Shape Shifters Team Chat - MAY 2022



  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Thursday - 19 May
    Steps: 16.214
    Good morning Shape Shifters. I went to the gym at 8 in the morning. It was really hot in the building, but my workout went well. I try to eat at 10:30 at the earliest, which I found a bit hard with the gym at 8. I was really hungry. I like to go when it is quiet though, so not sure what to do about that. It was finally supposed to cool down, but the clouds with rain and thunder didn't show up until 15:00. I was so bored and grumpy that I just went to bed for 2 hours to make the day go faster. The thunder wasn't too bad, rain wasn't crazy either, but at least the temperature dropped a bit. My 1000 liter water-butt was half empty and now it's almost full again which is nice. I slipped up with my food and picked up fries and some other snacks. I tried to track it and it wasn't as bad as I feared, but I still don't want to do it as an impulse thing. I regretted it almost instantly, yet still ate almost everything. Overall I have been doing better the past week. I feel like I have more control over my food intake again and I hope I will start losing weight soon.
    Happy Friday everyone <3
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    My goodness, how do you still function working that much for so long! I bet it will be amazing when you will have so much free time again, enjoy.
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 992 Member
    My steps
    5/15 15,012
    5/16 13,057
    5/17 15,366
    5/18 12,407
    5/19 17,560
    Hi all,
    Sorry I've not been on here for a while.Ive been busy the last few days doing jobs on the house.I'm rushing around again today so I will hopefully get chance to read everyone's posts later today & contribute to the discussions.
    Hope you all have a good Friday 🙂
  • bearchested
    bearchested Posts: 235 Member
    PW: 195.4
    CW: 196.0
    LTD: 11.0

    I need to get better at tracking everything I consume, especially on the weekends.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Weigh In Day:
    PW (Previous Weight): 321
    CW (Current Weight): 319.7

    Finally, after a week of ounce fluctuations! Next week I'm training new people so my challenge will be to meal prep for an entire week.
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 389 Member
    May 19 Steps = 10,499
    Very windy and rainy day, so cold! No walk today, I guess I could of gone downstairs and dusted the treadmill off?!? Maybe today I'll do that if the weather stays yucky. Walking outside is far more enjoyable than down in the basement lol

    @PatriceFitnessPal Thank you for your kind words. Yes my daughter and I have a very close relationship which I love, her being 16 and still wanting to hang out with Mum is a rare treat!
    They are still interviewing for my old boss's position, and then the position will be filled. I have my fingers crossed that her senior assistant gets the job, but then that leaves her position open for people to transfer in. Lots of turnover and changes happening and while that is going on we are working short handed.
    Oh well, soon things will settle down and then Camping season starts! Woo Hoo, I love camping and water skiing/tubing with family and friends!
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,916 Member
    Pupowl wrote: »
    Thursday - 19 May
    Steps: 16.214
    Good morning Shape Shifters. I went to the gym at 8 in the morning. It was really hot in the building, but my workout went well. I try to eat at 10:30 at the earliest, which I found a bit hard with the gym at 8. I was really hungry. I like to go when it is quiet though, so not sure what to do about that. It was finally supposed to cool down, but the clouds with rain and thunder didn't show up until 15:00. I was so bored and grumpy that I just went to bed for 2 hours to make the day go faster. The thunder wasn't too bad, rain wasn't crazy either, but at least the temperature dropped a bit. My 1000 liter water-butt was half empty and now it's almost full again which is nice. I slipped up with my food and picked up fries and some other snacks. I tried to track it and it wasn't as bad as I feared, but I still don't want to do it as an impulse thing. I regretted it almost instantly, yet still ate almost everything. Overall I have been doing better the past week. I feel like I have more control over my food intake again and I hope I will start losing weight soon.
    Happy Friday everyone <3

    I'm going to assume you meant "1000 milliliter water bottle"! 🤣
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,916 Member
    May week 3
    Friday, May 20
    PW: 228.1
    CW: 226.9 ( lost 1.2 lbs; 0.53%)
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Nop, meant what I said! I didn't know the English word for it myself, google said water butt or water tank. It collects rainwater. Here it is empty:19pykphyz786.jpg

