. Have they not seen the exhausted, sometimes in tears, ICU personnel on TV? His answer is they aren't watching the news stations Probably right.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    As hard as it is some days to roll out of bed, bundle up to the nines, and go out to feed, I'm glad I have an excuse to get out of the house. While it's great to be able to work at home, especially the last 2 years, I think I'd go stir crazy if I couldn't at least go out to feed. I'm already starting to miss the grocery stores and the thought of cancelling my hair appointment this week makes me very sad.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    mdubbs1 wrote: »
    DH told me this morning about Omicron parties. People trying to get it. Have they not seen the exhausted, sometimes in tears, ICU personnel on TV? His answer is they aren't watching the news stations Probably right.

    WTH??? These people are just plain crazy!

    I’m mostly only going to medical appointments right now, but it still gets me out of the house. I have OT today and Friday, and I see my ortho doc Thursday morning.

    I ordered a new compact and lightweight hairdryer from Amazon that should arrive today. While I was drying my hair Friday my old one died. I had had it for at least 20 years and mainly used it for travel, but it was perfect for me to use right now because it was so light that I could hold it with my weak right hand. My usual dryer is too heavy for me to hold right now. I’m hoping the new one will be similar in weight and function to the old one. I also used it at my SIL’s house because my other one blows the breakers in her house. It’s a nuisance to have to go outside to where her breaker box is located to throw the switches every few minutes until my hair is dry, lol!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I think the recent decision by some entities regarding having those who test positive but have no symptoms to report to work stinks. They report to work and share the virus. Wonderful thinking. When do no symptoms turn into symptoms? Taking a risk there.

    I spent 10 days in quarantine with zero people contact. Contacts were by text or Messenger. Some would drop off some things but would text me that they were dropping the item off on my porch. When they left, I retrieved the item.