This Year is Our Year for Success!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    I saw the neuro opthalmologist today and there is good news and bad news. The good news is that he said there is no damage at all to my optic nerve. The bad news is that he said the accident definitely pushed my lens implant out of position and that it will eventually need to be corrected but is not urgent. He also mentioned glaucoma, which has never been an issue before. My retina specialist always checks the pressure in both eyes and it has always been in normal range, as recently as 2 weeks ago. I’m wondering if it’s just a difference in measuring tools or technique since I’ve never had an issue with it before. This doctor is referring me back to the opthalmologist who did my lens implants, so I guess that is my next step.

    Our cold weather with possible sleet and snow has been pushed back to arrive Wednesday evening and is projected to only last for a couple of days. They keep saying this storm won’t be nearly as severe as last year’s storm and I sincerely hope the forecasters are correct.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    I saw the neuro opthalmologist today and there is good news and bad news. The good news is that he said there is no damage at all to my optic nerve. The bad news is that he said the accident definitely pushed my lens implant out of position and that it will eventually need to be corrected but is not urgent. He also mentioned glaucoma, which has never been an issue before. My retina specialist always checks the pressure in both eyes and it has always been in normal range, as recently as 2 weeks ago. I’m wondering if it’s just a difference in measuring tools or technique since I’ve never had an issue with it before. This doctor is referring me back to the opthalmologist who did my lens implants, so I guess that is my next step.

    Our cold weather with possible sleet and snow has been pushed back to arrive Wednesday evening and is projected to only last for a couple of days. They keep saying this storm won’t be nearly as severe as last year’s storm and I sincerely hope the forecasters are correct.

    I see two different eye specialists and they do not use the same method of measuring pressure. The results aren't that different but they are different.

    I've been seeing one for "suspicion of glaucoma" for probably 10 years now. Sometimes I wonder to myself when we think the "suspicion" has passed but he's never said anything so I haven't either.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I almost missed that today's 2/2/22 and we'll have 2/22/22 later this month.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    A grey rainy day here in Baltimore. It's supposed to rain through tomorrow. But at least it's not ice or snow!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    States dealing with too much money. Maryland is apparently considering removing income taxes from retirees. That would be wonderful. I'd like to actually retire someday and I am NOT moving to Florida.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    It’s extremely cold here. We had rain late yesterday afternoon, which later turned to sleet throughout the night and into this morning. It started snowing a couple of hours ago. Our power fluctuated last night, starting about 10:30, went out for an hour at 11:00, then came back on for a few minutes. At midnight it went out again, and didn’t come back on again until 10:45 this morning. It got down to about 58 degrees in the house. After all the doomsday prepping DH did after last year’s storm, he failed to prepare for this one. He didn’t get the generators set up in advance, so this morning he was trying to get one going, along with a portable propane heater. I’m wearing 3 layers of clothing, wool socks, and fingerless gloves. Hopefully the power will stay on now. Our weather is supposed to start improving Saturday.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Today is my youngest sister’s birthday. I left her a phone message of birthday greetings. My older sister told me Rose was going to CT for a family wedding. Her husband wasn’t in favor of going but I guess she prevailed. She’s been the most paranoid about being exposed to Covid so I’m surprised she’d get on a plane. With the winter storms, I’m hoping they don’t get stranded at an airport along the way. I would have voted with her husband and stayed home.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    It’s extremely cold here. We had rain late yesterday afternoon, which later turned to sleet throughout the night and into this morning. It started snowing a couple of hours ago. Our power fluctuated last night, starting about 10:30, went out for an hour at 11:00, then came back on for a few minutes. At midnight it went out again, and didn’t come back on again until 10:45 this morning. It got down to about 58 degrees in the house. After all the doomsday prepping DH did after last year’s storm, he failed to prepare for this one. He didn’t get the generators set up in advance, so this morning he was trying to get one going, along with a portable propane heater. I’m wearing 3 layers of clothing, wool socks, and fingerless gloves. Hopefully the power will stay on now. Our weather is supposed to start improving Saturday.

    I bet your hubby becomes even more of a prepper. I know mine has!

    BUT it's raining and well over freezing here today!

    Here's hoping you continue to have power!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Today is my youngest sister’s birthday. I left her a phone message of birthday greetings. My older sister told me Rose was going to CT for a family wedding. Her husband wasn’t in favor of going but I guess she prevailed. She’s been the most paranoid about being exposed to Covid so I’m surprised she’d get on a plane. With the winter storms, I’m hoping they don’t get stranded at an airport along the way. I would have voted with her husband and stayed home.

    If left to my own devices I'd still be grocery shopping but I'd also still be wearing masks and no way I'd get on a plane. I'm hoping by March we'll be able to do the cat show (masked), be grocery shopping and go back to the hairdresser.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Are any of you playing Wordle? I’m finding it very addicting and fun. The official game is on a website, but there are several imitation apps available as well. I read a tip to always start out with the word “adieu” as your first guess because it uses almost all of the vowels, and that seems to be a very good strategy.

