Jaw-Dropping January!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Sorry to hear that no real changes are going to be made at work, Nanc, but yay for no fallout at least, right?

    Spring, I think that's the most hilarious replacement of a curse word with kitten I've ever seen on MFP. Kitten sauce would be a pretty awful thought on any forum but especially WFPB! LOL

    To clarify, the scale IS moving again. It was not while I was playing around with my diet and adding the protein powders, etc. I'm with you on not wanting to ingest powders and pills, although I take B12 of course, and sometimes elderberry gummies, vit D, and also take a vegan collagen supplement. My doc had recommended that when I pointed out some ridges in my fingernails and it seems to help.

    But once again, I have proven that for me simple whole foods are the only thing that works for me, and the longer I stick with that the more the cravings for the salty snackies stay at bay. I learn this lesson over and over again.

    That said, a couple days of not so on plan. I met up with my brother after getting my hair cut yesterday after work and had a glass of wine and some munchies he provided. Today my SIL and I went out running around then stopped for lunch. Had some absolutely delicious vegan tacos but I'm sure they weren't even close to oil-free. It's okay I'll be back on track tomorrow. I really needed something new and fun to do. I admit I'm still struggling with the sadness of losing my boy on top of the usual battle of seasonal depression.

    Back on plan tomorrow though! I am going to the office early then home by mid-afternoon to do laundry, cooking, etc. I have broccoli to roast, and several bunches of greens to saute with onion and mushrooms, veggies to chop for salads.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 882 Member
    Magic, I'm sorry to hear your job didn't take up any of your suggestions. At least you didn't get any flack for it. I checked out the *kitten* sauce website, that stuff looks great! You'd think the makers would realize that spread of their product by word of mouth is difficult with their name since most stuff happens on social media these days.
    Mihani, the collagen supplement sounds interesting - I suffer from thin, breaking nails often, I might give it a try.
    I'm so thrilled - I actually got almost 5 hours straight of sleep last night (I usually wake up every 2 hours or so).
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    The B - itchin sauce has been around a long time...they sell a big container of it at Costco--the original I think or maybe the Chipotle. One of the two is always in stock.

    But they had a roadshow with a three-pack. I bought two 3-packs. HEAT (very hot), cilantro and chili, and the third, pesto. ALL excellent. Great dressing on veggies, salads, and potatoes AND as a dip.

    Where can I find Bitchin’ Sauce?

    Bitchin’ Sauce can be found in retailers nationwide including Costco, Kroger, Sprouts, Target, Walmart, and Whole Foods Market! Check out our store locator for the location nearest you!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Today's menu:

    cream of wheat
    baked potato with b - itchin sauce heat
    lunch out with my sister and brother-in-law...PITA JUNGLE...great vegan menu
    freshly made green juice: cukes, celery, granny smiths, ginger, lemon

    three days of lots of juice and mostly whole foods

    love you guys.

    BTW, they are implementing some changes...the salesmen spoke up that the lot attendants were not doing a good job. My buddy at work said I was the one that finally got someone to listen. It's a win. Yay!

    make today deeeeeeeeeeeee licious, won't you!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Yay for things maybe changing up a bit at work, Nanc. I tried the b sauce once but it has oil so it was just a curiosity thing from you talking about it. I just now did a quick google and turned up a copycat recipe with no oil https://myquietkitchen.com/bitchin-sauce/ maybe I will try that!

    And yay for a solid block of sleep, Spring. I buy the mykind brand vegan collagen supplement. It does seem to help make my nails stronger... when I remember to take it regularly anyway. Also supposed to be good for hair, etc.

    Went to the office for a few hours this morning then ran a couple errands. Last load of laundry in the dryer. Just got done doing some prepping. Roasted broccoli, pot of cous cous. Sliced radishes and shredded carrots and beets with the food processor for salads. Still have to saute a pan of onion, mushrooms, greens. Probably just do bragg's and dijon for "salad dressing" this week as I'm about done. I don't feel well today weird headache that started yesterday afternoon. I'm pretty much just attempting to power through it but I want to take a nap here soon.

  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member


  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 882 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Thanks for the article, Spring. I've heard about blue zones but never really looked into it.

    Busy day today didn't get out of the office until 6:00. So glad I have food prepped! Got it all done last night. Only took a few minutes to throw together my lunch salad to take to the office and dinner took less than a minute to throw in a bowl and into the microwave.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited January 2023
    today's menu

    baked potatoes and super greens with 1T b itchin sauce
    lunch out...pita jungle...roasted veg lavash
    other half of lavash from lunch and a simple herb lettuce salad
    dessert...hmmmm...probably ninja creami

    make it delicious!

    oopsie...almost forgot 16 ounces of green juice. Also, decided against juice fast so close to surgery...so, now the plan is once completely healed...more like May! Juice on!
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,518 Member


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,967 Member
    Hey all, I am still struggling with seasonal and losing the boy. But doing well with food. As long as I'm prepped I'm good! I just can't seem to motivate myself to work out and/or get to the gym. On my list of things to address this week.

    We are so busy at work I can't even.

    And I know that exercise helps depression so I should be doing that big time.

    Glad you had a fun lunch out, Nanc!

    I'm setting up outings with friends for the next few weekends. Just going different places and doing new things. I need to get my head into a better place and not ALL about work.
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 882 Member
    @Marilynsretired HAHAHA I say that to myself all the time