Airport Lounge Discussion



  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,389 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is going to be a good day. It is my last week at my current job and then I will have 2 days next week. I am nervous on what the day is going to look like when I get to work. Am I going to be training others to do my job. I do a lot and I don't think they are going to be able to keep up. I just don't think they are going to. I am sorry for dropping them like I am but I just really feel that this is what is best for me. They were unwilling to adjust my pay based off what I do so I feel it is only fair that I look for a job that does just what I want and I make the money I want.

    @CSEGUIN2 - That is great that you exchanged phone numbers. Also nice that you were able to go for your walk
    @NovemberGail - That is great that you got that walk in. I am so ready to get out and get some exercise out side in.
    @LindieMaeP - Nice that everyone got together and had some fun. Love the photos.

    Well it is time to get some breakfast. I hope you all have a great day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,482 Member
    It’s 31 feels like 31 with a high of 54 today. Insight Timer Quote: Perfection is attained not when no more can be added, but when no more can be removed.—Antoine Saint-Exupery I AM: Wherever I go, I bring with me the energy of calm and peace. Axe Sharpening: No matter where you are in your journey, never forget how incredible your body is.—Claire Thomas 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Appreciate nature around you, wherever you are. Fitness Quote: The gym is my therapy. It’s just me, my music and the iron. Forget the rest. You can’t touch me here.—Joey Swoll Motivational Quote: Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life.—Rhonda Byrne. Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 14,226 steps yesterday. Training plan: WHD Legs + LISS and Core Challenge Week 8, Day 1: Core and Day 27/305 mile a day challenge this afternoon.
  • ginnaboots
    ginnaboots Posts: 316 Member
    edited March 2023
    @DID_60LBS_BY60 -That is so heartbreaking! I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Lots of hugs.

    @NovemberGail -The doors look great! Way to go on the 4 mile walk.

    Diane-I sure do hope you start feeling better! Hope the doctors get it figured out.

    Lindie-I hope you like the vibration plate. Take it slow because it doesn't feel like it's gonna do anything, but trust me it does. Drink lots of water because it drains your lymphatic system getting all those toxins out. So drinking water helps you pee them out. lol. I did it for 28 minutes on high one day and I felt it big time the next day. I would start out at like 5 minutes a day for a week or so. Enjoy! Love all of the beautiful pictures.

    @lavalily -Beautiful orchids. Love the deep purple one. Mine is on its fourth bloom. That is really good for me because I do not have a green thumb at all. My grandson was into plants so I bought him some to keep here and all we have left is the orchid.

    Tabatha-I feel for you on training the new ones. Hopefully if you end up doing it, all goes well. That is the one part of my job I do not like. I have to exercise a lot of patience and that is not one of my

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,245 Member
    Good morning
  • ForeverFitNHealthy
    ForeverFitNHealthy Posts: 1,045 Member
    edited March 2023
    Good morning!
    Anyone use a Fitbit? Since the challenges are now over, I joined the Stridekick app to join in on challenges. So far a really like the app! I just need more friends, so I'd thought I'd share. Come join me on Stridekick! Here's an April challenge:
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,664 Member
    good morning everyone! it is a cloudy day here today. my daughter says hi to all. she is working at her part time job after school today. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i did my strength training workout earlier this morning and i really enjoyed it. i went for a walk a while ago and i feel great! i will be doing some dancing later on. later on this afternoon, there will be a movie showing in the rec room in my building. i will go there later on and see what it is like. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.
  • LindieMaeP
    LindieMaeP Posts: 4,572 Member
    Good morning everyone, I hope your Monday has shaped up to be a good one, the sun is shining here and I might get out in it this afternoon, maybe a walk to Safeway as I need yogurt! And I have some $$ left frombowling so I can use that lol
    @Tabatha_Cain I sure hope Joe is ok and that you have a good last week, I know what you mean about not being appreciated by others especially the boss, now they will see when they have to hire 2 or 3 to do what you did and it would have been cheaper just to give you a raise.
    @ginnaboots thanks for the informaiton, I have passed it on to Gene so he drinks water too and not coffee all day! I did 15 minutes today sitting but will try what you said about the 5 minutes - Gene is like a monkey on the platform and hopefully that passes too LOL How is your day going ?
    @ForeverFitNHealthy for me the challenges are not over, I am still invovled in the In between challenge and Saturday starts the practise week for the spring challenge that starts in April, so we actually go from one to another without missing a beat. Enjoy your challenge on fitbit - I am with Apple's Iwatch. Let us know how you are doing!!
    @lavalily if only I could be there to experience those lovely orchids and to take in the fragrence !! Beautiful !!
    Well I gotta get a move on, and I hope your day is just "ducky" lololol