  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited May 2022
    @Pupowl and @frankwbrown - We have a couple of those in our yard and refer to them as ‘rain barrels.’ They are connected to soaker hoses to water some plants nearby. I grew up in Boston, Massachusetts and we sometimes have our own unique words for things but I think rain barrel or water tank would convey the meaning. I’m always amazed at how well people who speak another language are able to communicate in English. You write in English (as a second, third, or fourth language?!) better than many Americans, @Pupowl! 🤩
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,916 Member
    edited May 2022
    Pupowl wrote: »
    Nop, meant what I said! I didn't know the English word for it myself, google said water butt or water tank. It collects rainwater. Here it is empty:19pykphyz786.jpg
    I've never heard of a water butt, looks like a rain barrel. But good to know, a thousand liter water bottle would be hard to lug around! 🤔😂
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    edited May 2022
    Seems water butt is mostly used in the UK. Rain barrel works too. :smiley:

    PatriceFitnessPal: thanks for the compliment on my English! I grew up with video games which helps a lot. Also in the Netherlands any non Dutch tv shows get Dutch subtitels so I got used to hearing English at a pretty early age. When I was around 17 I got into reading fantasy books and I basically started to read English only. I am now at the point where I am more comfortable typing and reading in English than I am Dutch. I often forget words in my own language actually. :lol:
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    PW: 222
    CW: 220.5
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Thank you so much, I will keep sharing then. :smile: Have a lovely time in Spain!
  • izzyred9400
    izzyred9400 Posts: 992 Member
    PW 133.2
    CW 132.2
    Glad the scales have moved at last !
    I'm sure that pound with be back on again after my holiday.I will have to keep my steps up.Got to get the train & tram to the airport to meet my friend as she lives quite far from me.
    Have a great weekend !
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Friday - 20 May
    Steps: 16.402
    Good morning Shape Shifters. Friday was a day full of chores. I pulled some weeds, used the string trimmer to tidy things up, mowed the grass, had a shower because I was covered in sweat, grass and dirt, vacuumed downstairs, mopped and did the dishes. It was a bit much, but it needed to be done.
    I got an online document about my benefit stating the supplement on my benefit stops on June 1st because my income is going up. This confused me a bit since the benefit is my only income. Then I started thinking about the meeting I had with the insurance doctor. If she decided to declare me unfit for work, my benefit goes from 70% of the social minimum to 75%. So it seems like I have 'won' and the meeting wasn't a waste of time. I am not completely ready to cheer yet, but I can't think of another reason for this. I expect they will send the official ruling by post, which is why I haven't received it yet. It would give me so much peace if this is actually true. This may sound weird to some of you, how being written off is somehow a positive thing. For me it means freedom to work on what I think is important and helpful to me (like the gym) instead of being forced to do something that isn't (work). Since I don't have the energy/ability to do both and I can't work for more than 2 hours a day, maybe twice a week anyway. I hope to know more sometime early next week.
    Happy Saturday everyone <3
  • Pupowl
    Pupowl Posts: 1,933 Member
    Saturday weigh in
    PW: 214
    CW: 217.4
    Oops, that's not good. I guess my body hasn't gotten the memo yet.
  • ewilhelm2487
    ewilhelm2487 Posts: 177 Member

    This is the frustrating part of being postpartum and breast feeding.
    I lose weight great when I fast but I shouldn't fast because I'm BF. I need to eat extra calories to help make more milk and with this formula shortage I can't risk losing my supply.
    So next week I'm going to start lowering my calories a bit(down to what I should be eating while not BF) and see if that helps. Because 3lbs in one week is crazy.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited May 2022
    @LaurieWrobo - I’m glad you shared your feelings of disappointment after posting a long message and not seeing a reply. It’s a helpful reminder that an active core of member participation brings more energy, support, and strength to the community.

