Airport Lounge Discussion



  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,240 Member
    edited February 2023
    @Tabatha_Cain I have digestive issues and have found walking on my gazelle after eating really reduces the symptoms you describe... maybe you could try walking a bit after eating until the meds kick in. Either you are a totally different person in real life than you present yourself here or you're boss is crazy. I think you're 100% correct in looking for another job. Hopefully you find the perfect one.
    @NovemberGail I am so happy to hear you are feeling much better and getting back into the swing of things. Your daily words and pictures bring such inspiration. Today's picture is really cool, was it taken when you woke from a nap under that tree?😉😂 I am so glad I switched here from the newsfeed... this is where my people are!
    Up and out early (for me) this morning to pick up a grocery order. A couple things were "Out of Stock", so I went inside and found all but one of the items. While inside I found a cute pair of High Rise Wide Leg Cropped Jeans as well. NSV... back into size 2-4... Woo Hoo!
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,203 Member
    @NovemberGail - glad your feeling better.
    @Tabatha_Cain - I agree with @Catwmncat your boss is crazy or you have split personality. Which I think is the first one.
    Wishing everyone else who has been under the weather or having problems that all is going better for you and your families.
    Had my steroid shot today, it was different from the first time, I actually felt it which the dr. mentioned the first time I would but I didn't and I did feel each shot going down buttocks and legs, so I am hoping that will mean it is going to work better this time. I am also going to follow advice to wait 5 days before doing anything strenuous and let the steroid take effect which can take up to 5 days.
    Wishing you all a very happy rest of the day.

    Daily Affirmations by Jonathan Lockwood Huie - I gather strength from the storm.

  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Is it my imagination or have a lot of posts vanished? Sure that posted yesterday and there were already lots of others.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,688 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    Is it my imagination or have a lot of posts vanished? Sure that posted yesterday and there were already lots of others.