    Our temperature got above freezing today and there was a good bit of melting, but it is supposed to drop into the teens tonight, so everything will refreeze. At least our power stayed on, so no problem staying warm or cooking. My next home will have a gas cooktop, if at all possible. I had that option for this one, but I was used to cooking on electric stoves, so I went with what was familiar.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I hadn’t heard of Wordless until this week. Many people I know are playing it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Are any of you playing Wordle? I’m finding it very addicting and fun. The official game is on a website, but there are several imitation apps available as well. I read a tip to always start out with the word “adieu” as your first guess because it uses almost all of the vowels, and that seems to be a very good strategy.

    Our temperature got above freezing today and there was a good bit of melting, but it is supposed to drop into the teens tonight, so everything will refreeze. At least our power stayed on, so no problem staying warm or cooking. My next home will have a gas cooktop, if at all possible. I had that option for this one, but I was used to cooking on electric stoves, so I went with what was familiar.

    I heard of Wordle but that's about it.

    There was a gas stove in this house when we moved in. I'd never used gas before but have gotten used to it. Scary during our earthquake though. When the shaking started, before we knew what it was (frankly "they finally bombed DC is what went through my mind") DH ran to the kitchen to hold down the gas stove.

    We figure this will be our last gas stove. Aren't they being outlawed going forward?
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Greetings We managed to avoid most of the ice storm but did get enough to make driving a bad decision. At least, we didn't lose power. 

    This has been a hectic week. My best friend died on Groundhog's Day, the same day I had a cardiology appointment. I am very used now to our state having a big Covid surge. On the news this morning,, it was announced the new variant to succeed Omicron has made its presence known in our state. This is getting old, but I am still waiting for a hospital bed to become available. I am low on the list of priority patients but I can't start the new med without doing it in a hospital.

    I made a mistake watching AM Style on QVC. I ordered two pair of crop pants, one in black and one in gray. The crops I have are now too big so I can justify this purchase. My cardiology appointment was only two weeks after the last one, but in that time I had lost two more pounds.

    I got one of those under desk ellipticals and used it today. I think I am going to like it but will build up on the time and amount of resistance.

    Silly me just checked my checking account to see if the Feds had deposited my refund. Florida isn't bad if you want to declare bankruptcy. Your home is safe! I had a neighbor who purchased a very nice home in Florida, moved there without selling here and declared bankruptcy. They were able to keep their home but the one here was seized.

  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,936 Member
    Jean, I’m so sorry for the loss of your best friend. I’m sure you will miss her. Was her passing sudden?

    Congrats on the weight loss and needing smaller clothes. I’m sorry you are still waiting for a hospital bed, as I know that is frustrating. DH has a friend in a similar situation who needs a heart procedure done. He was scheduled for it a month or so ago but tested positive for Covid in his pre-op tests, which turned out to be a false positive. However, his procedure had already been cancelled and rescheduled. He was supposed to have it on Monday, but called DH last night to tell him it was again cancelled because now his doctor is sick. This man is not the most patient of patients, so he’s extremely frustrated at this point.

    We are continuing to thaw out. It was very cold last night, but our heat and power stayed on and nothing froze. Our pool didn’t even freeze over, unlike others in the area that I’ve seen posted. Today the temp is supposed to get into the 40’s — a regular heat wave!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Jean - I'm so very sorry about your best friend! What an awful thing to happen during this already terrible time!

    (But congrats on the smaller pants.)

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    Pam - I can't blame anyone who needs medical care for getting frustrated (all the unvaccinated folks willing to risk their own lives are risking other folks' lives as well))!

    I'm glad your power stayed on. It's really weird that your weather is worse than ours this week.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Jean, that’s so sad about losing your best friend. Will her family have a funeral? During the worst of Covid, so many families had to forego funerals. Enjoy your new pants. It’s nice to need a smaller size. I hope you don’t have to wait too much longer for your hospital appointment. DH and I are dog sitting for 2 days. A friend had to fly to Michigan on business and asked if we’d take care of his husky. She’s pretty high energy. DH took her for several walks and we threw tennis balls for her to chase. She’s sound asleep on the couch right now.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    edited February 2022
    Helene610 wrote: »
    Jean, that’s so sad about losing your best friend. Will her family have a funeral? During the worst of Covid, so many families had to forego funerals. Enjoy your new pants. It’s nice to need a smaller size. I hope you don’t have to wait too much longer for your hospital appointment. DH and I are dog sitting for 2 days. A friend had to fly to Michigan on business and asked if we’d take care of his husky. She’s pretty high energy. DH took her for several walks and we threw tennis balls for her to chase. She’s sound asleep on the couch right now.

    Ooh, dog sitting sounds fun!

    I guess technically the funeral home still owes dad for a prepaid funeral but, especially with my sister gone, I can't imagine we'd ever do it. His ashes were buried at the time at my baby brother's insistence (I personally don't "get" burying ashes but it's what dad wanted.)
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,648 Member
    I had another good week. Lost a pound. I guess at my age that's about what I can expect not dropping even lower in calories. 8 pounds to go before I can stand to face the cardiologist (why oh why do I do this to myself?) Then would be great if this year I'd finally keep going. Heaven knows there's probably a year's worth of diet food in this house, with the possible exception of getting additional NS frozen food from time to time, and of course grocery store frozen food.

    I'm back on the treadmill and back to watching My 600-lb Life on my tablet while I do. I'm up to season 7. If watching 600-lb people shovel food into their mouth doesn't inspire me to keep my mouth closed occasionally what will?