  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,071 Member
    edited March 2023
    Sunday's Eats
    Cottage Cheese/Yogurt with Berries, Chocolate Chips and Uncured Turkey Bacon ~ London Broil topped with Blue Cheese, White Sweet Potato and Green Beans & Mushrooms ~ Coffee Chocolate Chip Yasso Bar
    All caught up on reading the chat but no time to respond.
    Let's Make it a Marvelous Monday!

    @DID_60LBS_BY60 Diane I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a child is one of the most difficult things anyone can experience. I fully understand the heartbreak as we lost our son 5 years ago (tomorrow). My heart goes out to you and your family. May you forever hold and cherish the memories. (((Hugs)))
    @ForeverFitNHealthy The challenges are not over. We will be boarding the Spring Teams in a day or two and practice week begins Saturday. Quite a few do the 5% and outside challenges in combination so please don't leave the 5%.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 5,884 Member
    Happy Monday
  • SherileeMFP
    SherileeMFP Posts: 214 Member
    edited March 2023
    ❓❓Have the invites to Spring 5% been sent to the team mates? Team roster yet? Next week is the start of pre week, so wondered if everyone has their invite to the team they are on. Thanks❤️
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,461 Member
    @Novembergail ,, NICELY DONE!! WOOHOO!!! Love it when one enjoys walking. Nice pic!
    @Lindamaep ,, Oh Linda sounds like FUN!! Excellent!! WOOOOO Pretty pics I love sunsets
    @lavalily ,,, GORGEOUS!!! They are such delicate plants. Great job!!
    @tabatha_clark ,,, Hey it's an employee market!! If you have great help you really want to keep it. DId you find another job?
    Or in the process of? Meantime have or can you pick up more hours at BK?
    @Ginnaboots ,, Awww TY TY TY TY!!! FInally cardio is onboard. It could be a med they have me on which is causing so many issues. Until the ER Dr did the footwork nothing was chnaging. I am so hoping it will be now. Bloodwork tomorrow and we'll go from there! How are ya?

    @ForeverFitNHealthy ,,, I have one, but I prefer another smartwatch, but I am pretty sure on MFP there's a HUGE Fitbit group. FOUND IT!
    @cormierannie ,,, Hope you enjoyed the movie!
    @Catwmncat ,, YUMMY!! Never thought of steak and blu cheese!! Sounds so good!! Love the "to do" list.
    @Kurtize,, to you also. For me, it was so frustrating at first but turned it around. And now it's a good day.
    @SherileeMFP ,, They invites to the SPring 5% Teams will be out tomorrow (Tuesday) for most teams. If your CL works full time it may be later in the day. If you stayed with your team from the Winter Challenge it likely will be out earlier. For those on PS4L your CL is a SLACKER!! HEhehehehe they know I am teasing them because the CL on PS4L Is ME!!
  • Catwmncat
    Catwmncat Posts: 7,071 Member
    Monday's Eats - Cottage Cheese/Yogurt w/ PB Protein Powder, Strawberries and Kind PB Clusters ~ Spicy Creamy Gnocchi Soup ~ Pop Smart Kettle Corn w/ Caramel & Dark Chocolate Drizzle and Cashews
    @Dianedoessmiles1 Blue Cheese is even better on steak when you add fresh Blueberry Sauce! Learned that from DIL and GS. It's the only way the make steak at home. I'm pretty sure you know that is an accurate representation of my ever growing To Do list. The PS4L CL is most definitely a slacker, so we probably won't get our invites to join the team until around week 3!!! NOT, I'm sure they will be out shortly after you arise in the morning or before you retire this evening being as it will officially be Tuesday by that time.
    All caught up for the moment... maybe! Have a Great Night!
  • NovemberGail
    NovemberGail Posts: 2,224 Member
    Again I am posting too late in the day. I am grateful seeing all the support that we give to one another--sharing the highs and the lows of life. Tonight I am lifting all in prayer. My eyes are closing so I won't comment on particular posts.

