Buzz Around the Airport Lounge - Chat



  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,659 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, oh boy it is too hot here for me. BUT I did get out and met up with my granddaughter and spent a bit of time with her - she's a night hawk so when I am sleeping she's awake - no idea who she got it from ... I texted her when I was closer to her area and she never answered till an hour later then said, just woke up lol - then she went and got her lunch at McDonald's I guess she forgot I was treating her. We went to Michaels to look for some envelope for over sized cards I had but they wanted 17.00 for 50 and I only needed 5 - was not gonna buy 50 when not needed. Came home, put groceries away and now chillin' before I go make dinner,not sure what it will be.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - floor washing yesterday was the perfect day heat wise, today not so much. I have small floors lol the wood floors get done different. I can come do yours maybe next year lol Tomorrow is suppose to be even hotter, so I best get the rest of the shopping done, first thing in the morning or I'll be a wilted Sister for the meeting LOL Not doing cart at this time, we will see how things go. Today was the first day my thigh went numb in a while, but I had been standing too long.
    @Kurtize, very cute - yes I remember playing dress up at that age, maybe a little older, I remember being a flamingo dancer, no idea where I got that from LOL
    @Patti241 hello hello
    @cormierannie did you pick out new glasses, what kind do you want ? I need to get my eyes checked too.
    @CSequin2 glad you got your rain, it's needed here and rain will come next week when I need to be out, I am SURE of it LOL Is it Harrow Fair time? I have not been since a young teenager. My family. the Pelans, is big on the fair and have lots of entries for things, like baked goods, roses, etc ... even my nephews and niece get in on it ... nice to see them get ribbons for their efforts eh!
    Well I better go see about my dinner, poor Amigo is not eating, just laying around sleeping - I think he be missing someone.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    @Kurtize ,, such a CUTE PICTURE with a very good message!! TY TY TY!!
    @Lindiemaep ,,, Ohhh Linda, we KNOW I do NOT like the heat, and yet the weather DOES NOT CARE!! Yo no doubt this year will be in the top 5 hottest on record. AARRGGHHHHH I've served summer with an EVICTION notice, but it does not care. LOLOL!! What did you eat? Awww Amigo so sorry Bud, they left you? ALL alone??? Are you old enough to be alone? Scratch behind the ear!
  • cosmiccurves
    cosmiccurves Posts: 356 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone!!

    I'm so happy to be here, as we get close to finishing the Summer challenge. It was my first 5% challenge and I will definitely be a long time participant in these challenges! They have been a massive game changer for me.

    Two weeks ago to the day, my husband and I had to quickly adopt a low carb lifestyle for his health and we have adjusted very well! The first 4 days were the hardest, the headaches, the fatigue, the cravings, and overall just feeling yuck. By day 5, our energy skyrocketed and it felt like a fog was lifted!

    Temptations have not been an issue because we are full, and what's crazy is that we are staying at or right under our caloric limit each day too. We are trying to balance it all with plenty of healthy fats and not relying on pure animal fats and proteins. It's a learning curve!


  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,458 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. I for the life of me thought I had switched groups already and I was still posting in last group chat. Well then I saw I was not thanks to @Dianedoessmiles1 . Today I had a doctors appointment for my weight and stuff. I am really excited to see her and show her how much weight I have lost. I feel so much better about things now and I am starting to not get self conscious about my stomach. It is a work in progress but I am getting better.

    @LindieMaeP - I am sure she forgot you were taking her for lunch. It was nice to see her anyways right? Do you get to spend a lot of time with her?
    @cosmiccurves - These challenges are great. I love the 5% challenges. I do low carb if I can. I am not super strict on it.

    Well it is time to get ready for work. I hope you all have a great day.

