Shape Shifters Team Chat - MAY 2022



  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,872 Member
    edited May 2022
    angmarie28 wrote: »

    I really need to move more, I have been in a funk and really struggling, I did go to yoga last night, so that was good.

    @angmarie28 I had 5,885 recorded on the 9th...replaced it with the 6,788, correct?

    yes, apparently Fitbit hadn't caught up yet at that point, ha.

  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,872 Member
    Sorry for my lack of presence lately. We are on our last 3 weeks of school and I am organizing vaccine clinics, updating records, making sure everything is filed and in the computer. Planning health classes, ect, then at home, well lets just say I have a teen that thinks he should be allowed to do whatever he likes and shouldnt have rules, including at school, and is making my life quite difficult ugh. I have been far too busy and stressed to care about exercising, which really sucks, I am trying, but have not been very successful
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    Hi y'all: Hope everyone had a good day today. Nutrition wise, I did and fitness wise I did, but work was a pain and my boss was in a mood and passing it on to others. I struggled to get through the day, but finally did and was surprisingly productive after I put my headset on and shut everything out going on around me. Thank goodness for smooth jazz and Sirius XM.

    Got up early this morning and walked for 40 minutes and that was one of the highlights of my day. Packed my lunch, played with Hazel for a few minutes, did a few things around the house and then headed to work. Stuck with my food plan for the day...came home and walked another 15 minutes to give me a mile and a quarter of intentional walking...hit my step limit for the day. Fixed the last of my leftover baked chicken, steamed some broccoli and had enough calories left for a handful of chips and a hot pocket. Was a very good meal and filling. Tomorrow, I will need to fix something in my air fryer or run to the grocery to get another package of baked chicken. Might see if I can stick it out until the weekend, just to save time and be able to relax in the evening. We'll see...just trying to not eat out.

    Walked around the office a little bit every hour today, except for one, when I got stuck on a conference call and couldn't. Best I could do with that.

    Well, hope everyone has a great Wednesday.

    @pupowl your pictures are amazing...
    @LaurieWrobo You have certainly been through the ringer this year, but you're much stronger than you know because you've handled it with such grace AND taken care of day at a time is EXCELLENT advice...
    @PatriceFitnessPal I like the article and I agree...I think it helps to keep you accountable and I've been journaling my food BEFORE eating since my WW days because if I find I need to adjust my portions because I planned incorrectly, it allows me to do so and save a leftover portion for another day if need be. Thanks for sharing!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited May 2022
    @Yukie_OP - Thank you for your great insights on transitions. Since we don’t have as many formal ‘rituals’ as previous generations, I completely agree with you about the need to establish some personal ‘traditions.’ Our family tries to plan at least one trip together each year. We’re having some difficulty finding a time that works with so many competing schedules this year but I think we finally settled on some common dates yesterday. So, we’re going to plan a visit to Boston, where our oldest son is taking a summer course, and then travel to Acadia State Park during his break between the first and second summer sessions.

    My older son used to volunteer as the coxswain for our boat - and was so dedicated to getting up ridiculously early to help us - so I always appreciated sharing that morning time and interest together. He isn’t interested in rowing right now but my younger son and I do a short ab workout routine every day when he’s home from college. I wish we were able to continue while he’s at school but we can’t keep it going. My husband and I tried to build the same habit and we haven’t been able to get it started either. So, I’ll just enjoy the brief time I have left with him (20 year old son) home!

    We also established a tradition of watching a series or movie together about once a month or while we are on vacation together — and, during vacations together, we often have a puzzle going in a central location that draws us together while talking or sharing a laugh. I think these days are numbered as our 21 year old finishes college soon but we’re saving some money to entice them to join us for attractive travel destinations in the future. We told them we’ll always welcome a friend or parter to join if they need a ‘buffer’ or more independence. We’ll see how that works in the next few years —

    Shared experiences are so important to me, and they never need to be extravagant, but we might need to keep experimenting with the right level of family time if they establish families of their own, etc.

    @LaurieWrobo - I’m sure it’s extra difficult to lose the nearby support of your son while you’re caring for your husband. Have you been able to find a regular way to connect with him in Atlanta? My older son rarely calls - and it’s so difficult for me to even get a thumbs up 👍🏼 when I check in by text - but he does some work for my husband’s company so we set up two weekly check in meetings: one with both sons and me for completing tasks together (working meetings) and one short call that also includes my husband. We cancel when they have exams or something else going on but I’m glad to have some ‘proof of life.’ It’s been a good way to help them learn more about budgeting, taxes, cash flow (and lack of cash flow at tuition time! 🙃) and other business and ‘adulting’ skills. I’m sure they’ll gradually wean me from these meetings as they take full time jobs and work less, but maybe we can keep them on the payroll for a side gig that doesn’t take much time but allows me continued proof of life 😉.