    I'm still working through computer problems but am getting closer. Most of my difficulties today was remembering PIN numbers and navigating the phone with the computer with the techs. I think I'm over the worst.

    Tonight I did pull a few weeds and walked Billie a couple of times today.

    Tomorrow's words are sisterhood/brotherhood.


    The deer are enjoying the leaves of the grape hyacinth--but don't like the flowers. YEAH!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,461 Member
    edited March 2023
    @Catwmncat ,, cash on the spot,, money talks!! LOLOLOL!!
    @Novembergail ,, Hon I hope you sleep well. You have such a kind, gentle heart. WOW, that computer issue is huge, but you are getting there!! My Dell went down today after one of THEIR UPDATES!!! GRRRR I can't even get to put in my password so I can reset it. SIGH SIGH SIGH!! LOL, I got so mad today it ALMOST HAD WINGS to FLY out of the 3rd story window!! Tomorrow is another day!! Or I may just get so frustrated I do what I usually do and BUY A NEW ONE!! LOL MaryAnn, do you recall how that always blew her mind that I'd just go and get a new one? It was almost yearly, but she razzed me so badly LOLOL I started to learn how to fix them. I think the one I am using is 3 years old, YUP ITs TIME FOR A NEW ONE,,, I THINK??? I just got Oscar and it is not cheap as it used to be to have a pet. It seems to be reaching the point if one has a pet that's well taken care they need 6 figure weekly earnings. LOL I keep telling the kitties "Time for you 2 mouchers to get a JOB!" They purr louder, LOL I accept Purrment faster than cash.

  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,389 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is going to be a good day. I am hoping the entire crew will be in the office today. We were missing half the team yesterday since kids were sick and parents had to stay home with them. I am hoping those kids are doing better. This is my last week at this position and then next week Wednesday I start my new job.

    @ginnaboots - Yeah it is rough. I need to get people ready for me to leave. They don't seem to be wanting to learn.
    @LindieMaeP - That is exactly what he is doing at this point. He is looking for 2 employees to do the job that I was doing. I think he is hoping for me to create a manual for all my procedures to be able to train the new people since I will not be there when they start. I am trying to do. Love the duck.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I did find another position and I start on April 5th. I am excited.
    @NovemberGail - Glad to see you are working through your computer issues. Glad you got some weeds pulled and you gave Billie a walk.

    Well it is time to get some breakfast. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,482 Member
    It’s 39 feels like 32 with a high of 51 today. Insight Timer Quote: Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost.—Khalil Gibran. I AM: I treat myself with kindness. Axe Sharpening: You’ll only ever be as strong as your weakest excuse.—Stacey Erving Jr. 1st Phorm Elite Athlete Action for Happiness: Notice when you’re tired and take a break as soon as possible. Fitness Quote: Look in the mirror…That’s your competition.—courtesy of fitness quotes app Motivational Quote: The quickest way to happiness is to let go of what you can’t control and focus on what you can.—unknown Closed all hearts on my Samsung Active 4 and had 13,734 steps yesterday. Training plan: Day 28/305 mile a day challenge, WHD Back/Biceps and Core Challenge Week 8, Day 2: HIIT in the gym after my hair appointment.
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,245 Member
    Good morning
    TEXASTITCHER Posts: 6,671 Member
    I wanted to let everyone know that invitations have been sent to the Spring Rain Dancer Team. Please accept the invitation as soon as possible. See you soon on the team.
  • cormierannie
    cormierannie Posts: 4,664 Member
    good afternoon everyone! it is a beautiful sunny day here today. my daughter says hi to all. she is working at her part time job after school today. both budgie birds are doing well and say cheep, cheep! i went for a short run earlier this morning and i really enjoyed it. i went for a walk a while ago and i feel great! i enjoyed the movie yesterday. in a few weeks, there will be an art class offered in the rec room at my building. i will definitely sign up for it. i enjoy pretty much anything to do with arts and crafts. i will be doing some dancing later on. have a great day, everyone! take care and stay safe.