  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    @lindmaep I laughed when you talked about the bed height. My aunt needs my uncle to hoist her up and when he was in hospital she needed a stool too
    @Dianedoessmiles1 indeed shop around for everything. Time I took my mobile price checker (mum) round all the local food stores for a memory chip update. She can always tell you where the cheapest whatever you want is to be had
    @CSEGUIN2 planning is a dawdle. Getting it all done, well there’s a conundrum
    @Kurtize i needed that push your picture gave me.
    Anyone I’ve missed, sorry.
    Have a good Tuesday
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,360 Member
    Good morning everyone. Up a little early today.
  • WinterflowerSP
    WinterflowerSP Posts: 834 Member
    edited August 2022
    Is there a place to go to find out more about how the challenge works? I participated a couple times on SP but it was a long time ago. Thank you!
    (Thanks for the heads-up @RondaCee )
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,763 Member
    good afternoon everyone! i got to pick out my new glasses and they will be ready for me to pick up between 7 to 10 business days. it is a mostly cloudy day here today, with rain on and off this afternoon. my daughter says hi to all! both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i have been for a walk and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing later on. i also helped one of my friends move some of here stuff to her new place today. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,659 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, the campers are now safely home and Amigo is in my room on my bed chilling out - it's hot and the A/C will have to be put on. I have been busy all morning shopping for this and that and then prepping mushrooms to freeze - they are in the freezer now and in time will be transfered to a freezer bag - they will be handy for cooking through out the week(s) depending on on what they are used for.
    @cormierannie nice to be able to assist a friend, and I am sure they appreciated your help! Enjoy your dancing !!
    @Patti241 hope your day went good although you were up early - I was up at 5 as usual ... great time to just chill out with a coffee eh
    @Lessennan my son laughed too when he realised I might trip on it and go head first into the closet - so he took it out of the way. I really do hope to get a mattrice that is a 10" and not the 14" I have. I could take it off the bed frame, but not willing to cause damage to the boxspring underneith the mattrice. I hope your aunt was able to use a stool safely ! BUT a heigh bed is great for stretches when you have to dangle your leg off the side - that helps the hip flexors to stretch out and I am doing that stretch for this week's challenge. Hope you had a good Tuesday
    @Tabatha_Cain I so wish I could spend more time with her, she did not stay with me but decided to go home to "do things" so we had maybe an hour together. She is very busy, with activities that she enjoys, but nothing I would enjoy. She does do arts and crafts, she also does crochet wire jewellry which she sells from time to time and she is also a DND Master (Dungeons and Dragons) so that keeps her up all night and busy. If I may ask, how did your doctor's appointment go ?
    @cosmiccurves it is good the low carb diet is working for you both and you are both adjusting nicely to it. There are too many carbs in my fridge and cupboards so shopping this month will not include carbs unless they are fresh and from the garden. Mushrooms and onion will always be in my diet but I can let go of bread. I used to buy a lowcarb bread but they don't make it anymore. It's hard to find lowcarb bread around here, so I can learn to live without that. Let us know, if you wish, how things are going.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 it is hot again today, 27C at lest and feeling like 28C at 1:14 PM and it will be hotter at 4 PM - Amigo finally ate some food last night and the other human is home now but Amigo is camped out in my room for now. The other human is busy with things. I think Amigo likes the music I play. So peaceful for me, I hope him too. Well meeting tonight should be interesting. It is getting warm in my room and I really do not want the fan on now, as I will need it on during the night. Time to go do my stretch... adios all
    PS I really like the save function. I used it for each person I was writing to before moving on. Pretty cool eh !

  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,129 Member
    Happy Tuesday, we got rain(much needed). Went shopping, Don got a lawn mower and trimmer, got my windchimes and we got a cute donkey for our yard. When Don is done fixing the side of the yard I will show you the picture. Have a great evening, hugs and blessings. Darn internet is acting up though.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Yes it's the Harrow Fair. Will have to try and look for that last name. I usually enter. But not this year. Too much going on and never enough time. LoL

    Today was not a good day for the scales. Gained 3.25 lbs. But had a great meeting. Got everything done that needed to be done before I left. Am now safely at my destination. Did a little studying and went for a walk to get my dinner. Probably won't be checking in until Monday or Tuesday next week as I will be at the fair grounds most of the time and sleeping the rest. Have all my exercise gear just incase I find time in the mornings.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    HI ALL!! If any of you would like to email me your story of weight loss, I'd love to hear it!! You may know as an OAL (Over All Leader) here, I help with recruiting new members. It's FABLOUS to see so many joining us!!

    Your story of weight loss can be ANYTHING it does have to be "I hit goal in 1 week, I've lost 250 lbs!" LOLOLOL Okay we know that's not possible. Sometimes we think what we may find "ordinary" is so helpful to others. LOVE to you please put in about the 5% and how it helps you. If you do not include pictures, please email me here on MFP. If you do include pictures (WE LOVE Pictures!) Please send it to my email address, make SURE you put 5% in the title/heading so I do not oopsie delete it!!


    I also did a blog tonight:
  • cosmiccurves
    cosmiccurves Posts: 356 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain how did the weigh in go and your visit? One of the best side effects of weight loss is when your mentality shifts, such as becoming less self-concious about your stomach. I absolutely get that and am on that train with you now! Progress pictures, I've realized, have truly helped my brain see the reality for what it is.

    @LindieMaeP ooo yes I love mushrooms and onions! Thankfully we can have all the veggies and still be okay carb wise. We get the low carb bread from Costco, it's made a difference in adjusting for sure. What is are some of your favorite dishes/treats to make with your mushrooms?

    Love seeing everyone's updates! This week I have been starting work about 2 hours earlier than usual to try and maximize on some extra hours. After the move, we are still playing some catch up on bills and any extra hours I can grab without sacrificing on family time, I'll gladly take! So my usual 4am work starts are now 2am for the next couple of weeks. :sweat_smile: Thankfully, I am able to take a little nap between the end of my work day and before house errands and school pick ups. That definitely helps right now.