    @cory17 I think it can seem that way when it goes to a new page - when I see it is a new page, I check the previous page for posts and sure enough there they are. However, MFP has had a lot of issues lately and I hope they get straightened out. Hope your day is going well.
    @Kurtize I hope the shots help and you can do what you need to. I think @Dianedoessmiles1 can recommend gentle exercise if you are needing suggestions.
    @Catwmncat your posts always give me something to look forward to - and the pictures too !! I went shopping again today but did not find what I wanted. However, it got me out of my comfort zone - ie out of this computer chair and out and about. YOu re right aboutr slips, I looked at Hudson's Bay and what I found was not what I would call a slip, like hello??? I don't need people seeing through my clothes .. anyway I did find one and I have not given it away I still have it ! More on that later, how ya doing ??
    @NovemberGail it's making me smile, cause you mention personal shopper - actually about 2 years before I retired I did hire a personal shopper, or wardrobe consultant. It was a wonderful but expensive experience and I was not always kind - I can see that now - she would go shopping for clothes that suited my likes and avoid dislikes, and then all I had to do was show up and try them on and pay for the one's I wanted. She also did my colours, so pastal is defo my colours for my skin tone - I wish I wish I could wear rich brilliant colours but I can not they wash me out and make me look ghastly. I still have the colour pallet she made and she even made a shedule of what to wear with what to help me mix and match and even got it laminated so I could have it taped on my closet door - it was a wonderful expensive experience but I figured I was worth it at the time. Now the blue dress i bought yesterday was darker then normal but it has sufficient white in the pattern I can get away with it AND it is made of the nicest material! I will look forward to how I add accessories for it ...
    @Tabatha_Cain it must have been very hurtful to get that "email" from your boss, no face to face, course it might not have been better, however, until you do find another job, try and make this one work and try to be positive, beleive me I know how hard it is to do when our employer does not seem to appreciate us. Also I suggest you look for a job that actually meets all your critieria for a job, ie location, wages, hours, that kind of thing. I am thinking this had a lot to do to set off your gerd as well, as stress does affect it. So does chocolate !! I hope today was a better day for you.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 do you use any silicone cook ware in your air fryer? I was looking for one so I would not have to always be cleanign out our basket - its a 6 quart basket so quite big actually. My daughter got some at the Japanese dollar store but I could not find anything I likes. I also did research on it and it seems that some of these are made with fillers and if you twist them and they turn white in the twist, they have fillers in them. I checked my cupcake ones and sure enough, they have filler in them. Not all are food safe, so have to be diligent and do research. I would order online but I hate having to send things back IF they don't muster up. I also looked for other types, non aluminum and non teflon as well. I guess we will just use the original but they dont' have spare parts... so gonna have to be careful!! How's your day going ?
    @everyone have a wonderful day and enjoy what ever you have planned.!!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,635 Member
    @Lindiemaep ,, Slips I think have slipped on out of here!! Hehehehe!!! I did find mine on Amazon though ,,exactly what it was I was looking for. On the air fryer, I just use clean the basket, but mine is not a huge one. So it's not hard. The moment I am done with it, I squirt in Dawn, and fill it with water. After I eat, it's pretty ,, okay it's very easy to clean.
    @Catwmncat,,, OH I WISH I could wear pretty shoes, than I remember I am glad to have 2 feet. We know that remains a question until/if the infection is really gone. I go in next week to see what the next "step" is,, pun fully intended. Awww we are HAPPY to have you with us!
    @Tabatha_Cain ,,, I had acupuncture for acid reflux and it WORKED!! It took several sessions, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE eating what I want, as I want and not having to take any meds. My insurance did pay for it, as long as it was done by a MD. WOOHOO TO THAT!! ,,, I am so sorry about your boss!! OH MY!! OH MY!!! Nothing like an ungrateful boss!!
    @Patti241 ,, Excellent
    @Novembergail,,,Gail like the tree in your picture, you are very resistant and WOW!! YOU STAND TALL!! In a powerful, yet quiet way. I am so glad you are feeling better.
    @Cormierannie,, Glad the day is going well. Mine is also.
    @Kurtize ,, OH I REALLY hope it will help you!! BIG TIME!! Nice, sweet people such as yourself shouldn't have to be in so much pain. SO HAPPY you kept and do keep on pressing forward for relief.
    @Cory17,,,, It can happen from time to time that I THINK I posted, but it didn't go through (Emails are the WORSE on MFP from what I go through, but it may be ME!). When you post after you hit Reply or Post Rely, please refresh your page. Hopefully it'll show, if not, I just use the back button in the upper left hand corner of my page and it's usually there and I hit Post Rely again. SO SORRY!!

  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,688 Member
    To know if your post has actually posted and is not in save draft mode, there will be a new leave a comment box for you to type in. If you don't see that, your post has not posted. It is either a draft post OR the mfp word police did not allow your post. You have to be very careful and follow the guideance here on MFP there are certain things "words" that might seem like certain things they do not allow.
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    How wonderful to read everyone's posts. The chit-chat brightens up the evening and seeing/hearing familiar folks.

    Tomorrow's word is SIMPLICITY. I am going through my old files for the second time. There is still things to be shredded. I hadn't realized I still had a file of my mom's old bills from home. Hard to believe that she will be gone a year on the 23rd of this month. She probably has them laughing in heaven.

    Today was for cleaning bluebird boxes. I am so missing the birds right now. Though, a cardinal was singing already to find its mate. Yeah! Another sign that spring is getting closer.

  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,240 Member
    @Kurtize "I gather strength from the storm"... could not be more appropriate for me today. I've been riding a storm out the last few days and now that it has finally passed, I am determined to become stronger than ever before! Believe me, I've been through a whole lot worse and have come out stronger each time.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Yes, to remember what we do have (can do) vs what we don't (can't do) is to be truly blessed.
    @NovemberGail It dies seem like your mom was just called home recently, not a year ago. I still have a file full of my Mom's old stuff and she's been gone since 2007. Hubs drilled it into my head to keep some old bills, medical reports and things related to the selling of her house just in case they are ever need in the future.

