September 2022

geanster Posts: 43 Member
edited September 2022 in Social Groups
I had a great low carb day (LCD) yesterday. Around 60 net carbs. I had over 70oz water and a 15ish hour fast overnight. I experimented with sautéed eggplant for lunch today (grew it for the first time this year) and then ended up with a bowl of wheaties and a banana. There's something about knowing I won't get those things for the next 2 low carb days that makes me take advantage. :) I plan to get in a workout tonight.


  • geanster
    geanster Posts: 43 Member
    Good morning! Yesterday was a regular carb day for me and I overdid it a bit but still made some better decisions. Today will be a challenge as I’ve organized a sushi lunch for my coworkers. We’re celebrating a big work anniversary. Hello rice! 😂
  • geanster
    geanster Posts: 43 Member
    Hello! The group is showing that there are 6 members now! That means that accountability was attractive to you all. I hope you’ll join in soon.
    Yesterday was a busy day with unpredictable food situations. Today I’m on task with low carb focus. I had some tuna salad with Parmesan whisps and a small caprese salad with fresh basil and tomatoes from my garden, mozzarella pearls from Trader Joe’s and a hit of balsamic glaze from costco. I’m debating signing up for another 8 week bootcamp that starts today. I worked out 2 days last week and could feel my biceps for days which was the good kind of pain. Trying to care for a bone spur on foot and protect my neck but I I keep looking at photos from last year when I was at my lowest in 10 years.
    I did sign up for a bootcamp 3 months ago that I didn’t do myself justice with, hence the hesitation. :smile: I’ll report back.
  • geanster
    geanster Posts: 43 Member
    Happy Friday! Had a great low carb day yesterday with lots of protein. I did end up eating dinner very late because my dog who is almost 2 slipped her invisible fence for the first time at sunset, chasing a deer. We looked for her for more than 2 hours before we found her. Dinner was around 11pm…
    The scales are showing 5lb loss since last Monday and that’s with only 4 solid low carb days. The weekends are always a challenge though. Working on drinking 70+ oz of water each day from a giant water bottle. 10,000+ steps a few days this week but no workout yet.
  • geanster
    geanster Posts: 43 Member
    Hi All,
    Weekend was busy and food choices were indulgent. Planning for a solid low carb day and workout tomorrow. Perfect weather for soup and many soup recipes are naturally low carb. I love a jalapeño chicken lime soup that uses salsa verde, or a regular traditional tortilla soup, etc. I've found that jalapeño or cheddar Whisps complement soups well and give you that texture that's usually offered by crackers.

    Anyway, I hope everyone had a nice weekend and that you'll get a chance to say hello.
  • geanster
    geanster Posts: 43 Member
    Well, I coordinated a photo shoot that lasted ALL day yesterday. Indulged with a few snacks in the evening. Tried to make a low carb lunch today and it turned out awful. I finally stress-ate wheaties and a banana (aka all the carbs). Will try not to let it ruin my efforts this evening. I need to find a more even-keel for weekends as well. Need to wash my 64+oz water bottle as it's helpful. Hope everyone is having a good week.