    I have been trying to nail down a good game day dip for opening day of college football for us! I came across this wonderful YouTuber via Pinterest, her name is SaltyCocina, and she has this delicious looking cauliflower dip recipe I want to make. I plan to make us 'tortilla' chips for the dip as well, so if it turns out to be delicious, I'll post a picture and share the recipe! Next Saturday, my husband and I's favorite teams play each other, so I have quite a few dishes I'll be preparing in advance since I will NOT be moving from the couch except during half time during that game! Going to try my hand at a queso fundido recipe for that game. We are fans of each other's teams as well, so this is the rare time that we'll actually be rooting 'against' each other. :lol: all in good fun! We root for Alabama and Texas!


  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,458 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well. It is hump day today. Half way through the week. It is great. I am super excited. I have to work the resource center tomorrow and then I have to go for set up for my son's birthday party on Friday after work. Then this week I am again busy except for Saturday. Saturday I am free but Sunday and Monday we are busy. So that is a whole new thing. So glad we have Monday off next week due to the holiday.

    @cormierannie - Hopefully your get your glasses in that time frame. Mine was more like 14 days. It wasn't a big deal but it was at the same time.
    @LindieMaeP - I love DND. I am just not currently playing right now. My doctor appointment went well. They are sending me for an ultrasound to check some things in the female area. But she was happy with my weight loss.
    @Kurtize - It is ok that the internet is acting up. It will sort itself out. Rain is always needed. It seems we never get enough of it.
    @CSEGUIN2 - Have fun at your destination. I see you went prepared for exercise. I am sorry you had a gain.
    @cosmiccurves - Cauliflower dip sounds amazing. My appt went well. I was down a bit from last month. It was good. I have always enjoyed naps when I can get them. Not very often though.

    Well it is time to get ready for work. I hope you all have a great day.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,360 Member
    Good morning everyone.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,659 Member
    Happy Hump Day to everyone !! It's another hot one here today - oh boy will fall come soon enough ? No doubt it will come with an over abundance of rain as well, I"ll take it, I got the specs for Noah's Ark and I can build it if needed, but no shovelling that fluffy white stuff that @Dianedoessmiles1 adores, not gonna happen!!
    @Patti241 good morning to you as well
    @Tabatha_Cain glad your dr's appt went well and they are checking out "female things" we do need that from time to time. Yes my granddaughter Charise loves DND as well as other mystic type games and movies and such. Not my thing. She recently created or is creating a board game based on Greek Mythology- not my thing either but at least she is not into drugs and crap like that so I wont' complain, I just won't participate, there are other things we can do. Hope your day went well.
    @cosmiccurves oh the mushrooms and onions!! They go in almost everything, but after thinking about your question I realised there are just some foods I do not pair them with - fried chicken, turkey, usually it is red meats like beef pork but not lamb oddly enough - I sometimes post my meals on the feed - as I did breakfast today - an eggwhite omlet with onion, mushrooms, bacon bits, spinach on a bed of green lettuce with avocado ranch dressing. I also had blueberry, cinamon, blueberry, flax seed with my 0 fat yogurt. I do 0 fat for most dairy so I can have the healthier fats like avocado oil, which has a higher cooking capability then other oils, but also olive oil. Oils for me must be cold pressed, it gives the best of the product. Same with flax seeds, they must be cold pressed too - cold presses do not heat up when crushing/ processing so I look for that. Is it Carbonaut that you get at Costco? I can get that at Safeway but I have not seen another low carb bread out of a freezer ! I can't help with foods for sports activities, as I do not do sports, gave them up a long time ago when I realised they were causing me too much anxiety especially figure skating, oh what a fan I was and hockey night in Canada - well ... not in my house lol I hope you do find some good recipies you can enjoy.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 I read your blog - and said a specific prayer for you last night. Have you thought of other antihistamines, like Reactine? Ask your doctor or pharmacists for a non drowsy one. I have Reactine for my alergies but I use Benedryl spray for skeeter/wingless wasp bites - yup still have the critters, time to get tough with them. BORAX!! I have to remember to pick some up today and sprinkle my drawers. It dehydrates anything that crunches when you step on it, similar to the "etable dirt" you can get at pet food stores. How is Izzy doing ? Amigo is almost back to his old self !
    @CSEGUIN2 - Enjoy the Fair, my neice Sarah has a few paint entries this year but they are away camping through out Ontario so not sure any of the others will be entering. I am sure the fairgrounds will give you good oportunity to walk around the exterior as I recall it being very huge - and take the time to swing on a swing eh !!
    @Kurtize I sure wish we had rain, but no doubt we will get it when Fall does roll around, and no doubt a good40 days of it too lol Hope your internet issues were resolved.
    @everyone, have a wonderful day - cheers, Linda
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,359 Member
    LindieMaeP wrote: »

  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,129 Member
    Good afternoon, happy mid week. Don worked on the side yard, its looking great, just need to get some plants. Today is nice in low 90's. More raining is supposed to come in the next week, which is good we need it.