Chat room - what's on your mind?



  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    edited November 2023
    congrats for reaching your month goal @Marilynsretired :)

    Except for the binge on Monday (and I had burned almost 1000kcal on the bike so it was not such a disaster) I have done 5 excellent days (around 1600-1800kcal and exercising) since I am back from the trip I made with friends and the scale goes up and up and up.
    Hugh :s
    I guess my body needs time to readapt but that's disappointing.
    Of course I was happy I had taken so little weight in October with all I ate :D so I understand my body shows results with delay.

    Enfin, let's have a great day today as well and trust my body to go back into my maintenance range at its pace.

    And how is it going for you ?
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    I want to share somewhere how I feel, but I’m not sure where so I just picked this forum okay ?
    maybe you share more in the discussion about “what did you eat today?”

    In any case it has been 2 to 3 weeks that I’m trying to get back on track to lose a little bit of weight and go back in my maintenance range as I am above it and I don’t know if it’s the fact that I want to restrict again and I didn’t try that for many months but it is definitely not working.

    I even had that binge on Monday. I believe because I didn’t eat enough. But that is the point. How to create a deficit otherwise??
    My average daily calorie is the same as when I don’t want to restrict due to those small overeating periods. Today was again too heavy in calories, and I know I cannot lose weight eating that much but … I don’t know how to stay motivated until the end of the day, I plan the day before, and everything seems perfectly fine and then it just doesn’t happen.

    Well I need to believe in myself I guess.

    I know @henridw2095 you lost weight last month. How is it going at the moment ?
  • Curvykinkycurls
    Curvykinkycurls Posts: 428 Member
    Hi Maya, it can be so frustrating waiting to see the number on the scale go down! I am so impatient for it too!!

    You are really active though, so keep it up + maybe focus on some NSVs as well? Do you measure yourself & take progress photos? I try to do this every Monday morning and keeping a log of it is really good to look back on. Especially if you logged your foods during times you were happy with your weight. I've kept a pair of jeans on my shelf that I want to feel good in. I try them on now & then, but still got a way to go.

    I completely understand your earlier comment, sometimes it takes a couple of weeks for your body to catch up on the good/bad choices we make! So true!

    To answer your question, to make a deficit possible everyday, I would take it back to basics.

    1. Reduce snacking, or keep it to just fruit/veggie snacks
    2. Replace high calorie drinks with water or herbal tea
    3. Cut out processed food where possible
    4. Avoid alcohol
    5. Weigh + log foods before consuming if possible

    I don't buy snacks that are vegan, which helps. My kids love chocolate and crisps but I buy stuff I know I can't/won't eat to avoid having temptation in the cupboards!

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,806 Member
    @Maya440, how big a deficit are you trying to have - how fast are you trying to lose?

    Last time I wanted to re-lose a few pounds in maintenance, I didn't really have the heart for a substantial deficit, so just created a really tiny one. Because I still had some higher days in the mix, it ended up - looking backwards and estimating based on loss rate - as only about a 100-150 calorie average daily deficit. Yes, it took a loooong time to lose those few pounds . . . but it was practically painless.

    It does require having a really well-defined idea of your calorie needs, and the patience to recognize it can be weeks at a time before that very slow fat loss shows clearly on the scale. (I even had a period of around a month where my weight-trending app thought I was maintaining/gaining, when I was pretty sure I was losing. Eventually, the expected scale drop showed up: I was right.)

    I'm not trying to push you into anything, but just pointing out that an approach like that can be on the list of possible approaches. I'd do it the same way again. I actually kind of am doing it again, though with even lower expectations because my birthday and the holidays (US Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years) are coming up. ;)

    There are other options people use sometimes, like the 5:2 kind of approach of eating at maintenance 5 days, and a (fairly big) calorie deficit 2 days each week.

    I empathize: Figuring out how to organize things in maintenance is just a different kind of scenario. It takes some thought, experimentation, working things out.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    @Maya440 sorry you're struggling - from where I stand you're still at a great weight and very athletic 💐, although I understand wanting to be at your ideal weight.

    I currently can't sustain a 500 Kcal deficit myself , at least not for weeks at a time. This month, I'm trying a 250 kcal NET daily deficit and so far so good. I still have 12.5 pounds to lose and am ok if it takes 6-8 months, since I'll be working out and getting fitter at the same time. I almost view this as training myself in new habits that will last for the rest of my life (similarly how you would systematically train in the gym or running). Accepting the slow pace and where I'm currently at also helps. I do try to enjoy the process and like seeing the results, even if they're small. If you only have a few pounds to lose, even a small deficit will get you there pretty quickly.