    Thanks to both of you for adding to the discussion of managing transitions in response to my questions. I have to get back to work now but I’ll pick up later about some of the other topics covered recently. Best wishes, Shape Shifters!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 389 Member
    May 17 Steps = 9157
    Didn't make it for our evening walk due to teaching my Daughter how to parallel park! She is doing very well, her drivers road test is scheduled for May 27 first thing in the Morning! I can't believe my baby is 16 already, and my Son is 18 and graduated, I am far to "young" to have children this old :wink: :smile:
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,446 Member
    Current Maintenance Weigh In

    It's from sitting during the day the last two days even though I got some workouts in😥 couldn't grab my water when I was done so that plays a part too

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,446 Member
    5/15 6,148
    5/16 4,831
    5/17 4,925
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Tuesday - 17 May
    Steps: 15.594
    Not a very interesting day. I went to the gym which went well. I got some new clothes delivered; some tops, two blouses and a dress. I realised I didn't have enough clothes for warm weather. I burn really fast and I hate being in the sun, so I always wear something long sleeved over a top, which is where the blouses come in. I am also not a dress person at all, but I think it's nice to have for indoor at least. It was still really warm and I felt like crap all day basically. Planned to go to bed early, got distraced by YT so I went an hour past my planned time.
    Happy Wednesday everyone <3
  • Fattleass
    Fattleass Posts: 223 Member
    Maintenance Check in
    PW: 165.3 lbs. (previous weight)
    CW: 164.2 lbs. (current weight)
  • ac204
    ac204 Posts: 147 Member

    @ac204 Are you keeping your 7500 daily step goal for May, or did you want to alter it? Thank you for reporting in your steps. I've got you caught up now. Nice that you were able to have such great celebrations AND still lose weight! That walking is helping you!! WOOHOO! Nice loss gal!

    @jessicakrall8 thanks for your support! Yes, I would still like to keep the 7500 goal. I'm falling below but I'll keep it to motivate me to get there!

    5/16 7348
    5/17 6628
  • Jax_Grim
    Jax_Grim Posts: 381 Member
    So I had a bad eating day yesterday. I made crepes for the family and that cream cheese filling is a weakness. I at least worked most of it off. I was above my calorie goal, but I should have been close to a net deficit. I guess it wasn't all that bad.

    Steps (goal 14k)

    5/16 - 14809
    5/17 - 16619

  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    @paulerdmann1 Hey Paul...just checking on you...haven't heard from you in a while. Pop in and say hey and tell us how you're doing...hope you're having a good week!
    Jessica :smile:
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 599 Member
    @Jax_Grim crepes are delicious. I always make them Christmas morning.
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Wednesday - 18 May
    Steps: 12.801
    Good morning Shape Shifters. I had an okay day with 3 tiny victories. My dad came over and we had to buy some stuff first. New woodpallets for Tinus' litterbox and some hooks to put on the window so I can open them more without Tinus being able to push them open further and escape. My dad also wanted to go to the grocery store to buy bread and cheese. So that was my first hurdle of the day. I managed to only get a croissant and grapes for myself, yay. After we got home we started on the screens. I had them for 4 windows upstairs and I figured I would start with the one that is over the shed. Then I wouldn't have to go up the ladder all the way, but go on the roof first. That all went pretty smooth and fear free until I had to step backwards off the roof onto the ladder. Ugh! Not fun, but I managed (the ladder was sticking out a fair bit over the roof so I did have something to hold). The other 3 windows went well too, I actually wasn't really afraid, though I did make my dad hold the ladder. I hope they stay put properly (suction cups) and that they help with the heat upstairs.
    When everything was done, we headed to the Bospub for an early lunch. I got my usual avocadoburger. They always ask if you want fries and salad with it as well, and this is probably the first time I managed to say 'no, just the burger please'! Victory number two. The burger was delicious as always. When I got home, the nuts I ordered got delivered. I noticed I often have a craving for salt, and when that happens I am a lot more likely to order pizza or buy cheese. I have tried some other snacks like crackers to prevent this, but I will overeat on those. Now I will try with a lightly salted nut mix! For me that is not a trigger food or something I will binge on, so I hope it helps. It has pecans, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias and cashews, yum.
    The rest of the day I didn't do much. Really exhausted again, bad headache. I really struggled a lot with wanting to order food, but told myself to just drink my shake and that I wouldn't be hungry anymore after and the craving would go away. So I had my shake with some nuts and grapes, and I was right; not hungry anymore, no cravings. So I guess sticking to my foodplan was tiny victory three. I was really low on steps during the day and wanted to give up around 9200 but with a lot of effort I stepped to my 12.000 and went to bed really early.
    I doubt many of you will be interested, but I will put two pictures of the screens under the spoiler.
    Happy Thursday everyone <3
  • CasandraW
    CasandraW Posts: 599 Member
    @Pupowl what a wonderful day with lots of great victories! The shades look like they will help keep the sun out. Do they still let some light through?
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Thank you! Yes, it's a pretty warm light and you can also still look out. I think they advise you to take them down again after summer, but I am not sure I want do the ladder dance twice a year. So I will see how they hold up.
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 389 Member
    May 18 Steps = 10,136
    way too windy to go for a walk last night, we would of got blown over lol
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,872 Member
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,872 Member
    Previous weight-160.8
    Current weight-161
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,916 Member
    Daily Step goal: 10,000
    Sun 5/15: 11,108
    Mon 5/16: 13,762
    Tue 5/17: 14,410
    Wed 5/18: 10,101
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited May 2022
    I hope everyone is doing well. I’m catching up on some earlier posts that I didn’t have time to respond to yesterday —