    I read all the comments here, and visit the site each day when I fill out my food diary, but your comment made me wonder how often Shape Shifters engage with the MFP site.

    I’m curious how often we each check in with the Shape Shifters Chat page and whether it helps us stay on track. What is your typical check in frequency and does it help you with your exercise and nutrition goals?

    For me, it’s a good accountability reminder and I feel some support, knowing I’m not alone in my work to improve my health and wellbeing. Still, it takes time, and I’ve definitely had to ignore (or somewhat neglect) other areas of my life that used to get more attention. I’m hoping that maintenance will get easier over time, and won’t require so much mental energy and time. If we don’t have a foundation of health, it’s definitely more difficult to pursue other goals, so I think health needs to be our first priority — followed closely by education in terms of investments from the government, etc. This seems to be what @Pupowl was describing above with the Netherlands investment in citizens’ health as the main starting point or focus.

    Do you feel as though we are investing in one another at the right level here in the Shape Shifters group chat? Are you contributing as much as you are receiving?

    We all ebb and flow regarding our ability to give, so these questions are not intended to add guilt to our lives if we are at our limit. Research says that people become happier through giving to others so I wonder how we can achieve the right balance. What do you all think? I’d love to hear your thoughts —
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited May 2022
    If anyone is interested in the research on happiness I mentioned above, I’m including a link below. Many of the studies that are published focus on giving money, but giving time can create more of a positive impact.
  • KHill875
    KHill875 Posts: 156 Member
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 141.4
    CW: 142.1

    Sorry! I have been working out 3 times a week since Jan and clothes seem to be fitting better. I just not losing weight.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    @KHill875 - Hang in there. Savor those non scale victories (NSV)! No need to apologize, especially when you feel as though you’re making progress.

    Has anyone else experienced a NSV you want to share? It’s definitely uplifting to hear about the various benefits of improving our nutrition and fitness!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    KHill875 wrote: »
    Friday weigh in
    PW: 141.4
    CW: 142.1

    Sorry! I have been working out 3 times a week since Jan and clothes seem to be fitting better. I just not losing weight.

    @KHill875 Never apologize for doing everything right! If you feel your clothes feeling better and you're following your routine, your body is just being stubborn...could be a million different things, but the science WILL win out, so just keep up your hard work.

    I am proud of your hard work! Stand tall!
    Jessica :smile:
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    @KHill875 - Hang in there. Savor those non scale victories (NSV)! No need to apologize, especially when you feel as though you’re making progress.

    Has anyone else experienced a NSV you want to share? It’s definitely uplifting to hear about the various benefits of improving our nutrition and fitness!

    My NSV is that I stayed on track all week, even when emotionally I had a rough couple of days this week. I don't have anything in particular to tie it to, I was just down and a little sad for a few days. Kept up my food tracking, drank my water and walked my butt off every day, hitting both my intentional walking goal as well as my daily step goal. In fact, I exceeded both all week. This morning I walked three times and hit my step goal before lunch time!

    I'm getting ready to lie down and read for a bit. Later today I'll be posting next week's group challenge. Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    edited May 2022
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,457 Member
    edited May 2022
    @jessicakrall8 - You had a big loss to celebrate this week, too! Congratulations to you, especially for continuing to make progress despite feeling down. It was that kind of week for me, too. I was not as productive as I should have been — not even close. 😬

    I’m wiping the slate clean. Best wishes for the coming week, Shape Shifters!
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    @jessicakrall8 - You had a big loss to celebrate this week, too! Congratulations to you.

    Best wishes for the coming week, Shape Shifters!

    Thank you @PatriceFitnessPal ...didn't want to seem like I was bragging, so I usually leave myself out. Appreciate your kindness more than you'll ever know.

    Jess :blush:
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,479 Member
    The Week 4 Group Challenge is posted and ready to start on 5/22/22. Join us for fun, new ideas with Nutrition Bingo. AND there's a prize...hope to see you there! Here's your link:

This discussion has been closed.