    Today is my big monthly PMS day and I'm eating at maintenance. PMS is what derailed me last month (I think I ate about 3000-4000 calories that day last month). It appears I get this 1-3 days a month now, perhaps due to thyroid meds being too high after weight loss, since I've never had PMS before. Personally, I do believe in discipline and planning, but also in honoring what the body and mind need at a given time and allowing the space to find out what that might be (often a complete mystery to me what I need until I happen to find it).

    To be honest, I don't know what changed from having endless snacks every night to being able to not snack now. I think my other symptoms from the thyroidectomy (tingling and numbness, especially at night) were scary enough to make me understand getting back in shape was urgent. I do worry about slipping back once I'm at my goal weight and fitter, so it will be important to develop a good set of "whys" to continue. I've always struggled finding whys - maybe that life is just a lot more enjoyable when you're in good shape. I used food to numb my feelings before and working a bit less has given me a better capacity to deal with negative emotions and I also find some joy in exercise and eating healthier.

    I agree with what @Curvykinkycurls said. Although I can now miraculously keep nuts and dried fruit around (I used to binge on "healthy" foods and had no problems eating 600-1000 kcal of peanuts or dried fruits after dinner), I still don't keep chocolate around. I now sometimes just dissolve a tablespoon of cacao powder in hot water for sipping (surprisingly tasty) or eat a single fig. If there are foods you really struggle with - maybe try to not have them in the house (hard with kids, I know).
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    Thank you all.
    Thank you.
    Thank you.

    It is so nice feeling understood and supported.

    Reducing snacks is the key for me. But I don't snack at night. Rather at the end of the afternoon. Mostly emotional: boredom and tiredness. I will always have snacks at home with kids and husband eating lots of them. I can let it there when I eat adequately but if I have not eaten enough then ...

    As you said Ann, remembering that going slowly rather than fast then crash is the way to go.
    I believe I tried indeed a too high deficit because I was frustrated with the last 2 months. I am doing so much sport, I do need to fuel properly.
    5:2 could work as well. But I definitively need to avoid several days with big deficit next to each other otherwise I binge.

    Today was a good day so far, and my mental was ok.
    We have a party tonight but I am the one driving so I won't drink ;)
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hello here,

    Back from 2 days partying.
    Gosh that was fun but exhausting. I have lost my voice.

    My weight had dropped to last month's last day this morning.
    Not sure if I am dehydrated or it is all the dancing but I'll take it and will see what happens next week.
    I am dedicated to eating adequately and having my weight going back into maintenance range slooooowly. Better than fast and crash.

    Wishing you a nice Sunday !
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    Hi there,

    Raining and windy this morning so my usual Monday bike was replaced by an easy run with a friend.
    That’s good because I had a small headache all day and my throat is still sore.
    I hope I am not getting sick. I had already some bad days last month and feel that that would be unfair 😁

    I am proud of my day, not trying to save calories, eating just the right amount.
    Going slow is better than fast and crash.

    And for you ? What is the week gonna be like ?
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    @Maya440 Yay for eating right and not trying to compensate. I‘m also feeling sick - started yesterday with a sore throat, continued today with colorful discharge and inability to taste breakfast…
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    Well I hope it doesn't last too long for both of us.
    I am worse than yesterday. Sore throat, heavy headache and muscle pain, cold even under the covers.

    Pfu. I have to cancel my run session and I hate to do that. It is stupid because in those conditions I would not gain anything. On the contrary only worsening things. But I am still frustrated.
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,507 Member
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 996 Member
    Glad it’s Friday…I also still have a cold. It’s mild but annoying, especially in the morning. I’m also confused about whether it’s ok to go to work or not. Despite three negative covid tests, it now feels weird to be out with a cold…no gym for me either this week 😞. I’ll be cooking a khichdi today I think. I haven’t had the energy for lots of cooking.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 943 Member
    edited November 2023
    I am with you.
    I went to work on Wednesday but got a lot of slide glances when I was coughing.
    Now I work from home for at least a week.
    But I have asthma so going over this bronchitis means 3 weeks of coughing at least. I try to explain to people.
    You're not bad for going to work if you feel ok and if you are careful (washing your hands etc.).
    In the early stage of a cold I would stay home but there is a moment where you are not contagious anymore just finalizing your recovering phase.

    I wanted to go to the gym this morning but my husband told me to stay home. He's right of course. I need at least 2 more full rest days. Oh I haaaate that. I am anxious I am putting on weight because I am not exercising as I usually do (which is stupid but can't seem to resonate with myself) and I don't like not following my training plan because I think I am faling "behind" (which is also stupid because it is winter and rest season anyway).