    @ac204 - Great job managing your calories through all those celebrations earlier in May. I’m glad to hear positive news when we haven’t heard from someone in awhile. It’s nice that you were enjoying time with friends and family, not avoiding us 😉.

    @angmarie28 - The end of the school year is definitely a busy time. I hope most of your ‘close out’ tasks and preparation for next year are behind you now, and there’s a light (at least flickering) at the end of the tunnel!

    The teenage years are tough, aren’t they?! My son left for a camping trip with friends today, and I’m trying to focus on the fun they’ll likely have together instead of everything that could go wrong! 😬 Sometimes exercise can be a stress reliever and other times it just feels like one more thing on our list of stressors. Hang in there!

    @Pupowl - I don’t know what our family would do without the small park across the street from our house. It’s only one block to walk there and we regularly enjoy the gardens, dog play area, open space and ball fields. A National Park with that great view of the water is spectacular!

    I enjoyed reading the comments from you and @jessicakrall8 about the ‘good diary’ article. You’re tracking lots of data points! How’s it going? I was impressed to see that six Shape Shifters are using the F2F habit tracker this month. Two teams have 5 people signed in but our team has the most use. I hope our work pays off with healthy rewards!

    @JenHul - How is your office transition to a new boss going? I’m sorry to hear your colleague and friend retired. It’s so much more pleasant to work in a positive climate with people we like! If we’re having one ‘moody’ day, I think we can just communicate to our co-workers that we’re trying to manage some negative emotions and apologize ahead of time, instead of spreading it throughout the office like @jessicakrall8 boss did — You handled it well, Jessica!

    I was fortunate to have a wonderful boss for many years, which far outnumbered the few years I had to deal with a seriously unprofessional and corrupt one! I hope the windy weather dissipated so you can walk with daughter. It’s great that she spends that time with you. You must have a special relationship if you are teaching her to parallel park 😉. I’m from the city and pride myself on that skill but it’s a little scary pulling up so close to another car with a novice driver behind the wheel!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    @jessicakrall8 - Do you walk around the office every hour? My physical therapist said we should get up every 20 minutes but I take 20 minutes just to focus myself! 😳 — good for you for walking so much!

    I’d like to try your tip of journaling food BEFORE eating so I can make more conscious choices and plan better. I might try it.

    Everyone seems to be doing well - despite temptations like @Jax_Grim’s crepes! 😋 Congratulations on your losses, @Fattleass, @kcpond and others!

    Do you have any tips or insights about what worked for you so we can learn from your success?
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,872 Member
    Got up and worked out yesterday, not the best workout, but better then nothing. been busy today, so even though i didnt workout, Ive still been on the move. 10 more days of school, then I am down to only 1 job, thank goodness. I got them to give me 3 12s so I can have 4 days off a week, I dont know what I will do with myself, I have worked 6, sometimes 7 days a week for 9 months, I cant wait, haha
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member

    Missing the following two weigh-ins so far this week (incl today):

    Please report in promptly...thanks!
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,916 Member
    Daily Post: Thursday, May 19

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes (🤽‍♂️60 min;🚶‍♂️2.5 mi/62 min;👣12,012 steps)

  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Thanks for asking. I am doing much better now that I am writing everything down. There are some small hiccups now and then, but my food is mostly under control. I guess it helps that it is now on my mind most of the day because I am tracking various things, so there is no mindless snacking/eating. Making sure what I am feeling is actual hunger is important as well. I also make sure to eat on the couch without distractions; being mindfull while eating helps with feeling full.
    I hope your injury will be gone soon!
This discussion has been closed.