    Tuesday's Eats
    Fast Breaker ~ Lemon Yogurt/Cottage Cheese with Strawberries, Blueberries & Dates. Dinner ~ Creamy Coconut Lime Chicken over Coconut Ginger Rice and Grean Beans with Balsamic Glaze Drizzle. Dessert ~ Smart Pop Kettle Corn & Nashville Hot Snack Mix
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,484 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Wednesday and I am ready for the weekend already. I am tired and worn out from lack of sleep and tossing and turning at night.

    @NovemberGail - I was pretty upset about him going on the defensive. I now know he is not someone you can go to with your work issues. Eventually I will find a decent job.
    @Catwmncat - Thank you. I like to think I am the same person I present myself to be. I like helping people. I like doing a good job. For the most part I am a people pleaser. So knowing my boss really doesn't like me or my work ethics hurts because I go in and do my best every day.
    @Kurtize - That is what I have to do every time I get a steroid shot in my elbow. No heavy lifting for a week. This is so hard to do with an arm. I hope whatever you are trying to fix is easier to do no strenuous activity.
    @LindieMaeP - Thank you. I am assuming the stress has a lot to do with setting off my GERD. I have not been sleeping well either. I am just tossing and turning all night. It has been horrible the past couple of days.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I am actually kinda scared about acupuncture. Don't like the thought if all those little needles in me.

    Well it is time to get ready for work. I hope you all have a great day.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,411 Member
    Diane: I was able to go to the gym on Monday. Yesterday was strength exercises at home. Will be going to the gym later this afternoon.
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,679 Member
    It’s 39 feels like 34 with a high of 45 today. Insight Timer Quote: Rest, nature, books, music, love for one’s neighbor-such is my idea of happiness.—Leo Tolstoy. I AM: I give myself all of my attention, as much as I can. Axe Sharpening: It’s time to take care of yourself by facing the fear and doing it anyway.—Mike Trotter 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Share what you’re feeling with someone you really trust. Fitness Quote: I will. Just watch me.—courtesy of fitness quotes app Motivational Quote: You can and you will, just believe in yourself.—unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 13,185 steps yesterday. Training plan: Full-Body “GBC” Week 6, Day 3 and Claire’s Core Challenge Week 1, Day 3 in the gym after breakfast.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,203 Member
    Happy Wednesday. It is rainy but not too cold. Had lots of thunder last night. It is like a rolling thunder. Hope everyone is having a great day. I did better last week in cutting calories, two days over. Anyway, feel ok today, when making breakfast legs and back felt tired and pressure so sat for a while, feeling ok now. I will remain optimistic. I found this quote on my healthy eating quotes I get.
    So true. le0qfk2w2v3a.png
  • bookieNJ
    bookieNJ Posts: 3,995 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone! Well I did my usual Zumba on you tube today. Feeling like I did a good workout more than usual-probably helped I walked my dog 1/2 hour after that and then walked with a friend (returned my daughter’s library books at the same time
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,635 Member
    @Novembergail,,, Hon so sorry about your Mom being gone. It wasn't easy for her, or you all. Many Hugs. LOVE the tree, with the birdhouse. When does Spring hit there? Here usually around the 2nd or 3rd week of April it shows some, but really not til May.
    @Catwmncat,, the song "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." You'll get through this a wiser woman, with even more compassion for others. I am so sorry though it has happened. You know we care.
    @Tabatha_Cain ,, I was weary of the needles, but they are so thin it's rare to actually feel them. The relief though ahhhh AWESOME!! But it seems like this may all stress related? If so, once the stress is gone,,, ahhhh SWEET!! Hmm sometimes when a boss is horrid, it's because they KNOW THEY ARE ON THE WAY OUT!! Often they'll not say so, but they KNOW they are. Hey there's hope.
    @Patti241,, that's FANTSTIC!! Excellent!! How are you doing there? Are you getting more comfy walking in?
    @KUrtize,, TY TY TY TY!! That quote is a great way of putting it!! You are doing well!! We sure hope you LOVE being on the PS4L TEAM because we are very so enjoying having you with us!
    @Bookienj,, WOW!! You really BOOKED IT TODAY with the exercise!! WTG!!! Ohhhh I smiled reading what you did. (Did you like the intended pun?)
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sorry I have been mia. The website locked me out for a couple days but I am back.

