Being Relatable

arid28 Posts: 3 Member
I wonder a lot if I am the only one who starts a new "Day One" at least once a week.
I always tell myself tomorrow will be different. "Tomorrow I will start".
How does someone change their mindset? I am in this ongoing binging loop.
I see all over Tiktok about "eat more and lose weight" "reverse dieting.."
But what is there for those of us that overeat and binge and don't restrict those calories?
I feel so alone on this journey sometimes. So I created an instagram to show people that I struggle and to see if there are others out there as well. (@arielelizabethfitness)
I've listened to podcasts, read books, watched YouTube videos, TikToks Instagram Reels. And I just can't seem to combat this.
There are so many individuals that "struggle to eat". I just don't understand. We as a species are made to eat to survive, so what trait do I have that they don't?
Another question I ask myself is why do I have to do all these workouts, watch what I eat, drink all this water, when there are people out there who are genetically born with good metabolisms.
Am I supposed to be balancing my metabolism? fixing my gut health? reverse dieting? cutting? bulking?
Doing cardio? strength training? Neither? There is so much information out there that it is SO overwhelming.
I hope there are others that can relate, just know you are not alone and this is a battle with emotional eating/binge eating. People need to talk about it more because it is a very prominent eating disorder.
If anyone wants to drop their story, I would love to read it and see if any of my knowledge can contribute to your success.
We are in this together and I know there is a light, I know there is a way to overcome this!
Keep your hopes high. WE GOT THIS.


  • amyl3065
    amyl3065 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm just starting to become part of the myfitnesspal community, but I completely relate to you on all levels! I've been on this rollercoaster for WAY too long. I was told that I have to find out why I emotionally eat to get over it. Have you been told the same?
  • philwlane
    philwlane Posts: 1 Member
    I am that person you described! It's every Monday, every morning, every 1st of the month, after every big event involving food... One thing that helped me was a personal dietician that I met with once a week who guided me on a low carb diet for two months. I lowered by blood sugar and lost weight; however, I could not afford the $100 a week long term and I have slowly gone back to my old eating habits.

    The more I dwell on what I "should" eat, the hungrier I am for something I shouldn't.

    Best wishes on your journey. You can do this! Diane
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Yes, I totally relate! I think about eating and trying to keep myself from eating most of the day. Literally, ALL DAY. I can think back to 15 years ago, sitting at my computer desk in my office and having trouble focusing on anything except eating.

    I too am always searching for new exercises, new plans, but with so many things out there, I am constantly changing my mind. Consistency is a problem for me with many aspects of my life. I recognize this but have yet to really change this part of myself.

    Since yesterday, I have wanted to eat my cheap, college staple of noodles with Italian dressing and parmesan cheese. As I am typing this, it is ALL I can think about. Lots of people/websites/etc. say that I should allow myself to eat my craving in moderation. But I mentally cannot eat my craving in moderation. I will eat it and crave it until there is no more left in the house and I am feeling miserable from over-eating. So I have to abstain from eating one bite of it and resorting to feeling the craving all day.

    Lately, I want coffee all the time and I have been allowing myself to have it all day long. Luckily, I drink coffee with just a bit of cream, so calorie wise this will not hurt my weigh loss efforts except that I am barely drinking anything else all day. The result is that I am dehydrated and feeling run down and tired. I am going to try to drink a small glass of water with each coffee refill.

    These mental battles are exhausting and affecting other areas of my life. Thank you for sharing your struggles! Being able to vent here with someone who gets it means so much!