    I have been exercising consistently and trying to keep my calories in range or at least close to it. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. This week I gained another half pound. That puts me at the brink of losing my 100 lb loss status. Need to loose this weight. Have finally gotten back in to studying for my nutrition and fitness course and sent off an exam today. It's been almost a year since I started that chapter. Hoping to be back on track.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,688 Member
    Good evening everyone, been a nice day here today, sunshine this morning, I got out and got to Safeway and got exercise in and then came home and put stuff away just intime for Volunteer on Zoom with my congregation, had a good time. Tomorrow I head out again this time to The Foot Solution to talk to them about OOfas I think they are called - they have them there but not sure which ones - the pediatrist has NOT returned my call and I can only get my orthotics replaced and paid for by prescription, well they ain't the only ones in town so I'll move on, maybe I dont 'need them and men's shoes anymore, only shoes wide enough for these piece of cement they call orthodics. Anyway I'll also be by my FAV chocolate place , you knwo I am stepping in - rain or shine I be going !!
    @Tabatha_Cain I well understand sleepless nights due to issues at work, had many of them myself - iearnt to leave work at work and home at home and it faired some what better, but not always. I sure hope you can leave work at work and relax at home. Must be hard, insn't this the same place Joe work for or a different part of the place? Same boss? Is he the one who signs the paycheques ? If so there maybe things going on in the background that none of you are aware of that might have set off that ugly in them. hugs, hope you can sleep tonight. I am so happy to be retire d!!!
    @everyone hope you had a good hump day !!
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,484 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today I work both jobs and I have a doctor appointment this morning. They called me yesterday before my appointment and said hey your potassium is low go get a recheck done. So I did the recheck and well it was 3.3 and now the new test says 3.1. So we will see what they say today at my appointment.

    @Kurtize - It is raining here too. No thunder though so that is good. It is just warmer here today.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - Unfortunately my boss is the owner of the company so he is not on his way out. I think it is stress related too.
    @CSEGUIN2 - Sorry the website just locked you out. I hope you do well on your exam. I am sure you will though.
    @LindieMaeP - My boss is the owner. He does write the checks. Joe has not worked there but at this point I am not sure Joe really likes my boss. I am just trying to make the best out of the situation and do my job and nothing more. I won't stay after and I won't work extra hard.

    Well it is time to get ready for work. I hope you have a great day.

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,411 Member
    Diane: I am getting comfortable going in the afternoon.

    Good morning everyone,
  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,679 Member
    It’s 37 feels like 30 with a high of 48 today. Insight Timer Quote: Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.—Pema Chodron I AM: Each new phase of my life allows me to grow as a person. Axe Sharpening: Working hard is priceless. Making excuses is what costs you.—Kaylee Stevens 1st Phorm Advisor Action for Happiness: Thank someone and tell them how they make a difference for you. Fitness Quote: It’s more than just lifting,--gymaholic. Motivational Quote: You’ve got this. Never think that you don’t.—unknown Closed all rings on my Active 4 and had 13,741 steps yesterday. Training plan: 45 min walk and Claire’s Core Challenge Week 1, Day 4: HIIT after breakfast.
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,240 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain with the wedding plans, jobs, the furnace and everything else you have been going through lately it's a wonder you can sleep at all. Hope all goes well at your doctor appointment today.
    @bookieNJ Great job on getting in a good workout.
    @CSEGUIN2 The MFP Gremlins sure like to play with us. Glad you were finally able to get back in.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Today I don't know if it's killing me or making me stronger... One day at a time.😜
    @LindieMaeP Hope you are able to find shoes that will work for you and not look like cement blocks. Enjoy a little chocolate, but don't overindulge as I did last night!

    Wednesday's Eats
    Fast Breaker ~ Yogurt/Cottage Cheese with Sungold Kiwi, Praline Pecans and Uncured Turkey Bacon
    Dinner~ Planned-Over Baked Shrimp Tortellini Alfredo and Chardonnay
    After Dinner ~ Pop Smart Popcorn, WAY TOO MANY Soft Sea Salt Caramels... ooops😮